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P U Devi  M Hossain 《Teratology》2001,64(1):45-50
BACKGROUND: An earlier study has shown that irradiation at the late fetal stage of Swiss albino mice disturbed postnatal growth and appearance of physiological markers. The present study was done to determine the effect of irradiation at the early fetal stage on the postnatal development of mouse. METHODS: Fourteen-day pregnant Swiss albino mice were exposed to 0.1-1.5 Gy of cobalt-60 gamma-rays. F1 pups were observed for < or = 6 weeks of age. Postnatal mortality, body weight and length, head length and width, tail length, and the time of appearance of physiological markers (pinna detachment, eye opening, fur development, vaginal opening and testes descent) were noted. RESULTS: There was no increase in congenital anomalies. Postnatal mortality and percentage of growth-retarded pups increased significantly at doses of 0.5-1.5 Gy. A significant delay in the appearance of all the physiological markers was also noted at these doses. Body length, head length, and tail length remained significantly lower than in the controls throughout the observation period at doses of 0.3-1.5 Gy, whereas body weight and head width showed such a persistent change only at > or = 0.5 Gy. CONCLUSIONS: The early fetal day 14 in mouse is sensitive to radiation-induced postnatal mortality and impairment of growth and temporal development of physiological markers, but not to induction of congenital anomalies. While mortality and physiological markers are not affected at <0.5 Gy, growth retardation appears to have a lower threshold of approximately 0.3 Gy.  相似文献   

Pregnant Swiss albino mice were exposed to diagnostic levels of ultrasound (3.5 MHz, intensity 65 mW, I(SPTP) = 1 W/cm(2), I(SATA) = 240 W/cm(2)) for 10, 20 and 30 minutes on day 14 of gestation. Sham exposed controls were maintained for comparison. Fifteen pregnant mice were exposed for each group. Exposed as well as control animals were left to complete gestation and parturition. Ultrasound induced changes in maternal vaginal temperature was recorded. The changes in the physiological reflexes and postnatal mortality up to 6 weeks of age were recorded. The litters were subjected to behavioral tests for locomotor activity, learning and memory at 4 month and 1 year of age. Neither the physiological reflexes nor the postnatal mortality was affected by ultrasound exposure. However, there was a noticeable impairment in both locomotor and learning behavior even after a 10 min exposure, which further increased with increases in exposure time. Thus the present study demonstrates the neurotoxicity of diagnostic ultrasound and the high susceptibility of early fetal brain to induction of lasting detrimental changes by ultrasound exposure.  相似文献   

The survival rate, physical development, and spontaneous behavior has been evaluated in pups of albino rats exposed to acute hypobaric hypoxia on the 9–10th day of gestation corresponding to the onset of organogenesis. Prenatal hypoxia increased the mortality among the offspring, delayed their physical development, and affected their spontaneous behavior up to the age of 2 months. The females exposed to intrauterine hypoxia proved to be more sensitive to hypoxia than males.  相似文献   

