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T Shimizu  T Nozawa  M Hatano  Y Imai  R Sato 《Biochemistry》1975,14(19):4172-4178
Magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectra have been measured for cytochrome P-450 (P-450) purified from phenobarbital-induced rabbit liver microsomes. The temperature dependence of some of the MCD spectra has also been determined. The MCD spectrum of oxidized P-450 seems to suggest that it is in a state intermediate between the ferric low-spin states. Model experiments suggest that this anomaly arises from the coordination of a thiolate anion to the heme. Reduced P-450 shows a very peculiar MCD spectrum; the spectrum as well as its temperature dependence suggest that the heme in reduced P-450 is a "mixture" in terms of redox and/or spin states. The MCD spectrum of the CO complex of reduced P-450 exhibits an apparent Faraday A term around 450 nm which consists of about 50% C term and 50% the other terms, indicating that it is not in a purely ferrous low-spin state. The CO complex of reduced cytochrome P-420 (P-420), on the other hand, shows an MCD spectrum characteristic of a ferrous low-spin heme. It is suggested from model experiments that the thiolate anion coordinates to the heme trans to CO in the P-450-CO complex. The Soret region of the MCD spectrum of the EtNC complex of reduced P-450 is characterized by two apparent A terms around 430 and 455 nm, whereas that of the corresponding complex of P-420 has only one apparent A term around 434 nm.  相似文献   

Incubation of valproic acid with rat liver microsomes led to the formation of 3-, 4- and 5-hydroxy-valproic acid. The latter two metabolites, which have been characterized previously from in vivo studies, may be regarded as products of fatty acid ω-1 and ω hydroxylation, respectively. 3-Hydroxy-valproic acid, however, had been thought to derive from the β-oxidation pathway in mitochondria. Conversion of valproic acid to all three metabolites in microsomes required NADPH (NADH was less effective), utilized molecular oxygen, was suppressed by inhibitors of cytochrome P-450 and was stimulated (notably at C-3 and C-4) by phenobarbital pretreatment of the rats. It is concluded that rat liver microsomal cytochrome P-450 catalyzes ω-2 hydroxylation of valproic acid, a reaction not detected previously with fatty acids in mammalian systems, and that the product, 3-hydroxyvalproic acid, should not be used to assess in vivo metabolism of valproate via the β-oxidation pathway.  相似文献   

The metabolism of benzanthrone, a commonly used dy intermediate, by rat hepatic microsomes was investigated using thin layer chromatography (TLC) analysis. Incubation of benzanthrone with hepatic microsomes in the presence of NADPH generating system produced at least seven fluorescent metabolites on TLC plates. TLC spots numbered II, III, IV, V and VI were the major metabolites obtained from hepatic microsomes with the Rf values of 0.53, 0.45, 0.38, 0.33 and 0.26, respectively. Metabolites VII and VIII were faint bands with Rf values of 0.08 and 0.04, respectively. Preincubation of hepatic microsomes with either 1-benzyl-imidazole (10(-4)M) or SKF-525 A (10(-4)M) or metyrapone (10(-3)M) or flushing with carbon monoxide substantially inhibited the benzanthrone metabolism. alpha-Naphtho-flavone (10(-4)M) did not cause any change in hepatic microsomal metabolism of benzanthrone. Oral administration of benzanthrone to animals yielded at least six urinary metabolites. TLC spots numbered II, III, IV, V and VI in the urine were same as those of hepatic microsomal metabolites. However, one of the urinary metabolite numbered IX which stays at the origin of TLC plate with the Rf value of 0.05 may be a conjugate. Our results suggest that benzanthrone acts as a substrate for hepatic heme protein, cytochrome P-450 and that some of the metabolites are excreted in urine.  相似文献   

D C Swinney  D E Ryan  P E Thomas  W Levin 《Biochemistry》1988,27(15):5461-5470
Purified cytochrome P-450g, a male-specific rat hepatic isozyme, was observed to metabolize progesterone to two primary metabolites (6 beta-hydroxyprogesterone and 16 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone), two secondary metabolites (6 beta,16 alpha-dihydroxyprogesterone and 6-ketoprogesterone), and one tertiary metabolite (6-keto-16 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone). The Km,app for the formation of these products from progesterone was determined to be approximately 0.5 microM, while the Km,app for metabolism of 6 beta- and 16 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone was found to be 5-10 microM. The ratio of primary to secondary metabolites did not change significantly at progesterone concentrations from 6 to 150 microM, and a lag in formation of secondary metabolites was not observed in 1-min incubations. Concerted oxidation of progesterone to secondary products without the intermediate products leaving the active site was suggested by these results and confirmed by isotopic dilution experiments in which little or no dilution of metabolically formed 6 beta,16 alpha-dihydroxyprogesterone and 6-keto-16 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone was observed in incubations containing a mixture of radiolabeled progesterone and unlabeled 6 beta-hydroxyprogesterone or 16 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone. Incubation of 6 beta-hydroxyprogesterone with a reconstituted system in an atmosphere of 18O2 resulted in greater than 90% incorporation of 18O in the 16 alpha-position of 6 beta,16 alpha-dihydroxyprogesterone but no incorporation of 18O into 6-ketoprogesterone, even though the reaction was dependent upon enzyme and O2, and not inhibited by mannitol, catalase, or superoxide dismutase. Factors which characterize the metabolism of progesterone by cytochrome P-450g in terms of active-site constraints and the catalytic competence of the enzyme in microsomes were also explored.  相似文献   

