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Kung G  Runquist JA  Miziorko HM  Harrison DH 《Biochemistry》1999,38(46):15157-15165
Bacterial phosphoribulokinases (PRKs) are octameric members of the adenylate kinase family of enzymes. The enzyme is allosterically activated by NADH and allosterically inhibited by AMP. We have determined the crystal structure of PRK from Rhodobacter sphaeroides bound to the ATP analogue AMP-PCP to a resolution of 2.6 A. The structure reveals that the ATP analogue does not bind to the canonical ATP site found in adenylate kinase family members. Rather, the AMP-PCP binds in two different orientations at the interface of three of the monomers in the octamer. This interface was previously characterized as having an unusually large number of arginine residues. Of the five arginine residues that are near the bound nucleotide, one (Arg 221) is highly conserved in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic (nonallosterically regulated) PRKs, two (Arg 234 and Arg 257) are on a second subunit and conserved in only prokaryotic PRKs, and two (Arg 30 and Arg 31) are on a third subunit with only one of them (Arg 31) conserved in prokaryotic PRKs. Each of these arginine residues was converted by site-directed mutagenesis to alanine. Fluorescence binding data suggest that none of these arginines are involved in active site ATP binding and that Arg 234 and Arg 257 on the second subunit are directly involved in NADH binding, while the other arginines have a minimal effect on NADH binding. While the wild-type enzyme exhibits low maximal activity and hyperbolic kinetics with respect to ATP in the absence of NADH and high maximal activity and sigmoidal kinetics in the presence of NADH, the R31A mutant exhibits identical hyperbolic kinetics with respect to ATP in the presence or absence of NADH. Thus, the transmission of allosteric information from one subunit to another is conducted through a single path that includes NADH and Arg 31.  相似文献   

Phosphoribulokinase (PRK) is one of several chloroplastic enzymes whose activity is regulated by thiol-disulfide exchange via thioredoxin. Activation entails reduction of an active-site disulfide bond between Cys16 and Cys55. Bifunctional cross-linking reagents have been used to approximate the interresidue distance between Cys16 and Cys55, an issue which impinges on the relative conformational states of the activated and deactivated forms of the enzyme. Spinach PRK is rapidly inactivated by stoichiometric levels of 4,4'-difluoro-3,3'-dinitrodiphenyl sulfone (FNPS) or 1,5-difluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (DFNB), which span 9 and 3.5 A, respectively. ATP, but not ribulose 5-phosphate, retards the rate of inactivation, suggesting that modification has occurred at the nucleotide binding domain of the active site. Sulfhydryl modification is indicated by partial reversibility of inactivation as effected by exogenous thiols. Tryptic mapping by reverse-phase chromatography of [14C]carboxymethylated enzyme, subsequent to its reaction with either FNPS or DFNB, demonstrates modification of Cys16 and Cys55 by both reagents, and formation of only one major chromophoric peptide in each case. On the basis of the sequence analysis of the purified chromophoric peptides, Cys16 and Cys55 are cross-linked by both FNPS and DFNB. Thus, the intrasubunit distance between the beta-sulfhydryls of Cys16 and Cys55 is dynamic rather than static. Diminished conformational flexibility upon oxidation of the regulatory sulfhydryls to a disulfide may be partially responsible for the concomitant loss of enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

A newly found form of chloroplast phosphoribulokinase (designated the “regulatory form”) required reduced thioredoxin for activity. A second form of the enzyme (the “nonregulatory form”) was not appreciably affected by thioredoxin. The thioredoxin required for activation of the regulatory enzyme could be reduced (i) photochemically by chloroplast membranes that were supplemented with ferredoxin and ferredoxin-thioredoxin reductase or (ii) chemically in the dark with the sulfhydryl reagent dithiothreitol. Following activation by reduced thioredoxin, phosphoribulokinase was deactivated by the soluble chloroplast oxidants dehydroascorbate and oxidized glutathione. The results suggest that the regulatory form of phosphoribulokinase resembles fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase in its mode of regulation by the ferredoxin/thioredoxin system.  相似文献   

