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Participation of brown adipose tissue [through the action of the uncoupling protein-1 (UCP1)] in adaptive adrenergic nonshivering thermogenesis is recognized, but the existence of a response to adrenergic stimulation in UCP1-ablated mice implies that a mechanism for an alternative adaptive adrenergic thermogenesis may exist. Here, we have used UCP1-ablated mice to examine the existence of an alternative adaptive adrenergic nonshivering thermogenesis, examined as the oxygen consumption response to systemically injected norepinephrine into anesthetized or conscious mice acclimated to different temperatures. We confirm that UCP1-dependent adrenergic nonshivering thermogenesis is adaptive, but we demonstrate that the adrenergic UCP1-independent thermogenesis is not recruitable by cold acclimation. Thus, at least in the mouse, no other proteins or enzymatic pathways exist that can participate in or with time take over the UCP1 mediation of adaptive adrenergic nonshivering thermogenesis, even in the total absence of UCP1. UCP1 is thus the only protein capable of mediating cold acclimation-recruited adaptive adrenergic nonshivering thermogenesis.  相似文献   

We report on a novel Djungarian hamster mutant lineage that exhibits a loss of uncoupling protein (UCP) 3 mRNA and protein in brown adipose tissue (BAT), whereas UCP3 expression in skeletal muscle is only mildly diminished. In response to 2 d of cold exposure, UCP3 mRNA was 4.5-fold elevated in BAT of wild-type hamsters but remained undetectable in mutant hamsters. Notably, in BAT of warm- and cold-exposed mutant hamsters, UCP1 and UCP2 mRNA levels were increased. The tissue specificity of UCP3 deficiency suggests that the underlying unknown mutation impairs a factor controlling UCP3 gene expression selectively in brown adipocytes. In wild-type but not mutant primary brown adipocytes, UCP3 gene expression was stimulated by treatment with peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR) ligands. This implies that the underlying mutation causing UCP3 deficiency is expressed within brown adipocytes and disrupts PPAR-dependent transactivation of the UCP3 gene. On the functional level, we found no direct phenotypic consequences of altered UCP expression in BAT. The absence of UCP3 in BAT of cold-acclimated mutant hamsters affected neither maximal nonshivering thermogenesis elicited by noradrenaline nor the uncoupled respiration of isolated mitochondria in the presence of oligomycin and in response to palmitate.  相似文献   

In some small animals (rat, guinea,pig) adaptation to cold entails an increased ability to produce heat through nonshivering thermogenesis. This is closely associated with the calorigenic action of noradrenaline (NA), In bigger animals (rabbit) the magnitude of nonshivering thermogenesis governed by NA is smaller and these animals rely mostly on adaptation by means of increased insulation. In some other species (white mouse, hedgehog, dog, young fowl)the role of NA in cold acclimation is either not clear or dubious. The last group of homeotherms involves species which do not show either nonshivering thermogenesis or increased insulation after cold adaptation although the resistance to cold has been found to be increased (pigeon, chickens, miniature swine, new born pig). An entirely new mechanism of cold adaptation must be anticipated in these species.
Zusammenfassung In einigen kleineren Tierarten (Ratte, Meerschweinchen) schliesst die Anpassung an Kälte eine erhöhte Fähigkeit zur Wärmebildung ohne Muskelzittern ein. Dieser Beitrag zur Wärmebildung ist zusätzlich zu dem durch Muskelzittern und eng mit der kalorigenen Wirkung von Noradrenalin (NA) verbunden. Grössere Tiere passen sich an Kälte vorwiegend durch Verbesserung der Isolation an (Kaninchen). Der Anteil der durch NA gesteuerten Thermogenese ist gering. Bei anderen Tieren (Maus, Igel, Hund, junges Geflügel) ist die Rolle des NA entweder noch nicht abgeklärt oder zweifelhaft. Schliesslich gibt es Tiere (Taube, Huhn, junge Schweine), die bei Kälteakklimatisation weder eine Verbesserung der Isolation noch zitterfreie Thermogenese aufweisen. Bei diesen Tierarten muss ein völlig neuer Mechanismus der Kälteanpassung angenommen werden.

