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We report the expression pattern of a murine homolog of the Xenopus laevis T-box gene Eomesodermin. mEomes expression is first detected in the extra-embryonic ectoderm prior to gastrulation, and persists there until head-fold stages. In the embryo proper, mEomes is expressed throughout the early primitive streak, nascent mesoderm and in the anterior visceral endoderm. Although mEomes expression disappears from the embryo at late-streak stages, a second domain of mEomes expression is observed in the telencephalon beginning around E10.5.  相似文献   

Developing vertebrate limbs are often utilized as a model for studying pattern formation and morphogenetic cell death. Herein, we report that conditional deletion of Rac1, a member of the Rho family of proteins, in mouse limb bud mesenchyme led to skeletal deformities in the autopod and soft tissue syndactyly, with the latter caused by a complete absence of interdigital programmed cell death. Furthermore, the lack of interdigital programmed cell death and associated syndactyly was related to down-regulated gene expression of Bmp2, Bmp7, Msx1, and Msx2, which are known to promote apoptosis in the interdigital mesenchyme. Our findings from Rac1 conditional mutants indicate crucial roles for Rac1 in limb bud morphogenesis, especially interdigital programmed cell death.  相似文献   

Classically, somites have been the preparation of choice for the study of muscle development, while the limb bud is the preferred model of axis formation. Nevertheless, the limb bud offers some experimental advantages for muscle studies. This review describes the successive events involved in limb muscle formation during embryonic development, the properties of the key marker molecules and resumes our current knowledge of the signalling pathways involved.  相似文献   

BMP signaling is pivotal for normal limb bud development in vertebrate embryos and genetic analysis of receptors and ligands in the mouse revealed their requirement in both mesenchymal and ectodermal limb bud compartments. In this study, we genetically assessed the potential essential functions of SMAD4, a mediator of canonical BMP/TGFß signal transduction, in the mouse limb bud ectoderm. Msx2Cre was used to conditionally inactivate Smad4 in the ectoderm of fore‐ and hindlimb buds. In hindlimb buds, the Smad4 inactivation disrupts the establishment and signaling by the apical ectodermal ridge (AER) from early limb bud stages onwards, which results in severe hypoplasia and/or aplasia of zeugo‐ and autopodal skeletal elements. In contrast, the developmentally later inactivation of Smad4 in forelimb buds does not alter AER formation and signaling, but prolongs epithelial‐mesenchymal feedback signaling in advanced limb buds. The late termination of SHH and AER‐FGF signaling delays distal progression of digit ray formation and inhibits interdigit apoptosis. In summary, our genetic analysis reveals the temporally and functionally distinct dual requirement of ectodermal Smad4 during initiation and termination of AER signaling. genesis 51:660–666. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The development of all of the adult limbs inDrosophila depends upon the activity of theDistal-less gene. We report here the phenotypic characterization of a number of hypomorphicDistal-less alleles which indicates that there is a graded requirement forDistal-less activity in the developing limbs. Previous analysis of genetically mosaic animals indicated that cells in the early primordia of the limb imaginal dises possess a graded proximal-distal positional information which depends on the presence of theDistal-less gene for its expression. Taken together these data suggest thatDistal-less may directly encode the graded positional information that is required to organise the proximal-distal axis of the developing limbs.  相似文献   

The autopod, including the mesopodium and the acropodium, is the most distal part of the tetrapod limb, and developmental mechanisms of autopod formation serve as a model system of pattern formation during development. Cartilage rudiments of the autopod develop after proximal elements have differentiated. The autopod region is marked by a change in the expression of two homeobox genes: future autopod cells are first Hoxa11/Hoxa13 -double-positive and then Hoxa13 -single-positive. The change in expression of these Hox genes is controlled by upstream mechanisms, including the retinoic acid pathway, and the expression of Hoxa13 is connected to downstream mechanisms, including the autopod-specific cell surface property mediated by molecules, including cadherins and ephrins/Ephs, for cell-to-cell communication and recognition. Comparative analyses of the expression of Hox genes in fish fins and tetrapod limb buds support the notion on the origin of the autopod in vertebrates. This review will focus on the cellular and molecular regulation of the formation of the autopod during development and evolutionary developmental aspects of the origin of the autopod.  相似文献   

