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Turnip yellows virus (TuYV) is the most important virus infecting oilseed rape in the United Kingdom. The incidence and spatial distribution of TuYV in winter oilseed rape (WOSR) crops in three regions of England were determined over three growing seasons. Leaf samples were collected from three fields in each region, in autumn (November–December) and spring (April) of the three crop seasons and tested for virus presence by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Infection was detected in all fields except one. Higher TuYV incidences were recorded in 2007–2008 (≤89%) and 2009–2010 (≤100%) crop seasons than in 2008–2009 (≤24%). Highest incidences were recorded in Lincolnshire (≤100%), followed by Warwickshire (≤88%), with lowest incidences in Yorkshire (1–74%). There was a significant increase in incidence detected between autumn and spring sampling in eight fields, a significant decrease in one field and no significant change in 18 fields. Rothamsted Insect Survey suction trap data for the aphid Myzus persicae in Lincolnshire, Warwickshire and Yorkshire revealed two peaks of flight activity in most years (2007–2009). The second peak (September–November) coincided with emergence of WOSR. The highest cumulative (August–November) trap catches in the three regions during the three crop seasons occurred in Lincolnshire and the lowest in Yorkshire; catches in autumn 2009 were highest and lowest in autumn 2008. Regression analysis revealed a highly significant association between the cumulative numbers of M. persicae caught in the suction traps closest to the crops between August and November each year and the incidence of TuYV detected in the WOSR crops in the autumn of each year. Results are discussed in the light of factors affecting the spread of TuYV and future possibilities for control.  相似文献   

Nicotiana benthamiana plants were transformed by means of Agrobacterium tumefacienscarrying various constructs to test for resistance for BWYV (Beet western yellows virus), the constructs used included either the viral replicase (ORF1/2), one of two smaller sequences involving the 5 and 3 ends (53S and 53AS) of the viral genome of BWYV. According to different criteria such as ELISA, PCR, growth under kanamycin selection at 200 mg l–1 and phenotype some lines were chosen as candidates to be tested for resistance against BWYV. Five lines of each construct were randomly selected. These lines were analysed by Northern blot for expression of the transgene of interest and/or the nptII gene. Greenhouse resistance tests were performed in 15 transgenic N. benthamiana lines (5 per construct) and in two controls. The transgenic plantlets were transferred to the greenhouse and 20 plants from each line were inoculated with BWYV using the natural vector Myzus persicae, while other 20 were kept as uninoculated control. At 4, 6 and 8 weeks post-infection (wpi) a BWYV ELISA of the inoculated plants was carried out and the height of each plant was measured, while the weight was determined at the end of the experiment. None of the transgenic lines tested showed resistance to the virus.  相似文献   

This is the first record of seed transmission of turnip yellow mosaic virus (TYMV) in oilseed and turnip rapes. The seed transmission of TYMV in a naturally infected winter turnip rape (Brassica napus var. silvestris) cultivar Perko PVH was investigated. By ELISA 1.6%, 3.2% and 8.3% seed transmission of the virus was found in seed of plants from three localities. The proportion of infected seeds produced by artificially infected plants of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus ssp. oleifera) and winter turnip rape cultivars was determined. The virus transmission rate, expressed as the proportion of virus-infected plants which germinated from the seed was for the oilseed rape cvs Jet Neuf 0.1%, Solida 0.4%, Silesia 0.8%, Darmor 1.2%, SL-507 0.2%, SL-509 0.0% and for the winter turnip rape cv. Perko 1.5%. ELISA cannot be used in direct tests on bulk seed lots to estimate proportion of infected seed, but must be used on germinated seedlings.  相似文献   

