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Summary The nif cistrons indentified by complementation analysis in the preceding paper (Dixon et al., 1977) were mapped with respect to hisD and to each other by Pl cotransduction and three-factor reciprocal crosses. The order obtained was hisD nifB nifA (nifL) nifF nifE nifK nifD nifH. Analysis of hisD2-nif cotransduction data by the Wu equation (Wu, 1966) suggested that the nif genes are divided into two clusters: a his-proximal cluster comprising nifBA(L)F and a his-distal group of nifEKDH.  相似文献   

We recently showed that RNase III can process a small stable RNA, precursor 10Sa RNA, that accumulates in an rne (RNase E) strain at non-permissive temperatures. Precursor 10Sa (p10Sa) RNA is processed to 10Sa RNA in two steps, the first step is catalyzed by RNase III in the presence of Mn2+ but not Mg2+. It was shown that RNase III cosediments with membrane preparation from wild type as well as RNase III overexpressing cells. However, the possibility of membrane preparation contamination with ribosomes could not be ruled out. Here we show that RNase III, E and P are not associated with ribosomes. E. coli cells were opened either by alumina grinding or by sonication and fractionated into cytosolic and pellet fractions. The characterization of membrane preparations was done by assaying NADH oxidase, a bona fide membrane enzyme. Ribosomes prepared by alumina grinding were found to be contaminated with small fragments of membrane which contained RNase III activity. RNase III and NADH oxidase activities were present in the ribosomal preparations which could be solubilized by reagents that dissolve the inner membrane. Isopycnic sucrose gradient centrifugation of the membrane and ribosomal preparations also confirmed that RNase III fractionated with the inner membrane. Similarly RNase P activity was found in the corresponding fractions when isopycnic centrifugation of membrane and ribosome preparations was carried out. RNase E activity was also found to be present mostly in the post-ribosomal supernatant. These findings show that RNase III, E and P are not ribosomal enzymes.  相似文献   

RNase E, an RNA processing enzyme from Escherichia coli.   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
An activity, RNase E, was purified about 100-fold from Escherichia coli cells, it can process p5 rRNA from a 9 S RNA molecule which accumulates in a mutant of E. coli defective in the maturation of 5 S rRNA. The enzyme requires Na+, K+, or NH4+, and Mg2+ or Mn2+. The molecular weight of the enzyme is about 70,000 and its pH optimum is 7.6 to 8.0. Its temperature optimum is around 30 degrees C, and it can be irreversibly inactivated at 50 degrees C. It has a very high degree of specificity but the reaction can be inhibited by nonspecific RNAs. We interpret its mode of action in producing p5 RNA as being accomplished in two steps, 9 S RNA is first processed to 7 S and 4 S, and subsequently 7 S is further processed to p5.  相似文献   

A mutant strain of Escherichia coli K12, R2721, has been shown to differ from its parent strain, S491, in four associated phenotypic characters as a result of a single mutation. This strain did not give recombinants with DNA transduced by bacteriophage PI or bacteriophage Mu, nor transformats after exposure to R factor DNA: lysates of bacteriophage PI grown on this strain did not appear to contain any transducing particles when tested on normal recipients. Moreover, the reversion rates, both spontaneous and ultraviolet-induced, for two auxotrophic markers were reduced. The frequency of revertants was at least two orders of magnitude lower in cultures of R2721 than in cultures of S491I. Many of the rare revertants for one or other of the auxotrophic markers were found to have regained normal reversion frequencies for the other marker and for the capacity to be transduced. In all other respects, recombination in R2721 appeared normal, the frequency of chromosomal mobilization by and F' factor was unaffected and normal yields of recombinants were obtained from matings with Hfr strains. The only circumstance in which transduction of R2721 was observed was when the capacity to ferment galactose was selected and PI had been grown on a strain carrying lambdadgal when, presumably, integration was effected by the phage-coded gene products. The mutation has been located on the E. coli chromosone map between tonA and pro and has been given the symbol tdi (transduction inhibition). Double mutants, (tdi recA) and (tdi recB), have been isolated and show no unexpected properties.  相似文献   

A temperature-sensitive mutant strain was isolated from an RNase III-(rnc) strain of Escherichia coli. At the permissive temperature it behaves like the parental strain, but at the nonpermissive temperature it fails to produce normal levels of 23 S and 5 S rRNA, while instead the 25 S rRNA species becomes very prominent. (The 25 S molecule appears in rnc cells and contains 23 S rRNA sequences). When an rnc+ mutation was introduced to such a strain, or when the rnc mutation was replaced by an rnc+ allele, the strain remained temperature-sensitive. At the permissive temperature such strains synthesized rRNA like any other E. coli strain, but at the nonpermissive temperature they remained unable to synthesize normal levels of 5 S rRNA, and instead a larger molecule was accumulated. The simplest interpretation of theses findings is that the mutant strain contains a temperature-sensitive processing endoribonuclease, RNase E, which normally introduces a cut in the growing rRNA chain somewhere between the 23 S and the 5 S rRNA cistrons. These findings help also to explain the nature and origin of the various rRNA species observed in RNase III- cells and add to our understanding of processing of ribosomal RNA in normal cells of Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