Resume Pour quelques espèces de petits animaux (rats, cobaye), l'adaptation au froid englobe la possibilité accrue de production de chaleur sans tremblement musculaire. Cette contribution à la production de chaleur se greffe à celle provenant du tremblement musculaire et est étroitement liée à l'effet calorigène de la noradrénaline (NA). De plus gros animaux s'adaptent au froid surtout par une amélioration de l'isolation (lapin). La part de chaleur due à l'effet de la NA y est faible. Pour d'autres espèces (souris, hérisson, chien, jeune volaille), le rôle joué par la NA est ou peu clair ou douteux. Enfin, certains animaux (pigeons, poules,porcelets) ne présentent ni amélioration de l'isolation ni production de chaleur par tremblement musculaire au cours de l'acclimatation au froid. Dans ces cas-là, il faut admettre un mécanisme entièrement nouveau d'adaptation au froid.

Presented during the Fifth International Biometeorological Congress, 1–7 September 1969, Montreux, Switzerland.  相似文献   

Norepinephrine (NE)-induced increase in oxygen consumption (VO2) and colonic temperature (Tc) was greater in cold-acclimated rats housed at 4 degrees C for 4 weeks (CA) than warm-acclimated controls housed at 24 degrees C for 4 weeks (WA). On the other hand, shivering activity measured at 4 degrees C was less in CA than in WA, while propranolol administration eliminated the difference between these two groups by enhancing shivering in CA. Wet weight and protein content of interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT) were greater in CA than in WA. Following cold acclimation, CA were deacclimated at 24 degrees C for 5 weeks. During deacclimation, half of this latter group were forced to run (15 m.min-1 for 1 h) every day (CD-T) while the remaining rats remained sedentary (CD-S). Shivering activity assessed at 4 degrees C 4 weeks after commencing cold deacclimation was significantly less in CD-T than in CD-S and the difference disappeared following propranolol injection. VO2 and Tc responses to NE injection measured 1, 2 and 5 weeks after commencing cold deacclimation did not differ between CD-S and CD-T. Although IBAT weight was lighter in CD-T than in CD-S, its total protein content was not different between the latter two groups of rats. These results suggest that a greater degree of NE-independent nonshivering thermogenesis (NST) is retained in rats that are exercised during the process of deacclimation as compared with animals that are sedentary. This difference in NST would not seem to be directly related to BAT thermogenic capacity.  相似文献   

Beta3-adrenergic receptors (AR) are nearly exclusively expressed in brown and white adipose tissues, and chronic activation of these receptors by selective agonists has profound anti-diabetes and anti-obesity effects. This study examined metabolic responses to acute and chronic beta3-AR activation in wild-type C57Bl/6 mice and congenic mice lacking functional uncoupling protein (UCP)1, the molecular effector of brown adipose tissue (BAT) thermogenesis. Acute activation of beta3-AR doubled metabolic rate in wild-type mice and sharply elevated body temperature and BAT blood flow, as determined by laser Doppler flowmetry. In contrast, beta3-AR activation did not increase BAT blood flow in mice lacking UCP1 (UCP1 KO). Nonetheless, beta3-AR activation significantly increased metabolic rate and body temperature in UCP1 KO mice, demonstrating the presence of UCP1-independent thermogenesis. Daily treatment with the beta3-AR agonist CL-316243 (CL) for 6 days increased basal and CL-induced thermogenesis compared with naive mice. This expansion of basal and CL-induced metabolic rate did not require UCP1 expression. Chronic CL treatment of UCP1 KO mice increased basal and CL-stimulated metabolic rate of epididymal white adipose tissue (EWAT) fourfold but did not alter BAT thermogenesis. After chronic CL treatment, CL-stimulated thermogenesis of EWAT equaled that of interscapular BAT per tissue mass. The elevation of EWAT metabolism was accompanied by mitochondrial biogenesis and the induction of genes involved in lipid oxidation. These observations indicate that chronic beta3-AR activation induces metabolic adaptation in WAT that contributes to beta3-AR-mediated thermogenesis. This adaptation involves lipid oxidation in situ and does not require UCP1 expression.  相似文献   