We have measured circulating concentrations of gamma 3 Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (MSH) in fetal sheep between 111 and 145 days gestation. There was no significant effect of gestational age on the fetal plasma concentrations of gamma 3 MSH throughout this period. We have examined the role of gamma-MSH related peptides in the control of fetal adrenal steroidogenesis and found no significant change in fetal plasma cortisol or pregnenolone concentrations during a 60-72 h infusion of saline, gamma 2 MSH or gamma 3 MSH in sheep between 130 and 135 days gestation. Therefore although we have demonstrated the presence of gamma MSH related peptides in fetal sheep plasma during late gestation we have failed to demonstrate a role for gamma 3 or gamma 2 MSH in the changes in fetal steroid concentrations which occur prepartum.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to test effects of prenatal and postnatal fraternity size (size of litter in which an individual develops prenatally or is reared postnatally) on ovarian development in mice. Fraternity size treatments were created by standardizing sizes of prenatal and postnatal fraternities in which mice were gestated and reared. Prenatal fraternity size was standardized by surgery on Day 9 of gestation to 6, 10, and 14 fetuses. Postnatal fraternity size was standardized by randomly assigning pups to litters of 5, 10, or 15 pups within 24 h of birth. Female pups were killed at either 3 or 20 wk of age and right ovaries were prepared for histology. Follicles were classified by size and morphology, and numbers of follicles in each class were tabulated. Interaction of postnatal fraternity size and age was observed for number of antral follicles (p less than 0.05). Mice reared in small postnatal fraternities had more antral follicles at weaning (3 wk) and fewer antral follicles at maturity (20 wk of age) than mice reared in large postnatal fraternities. No effect of either prenatal or postnatal fraternity size on other follicle populations was observed (p greater than 0.20). Numbers of Type 2 (primordial), Type 3a, and Type 3b follicles changed with age (p less than 0.01); numbers of primordial follicles declined with age, but numbers of Type 3a and 3b follicles increased. A hypothesis of a negative association between postnatal fraternity size and number of antral follicles at 3 wk of age was supported, but a hypothesis of a positive association between fraternity size and number of primordial follicles was not supported.  相似文献   

Between birth and 10 days of age, the volume density (volume/unit cytoplasmic volume) of the matrix, and the surface density (area/unit cytoplasmic volume) of the inner membrane and cristae increased in both periportal and perihepatic hepatocytes, and did not differ significantly between the cells of the two zones. After 10 days of age, however, the volume density of the matrix decreased in perihepatic cells and remained unchanged in periportal cells, and, therefore, it became greater in periportal cells than in perihepatic cells in 20-day-old and adult animals. The surface density of the inner membrane and cristae decreased in the cells of both zones. Further, the hepatocyte volume increased markedly, especially in perihepatic zones between 20 days of age and the adult. The results show that, in postnatally differentiating hepatocytes, mitochondria are likely to develop during early postnatal period, then the structural heterogeneity of mitochondria arises, and hepatocyte volume increases markedly during late postnatal period after weaning. Thus, the process of postnatal hepatocyte differentiation includes such several phases of development.  相似文献   

Forty-one pregnant Wistar strain rats were irradiated with 0.6-Gy X rays or were sham irradiated on the 9th or 17th days of gestation to determine if this dosage level would result in alterations in postnatal neurophysiologic development. Half of the mothers were sacrificed at term, and the developmental status of 221 newborns was evaluated. The remaining mothers delivered and raised their litters. The 161 offspring were observed for the age of attainment of the following physiologic parameters: pinna detachment, eye opening, testes opening. Offspring were also tested for the acquisition of the following selected reflexes: surface righting, negative geotaxis, auditory startle, air righting, and visual placing. Term fetal weight was lower than the controls in the group irradiated on the 9th day but was recuperable postnatally. None of the 9 developmental tests performed postnatally were abnormal in the animals irradiated on the 9th day. Thus, at least with regard to these measures, the surviving embryos exposed during the all-or-none period could not be differentiated from the controls. Offspring irradiated on the 17th day exhibited retarded growth which persisted during neonatal life. The three-day-mean neonatal weight was significantly lower in the group irradiated on the 17th day compared to controls. There were no significant maternal body weight or organ/weight differences between the groups. Rats exposed in utero on the 17th day had a significantly delayed acquisition of air righting. These results demonstrate that 0.6-Gy in utero irradiation on the 17th day of gestation can cause subtle alterations in growth and development of the Wistar strain rat during postnatal life.  相似文献   

The effect produced by gonadectomy on dopamine (DA) and noradrenaline (NA) levels in the diencephalon and the rest of the brain of male and female rats during postnatal development has been studied. DA and NA metabolism or biosynthesis seems to be regulated by the ovarian hormones, directly or by means of hypophysary hormones, since both catecholamine levels rise acutely during postnatal development when ovariectomy is performed. In contrast with controls, the NA level is not stable at 45 days, but continues rising to day 60. Orchidectomy also acutely increases the level of diencephalic DA, but in contrast with females, its concentration progressively decreases, being at day 60 the same as in the controls. The reasons that cause this normalization, in the absence of testicular androgens, are unknown. In the same way, the extirpation of the testicles increases the diencephalic concentration of NA, the concentration change is similar to the control one: however, the level is higher. There is also a clear difference from the gonadectomized females, in which the diencephalic NA rises during 45-60 days. Gonadectomy does not significantly alter the level of DA or NA in the rest of the brain.  相似文献   

