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Anaerobic bacteria and anoxic sediments from soda lakes produced electricity in microbial fuel cells (MFCs). No electricity was generated in the absence of bacterial metabolism. Arsenate respiring bacteria isolated from moderately hypersaline Mono Lake (Bacillus selenitireducens), and salt-saturated Searles Lake, CA (strain SLAS-1) oxidized lactate using arsenate as the electron acceptor. However, these cultures grew equally well without added arsenate using the MFC anode as their electron acceptor, and in the process oxidized lactate more efficiently. The decrease in electricity generation by consumption of added alternative electron acceptors (i.e. arsenate) which competed with the anode for available electrons proved to be a useful indicator of microbial activity and hence life in the fuel cells. Shaken sediment slurries from these two lakes also generated electricity, with or without added lactate. Hydrogen added to sediment slurries was consumed but did not stimulate electricity production. Finally, electricity was generated in statically incubated “intact” sediment cores from these lakes. More power was produced in sediment from Mono Lake than from Searles Lake, however microbial fuel cells could detect low levels of metabolism operating under moderate and extreme conditions of salt stress.  相似文献   

A procedure for the specific enrichment and isolation of species of the genus Halobacterium was designed, based on the ability of Halobacterium cells to grow anaerobically by fermentation of l-arginine. None of the other genera of neutrophilic halophilic Archaea tested grew fermentatively on arginine. Using anaerobic enrichments in the presence of arginine, representatives of the genus Halobacterium were consistently isolated from saltern crystallizer ponds in Eilat (Israel) and San Francisco Bay (California), environments in which Halobacterium represents only a very small fraction of the halophilic archaeal community.  相似文献   

Discharge of nitrate and ammonia rich wastewaters into the natural waters encourage eutrophication, and contribute to aquatic toxicity. Anaerobic ammonium oxidation process (ANAMMOX) is a novel biological nitrogen removal alternative to nitrification-denitrification, that removes ammonia using nitrite as the electron acceptor. The feasibility of enriching the ANAMMOX bacteria from the anaerobic digester sludge of a biomethanation plant treating vegetable waste and aerobic sludge from an activated sludge process treating domestic sewage is reported in this paper. ANAMMOX bacterial activity was monitored and established in terms of nitrogen transformations to ammonia, nitrite and nitrate along with formation of hydrazine and hydroxylamine.  相似文献   

Proteolytic anaerobic bacteria from lake sediments of Antarctica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Amongst twenty five proteolytic bacteria isolated from lake sediment samples of Antarctica, six isolates were selected based on SDS PAGE protein profile and zone of hydrolysis on casein agar at 10 degrees C. Most of the cultures were rod shaped and motile with two showing terminal bulging spores. Isolates grew between 5 degrees C to 37 degrees C and protease was induced in the late log, stationary or death phase. Isolate SPA-3 grew maximally at 10 degrees C and SPA-6 at 37 degrees C while others preferred 20 degrees C-30 degrees C for growth. The growth and protease production on casein, skimmed milk, bovine serum albumin and gelatin varied with the isolates. Acetate was the dominant volatile fatty acid (24-66% of total VFA) produced during hydrolysis of protein substrate.  相似文献   

Abstract The 16S rRNA gene (rDNA) sequence analysis of four halophilic anaerobes: Halobacteroides halobius, H. lacunaris, Haloanaerobacter (Hb.) chitinovorans and H. acetoethylicus confirmed that they were all members of the family Haloanaerobiaceae. H. lacunaris and H. halobius were found to be more closely related to each other and were distantly related to Sporohalobacter lortetti and the members of the genera Haloanaerobium and Halothermothrix . These data are in agreement with their assignment to the genus Halobacteroides . Further analysis indicated that Hb. chitinovorans was closely affiliated to members of the genus Halobacteroides , and therefore we propose to transfer it to the genus Halobacteroides as H. chitinovorans comb. nov. This transfer would invalidate the genus Haloanaerobacter , as Hb. chitinovorans is the only member of this genus. The 16S rDNA sequence analysis of H. acetoethylicum indicated that it was very closely related to members of the genus Haloanaerobium , viz. Haloanaerobium (Ha.) praevalens, Ha. salsugo , and Ha. alcaliphilum , and hence we propose to transfer it to the genus Haloanaerobium as Ha. acetoethylicus comb. nov.  相似文献   