D Kupfer 《Life sciences》1974,15(4):657-670
The spectral changes associated with the addition of prostaglandins (PGs) to hepatic microsomes from guinea pigs and rats were examined. PGA1, PGA2, PGE1, PGE2, PGF and PGF when added to guinea pig liver microsomes exhibited type I spectra. The binding affinities as determined from spectral dissociation constants (Ks) were highest with PGA1 and PGA2. With liver microsomes from control or 3-methyl-cholanthrene (MC)-treated rats, PGs did not yield type I spectra; however, in this case a weak spectrum, designated here as type “II” was at times observed, With microsomes from phenobarbital (Pb)-treated rats only PGA1 and PGA2 yielded type I spectra; again in absence of type I spectrum, a weak type “II” was occasionally observed. The addition of PGA1 and PGA2 to liver microsomes from Pb-treated rats inhibited the microcomal mediated hydroxylation of hexobarbital. The inhibition by PGA1 was competitive; the Ki = 8.2 × 10?4 M was found to be similar in magnitude to the Ks = 7.3 × 10?4 M of PGA1 observed with rat liver microsomes. These observations suggested that PGs particularly of the A series interact with the hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase system.  相似文献   

Aromatase is the cytochrome P-450 complex responsible for oestrogen biosynthesis in vivo. Inhibitors of this enzyme complex might therefore serve to modulate oestrogen-dependent processes by interfering with the production of oestrogens. Thus, these agents may be useful in reproductive processes and in treating oestrogen-dependent disease states such as breast and endometrial cancer. We have demonstrated that inhibitors such as the naturally occurring flavonoids having 5,7-dihydroxy substituents can bind to human placental cytochrome P-450 with affinity comparable to their ability to inhibit aromatization of androstenedione and testosterone to oestradiol and oestrone, respectively. It appears that the mechanism of this inhibition requires the flavonoid to bind to the active site of the cytochrome P-450 without prior generation of metabolic intermediate products. Our data also suggest that the presently known differences in potency of inhibition of cytochrome P-450-mediated aromatization of steroids by different hydroxylated derivatives of 5,7-dihydroxyflavones may arise from their different binding affinity to the enzyme, particularly those compounds hydroxylated in the C3 position in ring C of the flavonoid nucleus.  相似文献   

We have purified and characterized a phenobarbital (PB)-inducible hepatic mitochondrial cytochrome P-450 (P-450), termed P-450mt4, which is distinctly different from the previously characterized mitochondrial isoforms. The level of induction of P-450mt4 by PB in the male livers is nearly 20-fold, as against a marginal induction in the female livers, suggesting that it may be a male predominant isoform. P-450mt4 shows a close resemblance to microsomal P-450b (the major PB-inducible form) with respect to electrophoretic migration (apparent molecular mass of 50 kDa) and immunological cross-reactivity, although it exhibits a distinct isoelectric pH (pI 6.9 vs 6.5 for P-450b), peptide fingerprint pattern, and amino acid composition. Further, the N-terminal sequence analysis shows over 90% positional identity (39 out of 42) between P-450mt4 and P-450b, suggesting that it is a close relative of the P-450 IIB gene family. In vitro reconstitution experiments show that P-450mt4 can metabolize a wide range of substrates such as benzphetamine, (dimethylamino)antipyrine, aflatoxin B1, and vitamin D3, exclusively in the presence of mitochondrial-specific ferredoxin and ferredoxin reductase as electron carriers. P-450mt4 is translated as a 53-kDa precursor, which is transported into mitochondria under in vitro conditions and processed into a mature 50-kDa protein. These results provide conclusive evidence for the occurrence of a male-specific P-450 belonging to the IIB gene family in rat liver mitochondria.  相似文献   

Phenobarbital, 3-methylcholanthrene, acetone and pyrazole were used as inducers of cytochrome P450 and the NADPH-dependent oxidase activity (O-2 production) of pulmonary and hepatic microsomes was determined. Oxidase activity of microsomes from 3-methylcholanthrene-treated rats was significantly decreased as compared to that of controls when expressed on the basis of cytochrome P450 content (30% decrease for liver, 60% decrease for lung). The oxidase activity of liver microsomes from pyrazole-treated rats showed a significant increase, whereas phenobarbital treated microsomes had average superoxide-generating activity. The contribution of cytochromes CYP 1A, CYP 2B and CYP 2E1 to superoxide-generating activity was investigated using monoclonal antibodies. Monoclonal antibody 1-91-3 against CYP 2E1 inhibited superoxide generation by 58% in liver microsomes from pyrazole-treated rats. Monoclonal antibodies 1-7-1 and 2-66-3 against CYP 1A and CYP2B, respectively, had no effect on superoxide generation. These results indicate that different cytochrome P450 isoforms are mainly responsible for differential superoxide generating activities of microsomes and complement the reconstitution study of Morehouse and Aust. Furthermore, our study indicates that CYP 1A1, induced by 3-MC, demonstrates an unusually low oxidase activity.  相似文献   

