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Synopsis We documented species' distributions, size structure of populations, abundance in mainstem and tributary streams, habitat use, and diets of prickly sculpin, Cottus asper, and coastrange sculpin, C. aleuticus, in the Eel River drainage of California, to determine the processes allowing coexistence of these very similar fishes. We observed prickly sculpins at 43 sites and coastrange sculpins at 34. The species co-occurred at 26 sites. Young-of-year coastrange sculpins were only observed within 42 km of the ocean, but young-of-year prickly sculpins were present throughout the species range. Mean, maximum, and minimum lengths of coastrange sculpins were positively correlated with distance from the ocean but no significant relationships were found for prickly sculpins. Absolute abundance of both species was highest in mainstem habitat (prickly sculpins = 0.6 sculpins m–2 and coastrange sculpins = 0.4 sculpins m–2) . Tributary densities of both species tended to be less than 0.1 sculpins m–2. The species inhabited very similar habitats and had very similar diets. Coastrange sculpin populations in upstream areas were maintained by immigration from downstream areas in contrast with prickly sculpin populations that produced young-of-year fish throughout their range. Densities were probably not high enough for interspecific interactions to be important. The factors limiting the upstream distribution of the species may include high water temperatures, stability of the stream bed, and behavior of the fish. In the past, the range of sculpins within the Eel River drainage probably fluctuated with changing physical conditions. Recent introductions of exotic species that compete with and prey upon sculpins, and ongoing human activities in the drainage could result in major reductions in the distribution and abundance of one or both species.  相似文献   

Movement of nutrients across ecosystem boundaries can have important effects on food webs and population dynamics. An example from the North Pacific Rim is the connection between productive marine ecosystems and freshwaters driven by annual spawning migrations of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp). While a growing body of research has highlighted the importance of both pulsed nutrient subsidies and disturbance by spawning salmon, their effects on population densities of vertebrate consumers have rarely been tested, especially across streams spanning a wide range of natural variation in salmon densities and habitat characteristics. We studied resident freshwater prickly (Cottus asper), and coastrange sculpins (C. aleuticus) in coastal salmon spawning streams to test whether their population densities are affected by spawning densities of pink and chum salmon (O. gorbuscha and O. keta), as well as habitat characteristics. Coastrange sculpins occurred in the highest densities in streams with high densities of spawning pink and chum salmon. They also were more dense in streams with high pH, large watersheds, less area covered by pools, and lower gradients. In contrast, prickly sculpin densities were higher in streams with more large wood and pools, and less canopy cover, but their densities were not correlated with salmon. These results for coastrange sculpins provide evidence of a numerical population response by freshwater fish to increased availability of salmon subsidies in streams. These results demonstrate complex and context-dependent relationships between spawning Pacific salmon and coastal ecosystems and can inform an ecosystem-based approach to their management and conservation.  相似文献   

We acclimated two species of sculpin, the freshwater prickly sculpin (Cottus asper) and the closely related marine Pacific staghorn sculpin (Leptocottus armatus) to freshwater ( approximately 0 g/L), brackish water (15 g/L), and seawater (30 g/L) for at least 4 wk and examined the relationships between respiration, ion regulation, gill morphology, and freshwater tolerance. The prickly sculpin successfully acclimated to all three salinities and did not experience appreciable changes in plasma osmolality, [Cl-], or mortality. Gill Na+/K+-ATPase activity was lowest in prickly sculpins acclimated to freshwater, their native salinity, and increased during acclimation to seawater. Furthermore, prickly sculpins acclimated to freshwater had a 30% higher P(crit) than fish acclimated to brackish water or seawater; P(crit) is the environmental P(O2) below which an animal can no longer maintain a routine (.-)M(O2), and an increase in P(crit) represents a compromise of respiratory gas exchange. The higher P(crit) observed in prickly sculpins acclimated to freshwater is likely a consequence of their having small, relatively thick gills that increase in thickness (by approximately 1 microm) during freshwater exposure. In contrast, the marine Pacific staghorn sculpin successfully acclimated to brackish water and seawater, but high mortality (25%) was observed after 3 wk of exposure to freshwater. Pacific staghorn sculpins exposed to freshwater suffered significant, 15%-20%, reductions in plasma osmolality and [Cl-], and these losses in plasma ions resulted in a 1.4-fold increase in gill Na+/K+-ATPase activity. Pacific staghorn sculpins have large, thin gills that are not modified in response to salinity acclimation, and as a result, these animals show no respiratory compromise during freshwater acclimation, as evidenced by the lack of change in P(crit), but show significant ion regulatory disturbance. Overall, this study suggests that gill thickening and the resulting respiratory compromise are necessary for freshwater tolerance in sculpins.  相似文献   