Enrichment cultures that anaerobically degraded oxalate were obtained from lake sediment inocula. From these, 5 pure cultures of anaerobic oxalate-degrading bacteria were isolated and partially characterized. The isolates were Gram-negative, non-sporeforming, non-motile, obligate anaerobes. Oxalate was required for growth and was stoichiometrically converted to formate; 14CO2 was also recovered when 14C-oxalate was added. Maximal growth occurred when the oxalate concentration was 50 mM. Acetate stimulated growth in the presence of oxalate, however, 14C-experiments indicated that acetate was only utilized for cell carbon.The isolates were either spiral-shaped or rod-shaped organisms. The first morphotype grew much more slowly than the second and exhibited 13-fold lower cell yields. These isolates represent a new strain of oxalate-degrading bacteria. The second morphotype was similar to the anaerobic oxalate-degrading bacteria previously found in rumen. This report extends the known habitats in which anaerobic oxalate-degrading organisms have been found to include aquatic sediments.  相似文献   

Abstract Four strictly anaerobic, chemoorganotrophic halophiles were isolated from the hypersaline surface sediments of the evaporating closed lagoon at the rim of Salton Sea, California, and of Big Soda Lake, Nevada, whose condition was not strictly anaerobic. All of the isolates were Gram-negative, motile, non-spore-forming, moderately halophilic eubacteria and required a minimum concentration of 3–10% NaCl in the growth medium. Among the four isolates, strain SS-21 could grow at more than 30% NaCl concentration, and strain M-20 was an alkalophine. Isolation of these bacteria suggests that a variety of anaerobic halophiles is widely distributed in hypersaline environments.  相似文献   

Investigating unidentified weak-acting lectins is important for understanding glycan-related phenomena. We have developed an improved screening method for weak-acting lectins using glycan-conjugated magnetic beads (or glycobeads) involving a partial washing method and named it the mild enrichment procedure. Weak-acting lectins exist in equilibrium between bound lectin and free lectin produced by dissociation, whereas most tight-binding lectin exists in a bound state. The conventional washing step, in which the solution phase is replaced, may remove dissociated lectin from around the glycobeads; therefore, we attempted to leave a buffer space around the glycobeads to maintain the association–dissociation equilibrium of weak-acting lectins. Our results revealed that our mild enrichment procedure for screening for weak interactions, such as maltose–concanavalin A (Ka ∼ 104 M−1) and lactose–peanut agglutinin (Ka ∼ 103 M−1) interactions, was more effective than conventional batch methods.  相似文献   

Recently discovered microorganisms affiliated to the bacterial phylum NC10, named "Candidatus Methylomirabilis oxyfera", perform nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation. These microorganisms could be important players in a novel way of anaerobic wastewater treatment where ammonium and residual dissolved methane might be removed at the expense of nitrate or nitrite. To find suitable inocula for reactor startup, ten selected wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) located in The Netherlands were screened for the endogenous presence of M. oxyfera using molecular diagnostic methods. We could identify NC10 bacteria with 98% similarity to M. oxyfera in nine out of ten WWTPs tested. Sludge from one selected WWTP was used to start a new enrichment culture of NC10 bacteria. This enrichment was monitored using specific pmoA primers and M. oxyfera cells were visualized with fluorescence oligonucleotide probes. After 112 days, the enrichment consumed up to 0.4 mM NO(2)(-) per day. The results of this study show that appropriate sources of biomass, enrichment strategies, and diagnostic tools existed to start and monitor pilot scale tests for the implementation of nitrite-dependent methane oxidation in wastewater treatment at ambient temperature.  相似文献   

Prokaryotes in the superficial sediments are ecologically important microorganisms that are responsible for the decomposition, mineralization and subsequent recycling of organic matter. The aim of this study was to explore the phylogenetic and functional diversity of halophilic archaea and bacteria isolated from the superficial sediments of solar salterns at Sfax, Tunisia. Sixty four strains were isolated from crystallizer (TS18) and non-crystallizer (M1) ponds and submitted to genotypic characterization and evaluation by amplified ribosomal RNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) techniques. Our findings revealed that the archaeal diversity observed for 29 isolates generated five distinct patterns from the non-crystallizer M1 pond, with Halorubrum chaoviator as the most prevalent cultivable species. However, in the TS18 crystallizer pond, ten restriction patterns were observed, with the prevalence of haloarchaea EB27K, a not yet identified genotype. The construction of a neighbour-joining tree of 16S rRNA gene sequences resulted in the division of the potential new species into two major groups, with four strains closely related to the sequence of the unculturable haloarchaeon EB27K and one strain to the recently described Halovenus aranensis strain. The 35 bacterial strains observed in this work were present only in the non-crystallizer pond (M1) and presented two distinct ARDRA patterns. These strains belonged to the γ-proteobacteria subdivision, with members of Salicola marasensis (83 %) being the most predominant species among the isolates. 16S rRNA gene sequencing revealed that Salicola strains displayed different degrees of homogeneity. The results from pulsed field gel electrophoresis assays showed that the Salicola isolates could be clustered in two distinct groups with different genome sizes.  相似文献   

