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【目的】木毒蛾是福建沿海地区防护林树种木麻黄的主要害虫之一,具有成为国际危险性有害生物的潜在可能性。木毒蛾核型多角体病毒(Lymantria xylina multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus,LyxyMNPV)是高效控制木毒蛾的优良天敌资源,具有高度安全性。建立LyxyMNPV的PCR快速检测技术,有利于该虫防治技术及木毒蛾核型多角体病毒的进一步研究。【方法】根据LyxyMNPV基因组中的特有基因gp131设计特异性引物,利用PCR法扩增该目的基因片段并测序检验,建立LyxyMNPV的分子快速检测技术体系。【结果】以GAL为引物的PCR检测技术对LyxyMNPV基因组的灵敏度可达1 fg·mL-1,对多角体悬液浓度检测最低量可达5.0 PIB·mL-1,可明确区分LyxyMNPV和其他7种昆虫核型多角体病毒。该体系同时适用于感病木毒蛾的不同虫态(卵、幼虫、蛹和成虫)的检测,以及环境样本(包括土壤、树枝和寄生蜂)的检测。【结论】成功建立了具有高度特异性、灵敏性的LyxyMNPV分子快速检测技术,为LyxyMNPV的快速检...  相似文献   

In an attempt to suppress the propagation of citrus greening disease in Indonesia, we explored pathogens ofDiaphorina citri which vectors the disease. At two orange orchards, manyD. citri adults were found to be dead and covered with fungal mycelia. Two fungi,Paecilomyces fumosoroseus andHirsutella citriformis, were consistently isolated from the infected insects. Molecular phylogeny of their 18S rDNA sequences showed that they belong to the ascomycetous clade of the Clavicipitales/Hypocreales, which embraces many entomopathogenic fungi. When healthy adults ofD. citri were inoculated with conidia of theP. fumosoroseus, the insects died within 6 d.  相似文献   

The response of three larval–pupal parasitoids,Diachasmimorpha longicaudata(Ashmead),Diachasmimorpha tryoni(Cameron), andTetrastichus giffardianusSilvestri, to the Hamakua pamakani gall fly,Procecidochares alaniL., was determined in the laboratory. We also observed responses of these parasitoids to their normal rearing hosts,Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel) andCeratitis capitata(Weidemann).D. tryonilanded on pamakani galls or on dishes containingP. alanilarvae as frequently as on dishes containingC. capitata.In contrast,D. longicaudataonly rarely landed on the galls.D. tryoniandD. longicaudataoviposited in galls in fewer than 1% of our observations.D. longicaudataprobedP. alanilarvae as frequently asB. dorsalislarvae, but no parasitoid offspring were observed.D. tryonioviposited more frequently inC. capitatathanP. alani.NoD. tryonideveloped inP. alanilarvae.T. giffardianuslanded on pamakani galls andP. alanilarvae more frequently than any other host substrate. In contrast,T. giffardianusentered galls with artificially opened windows one time in 10 observations. We observed 12% parasitism ofP. alanilarvae dissected from the galls and 20% of parasitismP. alaniin the windowed galls. We discuss the implications of our results for future augmentative or classical biological control studies.  相似文献   

Recent population dynamic theory predicts that disruption of biological control may occur when one parasitoid species' superiority in intrinsic competition is associated with a lower ability to find and exploit hosts (i.e., ability in extrinsic competition). One might expect such a trade-off, for instance, if parasitoids with larger (and fewer) eggs are more likely to prevail in intrinsic competition than species with smaller (and more numerous) eggs. We tested the idea that relative egg size could be used to predict the outcome of intrinsic competition in two closely related endoparasitoids, Encarsia pergandiella Howard and Encarsia formosa Gahan. Contrary to expectation, the parasitoid species with smaller eggs, E. pergandiella, prevailed in intrinsic competition, regardless of the order that hosts were exposed to the two species. In a literature survey, we found four studies of competing pairs of endoparasitoid species for which: (a) egg size estimates were available and (b) one species was consistently superior in intrinsic competition. In three of the four studies, the small-egged species prevailed in intrinsic competition, as we also found. Although E. formosa lost in intrinsic competition, this species negatively affected E. pergandiella's progeny production by host feeding on and killing hosts containing E. pergandiella eggs. E. formosa females also host fed on conspecific-parasitized hosts. As a mechanism of both intra- and interspecific interference competition, host feeding on parasitized hosts contradicts assumptions about the nature of interference competition in existing population dynamics models.  相似文献   