Thioredoxin reductase (TRR), a member of the pyridine nucleotide-disulfide oxidoreductase family of flavoenzymes, undergoes two sequential thiol-disulfide interchange reactions with thioredoxin during catalysis. In order to assess the catalytic role of each nascent thiol of the active site disulfide of thioredoxin reductase, the 2 cysteines (Cys-136 and Cys-139) forming this disulfide have been individually changed to serines by site-directed mutageneses of the cloned trxB gene of Escherichia coli. Spectral analyses of TRR(Ser-136,Cys-139) as a function of pH and ionic strength have revealed two pKa values associated with the epsilon 456, one of which increases from 7.0 to 8.3 as the ionic strength is increased, and a second at 4.4 which is seen only at high ionic strength. epsilon 458 of wild type TRR(Cys-136,Cys-139) and epsilon 453 of TRR(Cys-136,Ser-139) are pH-independent. A charge transfer complex (epsilon 530 = 1300 M-1 cm-1), unique to TRR(Ser-136,Cys-139), has been observed under conditions of high ammonium cation concentration (apparent Kd = 54 microM) at pH 7.6. These results suggest the assignment of Cys-139 as the FAD-interacting thiol in the reduction of thioredoxin by NADPH via thioredoxin reductase. If, as with other members of this enzyme family, the two distinct catalytic functions are each carried out by a different nascent thiol, then Cys-136 would perform the initial thiol-disulfide interchange with thioredoxin. Steady state kinetic analyses of the proteins have revealed turnover numbers of 10 and 50% of the value of the wild type enzyme for TRR(Ser-136,Cys-139) and TRR(Cys-136,Ser-139), respectively, and no changes in the apparent Km values of TR(S2) or NADPH. The finding of activity in the mutants indicates that the remaining thiol can carry out interchange with the disulfide of thioredoxin, and the resulting mixed disulfide can be reduced by NADPH via the flavin.  相似文献   

Phosphoribulokinase from spinach is deactivated by reversible oxidation of Cys16 and Cys55 to an intrasubunit disulfide. Both residues have been assigned to the nucleotide-binding domain of the active site. Clearly, Cys16 does not play a significant role in catalysis, as complete methylation of this residue decreases kcat by only 50%. With methylated enzyme as the starting material, modification by 2-nitro-5-thiocyanobenzoate was used to probe the function of Cys55. The reagent rapidly inactivates methylated kinase, and activity is fully restored by dithiothreitol treatment. ATP, and ribulose 5-phosphate retard inactivation. The stoichiometry of incorporation indicates that only one site per subunit undergoes cyanylation. Mapping of tryptic digests demonstrates that Cys55 is selectively labeled by the reagent. The low level of activity observed after modification of Cys55 by the sterically unobtrusive cyano group suggests that Cys55 could play a facilitative role in catalysis; alternatively, slight reorientation of other catalytic groups as a consequence of cyanylation of Cys55 could account for the inactivation. In either event, major conformational changes need not be invoked to account for the loss of kinase activity concomitant with regulatory oxidation.  相似文献   

1. Phosphoribulokinase was purified 286-fold from extracts of autotrophically grown cells. 2. The enzyme had a molecular weight of 237000 and showed a pH optimum of 9.0 in both crude extracts and purified preparation. MgCl(2) was required for activity; full activation was obtained at 5mm-MgCl(2) and the K(m) was approx. 0.5mm. 3. The ATP-saturation curve was sigmoidal and the degree of positive co-operativity increased at higher MgCl(2) concentrations. The ATP-binding sites appeared to be non-interacting at low ribulose 5-phosphate concentrations. 4. Lineweaver-Burk plots for ribulose 5-phosphate showed abrupt transitions between apparently linear sections. The apparent K(m) and V(max.) values increased with increasing concentrations of ribulose phosphate. The transitions may be explained by a sequence of negative and positive co-operativity in the catalytic rate constants. 5. Phosphoribulokinase activity was inhibited by AMP and phosphoenolpyruvate and was activated by NADH. The presence of AMP or phosphoenolpyruvate increased s(0.5) (substrate concentration required for half-maximal velocity) for both ribulose 5-phosphate and ATP but V(max.) was not changed. The sigmoidicity of the ATP-saturation curve increased in the presence of AMP but was not affected by phosphoenolpyruvate. The transitions in the ribulose 5-phosphate-saturation curves were more abrupt in the presence of either inhibitor. NADH lowered the s(0.5) for both ribulose 5-phosphate and ATP. The activator did not affect the degree of positive co-operativity between ATP-binding sites, but the ribulose 5-phosphate-binding sites appeared to be non-interacting in its presence. 6. A sequence of positive and negative co-operativity in the interactions of AMP-binding sites was suggested by the Hill plots. In the presence of NADH (and phosphoenolpyruvate) the sensitivity to inhibition by AMP was less below a certain AMP concentration and increased above that concentration. 7. Examination of the interactions between ligands indicated that phosphoribulokinase can be regulated effectively by changes in effector concentrations similar to those reported to occur in vivo.  相似文献   

