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E2 conjugating enzymes form a thiol ester intermediate with ubiquitin, which is subsequently transferred to a substrate protein targeted for degradation. While all E2 proteins comprise a catalytic domain where the thiol ester is formed, several E2s (class II) have C-terminal extensions proposed to control substrate recognition, dimerization, or polyubiquitin chain formation. Here we present the novel solution structure of the class II E2 conjugating enzyme Ubc1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The structure shows the N-terminal catalytic domain adopts an alpha/beta fold typical of other E2 proteins. This domain is physically separated from its C-terminal domain by a 22-residue flexible tether. The C-terminal domain adopts a three-helix bundle that we have identified as an ubiquitin-associated domain (UBA). NMR chemical shift perturbation experiments show this UBA domain interacts in a regioselective manner with ubiquitin. This two-domain structure of Ubc1 was used to identify other UBA-containing class II E2 proteins, including human E2-25K, that likely have a similar architecture and to determine the role of the UBA domain in facilitating polyubiquitin chain formation.  相似文献   

Although polyubiquitin chains linked through Lys(29) of ubiquitin have been implicated in the targeting of certain substrates to proteasomes, the signaling properties of these chains are poorly understood. We previously described a ubiquitin-protein isopeptide ligase (E3) from erythroid cells that assembles polyubiquitin chains through either Lys(29) or Lys(48) of ubiquitin (Mastrandrea, L. D., You, J., Niles, E. G., and Pickart, C. M. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 27299-27306). Here we describe the purification of this E3 based on its affinity for a linear fusion of ubiquitin to the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme UbcH5A. Among five major polypeptides in the affinity column eluate, the activity of interest was assigned to the product of a previously cloned human cDNA known as KIAA10 (Nomura, N., Miyajima, N., Sazuka, T., Tanaka, A., Kawarabayasi, Y., Sato, S., Nagase, T., Seki, N., Ishikawa, K., and Tabata, S. (1994) DNA Res. 1, 27-35). The KIAA10 protein is a member of the HECT (homologous to E6-AP carboxyl terminus) domain family of E3s. These E3s share a conserved C-terminal (HECT) domain that functions in the catalysis of ubiquitination, while their divergent N-terminal domains function in cognate substrate binding (Huibregtse, J. M., Scheffner, M., Beaudenon, S., and Howley, P. M. (1995) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 92, 2563-2567). Recombinant KIAA10 catalyzed the assembly of both Lys(29)- and Lys(48)-linked polyubiquitin chains. Surprisingly, the C-terminal 428 residues of KIAA10 were both necessary and sufficient for this activity, suggesting that the ability to assemble polyubiquitin chains may be a general property of HECT domains. The N-terminal domain of KIAA10 interacted in vitro with purified 26 S proteasomes and with the isolated S2/Rpn1 subunit of the proteasome's 19 S regulatory complex, suggesting that the N-terminal domains of HECT E3s may function in proteasome binding as well as substrate binding.  相似文献   

Polymeric chains of a small protein ubiquitin are involved in regulation of nearly all vital processes in eukaryotic cells. Elucidating the signaling properties of polyubiquitin requires the ability to make these chains in vitro. In recent years, chemical and chemical–biology tools have been developed that produce fully natural isopeptide-linked polyUb chains with no need for linkage-specific ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes. These methods produced unbranched chains (in which no more than one lysine per ubiquitin is conjugated to another ubiquitin). Here we report a nonenzymatic method for the assembly of fully natural isopeptide-linked branched polyubiquitin chains. This method is based on the use of mutually orthogonal removable protecting groups (e.g., Boc- and Alloc-) on lysines combined with an Ag-catalyzed condensation reaction between a C-terminal thioester on one ubiquitin and a specific ε-amine on another ubiquitin, and involves genetic incorporation of more than one Lys(Boc) at the desired linkage positions in the ubiquitin sequence. We demonstrate our method by making a fully natural branched tri-ubiquitin containing isopeptide linkages via Lys11 and Lys33, and a 15N-enriched proximal ubiquitin, which enabled monomer-specific structural and dynamical studies by NMR. Furthermore, we assayed disassembly of branched and unbranched tri-ubiquitins as well as control di-ubiquitins by the yeast proteasome-associated deubiquitinase Ubp6. Our results show that Ubp6 can recognize and disassemble a branched polyubiquitin, wherein cleavage preferences for individual linkages are retained. Our spectroscopic and functional data suggest that, at least for the chains studied here, the isopeptide linkages are effectively independent of each other. Together with our method for nonenzymatic assembly of unbranched polyubiquitin, these developments now provide tools for making fully natural polyubiquitin chains of essentially any type of linkage and length.  相似文献   

