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Central mitotic spindles in Diatoma vulgare have been investigated using serial sections and electron microscopy. Spindles at both early stages (before metaphase) and later stages of mitosis (metaphase to telophase) have been analyzed. We have used computer graphics technology to facilitate the analysis and to produce stereo images of the central spindle reconstructed in three dimensions. We find that at prometaphase, when the nuclear envelope is dissassembling, the spindle is constructed from two sets of polar microtubules (MTs) that interdigitate to form a zone of overlap. As the chromosomes become organized into the metaphase configuration, the polar MTs, the spindle, and the zone of overlap all elongate, while the number of MTs in the central spindle decreases from greater than 700 to approximately 250. Most of the tubules lost are short ones that reside near the spindle poles. The previously described decrease in the length of the zone of overlap during anaphase central spindle elongation is clearly demonstrated in stereo images. In addition, we have used our three- dimensional data to determine the lengths of the spindle MTs at various times during mitotis. The distribution of lengths is bimodal during prometaphase, but the short tubules disappear and the long tubules elongate as mitosis proceeds. The distributions of MT lengths are compared to the length distributions of MTs polymerized in vitro, and a model is presented to account for our findings about both MT length changes and microtubule movements.  相似文献   

On the mechanism of anaphase spindle elongation in Diatoma vulgare   总被引:19,自引:19,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Central spindles from five dividing cells (one metaphase, three anaphase, and one telophase) of Diatoma vulgare were reconstructed from serial sections. Each spindle is made up of two half-spindles that are composed almost entirely of polar microtubules. A small percentage of continuous microtubules and free microtubules were present in every stage except telophase. The half-spindles interdigitate at the midregion of the central spindle, forming a zone of overlap where the microtubules from one pole intermingle with those of the other. At metaphase the overlap zone is fairly extensive, but as elongation proceeds, the spindle poles move apart and the length of the overlap decreases because fewer microtubules are sufficiently long to reach from the pole to the zone of interdigitation. At telophase, only a few tubules are long enough to overlap at the midregion. Concurrent with the decrease in the length of the overlap zone is an increase in the staining density of the intermicrotubule matrix at the same region. These changes in morphology can most easily be explained by assuming zone mechanochemical interaction between microtubules in the overlap zone which results in a sliding apart of the two half-spindles.  相似文献   

Microtubules are polar structures that grow preferentially at one end. Measurement of their rate of directional growth can be used as a polarity indicator to determine their orientation with respect to a nucleation site. The results are interpreted to signify that the microtubules originating from the centrosomes and chromosomes of the mitotic spindle are antiparallel to each other.  相似文献   

In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, interphase microtubules (MTs) position the nucleus [1, 2], which in turn positions the cell-division plane [1, 3]. It is unclear how the spindle orients, with respect to the predetermined division plane, to ensure that the chromosomes are segregated across this plane. It has been proposed that, during prometaphase, the astral MT interaction with the cell cortex aligns the spindle with the cell axis [4] and also participates in a spindle orientation checkpoint (SOC), which delays entry into anaphase as long as the spindle is misaligned [5-7]. Here, we trace the position of the spindle throughout mitosis in a single-cell assay. We find no evidence for the SOC. We show that the spindle is remarkably well aligned with the cell longitudinal axis at the onset of mitosis, by growing along the axis of the adjacent interphase MT. Misalignment of nascent spindles can give rise to anucleate cells when spindle elongation is impaired. We propose a new role for interphase microtubules: through interaction with the spindle pole body, interphase microtubules determine the initial alignment of the spindle in the subsequent cell division.  相似文献   

Ciliary doublet microtubules produced by sliding disintegration in 20 muM MgATP2-reassociate in the presence of exogenous 30S dynein and 6 mM MgSO4. The doublets form overlapping arrays, held together by dynein cross-bridges. Dynein arms on both A and B subfibers serve as unambiguous markers of microtubule polarity within the arrays. Doublets reassociate via dynein cross-bridges in both parallel and antiparallel modes, although parallel interactions are favored 2:1. When 20 muM ATP is added to the arrays, the doublets undergo both vanadate-sensitive and insensitive forms of secondary disintegration to reproduce the original population of doublets. The results demonstrate that both parallel and antiparallel doublet cross-bridging is sensitive to dissociation by ATP even though normal ciliary motion depends strictly on dynein interactions between parallel microtubules.  相似文献   