[目的]青皮为国家Ⅱ级保护植物,海南青皮林省级自然保护区是世界上仅存面积最大的2片滨海青皮林之一,2020年发现保护区内青梅山天牛严重危害青皮,为此有必要对该虫进行风险分析并确定风险等级。[方法]采用有害生物风险分析程序和方法,从分布情况、潜在经济危害性、受害寄主的经济重要性、传入的可能性、风险管理等5个方面,对青梅山天牛对海南省青皮林的风险性进行定性和定量综合评估。[结果]青梅山天牛的风险综合评估值(R)为2.05,属高度危险有害生物。[结论]青梅山天牛已经对海南青皮林保护区的青皮造成了严重影响,需从检疫管理、防控技术研发、生物生态学基础研究等方面对青梅山天牛进行风险管理。  相似文献   

Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) is a syndrome caused by the consumption of shellfish contaminated with neurotoxins produced by organisms of the marine dinoflagellate genus Alexandrium. A. minutum is the most widespread species responsible for PSP in the Western Mediterranean basin. The standard monitoring of shellfish farms for the presence of harmful algae and related toxins usually requires the microscopic examination of phytoplankton populations, bioassays and toxin determination by HPLC. These procedures are time-consuming and require remarkable experience, thus limiting the number of specimens that can be analyzed by a single laboratory unit. Molecular biology techniques may be helpful in the detection of target microorganisms in field samples. In this study, we developed a qualitative PCR assay for the rapid detection of all potentially toxic species belonging to the Alexandrium genus and specifically A. minutum, in contaminated mussels. Alexandrium genus-specific primers were designed to target the 5.8S rDNA region, while an A. minutum species-specific primer was designed to bind in the ITS1 region. The assay was validated using several fixed seawater samples from the Mediterranean basin, which were analyzed using PCR along with standard microscopy procedures. The assay provided a rapid method for monitoring the presence of Alexandrium spp. in mussel tissues, as well as in seawater samples. The results showed that PCR is a valid, rapid alternative procedure for the detection of target phytoplankton species either in seawater or directly in mussels, where microalgae can accumulate.  相似文献   

Glasshouse trials were performed to investigate the control of the parasitic weed Striga hermonthica by Fusarium nygamai and the performance of the host plant sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) using different inoculum substrates and inoculum amounts of the fungus. Optimal constant and alternating temperatures for the growth of the fungus were 25°C and 30/20°C, respectively. Striga incidence was decreased up to 100% when the fungus was incorporated into the soil preplanting. Emerged Striga plants at different stages of growth up to the flowering stage were killed by the fungus when the fungus was applied postemergent. In root-chamber trials none of the Striga seeds germinated when 10 ml inoculum suspension of 8 × 106 spores/ml of F. nygamai was applied on seeds of the parasitic weed sprinkled on the surface of filter paper. F. nygamai has potential as a bioherbicide for Striga control. Further studies regarding its performance under field conditions and its safety to the environment and humans should be assessed.  相似文献   

