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L McCarter  M Hilmen  M Silverman 《Cell》1988,54(3):345-351

Proteus mirabilis is a dimorphic bacterium which exists in liquid cultures as a 1.5- to 2.0-microns motile swimmer cell possessing 6 to 10 peritrichous flagella. When swimmer cells are placed on a surface, they differentiate by a combination of events that ultimately produce a swarmer cell. Unlike the swimmer cell, the polyploid swarmer cell is 60 to 80 microns long and possesses hundreds to thousands of surface-induced flagella. These features, combined with multicellular behavior, allow the swarmer cells to move over a surface in a process called swarming. Transposon Tn5 was used to produce P. mirabilis mutants defective in wild-type swarming motility. Two general classes of mutants were found to be defective in swarming. The first class was composed of null mutants that were completely devoid of swarming motility. The majority of nonswarming mutations were the result of defects in the synthesis of flagella or in the ability to rotate the flagella. The remaining nonswarming mutants produced flagella but were defective in surface-induced elongation. Strains in the second general class of mutants, which made up more than 65% of all defects in swarming were motile but were defective in the control and coordination of multicellular swarming. Analysis of consolidation zones produced by such crippled mutants suggested that this pleiotropic phenotype was caused by a defect in the regulation of multicellular behavior. A possible mechanism controlling the cyclic process of differentiation and dediferentiation involved in the swarming behavior of P. mirabilis is discussed.  相似文献   

Although swarmer morphotypes of Proteus mirabilis have long been considered to result from surfaced-induced differentiation, the present findings show that, in broth medium containing urea, acidic conditions transform some swimmer cells into elongated swarmer cells. This study has also demonstrates that P. mirabilis cells grown in acidic broth medium containing urea enhance virulence factors such as flagella production and cytotoxicity to human bladder carcinoma cell line T24, though no significant difference in urease activity under different pH conditions was found. Since there is little published data on the behavior of P. mirabilis at various hydrogen-ion concentrations, the present study may clarify aspects of cellular differentiation of P. mirabilis in patients at risk of struvite formation due to infection with urease-producing bacteria, as well as in some animals with acidic or alkaline urine.  相似文献   

Proteus mirabilis PM23, unlike other motile strains of the species, differentiates in rich fluid media to form nonseptate filaments resembling the swarmer cells formed on solid media. The swarming activity of PM23 is greater than that of the other strains on solid media and it grows faster than another strain, IM47, in differentiation-supporting broth. This faster growth is not exhibited in broth that does not support differentiation. The differentiation of PM23 in brain-heart infusion broth occurs over a wide range of pH and temperature. Inhibitors of swarming on agar plates (p-nitrophenylglycerol and boric acid) and three chelating agents (EDTA, sodium cyanide, and sodium diethyldithiocarbamate) stop differentiation both on plates and in brain-heart infusion broth; however, EGTA is not effective even at 10 mM (10 times the minimum inhibitory concentration of EDTA). The inhibitory mechanisms of p-nitrophenylglycerol and boric acid are different from that of the chelating agents. The timing of EDTA inhibition suggests generation of a "signal" to differentiate after about 2 h growth. Prevention of differentiation by addition of Fe2+ and Zn2+ up to near the time that differentiation should appear suggests that these cations have a crucial involvement in the process of initiation. However, they are not effective as additives in allowing differentiation to occur in defined media or even nutrient broth; the further addition of nucleotides or cAMP was equally ineffective.  相似文献   

Urease activity was measured using whole cells of both long (swarming) and short (nonswarming) populations of Proteus mirabilis from casein hydrolysate agar (CHA) and broth (CHB) cultures, and from brain heart infusion broth (BHIB) cultures. Urease is a constitutive enzyme for both long and short cells, but its activity was tremendously increased when urea was incorporated into the media. Urease production was also affected by culture age and media used. Before exponential phase, urease activity was very low, and it increased to its highest point after about 4 h in BHIB and 8 h in both CHA and CHB cultures at 37 degrees C. Long cells had higher urease activity than did short cells when grown on CHA, and was also expressed by two different strains cultured in BHIB. Strain PM23, in BHIB, was able to form long cells (swarming cells) to a maximum proportion after about 4 h, but strain IM47 could not differentiate in any of the liquid media. The former had more urease when swarming differentiation was initiated. PM23 grew relatively faster than IM47 when the former began to differentiate, but this fast growth could not be observed when nutrient broth or minimal medium was used. These observations suggest that long or swarming cells are "faster growing" rather than "nongrowing bacteria".  相似文献   