Polyubiquitin chains assembled through lysine 48 (Lys-48) of ubiquitin act as a signal for substrate proteolysis by 26 S proteasomes, whereas chains assembled through Lys-63 play a mechanistically undefined role in post-replicative DNA repair. We showed previously that the products of the UBC13 and MMS2 genes function in error-free post-replicative DNA repair in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and form a complex that assembles Lys-63-linked polyubiquitin chains in vitro. Here we confirm that the Mms2.Ubc13 complex functions as a high affinity heterodimer in the chain assembly reaction in vitro and report the results of a kinetic characterization of the polyubiquitin chain assembly reaction. To test whether a Lys-63-linked polyubiquitin chain can signal degradation, we conjugated Lys-63-linked tetra-ubiquitin to a model substrate of 26 S proteasomes. Although the noncanonical chain effectively signaled substrate degradation, the results of new genetic epistasis studies agree with previous genetic data in suggesting that the proteolytic activity of proteasomes is not required for error-free post-replicative repair.  相似文献   

Polyubiquitin (Ub) chains linked through Lys-48-Gly-76 isopeptide bonds represent the principal signal by which substrates of the Ub-dependent protein degradation pathway are targeted to the 26 S proteasome, but the mechanism(s) whereby these chains are assembled on substrate proteins is poorly understood. Nor have assembly mechanisms or definitive functions been assigned to polyubiquitin chains linked through several other lysine residues of ubiquitin. We show that rabbit reticulocyte lysate harbors enzymatic components that catalyze the assembly of unanchored Lys-29-linked polyubiquitin chains. This reaction can be reconstituted using the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (E2) known as UbcH5A, a 120-kDa protein(s) that behaves as a ubiquitin-protein ligase (E3), and ubiquitin-activating enzyme (E1). The same partially purified E3 preparation also catalyzes the assembly of unanchored chains linked through Lys-48. Kinetic studies revealed a K(m) of approximately 9 microM for the acceptor ubiquitin in the synthesis of diubiquitin; this value is similar to the concentration of free ubiquitin in most cells. Similar kinetic behavior was observed for conjugation to Lys-48 versus Lys-29 and for conjugation to tetraubiquitin versus monoubiquitin. The properties of these enzymes suggest that there may be distinct pathways for ubiquitin-ubiquitin ligation versus substrate-ubiquitin ligation in vivo.  相似文献   

RING (really interesting new gene) and U-box E3 ligases bridge E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes and substrates to enable the transfer of ubiquitin to a lysine residue on the substrate or to one of the seven lysine residues of ubiquitin for polyubiquitin chain elongation. Different polyubiquitin chains have different functions. Lys(48)-linked chains target proteins for proteasomal degradation, and Lys(63)-linked chains function in signal transduction, endocytosis and DNA repair. For this reason, chain topology must be tightly controlled. Using the U-box E3 ligase CHIP [C-terminus of the Hsc (heat-shock cognate) 70-interacting protein] and the RING E3 ligase TRAF6 (tumour-necrosis-factor-receptor-associated factor 6) with the E2s Ubc13 (ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme 13)-Uev1a (ubiquitin E2 variant 1a) and UbcH5a, in the present study we demonstrate that Ubc13-Uev1a supports the formation of free Lys(63)-linked polyubiquitin chains not attached to CHIP or TRAF6, whereas UbcH5a catalyses the formation of polyubiquitin chains linked to CHIP and TRAF6 that lack specificity for any lysine residue of ubiquitin. Therefore the abilities of these E2s to ubiquitinate a substrate and to elongate polyubiquitin chains of a specific topology appear to be mutually exclusive. Thus two different classes of E2 may be required to attach a polyubiquitin chain of a particular topology to a substrate: the properties of one E2 are designed to mono-ubiquitinate a substrate with no or little inherent specificity for an acceptor lysine residue, whereas the properties of the second E2 are tailored to the elongation of a polyubiquitin chain using a defined lysine residue of ubiquitin.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD6 protein is required for a surprising diversity of cellular processes, including sporulation and replicational damage bypass of DNA lesions. In mammals, two RAD6-related genes, HR6A and HR6B, encode highly homologous proteins. Here, we describe the phenotype of cells and mice deficient for the mHR6A gene. Just like mHR6B knockout mouse embryonic fibroblasts, mHR6A-deficient cells appear to have normal DNA damage resistance properties, but mHR6A knockout male and female mice display a small decrease in body weight. The necessity for at least one functional mHR6A (X-chromosomal) or mHR6B (autosomal) allele in all somatic cell types is supported by the fact that neither animals lacking both proteins nor females with only one intact mHR6A allele are viable. In striking contrast to mHR6B knockout males, which show a severe spermatogenic defect, mHR6A knockout males are normally fertile. However, mHR6A knockout females fail to produce offspring despite a normal ovarian histology and ovulation. The absence of mHR6A in oocytes prevents development beyond the embryonic two-cell stage but does not result in an aberrant methylation pattern of histone H3 at this early stage of mouse embryonic development. These observations support redundant but dose-dependent roles for HR6A and HR6B in somatic cell types and germ line cells in mammals.  相似文献   