Diachasmimorpha longicaudata(Ashmead) andPsyttalia fletcheri(Silvestri) are opiine parasitoids introduced into Hawaii for control of the Oriental fruit fly,Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel) and the melon fly,Bactrocera cucurbitae(Coquillett), respectively. Both species have recently been mass-reared and released for research in augmentative biocontrol programs. Laboratory and field sleeve cage experiments were conducted to investigate the potential impact of mass-producedD. longicaudataandP. fletcherion a native Hawaiian tephritid,Trupanea dubautiae(Bryan), infesting the flowerheads of the native composite shrubDubautia raillardioidesHillebrand. Gravid females ofD. longicaudataandP. fletcheriwere confined with bloomingD. raillardioidesflowerheads infested with late instarT. dubautiae.BothD. longicaudataandP. fletcherilacked positive oviposition responses toT. dubautiaelarvae in infested flowerheads and caused neither parasitism nor mortality to the flies. However, when larvae were removed from the flowerheads and presented in screened dishes containing artificial diet of the parasitoids' normal rearing hosts (B. dorsalisandB. cucurbitae), bothD. longicaudataandP. fletcherireadily oviposited in the test larvae. Oviposition byD. longicaudatadid not significantly affect the percentage pupation ofT. dubautiae,but did reduce the emergence of adult flies. Oviposition byP. fletcherisignificantly reduced both pupation and adult fly emergence. All progeny of both parasitoid species died as eggs or first-instar larvae. Results from our experiments demonstrate that biological control programs targeted against frugivorous tephritid pests byD. longicaudataandP. fletcherihave no harmful impact on flowerhead-infestingT. dubautiae.  相似文献   

Genotyping of Giardia duodenalis cysts in faecal samples has become a regularly employed tool by researchers investigating different aspects of the epidemiology and pathology of Giardia infection in human and animal populations. However, such investigations are often limited to some extent by lack of PCR amplification from a proportion of the samples, and this often seems to be associated with the storage medium used for the samples. Various different storage media have been used in different studies, but investigation of which storage media are most appropriate and which may compromise subsequent PCR investigations has not been systematically explored to date.In this study, 4 different, commonly used storage media were investigated for their effects over time on subsequent PCR amplification of DNA from Giardia cysts in stool samples. Microscopic examination of the samples and real-time PCR were used to investigate 7 different samples over a period of 3 months. Our findings indicate that storage in ethanol or potassium dichromate at 4 °C gave the best results and, that if immunomagnetic separation was used prior to PCR (as may be appropriate for samples with low cyst numbers), then storage in potassium dichromate gave the best results.  相似文献   

【背景】附子白绢病是由齐整小核菌(Sclerotiumrolfsii)引起的一种土传细菌性病害,该病原菌严重影响附子的生产。【目的】筛选出对附子白绢病具有生防效果的菌株,并将其用于病害防治。【方法】利用平板涂布法和划线法从黄粉虫蛹体分离菌株,平板对峙法筛选对齐整小核菌具有较强拮抗能力的菌株,通过形态学观察、生理生化试验、16S rRNA基因测序分析确定其分类地位;以单因素试验对发酵条件进行优化,并初步测定拮抗菌的菌悬液、挥发性气体和发酵液对齐整小核菌菌丝的抑制效果。【结果】筛选出的拮抗菌株将其编号为N2,初步鉴定为暹罗芽孢杆菌(Bacillus siamensis);菌株N2最佳培养基配方(g/L):胰蛋白胨10.0,酵母浸粉5.0,蔗糖20.0;最佳培养条件:初始pH 6.0,温度36℃,转速240 r/min,装液量30 mL,接菌量0.05%;其菌悬液、挥发性气体和发酵液均能有效抑制白绢病菌菌丝的生长;胞外酶测定结果显示该菌株可产生蛋白酶和纤维素酶,不产嗜铁素。【结论】菌株N2对附子白绢病具有较好的抑制效果,在生物防治中具有较好的应用潜力和较高的研究价值。  相似文献   