Cells overexpressing the RNA-processing enzymes RNase III, RNase E and RNase P were fractionated into membrane and cytoplasm. The RNA-processing enzymes were associated with the membrane fraction. The membrane was further separated to inner and outer membrane and the three RNA-processing enzymes were found in the inner membrane fraction. By assaying for these enzymatic activities we showed that even in a normal wild-type strain of Escherichia coli these enzymes fractionate primarily with the membrane. The RNA part of RNase P is found in the cytosolic fraction of cells overexpressing this RNA, while the overexpressed RNase P protein sediments with the membrane fraction; this suggests that the RNase P protein anchors the RNA catalytic moiety of the enzyme to a larger entity. The implications of these findings for the cellular organization of the RNA-processing enzymes in the cell are discussed.  相似文献   

We have isolated suppressor mutants that suppress temperature-sensitive colony formation and anucleate cell production of a mukB mutation. A linkage group (smbB) of the suppressor mutations is located in the rne/ams/hmp gene encoding the processing endoribonuclease RNase E. All of the rne (smbB) mutants code for truncated RNase E polypeptides lacking a carboxyl-terminal half. The amount of MukB protein was higher in these rne mutants than that in the rne+ strain. These rne mutants grew nearly normally in the mukB+ genetic background. The copy number of plasmid pBR322 in these rne mutants was lower than that in the rne+ isogenic strain. The results suggest that these rne mutations increase the half-lives of mukB mRNA and RNAI of pBR322, the antisense RNA regulating ColE1-type plasmid replication. We have demonstrated that the wild-type RNase E protein bound to polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase) but a truncated RNase E polypeptide lacking the C-terminal half did not. We conclude that the C-terminal half of RNase E is not essential for viability but plays an important role for binding with PNPase. RNase E and PNPase of the multiprotein complex presumably cooperate for effective processing and turnover of specific substrates, such as mRNAs and other RNAs in vivo.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli RNase P derivatives were evolved in vitro for DNA cleavage activity. Ribonucleoproteins sampled after ten generations of selection show a >400-fold increase in the first-order rate constant (k(cat)) on a DNA substrate, reflecting a significant improvement in the chemical cleavage step. This increase is offset by a reduction in substrate binding, as measured by K(M). We trace the catalytic enhancement to two ubiquitous A-->U sequence changes at positions 136 and 333 in the M1 RNA component, positions that are phylogenetically conserved in the Eubacteria. Furthermore, although the mutations are located in different folding domains of the catalytic RNA, the first in the substrate binding domain, the second near the catalytic core, their effect on catalytic activity is significantly influenced by the presence of the C5 protein. The activity of the evolved ribonucleoproteins on both pre-4.5 S RNA and on an RNA oligo substrate remain at wild-type levels. In contrast, improved DNA cleavage activity is accompanied by a 500-fold decrease in pre-tRNA cleavage efficiency (k(cat)/K(M)). The presence of the C5 component does not buffer this tradeoff in catalytic activities, despite the in vivo role played by the C5 protein in enhancing the substrate versatility of RNase P. The change at position 136, located in the J11/12 single-stranded region, likely alters the geometry of the pre-tRNA-binding cleft and may provide a functional explanation for the observed tradeoff. These results thus shed light both on structure/function relations in E. coli RNase P and on the crucial role of proteins in enhancing the catalytic repertoire of RNA.  相似文献   

We analyzed processing of precursor tRNAs carrying a single 2'-deoxy, 2'-OCH(3), or locked nucleic acid (LNA) modification at G+1 by Escherichia coli RNase P RNA in the absence and presence of its protein cofactor. The extra methyl or methylene group caused a substrate binding defect, which was rescued at higher divalent metal ion (M(2+)) concentrations (more efficiently with Mn(2+) than Mg(2+)), and had a minor effect on cleavage chemistry at saturating M(2+) concentrations. The 2'-OCH(3) and LNA modification at G+1 resulted in higher metal ion cooperativity for substrate binding to RNase P RNA without affecting cleavage site selection. This indicates disruption of an M(2+) binding site in enzyme-substrate complexes, which is compensated for by occupation of alternative M(2+) binding sites of lower affinity. The 2'-deoxy modification at G+1 caused at most a two-fold decrease in the cleavage rate; this mild defect relative to 2'-OCH(3) and LNA at G+1 indicates that the defect caused by the latter two is steric in nature. We propose that the 2'-hydroxyl at G+1 in the substrate is in the immediate vicinity of the M(2+) cluster at the phosphates of A67 to U69 in helix P4 of E. coli RNase P RNA.  相似文献   

