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Observations over the measles epidemic process in Leningrad showed that the sporadic morbidity level reached in 1974--4.1 per 100 000 residents; however periodic elevation and decline of morbidity and tis seasonal variations persisted. A rise of morbidity in 1972--1973, and by preliminary data--in 1975, occurred on account of the older age groups. There was revealed no dependence of the disease incidence among the persons vaccinated on the time lapse after their vaccination. Individual batches of live measles vaccine issued in 1963--1969 were not up to the standard, this serving as one of the cases of the occurence of group incidence of the infection in some foci.  相似文献   

The authors studied the efficacy of measles revaccination in children in whose serum no specific antihemagglutinins were revealed in titration with 1 GAE antigen (the first group) and having no specific antibodies in titration with 4 GAE antigen (the second group). Investigations demonstrated that children in whose blood serum no measles antibodies were revealed in the presence of 1 GAE antigen were subject of vaccination. Repeated vaccination used at present in persons who produced minimal antibody concentrations in response to vaccination is not recommended.  相似文献   

The autoradiographic method was used for a comparative study of regeneration of the gastric mucosa after wounding the rat with a preliminary loss of blood and without it. The H3-thymidin label index was determined in the portions of the mucosa of the wound edge and far from it. A histological analysis of healing the wounds failed to reveal any difference in terms of this process in rats with a loss of blood and without it. A momentary massive loss of blood did not influence the strain and intracellular regeneration processes in the healing wound of the stomach: the amount of cells synthesizing DNA at the edges of the gastrotonic wound proved to be the same in experiments both with a loss of blood and without it. The authors believe that it may serve as an indirect evidence of a somewhat exaggerated danger of surgery at the height of gastroduodenal bleeding.  相似文献   

The study was aimed at in vitro investigation of the Myramistin antiviral activity against the measles and mumps viruses in the Vero cell culture. The experiments with addition of myramistin simultaneously or at various periods after inoculation of the monolayer by the measles virus (Edmonson strain) or mumps virus (PetroNov/03 strain) revealed pronounced dose-dependent antiviral effect of the drug. It was shown that for prevention of replication of the measles and mumps viruses the optimal concentrations were 0.05 to 0.005%. The prospects of myramistin use as a prophylactic agent for infections caused by the measles and mumps viruses are discussed.  相似文献   

The epidemiology of acute infections is strongly influenced by the immune status of individuals. In-host models can provide quantitative predictions of immune status and can thus offer valuable insights into the factors that influence transmission between individuals and the effectiveness of vaccination protocols with respect to individual immunity. Here we develop an in-host model of measles infection. The model explicitly considers the effects of immune system memory and CD8 T-cells, which are key to measles clearance. The model is used to determine the effects of waning immunity through vaccination and infection, the effects of booster exposures or vaccines on the level of immunity, and the immune system characteristics that result in measles transmission (R(0)>1) even if an individual has no apparent clinical symptoms. We find that the level of immune system CD8 T-cells at the time of exposure to measles determines whether an individual will experience a measles infection or simply a boost in immunity. We also find that the infected cell dynamics are a good indicator of measles transmission and the degree of symptoms that will be experienced. Our results indicate that the degree of immunity in adults is independent of the source of exposure in early childhood, be it vaccine or natural infection.  相似文献   

Measles virus has two glycoproteins. The larger glycoprotein (HA) is composed of 76,000-dalton subunits that are bound by disulfide bonds. The smaller glycoprotein (F) appears to contain a glucosamine-rich portion that is linked to an unglycosylated protein by disulfide bonds.  相似文献   