I studied the movements of adult Japanese fluvial sculpin, Cottus pollux, in a Japanese mountain stream. An exceptionally severe flood in late September had negative impacts on refuge abundance, condition and population density of the sculpin. The mean distance moved monthly correlated positively with water discharge, but not with water temperature or with population density. Overall, the mean distance sculpins moved after the flood was significantly greater than before the flood, and sculpins tended to move into riffle-raceways after the flood. Comparisons of refuge-site limitation for adults and water depths between habitats indicated that the flood affected riffle-raceways less than pools. Fish in poorer conditions were likely to move extensively, and the condition of fish captured initially in pools deteriorated more significantly than that of sculpins captured in riffle-raceways. Movement bias into riffle-raceways by the sculpins after the flood suggests they sought suitable habitat with available refuges. The results suggest vulnerability to flood disturbance of the sculpins inhabiting the interstitial spaces of the substrate.  相似文献   

We studied the distribution and abundance of drifting embryonic and larval fishes and lampreys in the Smith and Van Duzen rivers of northern California, U.S.A. We collected seven fish species in four families and at least one lamprey species in the drift. All taxa drifted almost exclusively at night. Sculpins, Cottus aleuticus and C. asper, outnumbered all other taxa, comprising 63% of the catch in the Van Duzen River and 90% of the catch in the Smith River. We estimated that sculpin drift reached 3×107 individualsh–1 during the relatively high flow period from late winter through early summer. Most sculpin in these two rivers appeared to drift to the estuaries; we estimated 2.5×109 sculpin embryos and larvae reached the Smith River estuary in 1995. In contrast to the sculpins, the patterns in the drift of other taxa suggest limited transport to the estuaries. Suckers, Catostomus occidentalis in the Van Duzen River, C. rimiculus in the Smith River, threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, and lamprey, Lampetra tridentata and possibly L. richardsoni, drifted at much lower rates and later in the year than sculpins. In the Van Duzen River, drift appeared to serve as a dispersal mechanism for only one of three introduced cyprinids. California roach, Lavinia symmetricus, drifted at low rates throughout the summer while we captured only seven Sacramento pikeminnow, Ptychocheilus grandis, and no speckled dace, Rhynichthys osculus. The information gathered on the drift of early life history phases is germane to both the conservation of native fishes and management of non-indigenous species in coastal rivers.  相似文献   

1. The influence of coarse substratum and flow, coarse substratum and food, and predation risk and flow on habitat use by Gammarus pulex was studied in three experiments conducted in artificial stream channels. Each stream channel consisted of a riffle and pool habitat.
2. Location of coarse substrata and food was manipulated by placing cobbles (coarse substratum) and leaf packs (food) in different habitats. Predation risk was varied by running experiments in the presence and absence of sculpins ( Cottus gobio ), and flow was varied by pumping water with one or two pumps.
3. In all experiments Gammarus were most abundant in pools but placement of cobbles in riffles increased use of the latter. An even greater percentage of Gammarus used riffles if leaf packs were also placed there. Decreased discharge and the presence of sculpins ( Cottus gobio ) also caused Gammarus to increase use of riffles. These data indicate that Gammarus is able to evaluate differences in habitat quality and respond accordingly.  相似文献   

