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J.S. Ashadevi  S.R. Ramesh 《Genetica》2000,109(3):235-243
By analyzing the progeny of crosses involving brown eye mutants and the wild types in two members of Drosophila nasuta subgroup namely D. n. nasuta and D. n. albomicans we could show that the mutant gene is recessive, located in the chromosome 2 and the alleles of this gene are present at different loci. A study of fitness in the eye color mutants in comparison with the wild types revealed that D. n. nasuta mutant has higher viability at both 25 ± 1°C and ambient temperatures; while D. n. albomicans mutant has faster rate of development only at 25 ± 1°C. Quantitative analysis of eye pigments in the mutants revealed that there is biosynthesis of both pteridines and xanthommatins unlike in bw/bw of D. melanogaster, where only xanthommatins are synthesized. In both the species, the pteridine quantities in mutants are similar; whereas xanthommatin quantity in is 10 times higher than that of . Further, the F1 progeny of intraspecific crosses (wild type X mutant) are found to have high amounts of pteridine, even when compared with parental wild type. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The Ras/MAPK-signaling pathway plays pivotal roles during development of metazoans by controlling cell proliferation and cell differentiation elicited, in several instances, by receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs). While the internal mechanism of RTK-driven Ras/MAPK signaling is well understood, far less is known regarding its interplay with other corequired signaling events involved in developmental decisions. In a genetic screen designed to identify new regulators of RTK/Ras/MAPK signaling during Drosophila eye development, we identified the small GTPase Rap1, PDZ-GEF, and Canoe as components contributing to Ras/MAPK-mediated R7 cell differentiation. Rap1 signaling has recently been found to participate in assembling cadherin-based adherens junctions in various fly epithelial tissues. Here, we show that Rap1 activity is required for the integrity of the apical domains of developing photoreceptor cells and that reduced Rap1 signaling hampers the apical accumulation of the Sevenless RTK in presumptive R7 cells. It thus appears that, in addition to its role in cell–cell adhesion, Rap1 signaling controls the partitioning of the epithelial cell membrane, which in turn influences signaling events that rely on apico-basal cell polarity.  相似文献   

A review of the data obtained by the author and his collaborators in studying tissue specific esterase of Drosophila males. Patterns were established for molecular-genetic regulation of synthesis of this isozyme.  相似文献   

The suppressible eye color mutant purple (pr) of Drosophila melanogaster is known to be unable to synthesize a wild-type complement of pteridine eye pigments. This study measures the reduced levels of drosopterins, sepiapterin, and an unidentified presumed pteridine in pr and pr bw. Pteridine analyses in double mutants combining pr with one of three other eye color mutants sepia, Henna-recessive3, and prune2, suggest that the metabolic block in pr occurs prior to sepiapterin biosynthesis. Measurements of GTP and GTP cyclohydrolase in pr showed wild-type levels and indicate the metabolic block in pr to be at one of the steps converting dihydroneopterin triphosphate to sepiapterin. Quantitation of pteridines in suppressed purple [su(s) 2; pr and pr; su(pr) e3] shows restoration of pteridines to wild-type or nearly wild-type levels.T. G. W. is a predoctoral trainee supported by Grant GM 1974 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, National Institutes of Health.The Oak Ridge National Laboratory is operated by Union Carbide Corporation for the U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration.  相似文献   

Patterning in multi-cellular organisms involves progressive restriction of cell fates by generation of boundaries to divide an organ primordium into smaller fields. We have employed the Drosophila eye model to understand the genetic circuitry responsible for defining the boundary between the eye and the head cuticle on the ventral margin. The default state of the early eye is ventral and depends on the function of Lobe (L) and the Notch ligand Serrate (Ser). We identified homothorax (hth) as a strong enhancer of the L mutant phenotype of loss of ventral eye. Hth is a MEIS class gene with a highly conserved Meis-Hth (MH) domain and a homeodomain (HD). Hth is known to bind Extradenticle (Exd) via its MH domain for its nuclear translocation. Loss-of-function of hth, a negative regulator of eye, results in ectopic ventral eye enlargements. This phenotype is complementary to the L mutant phenotype of loss-of-ventral eye. However, if L and hth interact during ventral eye development remains unknown. Here we show that (i) L acts antagonistically to hth, (ii) Hth is upregulated in the L mutant background, and (iii) MH domain of Hth is required for its genetic interaction with L, while its homeodomain is not, (iv) in L mutant background ventral eye suppression function of Hth involves novel MH domain-dependent factor(s), and (v) nuclear localization of Exd is not sufficient to mediate the Hth function in the L mutant background. Further, Exd is not a critical rate-limiting factor for the Hth function. Thus, optimum levels of L and Hth are required to define the boundary between the developing eye and head cuticle on the ventral margin.  相似文献   

