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The effect of insulin on porcine adipose tissue lipogenesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. This laboratory and others have not been able to demonstrate consistent insulin stimulation of glucose incorporation into lipid by porcine adipose tissue in vitro. 2. A multiplicity of tissue handling procedures, additions to the incubation medium, and pig size (age) did not allow the expression of a consistent and substantial insulin stimulation. 3. It is suggested that the twofold or greater stimulation of glucose metabolism observed occasionally in this laboratory results from pig genetics, husbandry, or seasonal effects.  相似文献   

To study the pathway of lactate utilization as a carbon source for fatty acid synthesis, the effect of (-)-hydroxycitrate, agaric acid, sodium oxamate, 2-n-butyl malonate and alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamate on the rate of in vitro conversion of lactate, acetate and glucose to fatty acids was measured in bovine and rat adipose tissues. Sodium oxamate and hydroxycitrate caused less fatty acid to be synthesized from lactate in bovine adipose tissue. Hydroxycitrate depressed fatty acid synthesis from glucose in rat adipose tissue. alpha-Cyano-4-hydroxycinnamate was an effective inhibitor of lipogenesis from all substrates and may act as a specific inhibitor in adipose tissue. Although the inhibitors were absorbed poorly into adipocytes, the results indicate that conversion of lactate to fatty acids probably occurs by way of the citrate cleavage pathway.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to define the role of the alpha-adrenergic receptor in the regulation of lipolysis by human adipocytes. Glycerol production by isolated human adipocytes was stimulated by the pure beta-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol in a dose-dependent fashion. This stimulation of lipolysis was inhibited by the alpha-adrenergic agonists methoxamine, phenylephrine, and clonidine. Epinephrine-stimulated lipolysis was potentiated by the alpha-adrenergic antagonists, dihydroergocryptine, phentolamine, phenoxybenzamine, and yohimbine. Whereas the attenuation of beta-adrenergic agonist-stimulated lipolysis by alpha-adrenergic agonists was reversed completely by the alpha 2-adrenergic antagonist yohimbine, the alpha 1-antagonist prazosin did not reverse such attenuation. It is concluded that alpha-adrenergic agonists act as antilipolytic agents in human adipocytes and that this action may result from the interaction of these compounds with a population of alpha 2-adrenergic receptors.  相似文献   

Effect of propionate on lipogenesis in adipose tissue   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The metabolism of propionate in adipose tissue and its effect on lipogenesis was investigated. Fasting induced changes in propionate metabolism of adipose tissue, drastically reducing higher fatty acid synthesis and increasing glyceride-glyerol formation from low concentrations of propionate (0.25 mM). Propionate also promoted lipogenesis from acetate-1-(14)C in tissues of fasted rats, while it inhibited lipogenesis and CO(2) formation from acetate in the fed animal. Treatment with actinomycin D or ethionine abolished both the increased glyceride-glycerol formation from propionate and the promoting effect on lipogenesis from acetate. Synthesis of long-chain fatty acids from propionate-1-(14)C was increased by actinomycin treatment. The change in propionate metabolism induced by fasting is, however, not entirely due to its conversion to glyceride-glycerol, since the latter was almost completely blocked by malonate while part of the promoting effect on fatty acid synthesis persisted.  相似文献   