G Zieve  F Solomon 《Cell》1982,28(2):233-242
The molecular species that determine the unique structure and functions of the microtubules in the mitotic spindle are not known. We describe the results of two new approaches to the molecular structure of the spindle. Both approaches rely on detergent-extracted preparations of synchronized populations of cells metabolically labeled with 35S-methionine or 32P-phosphate. In these preparations, the original cellular microtubules are preserved. The microtubule components can be released from the detergent-extracted preparations by selective depolymerization with calcium ions. Alternatively, the microtubules can be stabilized by taxol, freed of chromatin by digestion with DNAase and freed of the surrounding cage of intermediate filaments by further extraction at low ionic strength. Gel electrophoresis of each of these preparations of mitotic microtubules demonstrates that they contain microtubule-associated proteins that we have previously shown to be present in interphase microtubules. They also contain a protein of 150,000 daltons, which is the first mitosis-specific microtubule-associated protein identified in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Here we show that suppression of synthesis of the microtubule motor CENP-E (centromere-associated protein E), a component of the kinetochore corona fibres of mammalian centromeres, yields chromosomes that are chronically mono-orientated, with spindles that are flattened along the plane of the substrate. Despite apparently normal microtubule numbers and the continued presence at kinetochores of other microtubule motors, spindle poles fragment in the absence of CENP-E, which implicates this protein in delivery of components from kinetochores to poles. CENP-E represents a link between attachment of spindle microtubules and the mitotic checkpoint signalling cascade, as depletion of this motor leads to profound checkpoint activation, whereas immunoprecipitation reveals a nearly stoichiometric association of CENP-E with the checkpoint kinase BubR1 during mitosis.  相似文献   

We have previously observed the apparent displacement of microfilaments over microtubules in the backbone structure of permeabilized flagellates of Physarum polycephalum upon addition of ATP (Uyeda, T. Q. P., and M. Furuya. 1987. Protoplasma. 140:190-192). We now report that disrupting the microtubular cytoskeleton by treatment with 0.2 mM Ca2+ for 3-30 s inhibits the movement of the microfilaments induced by subsequent treatment with 1 mM Mg-ATP and 10 mM EGTA. Stabilization of microtubules by pretreatment with 50 microM taxol retarded both the disintegrative effect of Ca2+ on the microtubules and the inhibitory effect of Ca2+ on the subsequent, ATP-induced movement of the microfilaments. These results suggest that the movement of the microfilaments depends on the integrity of the microtubular cytoskeleton. EM observation showed that the backbone structure in control permeabilized flagellates consists of two arrays of microtubules closely aligned with bundles of microfilaments of uniform polarity. The microtubular arrays after ATP treatment were no longer associated with microfilaments, yet their alignment was not affected by the ATP treatment. These results imply that the ATP treatment induces reciprocal sliding between the microfilaments and the microtubules, rather than between the microfilaments themselves or between the microtubules themselves. While sliding was best stimulated by ATP, the movement was partially induced by GTP or ATP gamma S, but not by ADP or adenylyl-imidodiphosphate (AMP-PNP). AMP-PNP added in excess to ATP, 50 microM vanadate, or 2 mM erythro-9-[3-(2-hydroxynonyl)]adenine (EHNA) inhibited the sliding. Thus, the pharmacological characteristics of this motility were partly similar to, although not the same as, those of the known microtubule-dependent motilities.  相似文献   

LGN is closely related to a Drosophila protein, Partner of inscuteable (Pins), which is required for polarity establishment and asymmetric cell divisions during embryonic development. In mammalian cells, LGN binds with high affinity to the C-terminal tail of NuMA, a large nuclear protein that is required for spindle organization, and accumulates at the spindle poles during mitosis. LGN also regulates spindle organization, possibly through inhibition of NuMA function, but the mechanism of this effect has not yet been understood. Using mammalian cells, frog egg extracts, and in vitro assays, we now show that a small domain within the C terminus of NuMA stabilizes microtubules (MTs), and that LGN blocks stabilization. The nuclear localization signal adjacent to this domain is not involved in stabilization. NuMA can interact directly with MTs, and the MT binding domain on NuMA overlaps by ten amino acid residues with the LGN binding domain. We therefore propose that a simple steric exclusion model can explain the inhibitory effect of LGN on NuMA-dependent mitotic spindle organization.  相似文献   

