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The method proposed for measuring glutathione peroxydase (GSH-Px) activity is based on the determination of oxidized glutathione (GSSG) using o-phtalaldehyde (OPT) as a fluorescent reagent. This method makes it possible to study the kinetics of both substrates (peroxide and reduced glutathione, GSH), and allosteric kinetics were found for GSH, with human platelets as the source of GSH-Px. Different methods for platelet disruption were compared. The reference values obtained for GSH-Px activity in human blood platelets by this fluorimetric procedure and the conventional enzymatic method were very similar and significantly higher than those previously reported; the reasons for this difference are discussed.  相似文献   

Discharge of lysosomal enzymes, measured by release of β-glucuronidase, was studied in uninduced rat macrophages stimulated in vitro with rat monoclonal IgE (IR 162) in different states of aggregation. Monomeric IgE showed negligible activity, while dimeric and aggregated IgE were shown to induce a rapid and selective release of β-glucuronidase as well as new synthesis of the enzyme, without change in the cytoplasmic marker, leucine aminopeptidase. Lysosomal enzyme release is related to the dose of dimeric IgE, becoming maximal above 2.5 μg/ml. β-Glucuronidase release from macrophages by dimers is competitively inhibited by monomeric IgE but only at high ratios, approximately 100-fold greater than those needed to block mast cell release of the same enzyme. The difference in inhibitability is consistent with the difference in binding affinity of macrophages and mast cells for monomeric IgE. This observation rules out the participation of the few remaining mast cells contained in the macrophage monolayer in β-glucuronidase release. Dimeric or aggregated IgE produced a rise in cyclic GMP coincident with the peak fixation of IgE by macrophages. Elevation of cyclic GMP by pharmacological means also stimulated β-glucuronidase release and new synthesis, as well as enhancing the effect on these of aggregated IgE. Enzyme release by IgE did not occur in the absence of extracellular calcium. We conclude that IgE, which has been cross-linked to form dimers before binding to specific macrophage receptors, triggers the cell and that cyclic GMP (and perhaps calcium) modulates the early step of macrophage activation.  相似文献   

Chromatin distribution was visualized in living cells with the selective DNA fluorochrome Hoechst 33342. This dye was shown to be non-toxic on the rat kangaroo PTO cell line by measuring the labelled cell growth rate. The aim of this work was firstly to visualize chromatin distribution without fixation or dehydration and secondly to demonstrate that quantitative determination of DNA content was possible under these non-toxic labelling conditions. During interphase, condensed, decondensed and thin network chromatin configurations were visualized. In nucleolar regions the fluorochrome revealed well-defined chromocentres. During mitosis, fluorescent chromosome banding was observed in vital conditions and chromocentres on fixed chromosomes. Chromatin segregation was visualized after micronucleation, which induced chromosomal set distribution in individual micronuclei. By this means, we demonstrated that the chromocentres observed in interphase nuclei were part of nuclear organizer region (NOR)-bearing chromosomes. This vital staining of chromatin was shown to be compatible with the quantitative determination of DNA content, both in living PTO cells and in isolated nuclei.  相似文献   

The spatial arrangement of tight junctions in choroid plexus and ciliary body rabbit epithelia has been determined by studying freeze-fracture complementary replicas. In the choroid plexus epithelium, the interruptions of the junctional P-face fibrils were measured to be 14% of their total length. In the ciliary body epithelium, where the fibrils were found to be more fragmented than in the choroid plexus, the P-face fibril interruptions accounted for 12 % of the total length of the zonulae occludentes sealing the non-pigmented cells and 30% in the focal linear tight junctions connecting the non-pigmented and pigmented cells at their apices. In both epithelia, the interruptions of the ridges are precisely complemented by particles or short bars of similar length found in the E-face furrows. Consequently, it is possible to conclude that the junctional fibrils are continuous in these two epithelia. For the zonulae occludentes, this continuity appears to be inconsistent with the ‘leaky’ properties of these epithelia shown by some physiological investigations.  相似文献   

The magnesium chelate of the N(3)H tautomer of orotate, L3Mg, is the true substrate in the biosynthesis of orotidine 5′-monophosphate (OMP) catalyzed by yeast orotate phosphoribosyltransferase (OPRTase, E.C. 2.4.210) with a Michaelis constant KmL3Mg equal to 12(2) μM. It is postulated that Mg++ cations activate the transport of orotate to the active site by neutralizing the orotate charges; the ligand N(3)H is then exchanged between the incoming cation and the cation bound to the enzyme, thus ensuring the stabilization of the appropriate isomeric structure of orotate. This scheme, together with kinetic and thermodynamic data on orotate complexation by Mg++ and Ca++, accounts for the role of Ca++ cations that neither activate nor inhibit OMP synthesis.Cu++ and Ni++ inhibiting properties arise from the formation of inert complexes of orotate. Ni++ complexes have a poor affinity for the protein, whereas Cu++ complexes have a Michaelis constant similar to that of the L3Mg active species. The inertness of these complexes is tentatively understood in terms of low phosphoribosyl transfer rates as postulated from the kinetic study of the protonation of the complexes in water.  相似文献   

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