To examine the thermogenic significance of the classical uncoupling protein-1 (UCP1), the thermogenic potential of brown adipocytes isolated from UCP1-ablated mice was investigated. Ucp1(-/-) cells had a basal metabolic rate identical to wild-type; the mitochondria within them were coupled to the same degree. The response to norepinephrine in wild-type cells was robust ( approximately 10-fold increase in thermogenesis); Ucp1(-/-) cells only responded approximately 3% of this. Ucp1(-/-) cells were as potent as wild-type in norepinephrine-induced cAMP accumulation and lipolysis and had a similar mitochondrial respiratory complement. In wild-type cells, fatty acids induced a thermogenic response similar to norepinephrine, but fatty acids (and retinoate) were practically without effect in Ucp1(-/-) cells. It is concluded that no other adrenergically induced thermogenic mechanism exists in brown adipocytes except that mediated by UCP1 and that entopic expression of UCP1 does not lead to overt innate uncoupling, and it is suggested that fatty acids are transformed to an intracellular physiological activator of UCP1. High expression of UCP2 and UCP3 in the tissue was not associated with an overt innate highly uncoupled state of mitochondria within the cells, nor with an ability of norepinephrine or endo- or exogenous fatty acids to induce uncoupled respiration in the cells. Thus, UCP1 remains the only physiologically potent thermogenic uncoupling protein in these cells.  相似文献   

Nutritional deprivation induced by increasing the litter size and subsequent dietary restriction results in rats having lower body weights and body lengths. Such undernourished rats have lower body temperatures as well as lower basal metabolic rate and nonshivering thermogenesis on a metabolic body weight basis; they also succumb on cold exposure to 5 degrees C. Nutritional rehabilitation by access to unlimited food reverses these changes to levels comparable to their control values.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of photoperiod and melatonin treatment on cold resistance and thermogenesis of quails was studied. The birds were acclimated for 8 weeks to short day (8L:16D) or long day (16L:8D) conditions, and 8 of 16 quails in each group were implanted with melatonin capsules. One group of quails was maintained outside in an aviary during winter. Oxygen consumption ( ) body temperature (T b, recorded with temperature transmitters) and shivering (integrated pectoral EMG) were recorded continuously, and samples of heart rate and breathing rate were picked up when ambient temperature was decreased stepwise from 27 down to –75 °C. Heat production maximum (HPmax), cold limit, lower critical temperature, basal metabolic rate (BMR) and thermal conductance were determined.The results show that short day, cold and melatonin treatment improved cold resistance and thermal insulation of quils when compared with quails acclimated to long day conditions. An increase in HPmax was induced only by melatonin treatment. The results suggest that the acclimatization of quails is under control of the pineal gland.The linear increase of shivering intensity with at moderate cold load shows that shivering is the primary source for thermoregulatory heat production in the quail. AtT a's below –40 °C shivering remained constant although , heart rate and breathing rate continued to increase with increasing cold load. This could indicate the existence of a nonshivering thermogenesis in birds. Unlike to mammals, this non-shivering thermogenesis in birds would serve as secondary source of heat supporting shivering thermogenesis in severe coldAbbreviations BMR basal metabolic rate - ECG electrocardiogram - EMG electromyogram - NST nonshivering thermogenesis - SMR standard metabolic rate  相似文献   