Summary A 2.1-kb SStI fragment including the rp49 gene and the 3 end of the -serendipity gene has been cloned and sequenced in Drosophila pseudoobscura. rp49 maps at region 62 on the tip of chromosome II of this species. Both the coding and flanking regions have been aligned and compared with those of D. subobscura. There is no evidence for heterogeneity in the rate of silent substitution between the rp49 coding region and the rate of substitutions in flanking regions, the overall silent divergence per site being 0.19. Noncoding regions also differ between both species by different insertions/deletions, some of which are related to repeated sequences. The rp49 region of D. pseudoobscura shows a strong codon bias similar to those of D. subobscura and D. melanogaster. Comparison of the rates of silent (K S ) and nonsilent (K a ) substitutions of the rp49 gene and other genes completely sequenced in D. pseudoobscura and D. melanogaster confirms previous results indicating that rp49 is evolving slowly both at silent and nonsilent sites. According to the data for the rp49 region, D. pseudoobscura and D. subobscura lineages would have diverged some 9 Myr ago, if one assumes a divergence time of 30 Myr for the melanogaster and obscura groups.Offprint requests to: C. Segarra  相似文献   

The phase of expression of genes CycB, CycE, and chb were determined in the cell cycle of neuropblasts of D. melanogaster 3rd instar larvae using the previously described radioautographic method and software. CycB was expressed at G 2 phase and upon transition from G 2 phase to M phase, while CycE was expressed at the end of G 1 phase and upon transition from G 1 phase to S phase. The phase of expression of the centrosome-associated protein chb was determined more precisely in G 2 phase. The mean life span of reporter -galactosidase in neuroblasts was 4 h. The existence of more than one peak of expression of the gene in question in the cell cycle is discussed.  相似文献   

To understand the molecular events of ovarian development in penaeid shrimp, RNA arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction (RAP-PCR) was used to identify differentially expressed genes during ovarian maturation in Metapenaeus ensis. From a screening of 700 clones in a cDNA library of the shrimp ovary by the products of RAP-PCR of different maturation stages, 91 fragments with differentially expressed pattern as revealed by dot-blot hybridization were isolated and sequenced. Forty-two of these fragments show significant sequence similarity to known gene products and the differentially expressed pattern of 10 putative genes were further characterized via Northern hybridization. Putative glyceraldehyde–3–phosphate dehydrogenase and arginine kinase are related to provision of energy for active cellular function in oocyte development. Translationally controlled tumor protein, actin, and keratin are related to the organization of cytoskeleton to accomplish growth and development of oocytes. High mobility group protein DSP1, heat shock protein 70, and nucleoside diphosphate kinase may act as repressors before the onset of ovarian maturation. Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase and glutathione peroxidase are related to the stabilization of proteins and oocytes. This study provides new insights on the molecular events in the ovarian development in the shrimp. Present addresses: T.S. Lo, Department of Applied Science, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, Chai Wan, Hong Kong, China J.L.Y. Mong, Department of Biochemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong, China Q.W.L. Wong, Department of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong, China  相似文献   

The embryonic development of the primordia of the Drosophila head was studied by using an enhancer trap line expressed in these structures from embryonic stage 13 onward. Particular attention was given to the question of how the adult head primordia relate to the larval head segments. The clypeo-labral bud to the stage 13 embryo is located at a lateral position in the labrum adjacent to the labral sensory complex (epiphysis). Both clypeo-labral bud and sensory complex are located anterior to the engrailed-expression domain of the labrum. Throughout late embryogenesis and the larval period, the clypeo-labral bud forms integral part of the epithelium lining the roof of the atrium. The labial disc originates from the lateral labial segment adjacent to the labial sensory complex (hypophysis). It partially overlaps with the labial en-domain. After head involution, the labial disc forms a small pocket in the ventro-lateral wall of the atrium. The eye-antenna disc develops from a relatively large territory occupying the dorso-posterior part of the procephalic lobe, as well as parts of the dorsal gnathal segments. Cells in this territory are greatly reduced in number by cell death during stages 12–14. After head involution, the presumptive eye-antenna disc occupies a position in the lateral-posterior part of the dorsal pouch. Evagination of this tissue occurs during the first hours after hatching. In the embryo, no en-expression is present in the presumptive eye-antenna disc. en-expression starts in three separate regions in the third instar larva.  相似文献   

The review considers the advantages of Xenopus embryos as an experimental model to study the molecular-genetic mechanisms of embryo development. The results are described that were obtained with this model in studies on the early brain development within the framework of the Russian program Human Genome.  相似文献   