The regulatory role of thioredoxin in chloroplasts   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Thioredoxin fB, the protein activator of chloroplastic fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase, strongly binds its target enzyme with a stoichiometry of one protein dimer per enzyme tetramer. The thioredoxin binding site is distinct from the active site and the dissociation constant of the protein-enzyme complex has the extremely small value of 769 nM at pH 7.5. This interaction involves both ionic and hydrophobic contributions and is enhanced by a pH increase from 7 to 8. These results suggest that the above molecular properties may be involved in the light activation of chloroplastic fructose bisphosphatase.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium parvum can survive exposure to harsh environmental conditions, various disinfectants, and high doses of γ-radiation. Recently, it was found that the expression of thioredoxin peroxidase (CpTPx) in C. parvum increased after a high dose of γ-irradiation to the parasite. CpTPx is a two-cysteine peroxiredoxin that contains cysteines at positions 49 and 170. Recombinant CpTPx fused to an N-terminal hexahistidine sequence, (His)6-CpTPx, exhibited substantial thiol-dependent peroxidase activity that protected plasmid DNA from damage by metal-catalyzed oxidation in vitro. (His)6-CpTPx was used to screen sera from C. parvum-infected mice and humans for antibodies against CpTPx. In Western blots, 10% of the mouse sera and 20% of the human sera reacted with (His)6-CpTPx, suggesting that after infection by C. parvum CpTPx can induce a host-immune reaction but is not a major antigen. Immunolocalization studies revealed that CpTPx is expressed mainly in the cytoplasm of C. parvum at various developmental stages.  相似文献   

Genetically encoded non-canonical amino acids are powerful tools of protein research and engineering; in particular they allow substitution of individual chemical groups or atoms in a protein of interest. One such amino acid is the tryptophan (Trp) analog 3-benzothienyl-l-alanine (Bta) with an imino-to-sulfur substitution in the five-membered ring. Unlike Trp, Bta is not capable of forming a hydrogen bond, but preserves other properties of a Trp residue. Here we present a pyrrolysyl-tRNA synthetase-derived, engineered enzyme BtaRS that enables efficient and site-specific Bta incorporation into proteins of interest in vivo. Furthermore, we report a 2.1 Å-resolution crystal structure of a BtaRS•Bta complex to show how BtaRS discriminates Bta from canonical amino acids, including Trp. To show utility in protein mutagenesis, we used BtaRS to introduce Bta to replace the Trp28 residue in the active site of Staphylococcus aureus thioredoxin. This experiment showed that not the hydrogen bond between residues Trp28 and Asp58, but the bulky aromatic side chain of Trp28 is important for active site maintenance. Collectively, our study provides a new and robust tool for checking the function of Trp in proteins.  相似文献   

The cdc2 protein kinase family is regulated negatively by phosphorylation in the glycine ATP-binding loop at a conserved tyrosine residue, Y15, alone or in combination with T14 phosphorylation. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe and other systems, substitution of these residues with structurally similar but nonphosphorylatable amino acids has generated proteins (Y15F or T14AY15F) that behave as constitutively tyrosine-dephosphorylated proteins or threonine and tyrosine-dephosphorylated proteins. Here we report the characteristics of three additional mutants at Y15--Y15E, Y15S, and Y15T--in S. pombe cdc2p. All three mutant proteins are active in in vitro kinase assays, but are unable to functionally complement cdc2 loss-of-function mutations in vivo. Additionally, all three mutants are dominant negatives. A more detailed analysis of the Y15T mutant indicates that it can initiate chromosome condensation and F-actin contractile ring formation, but is unable to drive the reorganization of microtubules into a mitotic spindle.  相似文献   



Insulin degrading enzyme (IDE) is responsible for the metabolism of insulin and plays a role in clearance of the Aβ peptide associated with Alzheimer''s disease. Unlike most proteolytic enzymes, IDE, which consists of four structurally related domains and exists primarily as a dimer, exhibits allosteric kinetics, being activated by both small substrate peptides and polyphosphates such as ATP.

