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目的:比较分析全身麻醉与腰麻对剖宫产术产妇和新生儿的影响。方法:选择2018年1月~2018年12月在我院进行剖宫产术的81例产妇,随机分为两组。对照组的40例产妇在剖宫产术中采用腰麻,观察组的41例产妇在剖宫产术中采用全身麻醉。记录两组的切皮至娩出时间、手术时间和新生儿体质量;比较两组新生儿的Apgar评分、动脉血气分析检测值和神经行为评分;并比较两组产妇的平均动脉压以及心率。结果:两组的切皮至娩出时间、手术时间和新生儿体质量没有明显的差异(P0.05);两组胎儿娩出之后1 min和5 min的Apgar评分没有明显的差异(P0.05);两组新生儿出生后30 min的二氧化碳分压、pH值、氧分压、红细胞压积以及血氧饱和度没有明显的差异(P0.05);两组新生儿出生后1 d、3 d和5 d的神经行为评分没有明显的差异(P0.05);与麻醉前相比,两组产妇切皮时和取出胎儿时的平均动脉压以及心率均明显降低(P0.05),且观察组产妇切皮时和取出胎儿时的平均动脉压以及心率均明显高于对照组(P0.05)。结论:全身麻醉和腰麻都适用于剖宫产手术,全身麻醉不仅可以维持剖宫产产妇血流动力学稳定,而且对新生儿Apgar评分、动脉血气分析和神经行为评分无明显的影响,具有较高的临床价值。  相似文献   

大熊猫初乳中免疫球蛋白的种类和含量在全人工育幼技术中的重要性已越来越受到国内外专家的广泛关注。大量的研究已表明,大熊猫初生幼兽不食初乳很难成活,即便人工育幼也很易患呼吸道和消化道疾病难于治疗而最终死亡[1~4]。全人工育幼难究其原因,除大熊猫初生幼兽的自身免疫水平非常低外[5,6],主要由于大熊猫初乳尚远不能满足育幼需要,而人工初乳中特异性免疫物质还不能从根本上得到解决[4]。在人工初乳中首次加入一定剂量的免疫球蛋白,全人工育幼未食过母体初乳的大熊猫幼兽,取得了一定效果[7],间接证明了母体初乳中母源抗体的重要性,但所…  相似文献   

目的:分析剖宫产术后影响母婴早接触早吸吮的因素及干预措施,为改善产妇泌乳量,提高哺乳质量提供理论基础。方法:选取2010年2月~2012年2月我院进行剖宫产手术的92例初产妇,按照随机数字表分为对照组和干预组,对照组采用常规的护理措施,干预组在对照组的基础上实施母婴早接触早吸吮护理措施,比较两组护理后的临床疗效。结果:对照组产妇的开奶时间为(47.8±7.1)h,而干预组为(35.6±8.6)h,干预组产妇的开奶时间明显早于对照组,且干预组产妇72h泌乳量较对照组产妇充足,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:针对母婴早接触早吸吮的相关影响因素,采取相应的护理干预措施可以明显促进产妇的早期恢复和泌乳,提高产妇的泌乳量和母婴的早接触早吸吮,值得在临床上推广。  相似文献   

目的:分析剖宫产术后影响母婴早接触早吸吮的因素及干预措施,为改善产妇泌乳量,提高哺乳质量提供理论基础。方法:选取2010年2月~2012年2月我院进行剖宫产手术的92例初产妇,按照随机数字表分为对照组和干预组,对照组采用常规的护理措施,干预组在对照组的基础上实施母婴早接触早吸吮护理措施,比较两组护理后的临床疗效。结果:对照组产妇的开奶时间为(47.8±7.1)h,而干预组为(35.6±8.6)h,干预组产妇的开奶时间明显早于对照组,且干预组产妇72h泌乳量较对照组产妇充足,差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论:针对母婴早接触早吸吮的相关影响因素,采取相应的护理干预措施可以明显促进产妇的早期恢复和泌乳,提高产妇的泌乳量和母婴的早接触旱吸吮,值得在临床上推广。  相似文献   