Pin2/TRF1 was independently identified as a telomeric DNA binding protein (TRF1) [1] and as a protein (Pin2) that can bind the mitotic kinase NIMA and suppress its ability to induce mitotic catastrophe [2, 3]. Pin2/TRF1 has been shown to bind telomeric DNA as a dimer [3-7] and to negatively regulate telomere length [8-11]. Interestingly, Pin2/TRF1 levels are regulated during the cell cycle, being increased in late G2 and mitosis and degraded as cells exit from mitosis [3]. Furthermore, overexpression of Pin2/TRF1 induces mitotic entry and then apoptosis [12]. This Pin2/TRF1 activity can be significantly potentiated by the microtubule-disrupting agent nocodazole [12] but is suppressed by phosphorylation of Pin2/TRF1 by ATM; this negative regulation is important for preventing apoptosis upon DNA damage [13]. These results suggest a role for Pin2/TRF1 in mitosis. However, nothing is known about how Pin2/TRF1 is involved in mitotic progression. Here, we describe a surprising physical interaction between Pin2/TRF1 and microtubules in a cell cycle-specific manner. Both expressed and endogenous Pin2/TRF1 proteins were localized to the mitotic spindle during mitosis. Furthermore, Pin2/TRF1 directly bound microtubules via its C-terminal domain. Moreover, Pin2/TRF1 also promoted microtubule polymerization in vitro. These results demonstrate for the first time a specific interaction between Pin2/TRF1 and microtubules in a mitosis-specific manner, and they suggest a new role for Pin2/TRF1 in modulating the function of microtubules during mitosis.  相似文献   

The assembly of a functional mitotic spindle is crucial for achieving successful mitosis. Aurora A kinase is one of the key regulators of mitotic events, including mitotic entry, centrosome maturation and spindle bipolarity. Caenorhabditis elegans Aurora A (AIR-1) is responsible for the assembly of γ-tubulin-independent microtubules in early embryos; however, the mechanism by which AIR-1 contributes to microtubule assembly during mitosis has been unclear. Here we show by live-cell imaging and RNA-mediated interference (RNAi)-based modulation of gene activity that AIR-1 has a crucial role in the assembly of chromatin-stimulated microtubules that is independent of the γ-tubulin complex. Surprisingly, the kinase activity of AIR-1 is dispensable for this process. Although the kinase-inactive form of AIR-1 was detected along the microtubules as well as on centrosomes, the kinase-active form of AIR-1 was restricted to centrosomes. Thus, we propose that AIR-1 has a kinase-dependent role at centrosomes and a kinase-independent role for stabilizing spindle microtubules and that coordination of these two roles is crucial for the assembly of mitotic spindles.  相似文献   

Mitotic spindles constitute the machinery responsible for equidistribution of the genetic material into each daughter cell during cell division. They are transient and hence quite labile structures, changing their morphology even while performing their function. Biochemical, immunological and genetic analyses of mitotic cells have allowed us to identify a variety of molecules that are recruited to form the spindle at the onset of mitosis. Evaluation of the roles of these molecules in both the formation and in the dynamics of spindle microtubules should be important for understanding the molecular basis of mitosis and its regulation. We have recently identified a novel mitosis-specific microtubule-associated protein (MAP) using a monoclonal antibody probe raised against the mitotic spindles isolated from cultured mammalian cells. This 95/105 kDa antigen represents a unique component of the spindle distinct from any of the other MAPs reported so far. Antibody microinjection resulted in mitotic inhibition in a stage-specific and dose-dependent manner, indicating that the protein is an essential spindle component.  相似文献   

The mammalian Golgi ribbon disassembles during mitosis and reforms in both daughter cells after division. Mitotic Golgi membranes concentrate around the spindle poles, suggesting that the spindle may control Golgi partitioning. To test this, cells were induced to divide asymmetrically with the entire spindle segregated into only one daughter cell. A ribbon reforms in the nucleated karyoplasts, whereas the Golgi stacks in the cytoplasts are scattered. However, the scattered Golgi stacks are polarized and transport cargo. Microinjection of Golgi extract together with tubulin or incorporation of spindle materials rescues Golgi ribbon formation. Therefore, the factors required for postmitotic Golgi ribbon assembly are transferred by the spindle, but the constituents of functional stacks are partitioned independently, suggesting that Golgi inheritance is regulated by two distinct mechanisms.  相似文献   

We have characterized an antiserum that recognizes a single 120-kD protein in CHO cells which is soluble and cytoplasmically localized in interphase, but which is associated with a novel filamentous structure localized on or near kinetochore microtubules in mid-mitosis. These filaments, one per sister chromatid, run from near the mitotic spindle pole to within approximately 0.3 microns of each kinetochore. In metaphase, the staining pattern shows considerable substructure at light microscopy resolution, appearing as bright nodes or striations, often with a kinked or helical appearance. This overall localization pattern is retained throughout anaphase, with the filaments shortening as the chromosomes move toward the mitotic spindle poles. Also in anaphase, a separate ring-like structure lacking a tubulin-staining component appears near the spindle poles. As cells exit mitosis, the amount of this antigen in the cell decreases seven- to tenfold. The unusual staining pattern and the specific localization of this antigen on or near kinetochore microtubules in mid-mitosis indicate that the 120-kD protein defines or is associated with an important and previously unrecognized structural element of the mitotic spindle.  相似文献   

