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Genetic, social and environmental factors affecting behavioral estrus were evaluated in Angus (n = 10), Brahman (n = 10) and Senepol (n = 10) cows during a PGF2alpha synchronized estrus and subsequent spontaneous estrus. Cows were equally stratified by breed to two groups of 15. Both groups were pre-synchronized with a modified two-injection PGF2alpha protocol. At the start of the experiment, cows were treated with 25 mg PGF2alpha followed by a second and third administration of 12.5 mg PGF2alpha, 11 and 12 days later to induce synchronized estrus. The subsequent estrus was designated as spontaneous estrus. Behavioral estrus data including the onset and end of estrus, estrous duration and the total number of mounts received for the synchronized and spontaneous estruses were collected using HeatWatch". Interval from the third PGF2alpha, treatment to the onset of a HeatWatch" estrus occurred earlier (P < 0.05) in Angus (31 +/- 5 h) than Brahman (53 +/- 7 h) or Senepol (53 +/- 4 h) cows, with dominant Senepol and Brahman cows taking longer to exhibit estrus after PGF2alpha than subordinate cows. The duration of the synchronized estrus tended to be shorter (P < 0.06) in Senepol (12 +/- 3 h) than in Angus (19 +/- 2 h) or Brahman (17 +/- 2 h) cows. Behavioral estrus data between the two periods were confounded by greater temperature-humidity index (THI) values during spontaneous estrus. The THI during spontaneous estrus appeared (P = 0.09) to affect the duration of estrus (9 +/- 1 h versus 16 +/- 1 h) and did affect (P < 0.0001) the total number of mounts received (8 +/- 4 mounts versus 34 +/- 4 mounts) during spontaneous estrus compared to synchronized estrus. Breed had no effect (P > 0.10) on the duration and total number of mounts received during synchronized and spontaneous estruses. In conclusion, type of estrus (synchronized or spontaneous), THI, social dominance and breed exerted significant effects on characteristics associated with behavioral estrus in beef cattle in subtropical environments.  相似文献   

Only some of the diverse factors that can affect drug disposition and response in laboratory animals have been identified at the present time. These numerous factors contribute to large day-to-day variations that have become a major problem impeding investigation of drug disposition and response in laboratory animals. Although these variations render many experiments difficult to interpret and produce large discrepancies in the literature, few published investigations using laboratory animals provide sufficient details to permit replication of the studies under similar conditions with respect to these variables. Thus, the importance of these variables in affecting results is apparently insufficiently recognized at present. Two commonly overlooked variables affecting the activity of hepatic microsomal enzymes (HME) in rodents and hence the rate at which rodents eliminate from their bodies many foreign compounds are the bedding under the wire mesh cage and the relative cleanliness of the environment. Numerous chemicals present in relatively low concentrations in the environment of the animal room can significantly alter HME activity. Representative of these chemicals are aromatic hydrocarbons in cedarwood bedding, eucalyptol from aerosol sprays, and chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides, each of which induces HME activity, whereas ammonia generated from feces and urine accumulated in unchanged pans under cages may inhibit HME activity. Chloroform, identified as an environmental contaminant of the water and air of certain cities, exhibits sex and strain differences with respect to toxicity (LD50) in mice. After intraperitoneal injection, twice as much chloroform accumulated in the kidneys of males from the sensitive strain (DBA/2J) as from the resistant (C57BL/6J) strain. First generation offspring were midway between parental strains both with respect to LD50 and renal accumulation of chloroform.  相似文献   