An improved thin-layer chromatography technique is described for the separation of fluorescent compounds found in extracts of heads of Drosophila melanogaster. Eighteen to twenty fluorescent spots are resolved, two of which are xanthurenic acid and 3-hydroxykynurenine, and the remaining spots are presumably pteridines. Of these, nine have been identified and quantitated directly on the chromatograms with a fluorometer. One of the spots present on the chromatogram apparently has not been described previous to this work. Characteristics of this substance, termed quench spot, are presented, several of which indicate that it may be a pteridine or pteridine derivative.T. G. W. is a predoctoral trainee supported by Grant GM 1974 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, National Institutes of Health.The Oak Ridge National Laboratory is operated by Union Carbide Corporation for the U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration.  相似文献   

Data on the use of various immunochemical markers specifically indicating cell types of the neural retina and pigment epithelium are reviewed. It is demonstrated how this approach can be applied to the analysis of specific features of vertebrate retinal development, including the order and timing of differentiation of the main cell types, their interdependence in the course of this process, and factors controlling the latter. Problems concerning the state of differentiation and its change in the cells of retinal pigment epithelium and glial cells are discussed in respect to their analysis with the aid of specific protein markers. The current state of retina regeneration research involving the use of labeled cell sources and regenerated cells in lower vertebrates is analyzed. Problems in the search for new markers of retinal photoreceptor, macroglial, and microglial cells and their use in experiments are addressed.  相似文献   

Summary We have assessed the DNA sequence requirements for the correct spatial pattern and phenotypic expression of y in the late embryo/larvae. The wild-type larval phenotype requires both the regions between-294 bp and-92 bp and a portion of the intron; the sequence element(s) located within the intron can act in a position independent manner to effect the wild-type larval phenotype. The larval expression pattern was examined by tissue experiments in situ and by staining germline transformants derived from various y/lacZ fusion constructs. The larval expression of y is restricted to the mouthparts, microsetae and anal plates. While the-495 bp to+194 bp region alone cannot effect a wild-type larval expression pattern, this region in conjunction with the intron appears to be sufficient to drive -gal expression in an essentially wild-type pattern. Our data further suggest that the-294 bp to-92 bp region contains elements which specify the larval pattern and that the element(s) in the intron normally act to enhance the level of expression necessary for the wild-type larval phenotype. We also present a phenotypic analysis of the adult cuticle structures of germline transformants derived from a variety of deletion and rearrangement constructs of the y gene. This analysis has revealed several new features associated with the regulation of y expression.  相似文献   

We have followed the normal development of the different cell types associated with the Drosophila dorsal vessel, i.e. cardioblasts, pericardial cells, alary muscles, lymph gland and ring gland, by using several tissue-specific markers and transmission electron microscopy. Precursors of pericardial cells and cardioblasts split as two longitudinal rows of cells from the lateral mesoderm of segments T2-A7 (cardiogenic region) during stage 12. The lymph gland and dorsal part of the ring gland (corpus allatum) originate from clusters of lateral mesodermal cells located in T3 and T1/dorsal ridge, respectively. Cardioblast precursors are strictly segmentally organized; each of T2-A6 gives rise to six cardioblasts. While moving dorsally during the stages leading up to dorsal closure, cardioblast precursors become flattened, polarized cells aligned in a regular longitudinal row. At dorsal closure, the leading edges of the cardioblast precursors meet their contralateral counterparts. The lumen of the dorsal vessel is formed when the trailing edges of the cardioblast precursors of either side bend around and contact each other. The amnioserosa invaginates during dorsal closure and is transiently attached to the cardioblasts; however, it does not contribute to the cells associated with the dorsal vessel and degenerates during late embryogenesis. We describe ultrastructural characteristics of cardioblast differentiation and discuss similarities between cardioblast development and capillary differentiation in vertebrates. Correspondence to: V. Hartenstein  相似文献   

Summary The homeotic gene fork head (fkh) of Drosophila melanogaster promotes terminal as opposed to segmental development in the ectodermal parts of the gut. Molecular analysis revealed that fkh expression is not restricted to the ectodermal parts of the gut, but is detectable in a variety of other tissues. Therefore, the phenotype of fkh mutant embryos was re-examined using molecular probes as tissue specific markers. With the exception of the nervous system, which was not studied, phenotypic effects were found in all tissues expressing fkh protein in the wild-type. Particularly, these tissues include all components of the gut in the Drosophila embryo: the foregut and hindgut, the midgut and the yolk nuclei. The defects observed in the gut of fkh mutant embryos are primordium specific.  相似文献   

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