In the developing limb, Bmp4 is expressed in the apical ectodermal ridge (AER) and underlying mesoderm. Insight into the function of Bmp4 in limb development has been hampered by the early embryonic lethality of Bmp4 null embryos. We directly investigated Bmp4 using a conditional null allele of Bmp4 and the Prx1(cre) transgene to inactivate Bmp4 in limb bud mesoderm. The limb bud mesoderm of Prx1(cre);Bmp4 mutants was defective in production of Bmp4 but still competent to respond to Bmp signaling. Prx1(cre);Bmp4 mutant embryos had defective digit patterning including hindlimb preaxial polydactyly with posterior digit transformations. The Prx1(cre);Bmp4 mutants also had postaxial polydactyly with digit five duplications. Bmp4 mutant limbs had delayed induction and maturation of the AER that resulted in expanded Shh signaling. Moreover, the AER persisted longer in the Bmp4 mutant limb buds exposing the forming digits to prolonged Fgf8 signaling. Our data show that Bmp4 in limb mesoderm regulates AER induction and maturation and implicate signaling from the AER in regulation of digit number and identity.  相似文献   

The role of Hox genes during vertebrate limb development   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The potential role of Hox genes during vertebrate limb development was brought into focus by gene expression analyses in mice (P Dolle, JC Izpisua-Belmonte, H Falkenstein, A Renucci, D Duboule, Nature 1989, 342:767-772), at a time when limb growth and patterning were thought to depend upon two distinct and rather independent systems of coordinates; one for the anterior-to-posterior axis and the other for the proximal-to-distal axis (see D Duboule, P Dolle, EMBO J 1989, 8:1497-1505). Over the past years, the function and regulation of these genes have been addressed using both gain-of-function and loss-of-function approaches in chick and mice. The use of multiple mutations either in cis-configuration in trans-configuration or in cis/trans configurations, has confirmed that Hox genes are essential for proper limb development, where they participate in both the growth and organization of the structures. Even though their molecular mechanisms of action remain somewhat elusive, the results of these extensive genetic analyses confirm that, during the development of the limbs, the various axes cannot be considered in isolation from each other and that a more holistic view of limb development should prevail over a simple cartesian, chess grid-like approach of these complex structures. With this in mind, the functional input of Hox genes during limb growth and development can now be re-assessed.  相似文献   

The differentiation inducing factor (DIF) is essential for stalk cell formation in monolayers of Dictyostelium discoideum and is necessary for the expression of several prestalk cell-specific genes. DIF activity has been fractionated into a major species, designated DIF-1, and several minor species, including DIF-2. Although DIF-1 is an excellent inducer of stalk cell formation from vegetative cells, it is a poor inducer of stalk cell formation from prestalk cells. In contrast, DIF-2 is more active for the conversion of prestalk cells into stalk cells, than for the conversion of vegetative cells to stalk cells. The same results were obtained regardless of whether chemically synthesized or naturally occurring components were utilized. In addition, stalk cell formation was three- to fourfold higher when vegetative cells were incubated with DIF-1 for a suboptimal period and then subsequently incubated with DIF-2, than when cells were incubated with DIF-2 first and then subsequently with DIF-1. These results indicate a distinct role for DIF-2 during stalk cell formation and suggest the possibility that DIF-1 and DIF-2 act sequentially.  相似文献   