影响生物土壤结皮分布的环境因子   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物土壤结皮广泛分布于干旱荒漠地区,在干旱和荒漠生态系统中,有重要的生态功能。然而,并不是所有的干旱荒漠区都有生物土壤结皮的分布。在全球和区域尺度上,生物土壤结皮的分布与年降水、凝结水量和土壤含水量呈正相关趋势;温度对生物土壤结皮分布的影响因组成生物土壤结皮的物种而异。小尺度范围内,生物土壤结皮的分布受土壤类型、质地和养分的限制;维管植物对生物土壤结皮分布的影响,暂没有一致的结论。适度干扰对生物土壤结皮分布和生态功能无明显影响,但高强度干扰导致生物土壤结皮结构、功能和分布的退化与减少。全球变化背景下生物土壤结皮的分布变化、不同区域生物土壤结皮分布和演替的差异机理以及受损后恢复过程中的生态功能,将成为以后工作的重点。  相似文献   

The occurrence of mycobacteria was studied in aerobic brook sediments from 39 drainage areas in Finland. The culturable counts of mycobacteria were related to climatic conditions, characteristics of the drainage area, chemical characteristics of the sediment and water, culturable counts of other heterotrophic bacteria, and microbial respiration rate in the sediment. The counts of mycobacteria varied from 1·1 × 102 to 1·5 × 104 cfu g−1 dry weight of sediment. They correlated positively with the proportion of the drainage area consisting of peatland, total content of C, content of Pb, microbial respiration rate in the sediment, and chemical oxygen demand of the water. The correlations of the mycobacterial counts with pH of sediment and alkalinity of water were negative. The results of the present sediment study and of the forest soil study published earlier strongly suggest that an increase in acidity increases the counts of mycobacteria and decreases the counts and activity of other heterotrophic bacteria. Mycobacterial counts were more than 100 times higher (per dry weight) in forest soils with pH 3·5–4·3 than in sediments with pH 4·5–6·3.  相似文献   

The levels of cyanogenic glucosides (linamarin and lotaustralin) and the activity of linamarase were studied in 5-day old seedlings of oil flax (Linum usitatissimum L., cv. LCSD 200) under different environmental conditions. White light enhanced the cyanoglucosides content, and this effect depended on its intensity and the time of exposure. The level of cyanoglucosides rose with temperature, and it reached the highest level at the highest temperature (30 °C). Linamarase (EC. activity was the highest at 20°C, especially in light-grown seedlings. Lower enzyme activity at the extreme temperature (15 and 30 °C) was observed. Water stress (low water potential, ω=−0.34 MPa) reduced by more than twice the cyanoglucoside level and linamarase activity. The possible protective, or/and regulatory roles of cyanogenic glucosides was discussed.  相似文献   

探讨努利虫疠霉Pandoranouryi(Remaudi埁re&Hennebert)H櫣mber在田间蚜虫种群中发生与流行的规律,研究外界环境因子对感菌虫尸产孢和孢子萌发的影响。结果表明,处于水琼脂培养平板上感染努利虫疠霉的桃蚜虫尸在8~25℃的温度范围内均能产生大量的初生分生孢子,在30℃下,仅弹射极少量孢子。8℃下,孢子弹射可以持续120h,当温度高于15℃,大部分的孢子会在48h内完成弹射。相对湿度小于95%,虫尸停止产孢。20℃下,光照条件不会影响虫尸弹射孢子的总量。在8℃和30℃时,24h后处于水琼脂培养平板上的孢子萌发率分别为45.23%和61.74%,显著低于15~25℃温度范围内的孢子萌发率(95%以上)。处于叶片上的真菌孢子,当相对湿度大于74%时出现萌发,但在盖玻片的表面,当湿度低于100%时未发现孢子萌发。  相似文献   