分析了10头二花脸猪乳个主要蛋白质组分在泌乳1-20天的含量及其动态变化。结果表明,α-乳白蛋白(α-La)浓度前4天至上升趋势,1周后略有下降,然而其浓度和百分比均差异不显著。β-轧球蛋白(β-Lg)、总路蛋白(tCN)和清蛋白(SA)的浓度第一天最高,β-Lg有下降趋势,SA缓慢下降,而tCN规律性不强。β-Lg百分比差并不显著。tCN百分比随着泌乳天数逐日上升。SA的百分比在泌乳一周内变化不大,后开始下降。免疫球蛋白(Igs)、乳铁蛋白(Lf)浓度以及Igs百分比第一天显著高于其它泌乳天数,然后急剧下降,在一周后处于很低的水平,Lf百分比至下降趋势。一组高分子量蛋白质(HMWP)浓度和百分比在一周内逐渐上升。  相似文献   

目的探讨冥想训练对剖宫产术后产妇疼痛、胃肠功能恢复及泌乳的影响。方法选择剖宫产产妇86例,随机分为对照组和观察组各43例,观察组在剖宫产术常规护理的基础上实施冥想训练,对照组进行剖宫产术常规护理,比较两组产妇术后疼痛视觉模拟评分、产后胃肠功能恢复时间、初始泌乳时间及护理满意度。结果观察组产妇术后疼痛视觉模拟评分,肛门首次排气、排便时间与初始泌乳时间均低于对照组(P0.05);护理满意度明显高于对照组(P0.05)。结论冥想训练能有效减轻剖宫产术后产妇的疼痛,促进胃肠功能的早期恢复,缩短首次肛门排气、排便时间,提前恢复饮食,促进早期泌乳,提高了产妇的护理满意度,有利于产后恢复与母乳喂养。  相似文献   

为了获得印度北部赣达(Ganga)盆地河流中野生卡特拉鲃种群的年龄结构和重要生长参数,对该鱼的年龄和生长进行了研究。鳞片取自商业捕捞和实验室饲养的样品。根据研究分析,该鱼最大年龄可达8龄;巴吉拉蒂河(Bhagirathi R.)的种群平均体长为521.51 mm,退算体长为288.9 -1132.3 mm;旁遮普邦(Punjab)Satluj河种群平均体长为641.6 mm,退算体长为335.4 -1096.08 mm。2龄时,种群线性生长率(Cl)和体重增加率(Cw)表现出迅速下降的趋势。其它生长参数值(Clt)也呈现快速下降。退算体长差异(ANOVA)分析显示,生活在赣达盆地不同流域中的种群, 1^+-4^+龄组的长度差异较明显(P〈0.05) ,高龄组(5^+-8^+)差异不显著。根据本项研究结果,提出了对印度北部赣达盆地相关河流中生活的野生卡特拉鲃种群资源持续利用的对策。  相似文献   

目的探讨妊娠感染和阴道微生态失调对产妇和新生儿的影响。方法选取2019年7月至2021年7月在我院妇产科产检并行分娩的300例妊娠期妇女作为研究对象。根据是否发生妊娠感染,分为感染组(86例)和对照组(241例)。对所有孕妇行阴道分泌物镜检和生化指标检测。其中,生化指标包括pH值、过氧化氢、N−乙酰基−β−氨基半乳糖苷酶、白细胞酯酶和唾液酸苷酶。根据检测结果确定患者的感染类型。比较两组产妇的不良妊娠结局和新生儿的不良事件发生率。结果感染组患者的胎膜早破发生率(5.81%)、剖宫产率(11.63%)、产褥期感染发生率(5.81%)均高于对照组(P<0.05),且感染组的新生儿发生黄疸发生率(4.65%)、新生儿感染发生率(5.81%)也高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论妊娠感染和阴道微生物失调会导致不良妊娠结局,产妇出现胎膜早破、产褥期感染、新生儿发生黄疸和感染的风险更大。  相似文献   