Patients with glucocorticoid (GC) excess, Cushing's syndrome, develop a classic phenotype characterized by central obesity and insulin resistance. GCs are known to increase the release of fatty acids from adipose, by stimulating lipolysis, however, the impact of GCs on the processes that regulate lipid accumulation has not been explored. Intracellular levels of active GC are dependent upon the activity of 11β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11β-HSD1) and we have hypothesized that 11β-HSD1 activity can regulate lipid homeostasis in human adipose tissue (Chub-S7 cell line and primary cultures of human subcutaneous (sc) and omental (om) adipocytes. Across adipocyte differentiation, lipogenesis increased whilst β-oxidation decreased. GC treatment decreased lipogenesis but did not alter rates of β-oxidation in Chub-S7 cells, whilst insulin increased lipogenesis in all adipocyte cell models. Low dose Dexamethasone pre-treatment (5 nM) of Chub-S7 cells augmented the ability of insulin to stimulate lipogenesis and there was no evidence of adipose tissue insulin resistance in primary sc cells. Both cortisol and cortisone decreased lipogenesis; selective 11β-HSD1 inhibition completely abolished cortisone-mediated repression of lipogenesis. GCs have potent actions upon lipid homeostasis and these effects are dependent upon interactions with insulin. These in vitro data suggest that manipulation of GC availability through selective 11β-HSD1 inhibition modifies lipid homeostasis in human adipocytes.  相似文献   

Brain insulin controls adipose tissue lipolysis and lipogenesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
White adipose tissue (WAT) dysfunction plays a key role in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes (DM2). Unrestrained WAT lipolysis results in increased fatty acid release, leading to insulin resistance and lipotoxicity, while impaired de novo lipogenesis in WAT decreases the synthesis of insulin-sensitizing fatty acid species like palmitoleate. Here, we show that insulin infused into the mediobasal hypothalamus (MBH) of Sprague-Dawley rats increases WAT lipogenic protein expression, inactivates hormone-sensitive lipase (Hsl), and suppresses lipolysis. Conversely, mice that lack the neuronal insulin receptor exhibit unrestrained lipolysis and decreased de novo lipogenesis in WAT. Thus, brain and, in particular, hypothalamic insulin action play a pivotal role in WAT functionality.  相似文献   

The direct effects of a physiological concentration of corticosterone (50 ng ml-1) in presence of insulin (200 microU ml-1) on lipid synthesis and CO2 production from glucose and glycerol release were evaluated in vitro in white adipose tissue after pre-incubation with the hormones. Lipid synthesis was 27% higher after 24 h and 66% higher after 48h pre-incubation with corticosterone and insulin compared with insulin alone. Basal and adrenaline-stimulated glycerol release and CO2 production were unchanged after pre-incubation with both hormones compared with insulin alone. We propose that corticosterone acts as a pro-lipogenic hormone on adipose tissue in the fed rat, in contrast to its glucose sparing effects in the fasted animal.  相似文献   

Hepatic steatosis is associated with detrimental metabolic phenotypes including enhanced risk for diabetes. Stearoyl-CoA desaturases (SCDs) catalyze the synthesis of MUFAs. In mice, genetic ablation of SCDs reduces hepatic de novo lipogenesis (DNL) and protects against diet-induced hepatic steatosis and adiposity. To understand the mechanism by which hepatic MUFA production influences adipose tissue stores, we created two liver-specific transgenic mouse models in the SCD1 knockout that express either human SCD5 or mouse SCD3, that synthesize oleate and palmitoleate, respectively. We demonstrate that hepatic de novo synthesized oleate, but not palmitoleate, stimulate hepatic lipid accumulation and adiposity, reversing the protective effect of the global SCD1 knockout under lipogenic conditions. Unexpectedly, the accumulation of hepatic lipid occurred without induction of the hepatic DNL program. Changes in hepatic lipid composition were reflected in plasma and in adipose tissue. Importantly, endogenously synthesized hepatic oleate was associated with suppressed DNL and fatty acid oxidation in white adipose tissue. Regression analysis revealed a strong correlation between adipose tissue lipid fuel utilization and hepatic and adipose tissue lipid storage. These data suggest an extrahepatic mechanism where endogenous hepatic oleate regulates lipid homeostasis in adipose tissues.  相似文献   