Inoculation of turnip crinkle virus (TCV) on the resistant Arabidopsis ecotype Di-17 elicits a hypersensitive response (HR), which is accompanied by increased expression of pathogenesis-related (PR) genes. Previous genetic analyses revealed that the HR to TCV is conferred by HRT, which encodes a coiled-coil (CC), nucleotide-binding site (NBS) and leucine-rich repeat (LRR) class resistance (R) protein. In contrast to the HR, resistance to TCV requires both HRT and a recessive allele at a second locus designated rrt. Here, we demonstrate that unlike most CC-NBS-LRR R genes, HRT/rrt-mediated resistance is dependent on EDS1 and independent of NDR1. Resistance is also independent of RAR1 and SGT1. HRT/rrt-mediated resistance is compromised in plants with reduced salicylic acid (SA) content as a consequence of mutations eds5, pad4, or sid2. By contrast, HR is not affected by mutations in eds1, eds5, pad4, sid2, ndr1, rar1, or sgt1b. Resistance to TCV is restored in both SA-deficient Di-17 plants expressing the nahG transgene and mutants containing the eds1, eds5, or sid2 mutations by exogenous application of SA or the SA analog benzo(1,2,3)thiadiazole-7-carbothioic acid (BTH). In contrast, SA/BTH treatment failed to enhance resistance in HRT pad4, Col-0, or hrt homozygous progeny of a cross between Di-17 and Col-0. Thus, HRT and PAD4 are required for SA-induced resistance. Exogenously supplied SA or high endogenous levels of SA, due to the ssi2 mutation, overcame the suppressive effects of RRT and enhanced resistance to TCV, provided the HRT allele was present. High levels of SA upregulate HRT expression via a PAD4-dependent pathway. As Col-0 transgenic lines expressing high levels of HRT were resistant to TCV, but lines expressing moderate to low levels of HRT were not, we conclude that SA enhances resistance in the RRT background by upregulating HRT expression. These data suggest that the HRT-TCV interaction is unable to generate sufficient amounts of SA required for a stable resistance phenotype, and the presence of rrt possibly corrects this deficiency.  相似文献   

AGD2-LIKE DEFENCE RESPONSE PROTEIN 1 (ALD1) triggers plant defence against bacterial and fungal pathogens by regulating the salicylic acid (SA) pathway and an unknown SA-independent pathway. We now show that Nicotiana benthamiana ALD1 is involved in defence against a virus and that the ethylene pathway also participates in ALD1-mediated resistance. NbALD1 was up-regulated in plants infected with turnip mosaic virus (TuMV). Silencing of NbALD1 facilitated TuMV infection, while overexpression of NbALD1 or exogenous application of pipecolic acid (Pip), the downstream product of ALD1, enhanced resistance to TuMV. The SA content was lower in NbALD1-silenced plants and higher where NbALD1 was overexpressed or following Pip treatments. SA mediated resistance to TuMV and was required for NbALD1-mediated resistance. However, on NahG plants (in which SA cannot accumulate), Pip treatment still alleviated susceptibility to TuMV, further demonstrating the presence of an SA-independent resistance pathway. The ethylene precursor, 1-aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid (ACC), accumulated in NbALD1-silenced plants but was reduced in plants overexpressing NbALD1 or treated with Pip. Silencing of ACS1, a key gene in the ethylene pathway, alleviated the susceptibility of NbALD1-silenced plants to TuMV, while exogenous application of ACC compromised the resistance of Pip-treated or NbALD1 transgenic plants. The results indicate that NbALD1 mediates resistance to TuMV by positively regulating the resistant SA pathway and negatively regulating the susceptible ethylene pathway.  相似文献   

The effect of treated municipal wastewater on the roots and the leaves of turnip was studied to compare the 50% and 100% wastewater of 34 ml/d Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) with different doses of potassic fertilizers. Turnip (Brassica rapa) was used as a test plant. A pot experiment was conducted, using a factorial randomized block design to investigate the growth and translocation of heavy metals to the leaves and the roots of turnip. The concentration of heavy metal in wastewater used for irrigation was within the limits. However, the concentration in the plant parts showed a significant rise due to continuous use of wastewater. The concentration of heavy metals in leaves and roots was at excessive levels at 40 and 55 days after sowing (DAS), while at 70 DAS, metal concentration was comparatively low. The range of heavy metals in wastewater irrigated plants was Cd = 1–16.3, Ni = 0–136, Fe = 263–1197, Cu = 0–18, Mn = 37–125, and Zn = 42–141 mg/kg. Concentration of heavy metals in plants was found in the order of Fe>Zn>Ni>Mn>Cu>Cd.  相似文献   