目的:探讨剖宫产产妇并发医院感染的临床特征及相关影响因素,并提出相应的防控措施。方法:选取自2014年1月至2016年12月间在我院妇产科进行剖宫产手术的产妇4112例,记录产妇感染发生的情况(感染率、感染部位及病原菌分布),并统计分析产妇的基本情况,包括年龄、体质量指数(BMI)、住院时间、基础疾病等基本情况。结果:进行剖宫产的产妇合并发生医院感染的感染率为4.89%(201/4112);感染部位主要为手术切口感染、泌尿道感染、生殖道感染、盆腔感染、呼吸道感染及皮肤感染,其中手术切口感染所占比例为45.77%;医院感染病例中共培养出5种病原菌共51株,包括金黄色葡萄球菌、葛兰氏阴性杆菌、副流感嗜血菌、粪肠球菌及耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌;感染因素中年龄、BMI、住院时间、基础疾病情况、医护人员操作的熟练程度、手术时间、术中出血量、术后尿管留置时间及抗菌药物应用与剖宫产产妇并发医院感染之间具有紧密联系(P0.05),而首次剖宫产手术与剖宫产产妇并发医院感染之间无联系(P0.05)。结论:剖宫产产妇并发医院感染的发生率较高,而且多种感染因素影响其发生,因此在临床上应采取相应的防控措施,降低感染率,保证产妇和新生儿的身心健康。  相似文献   

Colostrum yield and composition of 40 Landrace×Large White sows were determined from the onset of parturition until 24 h post partum. Colostrum yield was calculated by adding individual piglets’ colostrum intakes for each litter. Colostrum was assayed for prolactin, progesterone, oestradiol-17β, immunoglobulin G and its nutritional composition was determined. Piglets’ individual colostrum intake averaged 300 ± 7 g and sows’ colostrum yield averaged 3.67 ± 0.14 kg (minimum 1.91 kg, maximum 5.31 kg). Live weight and characteristics at birth (umbilical cord already ruptured, splayleg, difficulty to breathe) were the major factors influencing individual colostrum intake. Colostrum yield was not affected by litter size, tended to be influenced by parity (P = 0.059) and was lower when farrowing was induced (P = 0.017). On the other hand, no relationships were found between hormone concentrations in colostrum and colostrum yield. Mean piglet birth weight and litter weight variation at birth were related to colostrum yield (r = 0.38; P = 0.015 and r = −0.34; P = 0.030, respectively). These results suggest that determinism of colostrum yield depends, in part, on global vitality of the litter but seems to be, most probably, affected by the capacity of sows to produce enough colostrum for the whole litter. Further studies are needed to understand the endocrine regulation of colostrum secretion in sows.  相似文献   