1. The influence of coarse substratum and flow, coarse substratum and food, and predation risk and flow on habitat use by Gammarus pulex was studied in three experiments conducted in artificial stream channels. Each stream channel consisted of a riffle and pool habitat.
2. Location of coarse substrata and food was manipulated by placing cobbles (coarse substratum) and leaf packs (food) in different habitats. Predation risk was varied by running experiments in the presence and absence of sculpins ( Cottus gobio ), and flow was varied by pumping water with one or two pumps.
3. In all experiments Gammarus were most abundant in pools but placement of cobbles in riffles increased use of the latter. An even greater percentage of Gammarus used riffles if leaf packs were also placed there. Decreased discharge and the presence of sculpins ( Cottus gobio ) also caused Gammarus to increase use of riffles. These data indicate that Gammarus is able to evaluate differences in habitat quality and respond accordingly.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. Stream reaches contain assortments of various habitat types that can be defined at different spatial scales, such as channel unit (e.g. pools, riffles) and subunit (patches within channel units). We described longitudinal (upstream–downstream) patterns of stream habitat structure by considering subunits as structural elements, and examined their effects on the abundance of masu salmon ( Oncorhynchus masou ) and rosyface dace ( Leuciscus ezoe ) in a third-order tributary of the Teshio River in northern Hokkaido, Japan.
2. Nine subunit types were determined on the basis of water depth, current velocity and substrate, using 0.5 × 0.5 m grids. Although both masu salmon and rosyface dace used pools as a major habitat, the former preferred a subunit type occurring at pool heads (PH subunit) while the latter preferred a slow-current edge type (SE-2 subunit).
3. Along the course of the stream, slow-edge subunits (SE-1, 2 and 3) increased in frequency downstream while fast-edge subunits (FE-1 and 2) decreased, suggesting a downstream development of slow-current edges. Regression analyses indicated that longitudinal variation in masu salmon abundance was explained by the area of PH, rather than pools. Masu salmon density increased with the area of PH. Rosyface dace abundance was explained by a combination of water depth and the area of SE-2, both effects being positive.
4. Longitudinal variations in the abundance of both species were related to the abundance of their preferred habitat at the subunit scale, rather than channel-unit scale. The results emphasise the importance of fine-scale patchiness when examining stream fish habitats.  相似文献   

Synopsis The biology of the prickly sculpin was investigated in Clear Lake, Lake County, California in order to determine how it has persisted in the face of introductions of numerous exotic species when most other native species have declined in abundance or have become extinct. Sculpins over 15 mm SL inhabited all types of benthic habitats in the lake, while post larval sculpins were pelagic when the postlarvae of exotic species were absent. The feeding ecology of sculpins was distinct from the other fishes in the lake in that they fed largely on amphipods and chironomid midge larvae regardless of the time of year, time of day, or habitat. Sculpins were uncommon in the stomachs of piscivorous fishes, except juvenile largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). It is concluded that prickly sculpins have persisted in Clear Lake in part because they are ecologically distinct from the exotic species and are not preyed upon by them to any great extent, and in part because they have managed to survive other man-related perturbations of this ecosystem.  相似文献   

Synopsis Juvenile stocks of allopatric (upstream of barrier falls) cutthroat troutSalmo clarki and those sympatric (downstream of barrier falls) with coho salmonOncorhynchus kisutch and sculpinsCottus spp., were sampled during the late summer period of low flows in six small coastal streams in British Columbia. The objective was to obtain and compare information on pattern of habitat use and fish size distribution of these two trout types. In most instances, density (n m–2; g m–2) of cutthroat trout was considerably greater in pools and glides in the allopatric than in the sympatric stocks. The sympatric salmonids were dominated by juvenile coho salmon in pools and cutthroat trout in riffles. Sympatric cutthroat trout constituted from 7 to 45 % of the salmonids present in pools and from 50 to 90% in riffles. Glides were areas of intermediate densities for both salmonids, although coho salmon was the more abundant species in most instances. The density of sculpins was high in all three habitat types, and frequently it exceeded that of coho salmon and cutthroat trout combined. Sympatric cutthroat trout consisted primarily of underyearling fish, whereas allopatric cutthroat trout consisted primarily of two or more age classes with a large proportion of them living in pools. When tested in a laboratory stream both types of cutthroat trout had similar habitat preferences and agonistic behaviours, with the exception that allopatric trout made greater use of cover and defended pools more intensely than sympatric trout when the flow was increased. The results of this study provide insight of potential impact of coho salmon juvenile transplants into stream segments supporting allopatric cutthroat trout.  相似文献   