Abstract A number of obligately anaerobic chemoorganotrophic moderately halophilic bacteria have been isolated from the bottom sediments of the Dead Sea and the Great Salt Lake, Utah: (1) Halobacteroides halobius , a long motile rod from the Dead Sea, fermenting sugars to ethanol, acetate, H2 and CO2; (2) Clostridium lortetii , a rod-shaped bacterium from the Dead Sea, producing endospores with attached gas vacuoles; (3) a spore-forming motile rod-shaped bacterium, fermenting sugars, isolated from the Dead Sea; (4) Haloanaerobium praevalens , isolated from the Great Salt Lake, fermenting carbohydrates, peptides, amino acids and pectin to acetate, propionate, butyrate, H2 and CO2.
Analysis of their 16S rRNA shows that these organisms are related to each other, but unrelated to any of the other subgroups of the eubacterial kingdom, to which they belong.
Ha. praevalens and Hb. halobius regulate their internal osmotic pressure by the accumulation of salt (Na+, K+, Cl) rather than by organic osmotic solutes.  相似文献   

Abstract The production of urea by Thiosphaera pantotropha was studied. Batch cultures were grown on acetate as energy source and with NO3 or O2 as terminal electron acceptor. Urea accumulated in the media during exponential growth in aerobic and anaerobic cultures of T. pantotropha . Urea production continued after the cells had entered the stationary growth phase. Bacterial ability to produce urea was supported by studies of cultures enriched for denitrifying, sulphate-reducing and fermenting bacteria. The results implied that urea production was common among bacteria normally considered to be important in marine sediments.  相似文献   

Strict anaerobic culture techniques were used to quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate the anaerobic heterotrophic bacteria present at the sediment-water interface of hyperutrophic Wintergreen Lake (Augusta, Mich.). Anaerobic plate counts remained constant from March through December, 1973, ranging from 2.4 X 10(6) to 5.7 X 10(6) organisms/g (dry weight) of sediment. The isolatable bacteria represented a small percentage of the total microbial community, which was shown by direct microscopic counts to be 2.0 X 10' organisms/g (dry weight) of sediment during June and July. Bacteria of the genus Clostridium dominated the isolates obtained, accounting for 71.8% of the 960 isolates examined. A single species, Clostridium bifermentens, comprised 47.7% of the total. Additional bacterial groups and the percentage in which they were isolated included: Streptococcus sp. (10.8%), unidentified curved rods (9.5%y, gram-positive nonsporing rods (5.6%), and motile gram-negative rods (1.9%). Temperature growth studies demonstrated the ability of all the isolates to grow at in situ sediment temperatures. Gas-liqid radiochromatography was used to determine the soluble metabolic end products from [U-14C]glucose and a U-14C-labeled amino acid mixture by representative sedimentary clostridial isolates and by natural sediment microbial communities. At in situ temperatures the natural sediment microflora produced soluble fermentative end products characteristic of those elaborated by the clostridial isolates tested. These results are considered strong presumptive evidence that clostridia are actively metabolizing in the sediments of Wintergreen Lake.  相似文献   

舟山群岛海域沉积物厌氧氨氧化细菌多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过构建16S rRNA基因文库和克隆测序研究了舟山海域沉积物中厌氧氨氧化细菌(AAOB)的多样性。从5个克隆文库中共获得297条16S rRNA基因序列,包含16个操作分类单元(OTUs)。离岸距离较近的3个站具有相似的群落结构,且与离岸较远的2个站具有明显差异。系统发育结果显示,Scalindua属是该海域AAOB的优势类群,95.3%的序列与Scalindua属AAOB具有较近的亲缘关系;1条序列与Kuenenia属具有较近的亲缘关系;此外还有15条序列与已知的AAOB相似性较低。相关性分析表明沉积物有机碳含量与多样性指数具有显著正相关,可能是该海域AAOB多样性变化的重要影响因子。  相似文献   