Although considered a pericellular matrix component, hyaluronan was recently localized in the cytoplasm and nucleus of proliferating cells, supporting earlier reports that hyaluronan was present in locations such as the nucleus, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and caveolae. This suggests that it can play roles both inside and outside the cell. Hyaluronan metabolism is coupled to mitosis and cell motility, but it is not clear if intracellular hyaluronan associates with cytoskeletal elements or plays a structural role. Here we report the distribution of intracellular hyaluronan, microtubules, and RHAMM in arterial smooth muscle cells in vitro. The general distribution of intracellular hyaluronan more closely resembled microtubule staining rather than actin filaments. Hyaluronan was abundant in the perinuclear microtubule-rich areas and was present in lysosomes, other vesicular structures, and the nucleolus. Partially fragmented fluorescein-hyaluronan was preferentially translocated to the perinuclear area compared with high-molecular-weight hyaluronan. In the mitotic spindle, hyaluronan colocalized with tubulin and with the hyaladherin RHAMM, a cell surface receptor and microtubule-associated protein that interacts with dynein and maintains spindle pole stability. Internalized fluorescein-hyaluronan was also seen at the spindle. Following telophase, an abundance of hyaluronan near the midbody microtubules at the cleavage furrow was also noted. In permeabilized cells, fluorescein-hyaluronan bound to RHAMM-associated microtubules. These findings suggest novel functions for hyaluronan in cellular physiology.  相似文献   

W S Saunders  M A Hoyt 《Cell》1992,70(3):451-458
For S. cerevisiae cells, the assembly of a bipolar mitotic spindle requires the action of either Cin8p or Kip1p, gene products related to the mechanochemical enzyme kinesin. In this paper we demonstrate that the activity of either one of these proteins is also required following spindle assembly. When their function was eliminated, preanaphase bipolar spindles rapidly collapsed, with previously separated poles being drawn together. In contrast, anaphase spindles were apparently resistant to collapse. Deletion of kinesin-related KAR3 partially suppressed the phenotypes associated with loss of Cin8p/Kip1p function. Our findings suggest that the structure of the preanaphase bipolar spindle is maintained by counteracting forces produced by kinesin-related proteins.  相似文献   

Kinesin-14 motor proteins play a variety of roles during metaphase and anaphase. However, it is not known whether members of this family of motors also participate in the dramatic changes in mitotic spindle organization during the transition from telophase to cytokinesis. We have identified the minus-end-directed motor, KIFC3, as an important contributor to central bridge morphology at this stage. KIFC3’s unique motor-dependent localization at the central bridge allows it to congress microtubules, promoting efficient progress through cytokinesis. Conversely, when KIFC3 function is perturbed, abscission is delayed, and the central bridge is both widened and extended. Examination of KIFC3 on growing microtubules in interphase indicates that it caps microtubules released from the centrosome, both in the region of the centrosome and in the cell periphery. In line with other kinesin-14 family members, KIFC3 may guide free microtubules to their destination at the bridge and/or may slide and crosslink central bridge microtubules in order to stage the cells for abscission.  相似文献   

We have prepared antibodies specific for HSET, the human homologue of the KAR3 family of minus end-directed motors. Immuno-EM with these antibodies indicates that HSET frequently localizes between microtubules within the mammalian metaphase spindle consistent with a microtubule cross-linking function. Microinjection experiments show that HSET activity is essential for meiotic spindle organization in murine oocytes and taxol-induced aster assembly in cultured cells. However, inhibition of HSET did not affect mitotic spindle architecture or function in cultured cells, indicating that centrosomes mask the role of HSET during mitosis. We also show that (acentrosomal) microtubule asters fail to assemble in vitro without HSET activity, but simultaneous inhibition of HSET and Eg5, a plus end-directed motor, redresses the balance of forces acting on microtubules and restores aster organization. In vivo, centrosomes fail to separate and monopolar spindles assemble without Eg5 activity. Simultaneous inhibition of HSET and Eg5 restores centrosome separation and, in some cases, bipolar spindle formation. Thus, through microtubule cross-linking and oppositely oriented motor activity, HSET and Eg5 participate in spindle assembly and promote spindle bipolarity, although the activity of HSET is not essential for spindle assembly and function in cultured cells because of centrosomes.  相似文献   

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