Occurrence and Genome Analysis of Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus in Iran   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 2011 and 2012, several cucurbit‐growing regions of Iran were surveyed and samples with symptoms similar to those induced by Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus (CCYV) were collected. The pathogen was transmitted to cucumber and melon under greenhouse conditions by whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci). RT‐PCR using designed CCYV‐specific primer pair (CCYV‐F/CCYV‐R) resulted in amplification of the predicted size DNA fragment (870 bp) for the coat protein (CP) gene in samples collected from Boushehr, Eyvanakay and Varamin. Nucleotide sequences of the CP of the three Iranian CCYV isolates were compared with five CCYV isolates obtained from GenBank and analysed. Phylogenetically, all CCYV isolates clustered in two groups; Group I is composed of five non‐Iranian isolates from China, Lebanon, Japan, Sudan and Taiwan, and the three Iranian isolates formed Group 2. Among Iranian isolates, the Eyvanakay isolate clustered in a distinct clade with the Boushehr and Varamin isolates. A phylogenetic tree based on amino acid identity of CP showed that CCYV was closely related to Lettuce chlorosis virus (LCV), Bean yellow disorder virus (BnYDV) and Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus (CYSDV). This is the first report of CCYV in Iran.  相似文献   

We report a survey of four viruses (beet western yellows luteovirus (BWYV), cauliflower mosaic caulimovirus (CaMV), turnip mosaic potyvirus (TuMV), turnip yellow mosaic tymovirus (TYMV)) in five natural populations of Brassica oleracea in Dorset (UK). All four viruses were common; 43% of plants were infected with BWYV, 60% with CaMV, 43% with TuMV and 18% with TYMV. For each virus there were significant differences in the proportion of infected plants among populations, which were not completely explained by differences in the age of plants. Multiple virus infections were prevalent, with 54% of plants having two or more virus types. There were statistically significant associations between pairs of viruses. The CaMV was positively associated with the other three viruses, and BWYV was also positively associated with TuMV. There was no detectable association between BWYV and TYMV, whereas TuMV and TYMV were negatively associated. We suggest these associations result from BWYV, CaMV and TuMV having aphid vectors in common, as aphids are attracted to plants that already have a virus infection. Infected plants were distributed randomly or were very weakly aggregated within populations. The implications of widespread multiple virus infections in natural plant populations are discussed with respect to the release of transgenic plants expressing virus-derived genes.  相似文献   

Information on infectivity of the aphids which invade sugar beet root crops each Spring is required for forecasting incidence and providing advice on control of virus yellows. Monoclonal antibodies, produced in the USA to barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) and in Canada to beet western yellows virus (BWYV), were used to distinguish between sugar-beet-infecting strains of the luteovirus beet mild yellowing virus (BMYV), and the non-beet-infecting strains of the closely-related BWYV in plant and aphid tissue. Totals of 773 immigrant winged Myzuspersicae and 124 Macrosiphum euphorbiae were caught in water traps in a crop of sugar beet between 25 April and 5 August 1990. Using the monoclonal antibodies and an amplified ELISA, 67%M. persicae and 19%M. euphorbiae were shown to contain BWYV; 8%M. persicae and 7%M. euphorbiae contained BMYV. In studies with live winged aphids collected from the same sugar beet field during May, 25 of 60 M. persicae and two of 13 M. euphorbiae transmitted BWYV to the indicator host plant Montia perfoliata; two M. persicae and two M. euphorbiae transmitted BMYV. In another study three of 65 M. persicae and one of three M. euphorbiae in which only BWYV was detected, transmitted this virus to sugar beet.  相似文献   