Lactic acid-producing bacteria are important in many fermentations, such as the production of biobased plastics. Insight in the competitive advantage of lactic acid bacteria over other fermentative bacteria in a mixed culture enables ecology-based process design and can aid the development of sustainable and energy-efficient bioprocesses. Here we demonstrate the enrichment of lactic acid bacteria in a controlled sequencing batch bioreactor environment using a glucose-based medium supplemented with peptides and B vitamins. A mineral medium enrichment operated in parallel was dominated by Ethanoligenens species and fermented glucose to acetate, butyrate and hydrogen. The complex medium enrichment was populated by Lactococcus, Lactobacillus and Megasphaera species and showed a product spectrum of acetate, ethanol, propionate, butyrate and valerate. An intermediate peak of lactate was observed, showing the simultaneous production and consumption of lactate, which is of concern for lactic acid production purposes. This study underlines that the competitive advantage for lactic acid-producing bacteria primarily lies in their ability to attain a high biomass specific uptake rate of glucose, which was two times higher for the complex medium enrichment when compared to the mineral medium enrichment. The competitive advantage of lactic acid production in rich media can be explained using a resource allocation theory for microbial growth processes.  相似文献   

AIMS: To survey, and identify and classify the ecological distribution of lactic acid bacteria from soil in Japan and Taiwan. METHODS AND RESULTS: Acid-producing bacteria were isolated from 68 soil samples, collected from Japan and Taiwan, in the rhizospheres of fruit trees, from the floor of a henhouse and around a horse farm. All isolates were identified by physiological and genetic tests. Thirty-two of the 54 isolates were identified as lactic acid bacteria (LAB), 16 as spore-forming lactic acid bacteria, five as Clostridium and one as Bacillus. These lactic acid bacteria represent five genera: Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, Enterococcus, Leuconostoc and Weissella. CONCLUSIONS: A high rate of isolating lactic acid bacteria was obtained from soil. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study suggests that soil may be a common source for the isolation of lactic acid bacteria.  相似文献   



Ontology-based enrichment analysis aids in the interpretation and understanding of large-scale biological data. Ontologies are hierarchies of biologically relevant groupings. Using ontology annotations, which link ontology classes to biological entities, enrichment analysis methods assess whether there is a significant over or under representation of entities for ontology classes. While many tools exist that run enrichment analysis for protein sets annotated with the Gene Ontology, there are only a few that can be used for small molecules enrichment analysis.


We describe BiNChE, an enrichment analysis tool for small molecules based on the ChEBI Ontology. BiNChE displays an interactive graph that can be exported as a high-resolution image or in network formats. The tool provides plain, weighted and fragment analysis based on either the ChEBI Role Ontology or the ChEBI Structural Ontology.


BiNChE aids in the exploration of large sets of small molecules produced within Metabolomics or other Systems Biology research contexts. The open-source tool provides easy and highly interactive web access to enrichment analysis with the ChEBI ontology tool and is additionally available as a standalone library.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-015-0486-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Abstract A comparative study has been undertaken to determine the efficiency of methods for the enrichment and isolation of autotrophic nitrifying bacteria from soils and estuarine and marine sediments. Chemostat enrichments proved to be the most efficient means of isolating autotrophic NH+4 oxidisers whereas NO2 oxidising bacteria were never successfully enriched by this method. In contrast, gel enrichment and traditional batch culture enrichments of nitrifying bacteria were comparatively time consuming procedures and the degree of enrichment obtained for NH+4 oxidising bacteria never approached that obtained with continuous culture enrichments. Gel enrichments, however, because they have continuous physicochemical gradients provide qualitative advantages in that morphologically distinct types of nitrifying bacteria can be isolated from the same gel.  相似文献   

Three dominant types of sugar-fermenting bacteria were isolated from the anaerobic, intertidal sediments of the Eems-Dollard estuary by applying techniques involving anaerobic agar shake tubes. One of the isolated types was tentatively identified as aStreptococcus species, the other two asBacteroides species. All types were versatile with respect to the utilization of sugars. The fermentation patterns of two types were dependent upon conditions of cultivation. In glucose-limited cultures ofStreptococcus strain NS.G52, the production of lactate was suppressed in favor of formate, acetate, and ethanol. In glucose-limited syntrophic cultures withMethanospirillum hungatei, Bacteroides strain NS.G42 was forced to produce acetate and hydrogen at the expense of ethanol. The fermentation pattern ofBacteroides strain NS.S42, which consisted of acetate, propionate, and succinate, was not affected by conditions of cultivation.  相似文献   

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