We assessed the contributions of human liver and adipose tissue de novo lipogenesis (DNL) to triacylglycerol (TAG) synthesis. Volunteers were fed a high-energy, high-carbohydrate diet (HC, n = 5) or a normocaloric diet (NC, n = 10). NC subjects remained in the fasting state (Study 1, n = 5) or received oral glucose (Study 2, n = 5) throughout the test (12 h). HC subjects remained in the fasting state (Study 3). They ingested deuterated water and [U-13C]acetate to trace lipogenesis. Adipose tissue fatty-acid (FA) synthase (FAS), acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 (ACC1), and SREBP-1c mRNA were measured. Plasma TAG-FA was labeled by 13C and deuterium showing active liver lipogenesis, which was stimulated (P < 0.05) by oral glucose and HC diet. Adipose tissue TAG had no detectable 13C enrichment in any test, showing no significant incorporation of TAG-FA provided by liver lipogenesis, but were labeled by deuterium in all tests, showing active DNL in situ; however, rough quantitative estimates showed that adipose DNL was minimal (<1 g), and poorly stimulated by oral glucose or HC diet. mRNA levels were not increased by the HC diet. Adipose DNL is active in humans, but contributes little to TAG stores and is less responsive than liver DNL to stimulation by carbohydrates.  相似文献   

Brown adipocyte respiration was measured in isolated cells from hypothyroid, hyperthyroid and euthyroid Sprague-Dawley male rats. Hypothyroidism was induced by providing drinking water containing methimazole and hyperthyroidism was induced by addition of thyroid powder to the diet. Brown adipose tissue (BAT) cells were isolated by collagenase digestion and oxygen consumption (VO2) was measured by Clark type oxygen electrodes. BAT cell respiration was stimulated by selective and nonselective beta-adrenergic agonists: BRL 35135A (BRL) and Isoprenaline (ISO). Basal BAT cells respiration did not differ according to thyroid status. Maximal VO2 responses of BAT adipocytes from hypothyroid rats were significantly lower than in euthyroidism after ISO and BRL. The reduced response was more marked for ISO than for BRL. The thermogenic sensitivity was significantly greater in euthyroid than is hypothyroid cells for ISO, but not for BRL. The euthyroid-hyperthyroid differences were not significantly different. These results suggest: basal respiration of BAT cells in hypo- and hyperthyroidism does not reflect the overall changes in whole body metabolism; the decreased thermogenic response in hypothyroidism might be due to decreased beta-adrenoceptor numbers and/or decreased intracellular thyroxine-triiodothyronine conversion; changes in sensitivity to ISO and BRL in vitro reflect the changes seen in VO2 in vivo.  相似文献   

Serum α1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) is elevated during late gestation and at birth in the pig and rapidly declines postnatally. In contrast, the pig is born with minimal lipid stores in the adipose tissue, but rapidly accumulates lipid during the first week. The present study examined if AGP can affect adipose tissue metabolism in the neonatal pig. Isolated cell cultures or tissue explants were prepared from dorsal subcutaneous adipose tissue of preweaning piglets. Porcine AGP was used at concentrations of 0, 100, 1000 and 5000 ng/ml medium in 24 h incubations. AGP reduced the messenger RNA (mRNA) abundance of the lipogenic enzymes, malic enzyme (ME), fatty acid synthase and acetyl coA carboxylase by at least 40% (P<0.001). The activity of ME and citrate lyase were also reduced by AGP (P<0.05). Glucose oxidation was reduced by treatment with 5000 ng AGP/ml medium (P<0.05). The 14C-glucose incorporation into fatty acids was reduced by ~25% by AGP treatment for 24 h with 1000 ng AGP/ml medium (P<0.05). The decrease in glucose metabolism by AGP appears to function through an inhibition in insulin-mediated glucose oxidation and incorporation into fatty acids. This was supported by the analysis of the mRNA abundance for sterol regulatory element-binding protein (SREBP), carbohydrate regulatory element-binding protein (ChREBP) and insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS1), which all demonstrated reductions of at least 23% in response to AGP treatment (P<0.05). These data demonstrate an overall suppression of lipogenesis due to AGP inhibition of lipogenic gene expression in vitro, which the metabolic data and SREBP, ChREBP and IRS1 gene expression analysis suggest is through an inhibition in insulin-mediated events. Second, these data suggest that AGP may contribute to limiting lipogenesis within adipose tissue during the perinatal period, as AGP levels are highest for any serum protein at birth.  相似文献   

