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Data on initial velocity and isotope exchange at equilibrium suggest a nonclassical ping-pong mechanism for the dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase from pig liver. Initial velocity patterns in the absence of inhibitors appeared parallel at low reactant concentration, with substrate inhibition by NADPH that is competitive with uracil and with substrate inhibition by uracil that is uncompetitive with NADPH. The Km values for both uracil (1 microM) and NADPH (7 microM) are low. As a result, it was difficult to determine whether the initial velocity pattern in the absence of added inhibitors was parallel. Thus, the pattern was redetermined in the presence of the dead-end inhibitor 2,6-dihydroxypyridine, which binds to both sites. This treatment effectively eliminates the inhibition by both substrates and increases their Km values, giving a strictly parallel pattern. Product and dead-end inhibition patterns are consistent with a mechanism in which NADPH reduces the enzyme at site 1 and electrons are transferred to site 2 to reduce uracil to dihydrouracil. The predicted mechanism is corroborated by exchange between [14C] NADP and NADPH as well as [14C]thymine and dihydrothymine in the absence of the other substrate-product pair.  相似文献   

Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase was isolated from cytosolic pig liver extracts and purified 3100-fold to apparent homogeneity. Purification made use of ammonium sulfate fractionation, precipitation with acetic acid and chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and 2',5'-ADP-Sepharose with 28% recovery of total activity. The native enzyme has a molecular mass of 206 kDa and is apparently composed of two similar, if not identical, subunits. Proteolytic cleavage reveals two fragments with apparent molecular masses of 92 kDa and 12 kDa. The C-terminal 12-kDa fragment seems to be extremely hydrophobic. The enzyme contains tightly associated compounds including four flavin nucleotide molecules and 32 iron atoms/206-kDa molecule. The iron atoms are probably present in iron-sulfur centers. The flavins released from the enzyme were identified as FAD and FMN in equal amounts. An isoelectric point of 4.65 was determined for the dehydrogenase. Apparent kinetic parameters were obtained for the substrates thymine, uracil, 5-aminouracil, 5-fluorouracil and NADPH.  相似文献   

The present results show that the NADP specific isocitrate dehydrogenase from pig heart exhibits a time lag before the reaction rate approaches a constant value at low metal ion concentrations. Addition of NADPH or EDTA to the assay mixture abolished the lag, and will under certain conditions activate the enzyme.The lag time increased with increasing concentrations of isocitrate and decreased with increasing enzyme concentration. The NADP and metal ion concentration affected the lag in a complex manner. At low NADP and isocitrate concentration, the lag was reduced 50% by an NADPH concentration of less than 2 μm. Stopped flow experiments showed that premixing of NADP or NADPH with the enzyme abolished the effect of NADPH on the lag time. NADPH activated the enzyme at high NADP concentrations. This activating effect could be accounted for by removal of substrate inhibition by NADP.Evidence was obtained to show that the effect of NADPH on the activity was caused by binding of the reduced coenzyme to a site separate from the normal coenzyme binding site. Binding of metal ions by the reduced coenzyme is probably of importance as EDTA affects the lag time and activity in a manner similar to NADPH. The NADPH effect seems to be a general property of NADP-linked isocitrate dehydrogenases.  相似文献   

The NADPH molecule binds to dihydrofolate reductase in an extended conformation. Several of the individual dihedral angles, especially in the adenine mononucleotide portion of the coenzyme, differ from their minimum energy conformations. The ribose phosphate portions of the coenzyme are involved in numerous specific hydrogen-bonded and charge-charge interactions. The adenine ring resides in an apparently nonspecific hydrophobic cleft and the nicotinamide ring is bound within an intricately constructed cavity, one wall of which includes the pyrazine ring of bound methotrexate. Two rather extended loops (residues 10 to 24 and 117 to 135) connecting beta A to alpha B and beta F to beta G, respectively, move 2 to 3 A when NADPH binds to dihydrofolate reductase. No overall structural homology is evident between the dinucleotide binding domains of dihydrofolate reductase on the one hand and the four NAD+-dependent dehydrogenases of known structure on the other. However, binding does occur in both cases at the carboxyl edge of a region of parallel beta sheet flanked by a pair of alpha helices.  相似文献   