Influence of colostrum intake on piglet survival and immunity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Colostrum intake from birth to 24 h after the onset of parturition (T24) was estimated for 526 piglets from 40 litters. Plasma concentrations of immunoglobulin G (IgG), lactate, glucose and cortisol were determined at T24 for six piglets per litter. Plasma IgG concentration was also assayed at weaning (28 days) on the same piglets. Rectal temperature was measured at T24 on all piglets. Mortality was recorded until weaning and comparisons were made between piglets that died before weaning and those that were still alive at weaning. The piglets that died before weaning had lower birth weight, lower colostrum intake, lower weight gain between birth and T24, and had a lower rectal temperature, higher plasma cortisol concentration and lower plasma IgG and glucose concentrations at T24 than piglets still alive at weaning. In addition, a higher proportion of piglets that died before weaning had difficulty taking their first breath after birth and were affected by splayleg. Considering all piglets, colostrum intake was positively related to rectal temperature and plasma glucose concentration and negatively related to plasma cortisol concentration at T24. Plasma IgG concentration at T24 was explained by colostrum intake, IgG concentration in the ingested colostrum, birth weight and birth rank (P<0.0001). Plasma IgG concentration at weaning was related to plasma IgG concentration at T24 (r=0.54; P<0.0001) and to colostrum intake (r=0.32; P<0.0001). Finally, body weight was explained by colostrum intake, birth weight and age until 6 weeks of age (P<0.0001). These results show that colostrum intake is the main determinant of piglet survival through provision of energy and immune protection and has potential long-term effects on piglet growth and immunity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the BW and immune status of lambs reared under natural conditions or under artificial conditions fed two different colostrum amounts. In this study, 60 lambs were randomly divided into groups according to treatment. Twenty lambs remained with their dams (natural rearing (NR) group). Forty lambs were removed from their dams at birth. Lambs were bottle-fed with a pool of sheep colostrum, receiving either 4 g of IgG/kg of BW at birth (C4 group) or 8 g of IgG/kg of BW at birth (C8 group). The total colostrum amount was equally divided into three meals at 2, 14 and 24 h after birth. After this period, lambs were bottle-fed a commercial milk replacer. Blood plasma sample analysis and BW recordings were carried out before feeding at birth and then at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 20 days after birth. Another blood sample analysis and BW recording was carried out when animals reached 10 kg of BW. During weaning (30 days), sampling was carried out every 5 days. Blood plasma was used to determine the concentrations of IgG and IgM and the complement system activity – total and alternative pathways. The NR group showed greater BW than the C4 and C8 groups during milk feeding period, whereas the C4 and C8 groups had greater BW than the NR group at the end of weaning period. The C8 and NR groups had greater plasma IgG and IgM concentrations than the C4 group during milk feeding period. In addition, C4 and C8 groups showed similar IgG concentrations and greater IgM concentrations than the NR group at the end of the weaning period. Complement system activity was greater in the NR group than in the C4 and C8 groups during the first 3 days after birth. In conclusion, lambs fed amounts of colostrum equivalent to 8 g of IgG/kg of BW showed similar immune variables compared to lambs reared under natural conditions, obtaining a greater BW at the end of the weaning period. Nevertheless, this study shows that not only the colostrum amount but also the management during the milk feeding and weaning period, such as stress produced by dam separation, milk quality and suckling frequency, can affect the final immune status of lambs.  相似文献   

Colostrum is an essential source of immunoglobulin G (IgG) for neonate piglets. However, colostrum IgG content and nutritional composition can vary considerably among sows due to age, parity, feeding regime and immunological background. Currently, there is no practical way to obtain information about colostrum IgG concentration at herd level. We evaluated sows’ colostrum IgG content on-farm using a Brix refractometer and its performance was compared with that of an IgG ELISA. In addition, nutritional compositions of the colostrum samples were analyzed using Fourier transform IR spectroscopy. Colostrum samples (5 to 6 ml) (n=153) were obtained within 0 to 3 h of farrowing. However, to obtain a 24 h IgG profile for 11 sows, colostrum samples were collected at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 16 and 24 h after farrowing. A 0.3 ml of freshly drawn colostrum sample was used for the on-farm measurement of Brix percentages using a digital refractometer shortly after collection. The remaining fractions of the samples were frozen and submitted to laboratory analysis for total IgG, using a commercially available pig IgG ELISA kit. For nutritional composition analysis, a 35 ml colostrum sample (n=34) was obtained immediately after birth of first piglet from the first three pairs of frontal teats. Colostrum concentrations of IgG averaged 52.03±30.70 mg/ml (mean±SEM) at 0 to 3 h after farrowing. Concentration of IgG decreased on average by 50% during the 1st day of lactation (P<0.01). Sow parity did not influence colostrum concentrations of IgG. Differences in colostrum composition were recorded between two herds and among the parity groups (P<0.05). The Brix refractometer measurement of colostrum and the corresponding log transformed IgG measurements from the ELISA were moderately correlated (r=0.63, P<0.001, n=153). Based on the classification we suggest here, low levels of IgG (14.5±1.8 mg/ml) were recorded for colostrum samples with Brix readings below 20%. Borderline colostrum IgG content (43.8±2.3 mg/ml) had Brix readings of 20% to 24%, adequate colostrum IgG content (50.7±2.1 mg/ml) had Brix % readings of 25% to 29% and very good IgG colostrum content (78.6±8.4 mg/ml) had Brix readings >30%. Colostrum IgG concentration is highly variable among sows, Brix measurement of a sows’ fresh colostrum is an inexpensive, rapid and satisfactorily accurate method of estimating IgG concentration, providing indication of differentiation between good and poor IgG content of colostrum.  相似文献   