Synopsis We conducted laboratory trials to test the vulnerability of young white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus, to predation when an alternative prey was available. In trials with two species of predators, we observed two feeding patterns. When equal numbers of white sturgeon and goldfish, Carassius auratus, were available, prickly sculpins, Cottus asper, ingested more white sturgeon. Conversely, northern pikeminnow, Ptychocheilus oregonensis, ate more juvenile coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, than white sturgeon in three out of four sets of trials, but ate more white sturgeon in one set of trials. White sturgeon size and the availability of cover did not affect the proportions of prey species ingested. Our results indicate that predation may be affecting survival of white sturgeon larvae and juveniles in the wild and could be one factor limiting recruitment of young-of-the-year white sturgeon in some locations.  相似文献   

The Sacramento pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus grandis) is a piscivore that will prey on its own young in streams. Microhabitat use by two size classes of juvenile pikeminnow in stream pools with and without adults present was examined in the South Yuba River, California. Juvenile pikeminnow were generally found in shallower and slower conditions than adult pikeminnow, but shifted to even slower and shallower conditions with more cover in the presence of large adults. Microhabitats selected were related to fish size, suggesting that intraspecific predation was the dominant factor affecting local distribution. Patterns of microhabitat use were consistent with ecological segregation of species and size classes observed in other California streams with more diverse fish faunas.  相似文献   

Predation can promote divergence between prey populations and contribute to ecological speciation. In theory, predators can also constrain prey population divergence. In coastal British Columbia, Canada, Gasterosteus aculeatus (three‐spined stickleback) species pairs only occur in lakes with a single species of predatory fish: Oncorhynchus clarkii (the cutthroat trout). Similar lakes containing additional predatory fish species (Cottus asper, prickly sculpins; Oncorhynchus mykiss, rainbow trout) contain only single species of morphologically intermediate stickleback, suggesting that these predators prevent the coexistence of stickleback species pairs. We conducted a mesocosm experiment to investigate how prickly sculpins might constrain divergence, by quantifying their impact on survival and natural selection on antipredator (armour) traits in F2 stickleback from a cross between ecologically divergent populations. We tested three hypotheses: (1) sculpin predation on sticklebacks reduces survival in a way that could result in their exclusion from certain niches; (2) sculpins compete with stickleback; (3) sculpins respond to prey vulnerabilities in similar ways to cutthroat trout, tending to constrain rather than to enhance divergence. We found that sculpins significantly reduce stickleback survival, that their presence per se does not reduce growth in stickleback, and that predation did not result in selection on any of the armour traits measured, or on gill raker length, which is an important trophic trait. These results tend to refute hypotheses (2) and (3), while supporting hypothesis (1). © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 877–885.  相似文献   

A total of 293 shorthorn sculpins Myoxocephalus scorpius from Tromsø, northern Norway, were sampled between November 1998 and April 1999 to determine sex, total length, age, growth, maturity and mortality. Females grew to larger sizes ( L =26·9 v. 18·5 cm), matured later (2 v. 1 year of age) at larger size (maturation length=16 v. 14 cm L T), and had lower instantaneous mortality rates (0·93 v. 1·20 year−1) than males. The life history parameters of shorthorn sculpins in northern Norway were more similar to the parameters of short-lived central European populations than to the parameters of the long-lived population of Newfoundland. This study confirms that northern Norwegian shorthorn sculpins exhibit sexual dimorphism as in other shorthorn sculpin populations. The relationships between growth pattern, age at maturity and mortality rates observed in the Tromsø population and in other shorthorn sculpin populations, correspond well with the predictions from a published life history model.  相似文献   