The incidence of the metabolic syndrome has reached epidemic levels in the Western world. With respect to the energy balance, most attention has been given to reducing energy (food) intake. Increasing energy expenditure is an important alternative strategy. Facultative thermogenesis, which is the increase in energy expenditure in response to cold or diet, may be an effective way to affect the energy balance. The recent identification of functional brown adipose tissue (BAT) in adult humans promoted a renewed interest in nonshivering thermogenesis (NST). The purpose of this review is to highlight the recent insight in NST, general aspects of its regulation, the major tissues involved, and its metabolic consequences. Sustainable NST in adult humans amounts to 15% of the average daily energy expenditure. Calculations based on the limited available literature show that BAT thermogenesis can amount to 5% of the basal metabolic rate. It is likely that at least a substantial part of NST can be attributed to BAT, but it is possible that other tissues contribute to NST. Several studies on mitochondrial uncoupling indicate that skeletal muscle is another potential contributor to facultative thermogenesis in humans. The general and synergistic role of the sympathetic nervous system and the thyroid axis in relation to NST is discussed. Finally, perspectives on BAT and skeletal muscle NST are given.  相似文献   

To study the thermal response of interscapular brown fat (IBF) to norepinephrine (NE), urethan-anesthetized rats (1.2 g/kg ip) maintained at 28-30 degrees C received a constant venous infusion of NE (0-2 x 10(4) pmol/min) over a period of 60 min. IBF temperatures (T(IBF)) were recorded with a small thermistor fixed under the IBF pad. Data were plotted against time and expressed as maximal variation (Deltat degrees C). Saline-injected rats showed a decrease in T(IBF) of approximately 0.6 degrees C. NE infusion increased T(IBF) by a maximum of approximately 3.0 degrees C at a dose of 10(4) pmol x min(-1) x 100 g body wt(-1). Surgically thyroidectomized (Tx) rats kept on 0.05% methimazole showed a flat response to NE. Treatment with thyroxine (T(4), 0.8 microg x 100 g(-1) x day(-1)) for 2-15 days normalized mitochondrial UCP1 (Western blotting) and IBF thermal response to NE, whereas iopanoic acid (5 mg x 100 g body wt(-1) x day(-1)) blocked the effects of T(4). Treatment with 3,5, 3'-triiodothyronine (T(3), 0.6 microg x 100 g body wt(-1) x day(-1)) for up to 15 days did not normalize UCP1 levels. However, these animals showed a normal IBF thermal response to NE. Cold exposure for 5 days or feeding a cafeteria diet for 20 days increased UCP1 levels by approximately 3.5-fold. Nevertheless, the IBF thermal response was only greater than that of controls when maximal doses of NE (2 x 10(4) pmol/min and higher) were used. Conclusions: 1) hypothyroidism is associated with a blunted IBF thermal response to NE; 2) two- to fourfold changes in mitochondrial UCP1 concentration are not necessarily translated into heat production during NE infusion.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) mediates the thermogenic transport of protons through the inner mitochondrial membrane. This proton leak uncouples respiration from ATP synthesis. The current study assessed the possible contribution of UCP1 muscle gene transfer to impair mitochondrial respiration in a tissue lacking UCP1 gene expression. Rats received an intramuscular injection of plasmid pXC1 containing UCP1 cDNA in the right tibialis muscles, while left tibialis muscles were injected with empty plasmid as control. Ten days after DNA injection, mitochondria from tibialis anterior muscles were isolated and analyzed. UCP1 gene transfer resulted in protein expression as analyzed by inmunoblotting. Mitochondria isolated from UCP1-injected muscles showed a significant increase in state 2 and state 4 oxygen consumption rates and a decreased respiration control ratio in comparison to mitochondria from control muscles. Furthermore, UCP1-containing mitochondria had a lower membrane potential in those states (2 and 4) when compared with control mitochondria. Our results revealed that UCP1 muscle gene transfer is associated with an induced mitochondrial proton leak, which could contribute to increase energy expenditure.  相似文献   