1. The stimulated lipolytic rate in porcine adipose tissue slices was markedly increased after preincubation with or without isoproterenol. 2. Preincubation with and without insulin, dibutyryl-cAMP or theophylline suggested that the activation of the stimulated rate resulted from inhibition or inactivation of cAMP-phosphodiesterase activity during preincubation. 3. Preincubation with isoproterenol also caused activation of the basal (no exogenous hormone) lipolytic activity. 4. However, much of this activation appeared to result from carry-over of isoproterenol into the incubation medium because it could be lowered by additional washing of the tissue, by lower isoproterenol concentration or by propranolol.  相似文献   

Hormone-stimulated lipolysis in adipose tissue was inhibited by fluoroacetate and there was a concomitant decrease in both the basal and hormone-stimulated cyclic AMP levels. Adenylate cyclase (EC activity in membrane preparations was inhibited by fluoroacetate. There was no influence of fluoroacetate on the low Km cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase (EC activity. The rate of glucose conversion to fatty acids was increased when adipose tissue was incubated in the presence of fluoroacetate. The outputs of pyruvate and lactate into the incubation medium were decreased at this time, suggesting decreased tissue pyruvate levels and a site of activation of lipogenesis distal to pyruvate formation. Pyruvate dehydrogenase (EC activity was increased twofold in adipose tissue incubated in the presence of fluoroacetate. This was attributed to a fluoroacetate-induced inhibition of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase, the enzyme responsible for inactivating the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. Glucose transport was increased to a small but significant degree by fluoroacetate. In addition, both the tissue content of citrate and its release into the incubation medium were increased, suggesting that fluoroacetate resulted in an inhibition of aconitase (EC The tissue ATP content was unchanged. Because the antilipolytic and lipogenic effects of fluoroacetate parallel those of insulin, they may share a common mechanism.  相似文献   

Cycloplasmic preparations from brown and white adipose tissues were assayed for three lipogenic enzymes throughout a programme of starvation followed by refeeding on either a normal or a white-bread diet. In the brown adipose tissue of rats fed on a white-bread diet the three enzymes were elevated to levels significantly higher than those in white adipose tissue.  相似文献   

Free fatty acids (FFA) are important extracellular and intracellular signaling molecules and are thought to be involved in beta-adrenergic-induced remodeling of adipose tissue, which involves a transient inflammatory response followed by mitochondrial biogenesis and increased oxidative capacity. This work examined the role of hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL), a key enzyme of acylglycerol metabolism, in white adipose tissue (WAT) remodeling using genetic inactivation or pharmacological inhibition. Acute treatment with the beta(3)-adrenergic agonist CL-316,243 (CL) induced expression of inflammatory markers and caused extravasation of myeloid cells in WAT of wild-type (WT) mice. HSL-knockout (KO) mice had elevated inflammatory gene expression in the absence of stimulation, and acute injection of CL did not further recruit myeloid cells, nor did it further elevate inflammatory gene expression. Acute pharmacological inhibition of HSL with BAY 59-9435 (BAY) had no effect on inflammatory gene expression in WAT or in cultured 3T3-L1 adipocytes. However, BAY prevented induction of inflammatory cytokines by beta-adrenergic stimulation in WAT in vivo and in cultured 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Chronic CL treatment stimulated mitochondrial biogenesis, expanded oxidative capacity, and increased lipid droplet fragmentation in WT mice, and these effects were significantly impaired in HSL-KO mice. In contrast to HSL-KO mice, mice with defective signaling of Toll-like receptor 4, a putative FFA receptor, showed normal beta-adrenergic-induced remodeling of adipose tissue. Overall, results reveal the importance of HSL activity in WAT metabolic plasticity and inflammation.  相似文献   

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