Dams represent a beneficial way to maximize riverine potential, though the benefits often come with costs. Modified conditions to rivers downstream of dams (release temperature, flow, barriers to migration) can lead to changes in species compositions. In California, these effects are amplified, as limited water resources lead to extensive anthropogenic changes. Our study examined the role of seven western Sierra Nevada river dams on localized distribution and population structure of native riffle sculpin (Cottus gulosus) and their role in potential hybridization with native prickly sculpin (C. asper). Individuals were collected above and below dams, genotyped with 10 microsatellite loci, and analyzed for possible hybridization. Three downstream locations (American, Tuolumne, and Kings River) support populations of both species whereas the remaining downstream sites supported only prickly sculpin. River specific genetic population structure was found for both species but was more extensive in riffle sculpin. Hybridization was limited to the Kings River, and represented less than 3 % of individuals sampled. Comparisons between dams including elevation above sea level, type of dam, distance from dam to sampling location, and average released water temperature showed no correlation with riffle sculpin presence below a dam. Expanded sampling within the Kings River found no association with distance and riffle sculpin or hybrid presence, although both were limited to recent trout restoration areas. Therefore, despite initial inclinations, dams show no direct correlation with sculpin distributions or hybridization in the Great Central Valley of California.  相似文献   

1. We used direct observation and mark‐recapture techniques to quantify movements by mottled sculpins (Cottus bairdi) in a 1 km segment of Shope Fork in western North Carolina. Our objectives were to: (i) quantify the overall rate of sculpin movement, (ii) assess variation in movement among years, individuals, and sculpin size classes, (iii) relate movement to variation in stream flow and population size structure, and (iv) quantify relationships between movement and individual growth rates. 2. Movements were very restricted: median and mean movement distances for all sculpin size classes over a 45 day period were 1.3 and 4.4 m respectively. Nevertheless, there was a high degree of intrapopulation and temporal variation in sculpin movement. Movement of juveniles increased with discharge and with the density of large adults. Movement by small and large adults was not influenced by stream flow, but large adults where more mobile when their own density was high. Finally, there were differences in the growth rates of mobile and sedentary sculpins. Mobile juveniles grew faster than sedentary individuals under conditions of low flow and high density of large adults, whereas adults exhibited the opposite pattern. 3. Our results support the hypothesis that juvenile movement and growth is influenced by both intraspecific interactions with adults and stream flow. In contrast, adult movement appears to be influenced by competitive interactions among residents for suitable space. The relationship between movement and growth may provide a negative feedback mechanism regulating mottled sculpin populations in this system.  相似文献   

In headwater streams, many aquatic insects rely on terrestrial detritus, while their emergence from streams often subsidizes riparian generalist predators. However, spatial variations in such reciprocal trophic linkages remain poorly understood. The present study, conducted in a northern Japanese stream and the surrounding forest, showed that pool–riffle structure brought about heterogeneous distributions of detritus deposits and benthic aquatic insects. The resulting variations in aquatic insect emergence influenced the distributions of riparian web-building spiders. Pools with slow current stored greater amounts of detritus than riffles, allowing more benthic aquatic insects to develop in pools. The greater larval biomass in pools and greater tendency for riffle insects to drift into pools at metamorphosis resulted in an emergence rate of aquatic insects from pools that was some four to five times greater than from riffles. In the riparian forest, web-building spiders (Tetragnathidae and Linyphiidae) were distributed in accordance with the emergence rates of aquatic insects, upon which both spider groups heavily depended. Consequently, the riparian strips bordering pools had a density of tetragnathid spiders that was twice as high as that of the riparian strips adjacent to riffles. Moreover, although limitations of vegetation structure prevented the aggregation of linyphiid spiders around pools, linyphiid density normalized by shrub density was higher in habitats adjacent to pools than those adjacent to riffles. The results indicated that stream geomorphology, which affects the storage of terrestrial organic material and the export of such material to riparian forests via aquatic insect emergence, plays a role in determining the strength of terrestrial–aquatic linkages in headwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