Summary Nonshivering thermogenesis (NST) magnitude was studied in the four chromosomal species of subterranean mole rats of theSpalax ehrenbergi superspecies in Israel. The four species show a distribution pattern which correlates with increasing aridity. The 2n=52 species inhabits the cold and humid regions, 2n=54 cold and dry, 2n-58 warm and humid, and 2n=60 the more arid regions in which temperatures fluctuate daily and annually. NST was measured as the ratio between maximal oxygen due to noradrenaline injection and minimal measured in anaesthetized animals.The chromosomal species 2n=60 from semiarid and arid habitats has the highest NST value. This fact emerges from the low Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) of this species relative to all the other three species. A linear correlation was found between NST magnitude and the average daily range of temperature during June and September.We conclude that speciation of theS. ehrenbergi complex in Israel has thermoregulatory correlates such as heat production by NST, among others. The level of NST appears to be an adaptive physiological characteristic in the ecological speciation of subterranean mole rats.  相似文献   



Uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) is a mitochondrial anion carrier, expressed in brown adipose tissue (BAT) of Eutherians. UCP1 is responsible for uncoupling mitochondrial proton transport from the production of ATP, thereby dissipating heat; it is essential for non-shivering thermogenesis (NST) in mammalian BAT. UCP1 orthologs have been identified in non-Eutherian mammals, fish and amphibians. Yet, UCP1 has a unique function in Eutherians in that it is necessary in the production of heat (NST). As such, this study aims to determine the evolutionary mode of UCP1 in Eutherians, where there is clear evidence of UCP1-dependent NST in BAT.  相似文献   

Summary To assess the thermogenic importance of BAT in Djungarian hamsters we removed about 40% of their BAT and compared their thermogenic abilities before and after the operation. BAT was weighed and assayed for its respiratory properties (Cox, mitochondria). Following removal of BAT we observed considerable reductions of NST. The comparison of NST with BAT weight and with respiratory properties of BAT following partial removal of BAT revealed that at least three different pathways for heat production were involved in NST. In cold-adapted hamsters (values for warm-adapted hamsters in parentheses) we estimated that 66.2% (37.0%) of all NST was produced by mitochondrial respiration in BAT; 16.3% (38.4%) was produced in other organ sites but required the presence of BAT, i.e. there was a mediatory action of BAT on thermogenesis in other organ sites. A further 11.5% (23%) of NST occurred outside of and independent of BAT. Mitochondrial respiration in BAT was the only compartment of NST which increased its contribution during cold adaptation (238 mW to 1,062 mW), whereas the other sources of heat remained largely unchanged.Abbreviations BAT brown adipose tissue - BATex partial removal of brown adipose tissue - BMR basal metabolic rate at thermoneutrality - Cox cytochrome c oxidase - NA noradrenaline - NST nonshivering thermogenesis  相似文献   

The acquisition of UCP1-mediated non-shivering thermogenesis (NST) was an important event during the evolution of mammals. Here, we assessed the thermogenic neofunctionalization that occurred in the mammalian UCP1, by performing detailed comparative evolutionary genomics analyses (including phylogenetic and selection analyses) of the UCP family members across all major vertebrate classes. Heterogeneously distributed positive selection signatures were found in several UCPs, being preferably located in the mitochondrial matrix domains. Additionally, comparisons with non-mammalian orthologs showed increased evolutionary rates of the mammalian UCP1, not observable in the phylogenetically related UCP2 and UCP3 paralogs. Also, parallel signatures of episodic positive selection (ω > 1) were found in the ancestral branches of both Glires (rodents and lagomorphs) and Afroinsectivores (afrosoricids and macroscelids), underlining the importance of the UCP1 thermogenic activity in these mammalian groups. Finally, we hypothesize that the independent positive selection events that occurred in these two lineages resulted in two UCP1-mediated NST approaches, namely the cold acute response in the Glires and the reproduction success enhancement in the Afroinsectivores.  相似文献   

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