1. The effect of 100 mg/kg of semicarbazide on phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, sphingomyeline, phosphatidylserine and lysophosphatidylcholine of the pulmonary surfactant was studied in offspring of treated rats on the 10th day of gestation. 2. The relative percentages of phosphatidylcholine were smaller in the offspring of treated rats than in controls, but the opposite was observed with the other phospholipids. 3. Significant statistical differences at almost all ages studied were observed in phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine. 4. The ratio of phosphatidylcholine to sphingomyeline, an index of lung maturity, was smaller in the offspring of treated rats, with statistically significant differences just before birth and on the first day of life.  相似文献   

Changes in in vitro testosterone production by Leydig cells induced by chorionic gonadotropin, dibutyryl-cAMP, and pregnenolone have been studied during postnatal development of four inbred mouse strains BALB/c, PT, CBA/Lac, and A/He, with contrast hormonal activity of testes in sexually mature males. The interlinear differences significantly change with age of the males by all studied indices indicating genotype-dependent formation of hormonal activity of Leydig cells during postnatal development. Coordinated interlinear variability between all indices of Leydig cells reactivity has been established for each studied period of postnatal development. Hence, we have established coordinated interlinear genetic variability of hormonal function of Leydig cells, which was confirmed by considerable changes in it during postnatal development at puberty. Definitive genotypic differences in hormonal activity of Leydig cells appeared by late pubertal and early postpubertal development (day 60) and coincided with termination of morphological differentiation of Leydig cells and appearance of the differentiated cell population.  相似文献   

Reciprocal embryo transfer procedures were performed among mouse selection lines to examine prenatal maternal effects on survival and development of transferred embryos. Mice were from generations 28 and 29 of an experiment to select for (i) increased body weight again from 0 to 10 days (E+); (ii) decreased body weight gain from 0 to 10 days (E-); or (iii) a randomly bred control line (C). A total of 118 embryo transfer procedures performed 12 h after conception resulted in 983 progeny born to 89 litters. There was a 39% overall embryo survival rate and 75% overall pregnancy success rate. Response to superovulation and oestrous synchronization was significantly lower (P < 0.01) in the E+ line. E+ individuals that did superovulate produced an average of 37 oocytes per flush, which was significantly higher than in the control line mice (29 oocytes per flush; P < 0.01). The ability to complete pregnancy successfully was not influenced by uterine environment or embryo-uterine interaction. In contrast, embryo survival in successful pregnancies was significantly affected by uterine environment. There were large maternal effects for body weight and tail length at birth; E+ recipients produced pups that were significantly larger than E- recipient pups (P < 0.01), which in turn were significantly larger than pups gestated by control recipients (P < 0.01).  相似文献   

Summary The development and maturation of Langerhans cells during the differentiation of skin was studied in mice from fetal day 13 to adult using 3 indices: (1) ATPase activity; (2) ultrastructure; and (3) quantitative evaluation of the cell population.ATPase-positive Langerhans cells appeared in the epidermis at first at fetal day 16, and they increased in number in the differentiating epidermis during the late fetal period. The earliest appearance of Birbeck granules was at postnatal day 4. Cored tubules were also formed in the Langerhans cells in the dermis at around the same age. The cells containing Birbeck granules or cored tubules are considered to be mature Langerhans cells. In the Langerhans-cell lineage, those cells in the epidermis at stages earlier than postnatal day 4 and not yet containing specific organelles are considered to be immature Langerhans cells. These immature Langerhans cells can be identified ultrastructurally in the epidermis at fetal day 16, coinciding with the appearance of ATPase-positive cells. The increase in the number of immature Langerhans cells during the perinatal period was shown by quantitative analysis of nuclear density and relative Langerhans-cell area on the electron micrographs.It is concluded that ATPase is a marker of the Langerhans-cell lineage from the early development stages, while Birbeck granules and cored tubules are markers that identify mature Langerhans cells in electron micrographs.  相似文献   