The present study was aimed at determining the influence of various environmental factors on sex differentiation (SD) in the entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora HP88 strain, under in vivo and in vitro culture conditions. Injection of individual nematodes into last instars of Galleria mellonella resulted in development of a similar number of females and hermaphrodites (35-40%) and 20-25% males. Increasing the number of nematodes injected into the insect did not change these proportions. In smaller insects (0.7-1.5 cm long), an increase in the proportion of hermaphrodites was recorded as compared with larger size cadavers (2.4-2.7 cm long). When individual hermaphrodites were placed on NGM, the proportion of hermaphrodites, females and male progeny was 63%, 31%, and 6%, respectively. Rearing on richer medium ("Dog-food" agar) resulted in reduction in the proportion of hermaphrodites. Nematodes introduced to the symbiotic bacterium obtained from other nematode strains (IS-5 and IS-33) developed similarly to the culture reared on the HP88 bacteria. Rearing the nematodes at a temperature range between 21 degrees C to 30 degrees C also did not have a significant effect on the sexual differentiation among nematodes cultured on NGM. The proportion of hermaphrodites increased as the starvation period of hatching nematode juveniles lengthened (>6 hr). The data obtained in the present study strongly suggest that the main factor affecting sex differentiation in H. bacteriophora is the nutrition source. The practical and biological implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

The efficacy of PG 600 (400 IU PMSG and 200 IU hCG) for accelerating the onset of estrus was determined for sows weaned during the summer. Yorkshire sows (average parity = 4.6), nursing 8.6 +/- 0.2 pigs (mean +/- SEM) were weaned after 27.7 +/- 0.4 d of lactation and were treated intramuscularly with either PG 600 (n = 35) or with 0.9% saline (n = 35). Sows were checked for estrus once daily in the presence of a mature boar. Treatment with PG 600 increased (P < 0.05) the percentage of sows in estrus within 7 d after weaning (97.1 vs 82.9%). Relative to controls, sows given PG 600 expressed estrus sooner (3.8 +/- 0.1 d vs 4.5 +/- 0.1 d; P < 0.01). Sows exhibiting estrus within 7 d after treatments were artificially inseminated 0 and 24 h after first exhibiting estrus. The percentage of inseminated sows that farrowed tended to be higher (P < 0.07) for control than for PG 600-treated sows (96.6 vs 82.3%). The number of pigs born live was similar (P > 0.1) for sows treated with PG 600 and with saline, and was 12.7 +/- 0.6 and 11.7 +/- 0.7, respectively. Pigs farrowed by saline-treated sows, however, tended to be heavier (P < 0.09) than pigs farrowed by sows treated with PG 600 (1.49 +/- 0.06 kg vs 1.34 +/- 0.06 kg). In summary, PG 600 accelerated the onset of estrus in sows weaned during the summer. Sows mated during the induced estrus, however, tended to have a lower farrowing rate and farrowed lighter pigs than control sows inseminated during a natural estrus occurring within 7 d after weaning.  相似文献   

The environmental factors that act on fish parasites have received increasing attention in recent years. The effects of changing environmental conditions on parasite communities can provide valuable information on the effects of pollution on the ecosystem as a whole. This, of course, demands that we have a detailed knowledge o f parasite communities and the mechanisms acting upon them in a variety of natural conditions. Here, Mari Koskivaaro looks at those environmental factors that affect monogeneans parasitic on freshwater fishes.  相似文献   

The influence of physiological and environmental factors on the accumulation of oxindole during anaerobic indole metabolism was investigated by high-performance liquid chromatography. Under methanogenic conditions, indole was temporarily converted to oxindole in stoichiometric amounts in media inoculated with three freshwater sediments and an organic soil. In media inoculated with methanogenic sewage sludge, the modest amounts of oxindole detected at 35 degrees C reached higher concentrations and persisted longer when the incubation temperature was decreased from 35 to 15 degrees C. Also, decreasing the concentration of sewage sludge used as an inoculum from 50 to 1% caused an increase in the accumulation of oxindole from 10 to 75% of the indole added. Under denitrifying conditions, regardless of the concentration or source of the inoculum, oxindole appeared in trace amounts but did not accumulate during indole metabolism. In addition, denitrifying consortia which previously metabolized indole degraded oxindole with no lag period. Our data suggest that oxindole accumulation under methanogenic, but not under denitrifying conditions is caused by differences between relative rates of oxindole production and destruction.  相似文献   