Swarmer cell differentiation is a complex process involving the activity of many gene products. In this report, we characterized the genetic locus of Tn5 insertion in each of 12 mutants defective in swarmer cell elongation. The mutations fell into four categories affecting either flagellar biosynthesis or energetics, lipopolysaccharide and cell wall biosynthesis, cellular division, or proteolysis of peptides.  相似文献   

Almost all members of the genus Salmonella differentiate and migrate on semisolid surfaces in a coordinated population behavior known as swarming. Important virulence determinants are coupled to swarmer differentiation in several other pathogenic organisms, collectively suggesting that conditions that trigger swarming in the laboratory may fortuitously promote the cells to enter a robust physiological state relevant to the host environment. Here, we present evidence that expression of two independent cell-cell signaling systems are also coupled to swarmer differentiation in S. enterica serovar Typhimurium. Expression of both pfs and sdiA genes was up-regulated in the actively migrating swarmers compared to their vegetative counterparts propagated in broth or spread plated on the surface of swim, swarm, and solid media. Accordingly, swarmers produced elevated levels of a universally recognized signaling molecule, autoinducer-2, and exhibited increased sensitivity to N-acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs), signaling molecules that Salmonella does not produce. Expression of the rck operon was concomitantly up-regulated in the swarmers in an SdiA-dependent manner only in the presence of exogenous AHLs. In addition to the previously reported adaptive antibiotic resistance phenotype and global shift in metabolism, this work presents another component of the physiological changes that are specifically associated with swarmer differentiation in serovar Typhimurium and not simply due to growth on a surface.  相似文献   

Trypticase soy agar supplemented with sucrose, sodium chloride, bile salts, and triphenyltetrazolium chloride is an improved plating medium for the isolation of Vibrio parahaemolyticus from samples of seawater, permitting better differentiation of this organism from Vibrio alginolyticus and other bacteria.  相似文献   

Living cells contain a very large amount of membrane surface area, which potentially influences the direction, the kinetics, and the localization of biochemical reactions. This paper quantitatively evaluates the possibility that a lipid monolayer can adsorb actin from a nonpolymerizing solution, induce its polymerization, and form a 2D network of individual actin filaments, in conditions that forbid bulk polymerization. G- and F-actin solutions were studied beneath saturated Langmuir monolayers containing phosphatidylcholine (PC, neutral) and stearylamine (SA, a positively charged surfactant) at PC:SA = 3:1 molar ratio. Ellipsometry, tensiometry, shear elastic measurements, electron microscopy, and dark-field light microscopy were used to characterize the adsorption kinetics and the interfacial polymerization of actin. In all cases studied, actin follows a monoexponential reaction-limited adsorption with similar time constants (approximately 10(3) s). At a longer time scale the shear elasticity of the monomeric actin adsorbate increases only in the presence of lipids, to a 2D shear elastic modulus of mu approximately 30 mN/m, indicating the formation of a structure coupled to the monolayer. Electron microscopy shows the formation of a 2D network of actin filaments at the PC:SA surface, and several arguments strongly suggest that this network is indeed causing the observed elasticity. Adsorption of F-actin to PC:SA leads more quickly to a slightly more rigid interface with a modulus of mu approximately 50 mN/m.  相似文献   

Bacterial FtsZ assembles and constricts after chromosomal segregation in the course of cell division. Here we examined the localization of FtsZ in multinucleated swarmer cells of Proteus mirabilis by immunostaining. FtsZ was found to localize to the point of karyomitosis in swarmer cells of P. mirabilis, which is equivalent to filamentous mutants of Escherichia coli defective in the ftsI or ftsQ genes that are involved in later steps of cell division. Thus our findings suggest that the appearance of swarmer cells results from cellular functions immediately after FtsZ assembly.  相似文献   