Uracil analogues with appropriate substituents at the 5-position inactivated dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DHPDHase). The efficiency of these inactivators was highly dependent on the size of the 5-substituent. For example, 5-ethynyluracil inactivated DHPDHase with an efficiency (kinact/Ki) that was 500-fold greater than that for 5-propynyluracil. 5-Ethynyluracil inactivated DHPDHase by initially forming a reversible complex with a Ki of 1.6 +/- 0.2 microM. This initial complex yielded inactivated enzyme with a rate constant of 20 +/- 2 min-1 (kinact). Thymine competitively decreased the apparent rate constant for inactivation of DHPDHase by 5-ethynyluracil. The absorbance spectrum of 5-ethylnyluracil-inactivated DHPDHase was different from that of reduced enzyme. These optical changes were correlated with the loss of enzymatic activity. 5-Ethynyluracil inactivated DHPDHase with a stoichiometry of 0.9 mol of inactivator per mol of active site. Enzyme inactivated with [2-14C]5-ethynyluracil retained all of the radiolabel after denaturation in 8 M urea, but lost radiolabel under acidic conditions. These results suggested that inactivation was due to covalent modification of an amino acid residue and not due to modification of a noncovalently bound prosthetic group. A radiolabeled peptide was isolated from a tryptic digest of the enzyme inactivated with [2-14C]5-ethynyluracil. The sequence of this peptide was Lys-Ala-Glu-Ala-Ser-Gly-Ala-Y-Ala-Leu-Glu-Leu-Asn-Leu-Ser-X-Pro-His-Gly- Met-Gly-Glu-Arg, where X and Y were unidentified amino acids. Since the radiolabel was lost from the peptide during the first cycle on the amino acid sequenator, the position of the radiolabeled amino acid was not determined. The amino acid residue designated by X was identified as a cysteine from previous work with DHPDHase inactivated with 5-iodouracil. In contrast to 5-ethynyluracil, 5-cyanouracil was a reversible inactivator of the enzyme. 5-Cyanouracil-inactivated enzyme slowly regained activity (t1/2 = 1.8 min) after dilution into the standard assay. DHPDHases isolated from rat, mouse, and human liver had similar sensitivities to inactivation by 5-alkynyluracils.  相似文献   

Inactivation of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase by 5-iodouracil   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
5-Iodouracil was a substrate for bovine liver dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DHPDHase) and was a potent inactivator of the enzyme. NADPH increased the rate of inactivation and thymine protected against inactivation. These findings suggest that 5-iodouracil was a mechanism-based inactivator. However, dithiothreitol and excess 5-iodouracil protected the enzyme against inactivation. Thus, a reactive product, presumably 5-iodo-5,6-dihydrouracil generated through the enzymatic reduction of 5-iodouracil, was released from DHPDHase during processing of 5-iodouracil. Since only 18% of [6-3H]5-iodouracil reduced by DHPDHase was covalently bound to the enzyme and radiolabel was not lost to the solvent as tritium, the partition coefficient for inactivation was 4.5. However, the enzymatic activity was completely titrated with 1.7 mol of 5-iodouracil per mol of enzyme-bound flavin. These results indicate that there was 0.31 mol of enzyme-bound inactivator per mol of enzyme flavin. This suggests there were 3.2 flavins per active site, which is consistent with the report of multiple flavins per enzymic subunit (Podschun, B., Wahler, G., and Schnackerz, K. D. (1989) Eur. J. Biochem. 185, 219-224). DHPDHase was inactivated by 2.1 mol of racemic 5-iodo-5,6-dihydrouracil per mol of active sites. The stoichiometry for inactivation of the enzyme by the nonenzymatically generated enantiomer of 5-iodo-5,6-dihydrouracil was calculated to be 1. Two radiolabeled fragments were isolated from a tryptic digest of DHPDHase inactivated with radiolabeled 5-iodouracil. The amino acid sequences of these peptides were Asn-Leu-Ser-X-Pro-His and Asn-Leu-Ser-X-Pro-His-Gly-Met-Gly-Glu-Arg where X was the modified amino acid containing radiolabel from [6-3H]5-iodouracil. Fast atom bombardment mass spectral analysis of the smaller peptide yielded a protonated parent ion mass of 782 daltons that was consistent with X being a S-(hexahydro-2,4-dioxo-5-pyrimidinyl)cysteinyl residue.  相似文献   

Pure isocitrate dehydrogenase from pig liver cytoplasm catalyses the reduction of oxaloacetate by NADPH at a rate comparable with that observed for the usual substrates. The products are NADP and D-malate, the 'unatural' isomer. High concentrations of magnesium (25 mM) are necessary for maximal activity, and the reaction is not appreciably reversible. These results are discussed in connection with the inhibition of the enzyme by mixtures of glyoxylate and oxaloacetate. The reduction is not thought to be of physiological importance.  相似文献   