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) play an integral role in protein synthesis, functioning to attach the correct amino acid with its cognate tRNA molecule. AaRSs are known to associate into higher-order multi-aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase complexes (MSC) involved in archaeal and eukaryotic translation, although the precise biological role remains largely unknown. To gain further insights into archaeal MSCs, possible protein-protein interactions with the atypical Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus seryl-tRNA synthetase (MtSerRS) were investigated. Yeast two-hybrid analysis revealed arginyl-tRNA synthetase (MtArgRS) as an interacting partner of MtSerRS. Surface plasmon resonance confirmed stable complex formation, with a dissociation constant (K(D)) of 250 nM. Formation of the MtSerRS·MtArgRS complex was further supported by the ability of GST-MtArgRS to co-purify MtSerRS and by coelution of the two enzymes during gel filtration chromatography. The MtSerRS·MtArgRS complex also contained tRNA(Arg), consistent with the existence of a stable ribonucleoprotein complex active in aminoacylation. Steady-state kinetic analyses revealed that addition of MtArgRS to MtSerRS led to an almost 4-fold increase in the catalytic efficiency of serine attachment to tRNA, but had no effect on the activity of MtArgRS. Further, the most pronounced improvements in the aminoacylation activity of MtSerRS induced by MtArgRS were observed under conditions of elevated temperature and osmolarity. These data indicate that formation of a complex between MtSerRS and MtArgRS provides a means by which methanogenic archaea can optimize an early step in translation under a wide range of extreme environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Clinical, morphological, and immunological study was carried out in monkeys given shigellae antigen in tablets orally. Each tablet contained 0.5 mg of the antigens obtained by Boiven's method from Sh. flexneri 2a, 3, 4a, 4b, 6 and Sh. sonnei. Daily administration of the preparation for 4 days and then 4 times at the interval of 5 days proved to be harmless for monkeys. A marked immunomorphological reaction in the form of hyperplasia of the lymphoid elements of the wall of the large intestine and the lymph nodes occurred in response. There was found a resistance of the great majority of the immunized animals to the infection with the virulent Sh. flexneri 2a strain, this corresponding to the accumulation of cells secreting IgM and IgA in the wall of the large intestine.  相似文献   

Measles remains a principal cause of worldwide mortality, in part because young infants cannot be immunized effectively. Development of new vaccines has been hindered by previous experience with a formalin-inactivated vaccine that predisposed to a severe form of disease (atypical measles). Here we have developed and tested potential DNA vaccines for immunogenicity, efficacy and safety in a rhesus macaque model of measles. DNA protected from challenge with wild-type measles virus. Protection correlated with levels of neutralizing antibody and not with cytotoxic T lymphocyte activity. There was no evidence in any group, including those receiving hemagglutinin-encoding DNA alone, of 'priming' for atypical measles.  相似文献   

In previous works it has been demonstrated that Balb/c albino mice immunized with Trypanosoma rangeli developed cellular and humoral immune response to Tripanosoma cruzi. Moreover, the immunized animals were protected against lethal infection by virulent T. cruzi trypomastigotes. In fact, immunized mice had significantly lower parasitemias and longer survival than controls. To go further in this experimental model, the aim of the present work was to analyze the effect of the number of antigenic stimuli and the conservation of the antigen on the effectiveness of protective effect. For that purpose, three different immunization schedules injecting T. rangeli epimastigotes fixed with glutaraldehide and emulsified with Saponin (SAP) as adjuvant were assayed. Different lots of mice which received only phosphate buffer saline or SAP were used as controls. In another set of experiments the conservation of the antigen during 90 days at 4 degrees C was studied. In all the experiments mice were infected with 100 trypomastigotes of T. cruzi, Tulahuén strain. The parasitemias were analyzed on 13th, 16th and 21st post infection days, and the survival until the 60th day. The results revealed that one dose of antigen was inadequate to give an effective protection. On the other hand, mice immunized with 2 and 3 dose showed a significant decrease of parasitemia with regard to controls (p < 0.001 - p < 0.0001) and the survival were markedly increased. Likewise, the antigen kept during 90th days at 4 degrees C showed similar protective efficacy than fresh antigen. Both of these experimental groups showed significant differences with respect to control animals in parasitemia (p < 0.05 - p > 0.01) and survival (p < 0.01). In conclusion, the results of this work showed that in the experimental conditions assayed, the immunization with T. rangeli trigger and adequate immune response when mice received at least two antigenic stimuli. Likewise, it is interesting to point out the stability of the antigenic preparation during at least 90th days.  相似文献   

The results of the comparative study of the immunological effectiveness of experimental samples of respiratory syncytial (RS) viral vaccine, prepared from a live attenuated strain and introduced in a single administration to young adults by the intranasal, intradermal and combined intranasal-intradermal) routes, are presented. The effectiveness of intranasal immunization was inversely related to the level of previously existing humoral (serum, secretory) antibodies. Intradermal immunization enhanced the frequency of the formation of serum antibodies in persons having had such antibodies before the introduction of RS vaccine. The most active formation of serum and secretory antibodies was ensured by the combined (intranasal-intradermal) method of the administration of live RS vaccine which proved to be particularly effective in persons having had antibodies in the blood and secretions prior to immunization.  相似文献   

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