Principal Findings

The crystal structure of a catalytically compromised mutant of IDE has electron density for peptide ligands bound at the active site in domain 1 and a distal site in domain 2. Mutating residues in the distal site eliminates allosteric kinetics and activation by a small peptide, as well as greatly reducing activation by ATP, demonstrating that this site plays a key role in allostery. Comparison of the peptide bound IDE structure (using a low activity E111F IDE mutant) with unliganded wild type IDE shows a change in the interface between two halves of the clamshell-like molecule, which may enhance enzyme activity by altering the equilibrium between closed and open conformations. In addition, changes in the dimer interface suggest a basis for communication between subunits.


Our findings indicate that a region remote from the active site mediates allosteric activation of insulysin by peptides. Activation may involve a small conformational change that weakens the interface between two halves of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Nature uses thioredoxin-like folds in several disulfide bond oxidoreductases. Each of them has a typical active site Cys-X-X-Cys sequence motif, the hallmark of thioredoxin being Trp-Cys-Gly-Pro-Cys. The intriguing role of the highly conserved proline in the ubiquitous reducing agent thioredoxin was studied by site-specific mutagenesis of Staphylococcus aureus thioredoxin (Sa_Trx). We present X-ray structures, redox potential, pK(a), steady-state kinetic parameters, and thermodynamic stabilities. By replacing the central proline to a threonine/serine, no extra hydrogen bonds with the sulphur of the nucleophilic cysteine are introduced. The only structural difference is that the immediate chemical surrounding of the nucleophilic cysteine becomes more hydrophilic. The pK(a) value of the nucleophilic cysteine decreases with approximately one pH unit and its redox potential increases with 30 mV. Thioredoxin becomes more oxidizing and the efficiency to catalyse substrate reduction (k(cat)/K(M)) decreases sevenfold relative to wild-type Sa_Trx. The oxidized form of wild-type Sa_Trx is far more stable than the reduced form over the whole temperature range. The driving force to reduce substrate proteins is the relative stability of the oxidized versus the reduced form Delta(T(1/2))(ox/red). This driving force is decreased in the Sa_Trx P31T mutant. Delta(T(1/2))(ox/red) drops from 15.5 degrees C (wild-type) to 5.8 degrees C (P31T mutant). In conclusion, the active site proline in thioredoxin determines the driving potential for substrate reduction.  相似文献   

Thioredoxin reductase catalyzes the NADPH-dependent reduction of the catalytic disulfide bond of thioredoxin. In mammals and other higher eukaryotes, thioredoxin reductases contain the rare amino acid selenocysteine at the active site. The mitochondrial enzyme from Caenorhabditis elegans, however, contains a cysteine residue in place of selenocysteine. The mitochondrial C. elegans thioredoxin reductase was cloned from an expressed sequence tag and then produced in Escherichia coli as an intein-fusion protein. The purified recombinant enzyme has a kcat of 610 min(-1) and a Km of 610 microM using E. coli thioredoxin as substrate. The reported kcat is 25% of the kcat of the mammalian enzyme and is 43-fold higher than a cysteine mutant of mammalian thioredoxin reductase. The enzyme would reduce selenocysteine, but not hydrogen peroxide or insulin. The flanking glycine residues of the GCCG motif were mutated to serine. The mutants improved substrate binding, but decreased the catalytic rate.  相似文献   

A series of BAL31 deletions were constructed in vitro in the upstream region of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae CYC7 gene, encoding the iso-2-cytochrome c protein. These deletions identified two sites which play a role in governing the expression of this gene. A positive site, the deletion of which led to decreased CYC7 expression, lay ca. 240 base pairs 5' to the translational initiation codon (-240). A negative site, the deletion of which led to greatly increased levels of CYC7 expression, lay at ca. -300 bp. Deletion of both these sites resulted in low wild-type-like expression of the gene. Therefore, these two sites appear to act antagonistically to give the low wild-type levels of CYC7 expression. Within the region defined as containing the positive site, there is a sequence which bears some homology to the upstream activation sites in the regulated gene, CYC1, encoding the iso-1-cytochrome c protein.  相似文献   

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