为探究水洼与邻近浅滩中浮游动物群落是否存在差异, 于2015年1月22日和3月1日, 选择赣江南昌段的3个水洼和邻近浅滩采集浮游动物, 对浮游动物的物种组成、密度、生物量、多样性指数和群落结构进行比较研究。通过单因子方差分析(One-way ANOVA)检验水洼与浅滩中水环境因子及浮游动物密度和生物量的差异。使用非度量多维尺度分析(Non-metric multi-dimensional scaling, NMDS)和群落相似性分析(Analysis of similarity, ANOSIM)对暂时性水洼及邻近浅滩的浮游动物群落进行排序。1月和3月共发现浮游动物44种, 轮虫有30种, 占总捕获数的68%。枝角类和桡足类各有7种, 分别占总捕获数的16%。相对重要性指数(Index of relative importance, IRI)大于1000的优势物种有5种, 分别为汤匙华哲水蚤Sinocalanus dorrii、长肢多肢轮虫Polyarthra dolichoptera、桡足类无节幼体Copepod nauplii、角突臂尾轮虫Brachionus angularis和长圆疣毛轮虫Synchaeta oblonga。单因子方差分析表明, 1月份水洼的水深、电导率和总氮含量显著高于浅滩(P<0.05), 浅滩的水温、pH、溶解氧、浊度和总磷含量略高于水洼。3月份水洼的水深、pH和总氮含量略高于浅滩, 浅滩的溶解氧、浊度和总磷含量较水洼高, 水温和电导率在2种水体中非常接近。1月份水洼中浮游动物的密度(7.90 ind./L)和生物量(7.78 μg/L)均低于浅滩(9.34 ind./L, 19.03 μg/L), 3月份水洼中浮游动物的密度(24.27 ind./L)和生物量(332.14 μg/L)均高于浅滩(22.86 ind./L, 146.10 μg/L)。浅滩中浮游动物的多样性指数(H′)、均匀度指数(J)和物种丰富度指数(D)均大于水洼。非度量多维尺度分析和群落相似性分析表明, 仅1月份水洼与浅滩的浮游动物群落结构具有边缘显著差异(P=0.067), 可大致划分为2个: 水洼群落和浅滩群落。3月份由于水位上涨, 研究的水洼与赣江河道处于连通或半连通状态, 2种生境中浮游动物群落结构无显著差异(P=0.313)。斯皮尔曼相关分析(Spearman correlation coefficient)发现水深和溶解氧是导致水洼和浅滩中浮游动物密度差异的主要环境因子。2种生境中浮游动物的密度与pH、电导率、总氮和总磷均具有显著相关性(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

1. Life history and production were assessed for the crayfish Paranephrops zealandicus in three reaches of a headwater stream with a catchment of regenerating coniferous-broadleaf forest in the south-east of the South Island of New Zealand.
2. Crayfish density ranged from 3 to 4 m−2 in riffles and 4–12 m−2 in pools, depending on reach. Crayfish biomass (4–33 g AFDW m−2) and annual production (2–11 g AFDW m−2) were high compared with values reported elsewhere, while P:B ratio was low (0.33–0.43). This substantial production was dependent primarily upon high biomass rather than high growth rate.
3. The crayfish of this population rank amongst the longest lived and slowest growing ever recorded. Individuals estimated to be 16+ year of age were not uncommon. Females became reproductively active at 6+ year. Fewer than 4% of females carried eggs, and young remained attached to females for at least 15 months.
4. We propose that characteristics of this population are the consequence of a cool thermal regime (mean daily stream temperature = 7.0 °C, range 1.8–11.9 °C), and that low biomass turnover and poor reproductive rate precludes any sustainable commercial harvest of crayfish from streams in New Zealand with similar thermal regimes.  相似文献   

Sampling in Iliamna Lake, Alaska, U.S.A. revealed that a greater proportion of coastrange sculpins Cottus aleuticus were infected by the cestode Schistocephalus solidus than slimy sculpins Cottus cognatus (52 v. 23%), and infected C. aleuticus contained more cestodes than did C. cognatus (2·1 v. 1·3 per fish). Consumption of sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka eggs (the primary diet item) was lower in fishes with cestodes, and a model based on cestode prevalence and age composition estimated higher rates of infection and parasite‐associated mortality in C. aleuticus compared with C. cognatus.  相似文献   

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