Maternal and cord blood were collected from 54 Indian women at parturition and analyzed for Zn, Cu, and Fe by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry to determine the relationship between levels of these elements in mother’s and infant’s blood and maternal age, birth weight, and gestational age of the baby. The blood Zn level of mothers in the age group 24–28 yr was significantly higher than those of mothers in the age group of 18–23 yr (p<0.05). Similarly, mothers in the 24 to 28-yr group also had higher blood Fe level than mothers in the group 29–38 yr (p<0.05). The levels of Zn, Cu, and Fe were higher in the maternal blood and lower, but not significantly, in the cord blood of low-birth-weight babies than in those of normal-birth-weight babies. However, differences in the levels of Zn, Cu, and Fe between maternal and cord blood of the two birth-weight groups was statistically significant. There were no significant differences in the levels of the three elements in maternal or cord blood by the gestational age of the baby. A weak but significant correlation was found between the birth weight of the baby and the Fe level in the cord blood (r=0.26; p<0.05). Also, weak significant correlations were observed between gestational age of the baby and Fe (r=0.23; p<0.05) and Cu (r=0.31; p<0.05) levels in the cord blood. Although, there are many confounders of low birth weight and preterm deliveries, a diminished placental transfer of these essential elements could be one of the several etiological factors for low birth weight of newborns.  相似文献   

Groups of recently hatched fry of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss were maintained in the laboratory in order to investigate the effects of age, ration level and temperature on whole body growth, nucleic acid concentrations, protein synthesis rates and enzyme activities. In fry of up to 30 days after hatching, which were feeding but still had some yolk sac, no significant change in mean RNA concentration was observed with ration level. In older fry of 50 days or more, when the yolk sac was completely absorbed and exogenous feeding fully established, the concentration of RNA was correlated with the rate of protein growth. RNA concentrations and activities of citrate synthase and lactate dehydrogenase were significantly different between fed and starved fry. As water temperature was raised (from 5 to 15° C), higher rates of protein growth were brought about by an increase in the rate of protein synthesis and also by increased efficiency of retention of synthesized protein (reduced protein turnover). In fed fry, no change in RNA concentration was found with increasing temperature, while the amount of RNA per cell (RNA: DNA) decreased, indicating that increased rates of protein synthesis were due to increased RNA efficiency.  相似文献   

Objective: The Korean population has recently experienced a rapid increase in obesity associated with lifestyle changes arising from economic growth. We examined trends in BMI by analyzing sex‐specific birth cohorts using 3,400,727 measurements from 1,662,477 Korean adults. Research Methods and Procedures: Birth cohort data were collected from the employees of government organizations and schools and their dependents, 20 to 65 years of age, who participated in health examinations provided by the Korean National Health Insurance Corporation in 1992, 1996, and 2000. Results: The prevalence of obesity (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2) was 0.8% among men and 0.3% among women in 1992, but by 2000, it had increased 2.5‐fold to 2.0% in men and 2.3‐fold to 0.7% in women. Over the 8‐year period, the mean BMI increased 0.8 kg/m2 in men and 0.3 kg/m2 in women. The rate of BMI increase over the 8 years varied markedly among the sex‐specific birth cohorts, with the steepest slopes representing the youngest men (0.2 kg/m2 per year). Discussion: National health promotion activities should target younger men to prevent an increase in obesity‐related morbidity and mortality.  相似文献   

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