The majority of the Arabidopsis fruit comprises an ovary with three primary tissue types: the valves, the replum and the valve margins. The valves, which are derived from the ovary walls, are separated along their entire length by the replum. The valve margin, which consists of a separation layer and a lignified layer, forms as a narrow stripe of cells at the valve-replum boundaries. The valve margin identity genes are expressed at the valve-replum boundary and are negatively regulated by FUL and RPL in the valves and replum, respectively. In ful rpl double mutants, the valve margin identity genes become ectopically expressed, and, as a result, the entire outer surface of the ovary takes on valve margin identity. We carried out a genetic screen in this sensitized genetic background and identified a suppressor mutation that restored replum development. Surprisingly, we found that the corresponding suppressor gene was AP2, a gene that is well known for its role in floral organ identity, but whose role in Arabidopsis fruit development had not been previously described. We found that AP2 acts to prevent replum overgrowth by negatively regulating BP and RPL, two genes that normally act to promote replum formation. We also determined that AP2 acts to prevent overgrowth of the valve margin by repressing valve margin identity gene expression. We have incorporated AP2 into the current genetic network controlling fruit development in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Experiments have been carried out to investigate the role of the apical ectodermal ridge (AER) and FGF-4 on the control of cell migration during limb bud morphogenesis. By coupling DiI cell labeling with ectopic implantation of FGF-4 microcarrier beads we have found that FGF-4 acts as a potent and specific chemoattractive agent for mesenchymal cells of the limb bud. The response to FGF-4 is dose dependent in both the number of cells stimulated to migrate and the distance migrated. The cell migration response to FGF-4 appears to be independent of the known inductive activity of FGF-4 on Shh gene expression. We investigated the role of the AER in controlling cell migration by characterizing the migration pattern of DiI-labeled subapical cells during normal limb outgrowth and following partial AER removal. Subapical cells within 75 micrometer of the AER migrate to make contact with the AER and are found intermingled with nonlabeled cells. Thus, the progress zone is dynamic with cells constantly altering their neighbor relationships during limb outgrowth. AER removal studies show that cell migration is AER dependent and that subapical cells redirect their path of migration toward a functional AER. These studies indicate that the AER has a chemoattractive function and regulates patterns of cell migration during limb outgrowth. Our results suggest that the chemoattractive activity of the AER is mediated in part by the production of FGF-4.  相似文献   

The apical ectodermal ridge (AER) is a specialized thickening of the distal limb ectoderm, and its signals are known to support limb morphogenesis. The expression of a homeobox gene, Msx1 , in the distal limb mesoderm depends on signals from the AER. In the present paper it is reported that Msx1 expression in the distal mesoderm is necessary for the transfer of AER signals in chick limb buds. Interruption of AER-mesoderm interaction by insertion of a thick filter led to the inhibition of pattern specification in the mesoderm just under the filter. In such cases, the expression of Msx1 disappeared in the mesoderm under the filter, suggesting that AER is able to signal over short ranges. In advanced limb buds, Msx1 is also expressed in the proximal mesoderm under the anterior ectoderm. However, it was found that a grafted antero-proximal mesoderm shows no inhibitory effects on pattern specification of the host mesoderm, as is the case with the distal mesoderm. On the other hand, grafted mesoderms without potent Msx1 re-expression, even underneath AER, disturbed normal limb development. In such cases, the expression of Msx1 disappeared in the mesoderm under the grafts, whereas Fgf-8 expression was maintained in the AER above the graft. These results indicate that the expression of Msx1 in the mesoderm is important for the transfer of AER signals.  相似文献   

Limb development in the Drosophila embryo requires a pattern-forming system to organize positional information along the proximal–distal axis of the limb. This system must function in the context of the well characterized anterior–posterior and dorsal–ventral pattern-forming systems that are required to organize the body plan of the embryo. By genetic criteria the Distal-less gene appears to play a central role in limb development. Lack-of-function Distal-less mutations cause the deletion of a specific subset of embryonic peripheral sense organs that represent the evolutionary remnants of larval limbs. Distal-less activity is also required in the imaginal discs for the development of adult limbs. This requirement is cell autonomous and region specific within the developing limb primordium. Production of genetically mosaic imaginal discs, in which clones of cells lack Distal-less activity, indicates the existence of an organized proximal–distal positional information in very young imaginal disc primordia. We suggest that this graded positional information may depend on the activity of the Distal-less gene.  相似文献   

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