Within the ubiquitin degradation pathway, the canonical signal is a lysine 48-linked polyubiquitin chain that is assembled upon an internal lysine residue of a substrate protein. Once constructed, this ubiquitin chain becomes the principle signal for recognition and target degradation by the 26S proteasome. The mechanism by which polyubiquitin chains are assembled on a substrate protein, however, has yet to be clearly defined. In an in vitro model system, purified E2-ubiquitin thiolester was unable to catalyze the formation of polyubiquitin chains in the absence of the ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1. Mutagenesis of key residues within the E1 active site revealed that its conserved catalytic cysteine residue is essential for the formation of these chains. Moreover, inactivation of the E2 active site had no effect on the ability of E1 to catalyze ubiquitin chain formation. These findings strongly suggest E1 is responsible for not only the activation of ubiquitin but also for the direct catalytic extension of a lysine 48-linked polyubiquitin chain.  相似文献   

DNA repair is required for the genomic stability and well-being of an organism. In yeasts, a multisubunit complex consisting of SMC5, SMC6, MMS21/NSE2, and other non-SMC proteins is required for DNA repair through homologous recombination. The yeast MMS21 protein is a SUMO ligase. Here we show that the human homolog of MMS21 is also a SUMO ligase. hMMS21 stimulates sumoylation of hSMC6 and the DNA repair protein TRAX. Depletion of hMMS21 by RNA interference (RNAi) sensitizes HeLa cells toward DNA damage-induced apoptosis. Ectopic expression of wild-type hMMS21, but not its ligase-inactive mutant, rescues this hypersensitivity of hMMS21-RNAi cells. ATM/ATR are hyperactivated in hMMS21-RNAi cells upon DNA damage. Consistently, hMMS21-RNAi cells show an increased number of phospho-CHK2 foci. Finally, we show that hMMS21-RNAi cells show a decreased capacity to repair DNA lesions as measured by the comet assay. Our findings suggest that the human SMC5/6 complex and the SUMO ligase activity of hMMS21 are required for the prevention of DNA damage-induced apoptosis by facilitating DNA repair in human cells.  相似文献   

UV lesions in the template strand block the DNA replication machinery. Genetic studies of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae have indicated the requirement of the Rad6-Rad18 complex, which contains ubiquitin-conjugating and DNA-binding activities, in the error-free and mutagenic modes of damage bypass. Here, we examine the contributions of the REV3, RAD30, RAD5, and MMS2 genes, all of which belong to the RAD6 epistasis group, to the postreplication repair of UV-damaged DNA. Discontinuities, which are formed in DNA strands synthesized from UV-damaged templates, are not repaired in the rad5Delta and mms2Delta mutants, thus indicating the requirement of the Rad5 protein and the Mms2-Ubc13 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme complex in this repair process. Some discontinuities accumulate in the absence of RAD30-encoded DNA polymerase eta (Poleta) but not in the absence of REV3-encoded DNA Polzeta. We concluded that replication through UV lesions in yeast is mediated by at least three separate Rad6-Rad18-dependent pathways, which include mutagenic translesion synthesis by Polzeta, error-free translesion synthesis by Poleta, and postreplication repair of discontinuities by a Rad5-dependent pathway. We suggest that newly synthesized DNA possessing discontinuities is restored to full size by a "copy choice" type of DNA synthesis which requires Rad5, a DNA-dependent ATPase, and also PCNA and Poldelta. The possible roles of the Rad6-Rad18 and the Mms2-Ubc13 enzyme complexes in Rad5-dependent damage bypass are discussed.  相似文献   