Large-bodied reef fishes represent an economically and ecologically important segment of the coral reef fish assemblage. Many of these individuals supply the bulk of the reproductive output for their population and have a disproportionate effect on their environment (e.g. as apex predators or bioeroding herbivores). Large-bodied reef fishes also tend to be at greatest risk of overfishing, and their loss can result in a myriad of either cascading (direct) or indirect trophic and other effects. While many studies have investigated habitat characteristics affecting populations of small-bodied reef fishes, few have explored the relationship between large-bodied species and their environment. Here, we describe the distribution of the large-bodied reef fishes in the Mariana Archipelago with an emphasis on the environmental factors associated with their distribution. Of the factors considered in this study, a negative association with human population density showed the highest relative influence on the distribution of large-bodied reef fishes; however, depth, water temperature, and distance to deep water also were important. These findings provide new information on the ecology of large-bodied reef fishes can inform discussions concerning essential fish habitat and ecosystem-based management for these species and highlight important knowledge gaps worthy of additional research.  相似文献   

The effect of some environmental factors on the lipid metabolism was studied in two chemotypes of Rosmarinus officinalis L. Epicuticular hydrocarbons (EH), epicuticular fatty acids (EFA), whole leaf fatty acids (WLFA) and essential oils (EO) were extracted and analysed by GC-MS during winter 1991–1992 and related to temperature and moisture variations. Leaf fresh and dry wts were determined along with some morphophysiological parameters such as specific leaf weight (SLW) and specific leaf area (SLA). Leaf areas were calculated by image analysis and statistically processed as for chemical data. The results indicated that in R. officinalis the response to some environmental factors, with particular reference to temperature and moisture, was an increase in epicuticular hydrocarbons and a decrease in epicuticular fatty acids, leaf fatty acids and essential oils. Qualitative changes in the chemical composition of the above lipid classes were found to be correlated with temperature changes. From a chemosystematic viewpoint, a clear separation between the two chemotypes was achieved only when epicuticular hydrocarbons and essential oils were considered as chemosystematic characters.  相似文献   

The uptake of soluble phosphate by the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium limicola UdG6040 was studied in batch culture and in continuous cultures operating at dilution rates of 0.042 or 0.064 h–1. At higher dilution rates, washout occurred at phosphate concentrations below 7.1 μM. This concentration was reduced to 5.1 μM when lower dilution rates were used. The saturation constant for growth on phosphate (K μ) was between 2.8 and 3.7 μM. The specific rates of phosphate uptake in continuous culture were fitted to a hyperbolic saturation model and yielded a maximum rate (Va max) of 66 nmol P (mg protein)–1 h–1 and a saturation constant for transport (K t) of 1.6 μM. In batch cultures specific rates of phosphate uptake up to 144 nmol P (mg protein)–1 h–1 were measured. This indicates a difference between the potential transport of cells and the utilization of soluble phosphate for growth, which results in a significant change in the specific phosphorus content. The phosphorus accumulated within the cells ranged from 0.4 to 1.1 μmol P (mg protein)–1 depending on the growth conditions and the availability of external phosphate. Transport rates of phosphate increased in response to sudden increases in soluble phosphate, even in exponentially growing cultures. This is interpreted as an advantage that enables Chl. limicola to thrive in changing environments. Received: 9 February 1998 / Accepted: June 1998  相似文献   

The influence of physiological and environmental factors on the accumulation of oxindole during anaerobic indole metabolism was investigated by high-performance liquid chromatography. Under methanogenic conditions, indole was temporarily converted to oxindole in stoichiometric amounts in media inoculated with three freshwater sediments and an organic soil. In media inoculated with methanogenic sewage sludge, the modest amounts of oxindole detected at 35 degrees C reached higher concentrations and persisted longer when the incubation temperature was decreased from 35 to 15 degrees C. Also, decreasing the concentration of sewage sludge used as an inoculum from 50 to 1% caused an increase in the accumulation of oxindole from 10 to 75% of the indole added. Under denitrifying conditions, regardless of the concentration or source of the inoculum, oxindole appeared in trace amounts but did not accumulate during indole metabolism. In addition, denitrifying consortia which previously metabolized indole degraded oxindole with no lag period. Our data suggest that oxindole accumulation under methanogenic, but not under denitrifying conditions is caused by differences between relative rates of oxindole production and destruction.  相似文献   