The endoribonuclease RNase E of Escherichia coli is an essential enzyme that plays a major role in all aspects of RNA metabolism. In contrast, its paralog, RNase G, seems to have more limited functions. It is involved in the maturation of the 5′ terminus of 16S rRNA, the processing of a few tRNAs, and the initiation of decay of a limited number of mRNAs but is not required for cell viability and cannot substitute for RNase E under normal physiological conditions. Here we show that neither the native nor N-terminal extended form of RNase G can restore the growth defect associated with either the rne-1 or rneΔ1018 alleles even when expressed at very high protein levels. In contrast, two distinct spontaneously derived single amino acid substitutions within the predicted RNase H domain of RNase G, generating the rng-219 and rng-248 alleles, result in complementation of the growth defect associated with various RNase E mutants, suggesting that this region of the two proteins may help distinguish their in vivo biological activities. Analysis of rneΔ1018/rng-219 and rneΔ1018/rng-248 double mutants has provided interesting insights into the distinct roles of RNase E and RNase G in mRNA decay and tRNA processing.  相似文献   

T Nomura  A Ishihama 《The EMBO journal》1988,7(11):3539-3545
The leuX gene of Escherichia coli codes for a suppressor tRNA and forms a single gene operon containing its own promoter and Q-independent terminator. An analysis of the in vitro processing of leuX precursor revealed that the processing of the 5' end took place in a single-step reaction catalysed by RNase P while the 3' processing involved two successive reactions. The endonucleolytic cleavage activity of the 3' precursor sequence was found to copurify with RNase P. Heat inactivation of thermosensitive RNase P from two independent E. coli mutants abolished the cleavage activity of both the 5' and 3' ends. These results altogether suggest that RNase P carries the activity of 3' end cleavage as well as that of 5' processing. In the presence of Mg2+ alone, the leuX precursor was found to be self-cleaved at a site approximately 13 nt inside from the 5' end of mature tRNA. The self-cleaved precursor tRNA was no longer processed by the 3' endonuclease, suggesting that the 3' endonuclease recognizes a specific conformation of the precursor tRNA for action.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli cells normally require RNase E activity to propagate and form colonies. Using random Tn10 insertion mutagenesis, we screened for second-site suppressor mutations that restore colony-forming ability (CFA) to E. coli cells lacking RNase E function and found mutations in three separate chromosomal loci that had this phenotype. Restoration of CFA by mutations in two of the genes identified was observed only in nutrient-poor medium, whereas the effects of mutation of the ATP-dependent RNA helicase DeaD were medium independent. Suppression of the rne mutant phenotype by inactivation of deaD was partial, as rne deaD doubly mutant bacteria had a greatly prolonged generation time and grew as filamentous chains in liquid medium. Moreover, we found that CFA restoration by deaD inactivation requires normal expression of the endogenous rng gene in doubly mutant rne deaD cells. Second-site suppression by deaD mutation was attributable specifically to ablation of the helicase activity of DeaD and was reversed by adventitious expression of RhlE or RNase R, both of which can unwind double-stranded RNA. Our results suggest a previously unsuspected role for RNA secondary structure as a determinant of RNase E essentiality.  相似文献   

The L15 region of Escherichia coli RNase P RNA forms two Watson-Crick base pairs with precursor tRNA 3'-CCA termini (G292-C75 and G293-C74). Here, we analyzed the phenotypes associated with disruption of the G292-C75 or G293-C74 pair in vivo. Mutant RNase P RNA alleles (rnpBC292 and rnpBC293) caused severe growth defects in the E. coli rnpB mutant strain DW2 and abolished growth in the newly constructed mutant strain BW, in which chromosomal rnpB expression strictly depended on the presence of arabinose. An isosteric C293-G74 base pair, but not a C292-G75 pair, fully restored catalytic performance in vivo, as shown for processing of precursor 4.5S RNA. This demonstrates that the base identity of G292, but not G293, contributes to the catalytic process in vivo. Activity assays with mutant RNase P holoenzymes assembled in vivo or in vitro revealed that the C292/293 mutations cause a severe functional defect at low Mg2+ concentrations (2 mM), which we infer to be on the level of catalytically important Mg2+ recruitment. At 4.5 mM Mg2+, activity of mutant relative to the wild-type holoenzyme, was decreased only about twofold, but 13- to 24-fold at 2 mM Mg2+. Moreover, our findings make it unlikely that the C292/293 phenotypes include significant contributions from defects in protein binding, substrate affinity, or RNA degradation. However, native PAGE experiments revealed nonidentical RNA folding equilibria for the wild-type versus mutant RNase P RNAs, in a buffer- and preincubation-dependent manner. Thus, we cannot exclude that altered folding of the mutant RNAs may have also contributed to their in vivo defect.  相似文献   

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