The effects of several hormones on the production of immunoreactive serum albumin (SA) were examined in primary cultures of liver cells obtained from rat fetuses on 21-22 days of gestation of from 3-week old rats. Cortisol, bovine insulin and human growth hormone stimulated SA production in both types of liver cell cultures during 20 h-incubation. L-Triiodothyronine (T3; 10(-9)-10(-7) M) weakly stimulated SA production by hepatocytes from the rats, but markedly inhibited it in cultures of fetal rat liver cells in a dose-dependent manner. In contrast, T3 action on total RNA and protein biosynthesis, estimated as the incorporation of labelled precursors into macromolecules, was stimulatory one in both types of cell cultures. It is concluded that hormonal regulation of SA production is similar in cultured liver cells from fetal and early postnatal rats except for the action of T3. The physiological importance of striking developmental change of T3 action on SA production remains to be determined.  相似文献   

A Zimber  I Zusman  R Bentor  H Pinus 《Teratology》1991,43(4):355-361
The effects of lithocholic acid (LCA) on late prenatal and early postnatal development were studied. LCA was given in the diet (0.8% by weight) or administered in the drinking water (0.8%) throughout the entire period of pregnancy. The addition of LCA to the drinking water caused a significant reduction in the weight of 20-day-old fetuses as well as their placentas and livers. Feeding LCA to pregnant rats affected postnatal growth of the offspring: their weight was significantly lower than control values until 6 weeks of age. The pattern of postnatal growth was similar in the experimental and control rats. The retardation in growth and development of the offspring was accompanied by microscopic and biochemical changes in their livers.  相似文献   

Evidence from epidemiologic, clinical, and experimental studies has shown that a suboptimal intrauterine environment during early pregnancy can alter fetal growth and gestation length and is associated with an increased prevalence of adult hypertension and cardiovascular disease. It has been postulated that maternal nutrient restriction may act to reprogram the development of the pituitary-adrenal axis, resulting in excess glucocorticoid exposure and adverse health outcomes in later life. It is unknown, however, whether maternal nutrient restriction during the periconceptional period alters the development of the fetal pituitary-adrenal axis or whether the effects of periconceptional undernutrition can be reversed by the provision of an adequate level of maternal nutrition throughout the remainder of pregnancy. We have investigated the effect of restricted periconceptional nutrition (70% of control feed allowance) from 60 days before until 7 days after mating and the effect of restricted gestational nutrition from Day 8 to 147 of gestation on the development of the fetal hypothalamo-pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis in the sheep. In these studies, we have also investigated the effects of fetal number and sex on the pituitary-adrenal responses to periconceptional and gestational undernutrition. In ewes maintained on a control diet throughout the periconceptional and gestational periods, fetal plasma ACTH concentrations were higher and the prepartum surge in cortisol occurred earlier in singletons compared with twins. Plasma ACTH concentrations were also significantly higher in male compared with female singletons, and in twin fetuses, the prepartum surge in cortisol concentrations occurred earlier in males than in females. Periconceptional undernutrition resulted in higher fetal plasma concentrations of ACTH between 110 and 145 days of gestation and a significantly greater cortisol response to a bolus dose of corticotropin-releasing hormone in twin, but not singleton, fetuses in late gestation. We have therefore demonstrated that fetal number and sex each has an impact on the timing of the prepartum activation of the HPA axis in the sheep. Restriction of the level of maternal nutrition before and in the first week of a twin pregnancy results in stimulation of the fetal pituitary-adrenal axis in late gestation, and this effect is not reversed by the provision of a maintenance control diet from the second week of pregnancy.  相似文献   

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