Comment on: Redwood AB, et al. Cell Cycle 2011; 10:2550-61.  相似文献   

Structural properties of polyubiquitin chains in solution   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Because polyubiquitin chain structure modulates Ub-mediated signaling, knowledge of the physiological conformations of chain signals should provide insights into specific recognition. Here, we characterized the solution conformations of K48-linked Ub(2) and Ub(4) using a combination of NMR techniques, including chemical shift mapping of the interdomain interface, domain orientation measurements on the basis of 15N relaxation and residual dipolar couplings, and the solvent accessibility studies. Our data indicate a switch in the conformation of Ub(2), from open to closed, with increasing pH. The closed conformation features a well-defined interface that is related to, but distinguishable from, that observed in the Ub(2) crystal structure. This interface is dynamic in solution, such that important hydrophobic residues (L8, I44, V70) that are sequestered at the interface in the closed conformation may be accessible for direct interactions with recognition factors. Our results suggest that the distal two units of Ub(4), which is the minimum signal for efficient proteasomal degradation, may adopt the closed Ub(2) conformation.  相似文献   

We have cloned and sequenced the gene encoding a novel ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Disruption of this gene shows that it is not essential for cell viability.  相似文献   

Comment on: Piwko W, et al. EMBO J 2010; 29:4210-22, Duro E, et al. Mol Cell 2010; 40:632–44, O’Connell BC, et al. Mol Cell 2010; 40:645–57 and O’Donnell L, et al. Mol Cell 2010; 40:619–31.  相似文献   

Ulrich HD  Jentsch S 《The EMBO journal》2000,19(13):3388-3397
Two ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes, RAD6 and the heteromeric UBC13-MMS2 complex, have been implicated in post-replicative DNA damage repair in yeast. Here we provide a mechanistic basis for cooperation between the two enzymes. We show that two chromatin-associated RING finger proteins, RAD18 and RAD5, play a central role in mediating physical contacts between the members of the RAD6 pathway. RAD5 recruits the UBC13-MMS2 complex to DNA by means of its RING finger domain. Moreover, RAD5 association with RAD18 brings UBC13-MMS2 into contact with the RAD6-RAD18 complex. Interaction between the two RING finger proteins thus promotes the formation of a heteromeric complex in which the two distinct ubiquitin-conjugating activities of RAD6 and UBC13-MMS2 can be closely coordinated. Surprisingly, UBC13 and MMS2 are largely cytosolic proteins, but DNA damage triggers their redistribution to the nucleus. These findings suggest a mechanism by which the activity of this DNA repair pathway could be regulated.  相似文献   

Deng L  Wang C  Spencer E  Yang L  Braun A  You J  Slaughter C  Pickart C  Chen ZJ 《Cell》2000,103(2):351-361
TRAF6 is a signal transducer in the NF-kappaB pathway that activates IkappaB kinase (IKK) in response to proinflammatory cytokines. We have purified a heterodimeric protein complex that links TRAF6 to IKK activation. Peptide mass fingerprinting analysis reveals that this complex is composed of the ubiquitin conjugating enzyme Ubc13 and the Ubc-like protein Uev1A. We find that TRAF6, a RING domain protein, functions together with Ubc13/Uev1A to catalyze the synthesis of unique polyubiquitin chains linked through lysine-63 (K63) of ubiquitin. Blockade of this polyubiquitin chain synthesis, but not inhibition of the proteasome, prevents the activation of IKK by TRAF6. These results unveil a new regulatory function for ubiquitin, in which IKK is activated through the assembly of K63-linked polyubiquitin chains.  相似文献   

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