An improved method of virus purification was developed for beet yellows virus (BYV), which resulted in higher virus yields and fewer broken particles than from other methods. Double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was not able to differentiate eight isolates of BYV, but filter hybridisation analyses, using cloned cDNA from one of the isolates as the probe was successful in distinguishing some of these isolates. The degree of hybridisation did not correlate with the severity of the symptoms associated with infection by isolates. Therefore, hybridisation cannot be used as a means of predicting symptom severity. The hybridisation data also indicated that the isolates consisted of stable mixtures of strains. Cross-hybridisation of clones derived from one isolate indicated that certain areas of the BYV genome cloned preferentially to other areas.  相似文献   

Wild plants of Brassica oleracea (wild cabbage) are commonly infected with turnip mosaic poty virus (TuMV), turnip yellow mosaic tymovirus (TYMV) and several other viruses. A field experiment in which plants were inoculated either with TuMV or TYMV showed that virus infection significantly reduced survival, growth and reproduction. Relative to water inoculated-controls, plants infected with TYMV had greater mortality, were shorter, had a smaller leaf area and number, showed a greater amount of damage from herbivory and chlorosis, were less likely to flower and produced fewer pods and lower total seed output. Plants infected with TuMV did not appear to be adversely affected at first; however, mortality after 18 months was higher than control plants. Although TuMV infection had no effect on the number of plants flowering, the infected plants did produce fewer pods and a lower total seed output. We conclude that both viruses can significantly affect vegetative and reproductive performance of wild cabbage and hence that introgression of virus resistance (particularly when conferred by a major gene or a transgene) from a crop might increase plant fitness in natural populations of this species. Ecological risk assessments of virus resistance transgenes must do more than survey adult plants in natural populations for the presence of the target virus. Failure to detect the virus could be due to high mortality on infection with the virus.  相似文献   

Ten species of lupins (Lupinus spp.) were tested for resistance to cucumber mosaic cucumovirus (CMV) in field experiments where inoculation was by naturally-occurring aphid vectors, and in the glasshouse by sap or graft-inoculation. L. albus and six species of ‘rough-seeded’ lupins did not become infected with CMV either under intense inoculum pressure in the field or when graft-inoculated. Two L. hispanicus, 17 L. luteus and four L. mutabilis genotypes became infected with CMV in the field, but no infection was detected in L. hispanicus P26858 or seven L. luteus genotypes. CMV was detected at seed transmission rates of 0.2–16% in seedlings of infected L. luteus, differences in levels of seed transmission between genotypes being significant and relatively stable from year to year. Graft-inoculation of CMV to plants of six genotypes of L. luteus in which no infection was found in the field induced a systemic necrotic reaction suggesting that the resistance they carry is due to hypersensitivity. In L. hispanicus accessions P26849, P26853 and P26858, CMV sub-group II isolate SN caused necrotic spots in inoculated leaves without systemic movement, while sub-group I isolate SL infected them systemically without necrosis. Another sub-group I and two other sub-group II isolates behaved like SL in P26849 and P26853 but infected only inoculated leaves of P26858. This suggests that two strain specific hypersensitive resistance specificities are operating against CMV in L. hispanicus. When plants of L. luteus genotypes that gave hypersensitive reactions on graft-inoculation were inoculated with infective sap containing two sub-group I and seven sub-group II isolates, they all responded like L. hispanicus P26858. A strain group concept is proposed for CMV in lupins based on the two hypersensitive specificities found: strain group 1 represented by isolate SN which induces hypersensitivity with both specificities, strain group 2 represented by the three isolates which induced hypersensitivity only with the specificity present in L. luteus and L. hispanicus P26858, strain group 3 by as yet hypothetical isolates that induce hypersensitivity only in presence of the specificity in L. hispanicus P26849 and P26853 that responded just to isolate SN, and strain group 4 by isolate SL which overcomes both specificities. When F2 progeny plants from crosses between hypersensitive and susceptible L. luteus parents were inoculated with isolate SN, the resistance segregated with a 3:1 ratio (hypersensitive:susceptible), suggesting that a single dominant hypersensitivity gene, Ncm-1, is responsible. As gene Ncm-1 had broad specificity and was not overcome by any of the five CMV isolates from lupins tested, it is valuable for use in breeding CMV resistant L. luteus cultivars.  相似文献   