Vibrio parahaemolyticus exists as swimmer and swarmer cells, specialized for growth in liquid and on solid environments respectively. Swarmer cells are characteristically highly elongated due to an inhibition of cell division, but still need to divide in order to proliferate and expand the colony. It is unknown how long swarmer cells divide without diminishing the population of long cells required for swarming behavior. Here we show that swarmer cells divide but the placement of the division site is cell length‐dependent; short swarmers divide at mid‐cell, while long swarmers switch to a specific non‐mid‐cell placement of the division site. Transition to non‐mid‐cell positioning of the Z‐ring is promoted by a cell length‐dependent switch in the localization‐dynamics of the division regulator MinD from a pole‐to‐pole oscillation in short swarmers to a multi‐node standing‐wave oscillation in long swarmers. Regulation of FtsZ levels restricts the number of divisions to one and SlmA ensures sufficient free FtsZ to sustain Z‐ring formation by preventing sequestration of FtsZ into division deficient clusters. By limiting the number of division‐events to one per cell at a specific non‐mid‐cell position, V. parahaemolyticus promotes the preservation of long swarmer cells and permits swarmer cell division without the need for dedifferentiation.  相似文献   

Long, swarming cells of Proteus mirabilis had different proportions of some lipopolysaccharide components when compared to short cells, either agar grown or broth grown. Fluorescence spectrophotometry of antibody binding, and sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that the change was in the proportion of lipopolysaccharide with long O-antigenic sidechains, swarmer lipopolysaccharide relative to short sidechain lipopolysaccharide than the non-swarming cells. The proteins and phospholipids of the envelop remained the same during swarmer development. The results are discussed in relation to the increase in flagella synthesis and permeability to some antibacterial agents during swarmer development.  相似文献   

The swarmer cycle of Hyphomicrobium neptunium consists of a temporal sequence of discrete developmental events. To time morphogenesis and to investigate modulations in macromolecular synthesis, we attempted methods for synchronous culture. During synchrony, swarmer maturation occurred over 32%, hyphal growth occurred over 36%, and bud maturation occurred over 32% of the time required to complete the swarmer cycle. Daughter cells were released after 265 min. Deoxyribonucleic acid replication was discontinuous, having a G1 period of approximately 180 min. In addition, ribonucleic acid and protein syntheses were depressed during the earlier phases of development.  相似文献   

Abstract Protein synthesis in Rhodomicrobium vannielii swarmer cells, incubated anaerobically in the dark, is dependent upon a rifampicin-sensitive step, indicating a dependence upon de novo RNA synthesis. In addition, toluene treatment has shown that the motile, non-differentiating swarmer cells have the capacity to initiate and sustain RNA synthesis. The major form of the DNA-dependent RNA polymerase responsible for this RNA synthesis has been identified.  相似文献   

First generation synchrony of isolated Hyphomicrobium swarmer populations   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
A method is described for obtaining synchronously growing swarmer cell populations of Hyphomicrobium sp. strain B-522. This was accomplished by isolating young swarmers from random cultures by centrifugation and filtration. Cell multiplication occurred during 38% of the growth cycle in populations synchronized in this manner. Observations were made of the changes in cellular morphology which occurred during the growth cycle. Of the 14.25 h required for the doubling in cell numbers, an average of 5 h passed before the swarmer cells began to develop their hyphae. This time varied over a range of 10 h. The time interval between the beginning of hyphal development and the beginning of bud formation was 3.5 to 4.5 h. The maturation of the first buds and their separation from the mother cells were completed in 5.5 h. The duration of these steps is compared to those measured previously in agar slide cultures.  相似文献   

3H-diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP) was used to specifically label serine hydrolases in differentiating Rhodomicrobium vannielii swarmer cells. Fluorography of SDS-polyacrylamide gels revealed several changes in the pattern of 3H-DFP-labelled polypeptides, including the appearance of a new species and apparent increases in the amounts of others. Most of these changes occurred late in differentiation and may be associated with cell division events.Abbreviations DFP diisopropylfluorophosphate - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate  相似文献   

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