Laboratory microcosms were used to investigate the mud snail Hydrobia ulvae (Pennant) bioturbation activities and behavioural changes in response to snail density, algal food, sediment moisture content, light regime and water cover conditions. Density-dependent kinetics of bioturbated muddy areas were described by von Bertalanffy equations, which provided reliable estimates of mud surface covering rates by snail tracks (m2 h−1 snail−1). Snails need a wet habitat to be active either covered by seawater or by moving in fluid layers for low-tide conditions. Light and microphytobenthic biomass, which are less potent to affect snail activity, are positively interrelated to increase covering rates in the tested chl a concentrations within the range of 1-15 μg g−1. Experimental results suggested us the relevance of microphytobenthos migration processes in affecting crawling activities of H. ulvae that appeared to adjust their foraging efforts in response to benthic algal biomass. Behavioural processes of H. ulvae, in terms of floating, crawling, burrowing and inactive snails, were described using a Markov model. Finally, an empirical model based on von Bertalanffy equations was proposed to describe kinetics of sediment covering by snail tracks under the influences of snail density, sediment moisture content, chl a concentrations and the four combinations of presence/absence of light and seawater. This model should provide a base for further development of a hydrosedimentary model to simulate the effects of H. ulvae bioturbation activities on the resuspension of the intertidal cohesive sediment-water interface for various in situ conditions.  相似文献   

The ability of selected fungi to degrade the soil insecticide Dyfonate (O-ethyl S-phenyl ethylphosphonodithioate) into water-soluble, noninsecticidal metabolites was found to be dependent on the supply of nutrients, incubation time, temperature, pH, as well as other factors. With yeast extract as the carbon source (5 g/liter) and ammonium nitrate (1 g/liter) as the nitrogen source, both Rhizopus arrhizus and Penicillium notatum degraded the insecticide to a larger extent than with any other combination of nutrients used. With glucose as the carbon source, concentrations of ammonium nitrate above 5 g/liter inhibited the degradation of Dyfonate by R. arrhizus. Time-course studies on the metabolism of the insecticide indicated that Dyfonate was first absorbed by the fungal mycelium, where it was metabolized followed by the release of water-soluble, noninsecticidal, breakdown products into the culture media. The degradation appeared to involve the breakdown of Dyfonate into ethyl acetate soluble metabolites, such as ethylethoxyphosphonothioic acid, ethylethoxyphosphonic acid, methyl phenyl sulfoxide, and methyl phenyl sulfone. These compounds were then further degraded into water-soluble products. The optimum conditions for the degradation of the insecticide by R. arrhizus were observed at pH 6.0 to 7.0 and at 15-25 degrees C. Aged fungal mycelia were as active as mycelia in the logarithmic growth phase.  相似文献   

Spawning burrow selection by the longfinned goby Valenciennea longipinnis was studied in the near-shore moat on coral reefs, Okinawa, Japan. The gobies make several burrows within their home range, and spawn in one of them. To examine the factors important for spawning burrow selection three characteristics were investigated: current strength, burrow length and effect of underground water on the burrow. Among the burrows, pairs tended to spawn in a larger burrow irrespective of their body sizes. Most of the other non-spawning burrows were too small for a pair to stay together, because hard substrata may prevent the fish from excavating and shaping the burrow as they like. Moreover, pairs preferred to spawn in burrows where the underground water was oozing out, probably because the male's parental burden will decrease due to the higher dissolved oxygen concentration in such burrows. Although current strength may affect a water-exchange in a V. longipinnis burrow in relation to water-exchange function of a mound, it did not affect the spawning burrow selection because of the smaller velocity difference among the burrows relative to the daily fluctuation of tidal current.  相似文献   

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