Ten species of lupins (Lupinus spp.) were tested for resistance to cucumber mosaic cucumovirus (CMV) in field experiments where inoculation was by naturally-occurring aphid vectors, and in the glasshouse by sap or graft-inoculation. L. albus and six species of ‘rough-seeded’ lupins did not become infected with CMV either under intense inoculum pressure in the field or when graft-inoculated. Two L. hispanicus, 17 L. luteus and four L. mutabilis genotypes became infected with CMV in the field, but no infection was detected in L. hispanicus P26858 or seven L. luteus genotypes. CMV was detected at seed transmission rates of 0.2–16% in seedlings of infected L. luteus, differences in levels of seed transmission between genotypes being significant and relatively stable from year to year. Graft-inoculation of CMV to plants of six genotypes of L. luteus in which no infection was found in the field induced a systemic necrotic reaction suggesting that the resistance they carry is due to hypersensitivity. In L. hispanicus accessions P26849, P26853 and P26858, CMV sub-group II isolate SN caused necrotic spots in inoculated leaves without systemic movement, while sub-group I isolate SL infected them systemically without necrosis. Another sub-group I and two other sub-group II isolates behaved like SL in P26849 and P26853 but infected only inoculated leaves of P26858. This suggests that two strain specific hypersensitive resistance specificities are operating against CMV in L. hispanicus. When plants of L. luteus genotypes that gave hypersensitive reactions on graft-inoculation were inoculated with infective sap containing two sub-group I and seven sub-group II isolates, they all responded like L. hispanicus P26858. A strain group concept is proposed for CMV in lupins based on the two hypersensitive specificities found: strain group 1 represented by isolate SN which induces hypersensitivity with both specificities, strain group 2 represented by the three isolates which induced hypersensitivity only with the specificity present in L. luteus and L. hispanicus P26858, strain group 3 by as yet hypothetical isolates that induce hypersensitivity only in presence of the specificity in L. hispanicus P26849 and P26853 that responded just to isolate SN, and strain group 4 by isolate SL which overcomes both specificities. When F2 progeny plants from crosses between hypersensitive and susceptible L. luteus parents were inoculated with isolate SN, the resistance segregated with a 3:1 ratio (hypersensitive:susceptible), suggesting that a single dominant hypersensitivity gene, Ncm-1, is responsible. As gene Ncm-1 had broad specificity and was not overcome by any of the five CMV isolates from lupins tested, it is valuable for use in breeding CMV resistant L. luteus cultivars.  相似文献   

In a turnip crop natural infection with turnip mild yellows virus was greatest in two narrow zones, one to leeward of an artificial windbreak, the other in a long shallow depression in the earth. Both zones were approximately across wind when Myzus persicae flew in early summer. Later in the summer, similar windbreaks facing different prevailing winds increased the number of larvae of Scaptomyza apicalis on the plants immediately to leeward and windward of the windbreaks, probably because shelter affected adults that were flying and laying eggs in the crop.  相似文献   