An NADP(+)-dependent D-xylose dehydrogenase from pig liver cytosol was purified about 2000-fold to apparent homogeneity with a yield of 15% and specific activity of 6 units/mg of protein. An Mr value of 62,000 was obtained by gel filtration. PAGE in the presence of SDS gave an Mr value of 32,000, suggesting that the native enzyme is a dimer of similar or identical subunits. D-Xylose, D-ribose, L-arabinose, 2-deoxy-D-glucose, D-glucose and D-mannose were substrates in the presence of NADP+ but the specificity constant (ratio kcat./Km(app.)) is, by far, much higher for D-xylose than for the other sugars. The enzyme is specific for NADP+; NAD+ is not reduced in the presence of D-xylose or other sugars. Initial-velocity studies for the forward direction with xylose or NADP+ concentrations varied at fixed concentrations of the nucleotide or the sugar respectively revealed a pattern of parallel lines in double-reciprocal plots. Km values for D-xylose and NADP+ were 8.8 mM and 0.99 mM respectively. Dead-end inhibition studies to confirm a ping-pong mechanism showed that NAD+ acted as an uncompetitive inhibitor versus NADP+ (Ki 5.8 mM) and as a competitive inhibitor versus xylose. D-Lyxose was a competitive inhibitor versus xylose and uncompetitive versus NADP+. These results fit better to a sequential compulsory ordered mechanism with NADP+ as the first substrate, but a ping-pong mechanism with xylose as the first substrate has not been ruled out. The presence of D-xylose dehydrogenase suggests that in mammalian liver D-xylose is utilized by a pathway other than the pentose phosphate pathway.  相似文献   

Utilizing a temperature-sensitive mutant of Escherichia coli K-12 defective in the coupling of metabolic energy to active transport, we have demonstrated that the uptake systems for arabinose, galactose, valine, histidine, and glutamine, which are sensitive to the osmotic shock treatment of L. A. Heppel (1965) (J. Biol. Chem.240, 3685), are all totally defective at the nonpermissive temperature (42 °C) whereas the intracellular ATP levels increase twofold. Phosphate bond energy alone is therefore not sufficient to energize the transport of these substrates. We have confirmed the findings of E. A., Berger and L. A. Heppel (1974) (J. Biol. Chem. 249, 7747) regarding a severe arsenate I inhibition of the uptake of substrates belonging to osmotic shock-sensitive transport systems and therefore conclude that both ATP and a functional ecf gene product are required for the coupling of energy to the transport of these solutes.  相似文献   

Stimulation by vitamin K3 of NADPH oxidation in liver microsomes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

A new process for (6S)-tetrahydrofolate production from dihydrofolate was designed that used dihydrofolate reductase and an NADPH regeneration system. Glucose dehydrogenase from Gluconobacter scleroides KY3613 was used for recycling of the cofactor. The reaction mixture contained 200 mM dihydrofolate, 220 mM glucose, 2 mM NADP, 14.4 U/ml dihydrofolate reductase, and 14.4 U/ml Glucose dehydrogenase, and the reaction was complete after incubation at pH 8.0, and 40 degrees C for 2.5 hr. With (6S)-tetrahydrofolate as the starting material, l-leucovorin was synthesized via a methenyl derivative. The purity of the l-leucovorin was 100%, and its diastereomeric purity was greater than 99.5% d.e. as the (6S)-form.  相似文献   

Steady state initial velocity studies were carried out to determine the kinetic mechanism of human liver aldehyde dehydrogenase. Intersecting double reciprocal plots obtained in the absence of inhibitors demonstrated that the dehydrogenase reaction proceeded by sequential addition of both substrates prior to release of products. Dead end inhibition patterns obtained with coenzyme and substrate analogues (e.g. thionicotinamide-AD+ and chloral hydrate) indicated that NAD+ and aldehyde can bind in random fashion. The patterns of inhibition by the product NADH and of substrate inhibition by glyceraldehyde were also consistent with this mechanism. However, comparisons between kinetic constants associated with the dehydrogenase and esterase activities of this enzyme suggested that most of the dehydrogenase reaction flux proceeds via formation of an initial binary NAD+-enzyme complex over a wide range of substrate and coenzyme concentrations.  相似文献   

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