The R and S enantiomers of the anticoagulant, warfarin, are metabolized to a series of monohydroxylated products by rat hepatic cytochrome P-450. The patterns of metabolites are a function of the warfarin enantiomer used and of the induction of the microsomal enzymes by phenobarbital (PB) and 3-methylcholanthrene (MC). We have studied the binding of R and S warfarin to cytochrome P-450 by difference spectrometry to probe the heterogeneity of cytochrome P-450 and to determine the role of this heterogeneity in the production of the patterns of warfarin metabolites. Uninduced cytochrome P-450 yielded modified type II spectra with R and S warfarin with equivalent binding constants, Ks = 1.50 mM. PB-induced cytochrome P-450 yielded modified type II spectra which varied biphasically with warfarin concentration with Ks(S) = 0.24 and 0.07 mm; Ks(R) = 0.79 and 0.12 mM. MC induction and 2-allyl-2-isopropylacetamide treatment yielded microsomes markedly enriched for cytochrome P-448 which, with R warfarin, yielded a type I spectrum, Ks = 0.24 mM, and with S warfarin a modified type II spectrum with Ks = 0.11 mM. The effects of the type I compound, hexobarbital, the type II compound, imidazole, or the opposite enantiomer to that being studied on the binding spectra of R and S warfarin to the variously induced cytochromes P-450 were investigated as an aid to elucidating the mode of interaction of cytochrome P-450 with warfarin. In all cases, prior binding of R or S warfarin influenced the binding of the opposite enantiomer. We conclude from these results that R and S warfarin bind to two separate forms of PB-induced cytochrome P-450 and two separate forms of MC-induced cytochrome P-448, all of which differ from uninduced cytochrome P-450. The variety of monohydroxylated metabolites of R and S warfarin is probably a consequence of the interactions with these different forms of cytochrome P-450.  相似文献   

Hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 from fish (Stenotomus versicolor), untreated or treated with 3-methylcholanthrene, 5, 6-benzoflavone, or tricaine methanesulfonate, exhibited an absorption maximum at 450 nm when reduced and ligated to CO. Microsomes from all groups exhibited EPR spectra with g values near 2.4, 2.24 and 1.9, yielding crystal field parameters similar to those for cytochrome P-450 from a variety of other sources. Treatment with 3-methylcholanthrene or 5, 6-benzoflavone resulted in elevated levels of aryl hydrocarbon (benzo[a]pyrene) hydroxylase activity yet produced no apparent change in the levels or optical properties of CO-ligated cytochrome P-450. Tricaine methanesulfonate, a common fish anaesthetic, caused a decrease in the levels of fish cytochrome P-450.  相似文献   

Octyl methyl-, butyl methyl- and pentamethylene sulfide react with about 50% of oxidized cytochrome P-450 in liver microsomes from phenobarbital-pretreated rats by formation of optical difference spectra with maxima at 435 and 552 nm and concomitant shifts in the electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum. Reduction by NADPH or sodium dithionite yielded a Soret absorption band at 449 nm and alpha and beta bands at 573 and 545 nm, respectively. The ligand metyrapone and the substrate n-octane competitively inhibited the formation of these difference spectra and pentamethylene sulfide was a strong competitive inhibitor of the 0-deakylation of 7-ethoxycoumarin. These results indicate a direct ligand binding of the sulfides to cytochrome P-450 with concomitant blocking of the hydrophobic substrate binding site. Some sulfides did not interact as ligands but as substrates, in variation, however, with the source of microsomes.  相似文献   

Rabbit liver microsomal cytochrome P-450 was immobilized by entrapment in calcium alginate gel. Aminopyrine demethylation experiments showed that the immobilized enzyme system is highly active and exhibits an unimpaired functional stability as compared with crude microsomes. The alginate entrapped microsomes were employed in a fixed bed recirculation reactor, where aminopyrine was continuously demethylated. Such model enzyme reactor can be a useful tool for studying extracorporeal drug detoxification or preparative substrate conversion with microsomal enzyme systems.  相似文献   

Mephenytoin, diphenylhydantoin, pheneturide, and phenobarbital produced a concentration-dependent inhibition in the binding of hexobarbital to cytochrome P-450 at the type 1 site, while sulthiame slightly potentiated, and ethosuximide did not affect the binding characteristic of hexobarbital. Diphenylhydantoin, phenobarbital, and pheneturide have previously been shown to enhance the urinary excretion of D-glucaric acid (DGA), while sulthiame inhibited the potentiation of DGA excretion caused by these drugs, and ethosuximide produced no change. The results suggest a close relationship between the ability of these drugs to induce hepatic microsomal drug-metabolizing enzyme systems (as indicated by enhancement of DGA excretion) and binding behaviour at the type 1 site.  相似文献   

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