Plum pox virus (PPV) is a potyvirus that causes sharka disease in infested stone fruit trees (Prunus species, peach, apricot, plum). In apricots, the resistance is controlled by a major quantitative trait locus that explains up to 70% of the phenotypic variance; it is localised in the upper part of linkage group 1. In this report, we transformed candidate genes that mapped in the region of the apricot resistance locus into polymerase chain reaction markers (SSCP and SSR) and tested for their co-localisation with the major PPV resistance locus in related and unrelated populations. Three populations of F1 and F2 individuals issued from crosses between the PPV-resistant cultivar ‘Stark Early Orange’ or ‘Goldrich’ and three susceptible parents were used in this study. Molecular-marker data were collected to determine the linkage relationship between the PPV resistance locus in apricots and markers that target candidate disease-resistance genes. In addition, SSR markers linked to resistance-gene candidates were mapped to positions flanking the PPV resistance locus in different apricot populations. Therefore, we demonstrate that this strategy helps to saturate the major genomic region controlling resistance to PPV in apricot with valuable co-dominant markers. O. Sicard and G. Marandel have contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) is the major virus infecting Brassica crops. A dominant gene, TuRB01, that confers extreme resistance to some isolates of TuMV on Brassica napus (oilseed rape), has been mapped genetically. The mapping employed a set of doubled-haploid lines extracted from a population used previously to develop a reference RFLP map of the B. napus genome. The positioning of TuRB01 on linkage group N6 of the B. napus A–genome indicated that the gene probably originated from Brassica rapa. Resistance phenotypes were confirmed by indirect plate-trapped antigen ELISA using a monoclonal antibody raised against TuMV. The specificity of TuRB01 was determined using a wide range of TuMV isolates, including representatives of the European and American/Taiwanese pathotyping systems. Some isolates of TuMV that did not normally infect B. napus plants possessing TuRB01 produced mutant viruses able to overcome the action of the resistance gene. TuRB01 is the first gene for host resistance to TuMV to be mapped in a Brassica crop. A second locus, TuRB02, that appeared to control the degree of susceptibility to the TuMV isolate CHN 1 in a quantitative manner, was identified on the C-genome linkage group N14. The mapping of other complementary genes and the selective combining of such genes, using marker-assisted breeding, will make durable resistance to TuMV a realisable breeding objective. Received: 14 December 1998 / Accepted: 10 April 1999  相似文献   

Accumulation of 60–70 % of biomass in turnip root takes place between 49–56 days after sowing. To understand the phenomenon of rapid sink filling, the activities of sucrose metabolising enzymes and carbohydrate composition in leaf blades, petiole and root of turnip from 42–66 days of growth were determined. An increase (2–3 folds) in glucose and fructose contents of roots accompanied by an increase in activities of acid and alkaline invertases was observed during rapid biomass accumulating phase of roots. The observed decrease in the activities of acid and alkaline invertases along with sucrose synthase (cleavage) in petiole during this period could facilitate unrestricted transport of sucrose from leaves to the roots. During active root filling period, a decrease in sucrose synthase (cleavage) and alkaline invertase activities was also observed in leaf blades. A rapid decline in the starch content of leaf blades was observed during the phase of rapid sink filling. These metabolic changes in the turnip plant led to increase in hexose content (35–37 %) of total dry biomass of roots at maturity. High hexose content of the roots appears to be due to high acid invertase activity of the root.  相似文献   

Oilseed rape (Brassica napus) lines transformedwith the coat protein (CP) gene of Turnip mosaic virus(TuMV) were used to determine the effectiveness of resistance to TuMV mediatedby CP RNA or coat protein. Lines with one, two, or more copies of transgeneswere produced. T2 and T3 lines containing the CP genewitha functional start codon synthesised coat protein and showed high, but variablelevels of resistance to TuMV (21–96% resistant plants per line). TheT1 and T2 progeny of all lines carrying the CP gene withamutated start codon so that RNA but not protein was expressed, were assusceptible to TuMV as controls. Thus, in these experiments we were able toinduce CP-mediated resistance, but not RNA-mediated resistance.  相似文献   

The reactions of swede (Brassica napus) to infection by turnip mosaic virus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Turnip mosiac virus (TuMV) and cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) were the only viruses commonly isolated from naturally diseased swedes (Brassica napus) showing leaf mosaic and leaf and root necrosis. Only TuMV caused these symptoms when re-inoculated to swede. TuMV-infected plants showed a severe loss in leaf (55%) and root (63%) fresh weight after 140 days. Systemic leaf symptoms in infected swede plants varied greatly, but were predominantly necrotic (N) or mosaic (M). Plants were classified into one of seven reaction classes ranging from slight or severe necrosis, and mosaics with and without slight veinal necrosis. Swede cultivars differed markedly in their reaction to TuMV and contained different proportions of N- or M-reacting plants. The reactions of progeny of four resistant cv. Bangholm plants were separately inherited; progeny of two plants reacting either symptomlessly or necrotically and those of the other two plants developing mosaic symptoms only. Five isolates of TuMV from swede crops in different regions caused similar reactions but differed in virulence in the progeny of a self-pollinated resistant swede plant.  相似文献   

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