Native snakeweeds, especially Gutierrezia sarothrae (Pursh) Britton and Rusby and Gutierrezia microcephala (DC.) A. Gray, are among the most widespread and damaging weeds of rangelands in the western United States and northern Mexico. The genus long ago spread to southern South America, where further speciation occurred. We have found several species of insects in Argentina that damage other species of snakeweeds there and are possible candidates for biological control in North America. The first of these, the root-boring weevil, Heilipodus ventralis (Hustache), was tested in Argentina and then sent to the USDA-ARS Insect Quarantine Facility at Temple, Texas, for host specificity testing on North American plants. We tested H. ventralis on 40 species of the family Asteraceae, in 19 tests of five types, using 686 adults and 365 larvae. Host specificity increased from adult feeding, to ovipositional selection, to larval development. At Temple, adults fed mostly on 6 species of the closely related genera Grindelia, Gutierrezia, and Gymnosperma, but with substantial feeding on four other genera of the two preferred subtribes Solidagininae and Machaerantherinae and on Baccharis in the tribe Baccharidinae, with lesser feeding on the subtribe Asterinae, all in the tribe Astereae, and on 1 species in the tribe Anthemideae. Females oviposited primarily on the same 6 species but very little on plants outside the 2 preferred subtribes. Larvae developed only on 9 of the 29 U.S. plant species tested, 6 within the two preferred subtribes and on Brickellia and Aster in other tribes. Only 5 species of three genera appear to be potential true hosts of H. ventralis in North America, on which all stages of the life cycle, adult feeding, oviposition, and larval development, can take place; these are Gymnosperma glutinosum (Spreng.) Less., Gutierrezia grandis Blake, Gut. microcephala, Gut. sarothrae, and Grindelia lanceolata Nutt. None of these genera contain species of economic or notable ecological value; the few rare species appear to be protected by habitat isolation from attack by H. ventralis. H. ventralis, therefore, appears sufficiently host specific for field release in North America. This is the first introduced biocontrol agent to be approved for release in a continental area to control a native weed.  相似文献   

Three species of bethylid wasps, Prorops nasuta Waterston, Cephalonomia stephanoderis Betrem, and C. hyalinipennis Ashmead, attack the coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), by both predation and parasitism. C. hyalinipennis has only recently been reported to attack H. hampei. Its previously recorded hosts belong to the coleopteran families Curculionidae, Anobiidae, and Scolytidae. We evaluated five further coleopteran species, in the families Curculionidae, Bostrichidae, and Bruchidae, as alternative hosts. High proportions of all five species were both fed upon and oviposited on (normally by concurrent host feeding). Offspring developmental mortality varied greatly (12–95%) on different host species. Offspring production per host was about three times greater than on H. hampei when females were presented with the curculionids Caulophilus oryzae (Gyllenhal) and two species of Sitophilus. C. stephanoderis and P. nasuta are currently the main biological control agents of H. hampei: they have long been thought to be monophagous but C. stephanoderis has recently been reported to attack H. obscurus. We evaluated C. oryzae, as a potential host or prey for P. nasuta, and both C. oryzae and Sitophilus sp. for C. stephanoderis. Host feeding was very common in both parasitoid species. The majority of females also oviposited on C. oryzae (71% P. nasuta, 60% C. stephanoderis) and 20% of C. stephanoderis parasitized Sitophilus sp. Fifty-two percent of C. stephanoderis and 7% of P. nasuta offspring survived to adulthood when developing on C. oryzae. The lifetime fecundities of these parasitoids presented with these host species were, however, low (maximum 17 eggs, mean ≤ 8.25) and preoviposition periods were generally long (ca. 19 days). Adult female C. stephanoderis lived longer when presented C. oryzae rather than Sitophilus sp. Host feeding also increased longevity. We discuss these results in the context of mass rearing these bethylids for release as biological control agents.  相似文献   

The egg parasitoid Gonatocerus ashmeadi Girault (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), was introduced into French Polynesia as a biological control agent to control the invasive plant feeding pest Homalodisca vitripennis (Germar) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae). The short-distance dispersal of G. ashmeadi was monitored as part of the biological control program. G. ashmeadi showed exponential dispersal capacity with 47 m/day being a minimum estimate of its natural rate of spread at high host densities (>150 nymphs per minute of sweep net sampling) in urbanized areas at sea level, which were characterized by a high diversity of exotic ornamental plants. This rate of spread contrasted starkly with almost nonexistent establishment and dispersal where host densities were very low (<2 nymphs per minute of sweep net sampling) at high elevation (800 m) with relatively undisturbed native vegetation. Survey results across different altitudes revealed an effect of vegetative diversity and host density on the measurable mobility and establishment of G. ashmeadi. In contrast, no significant influence of wind direction was found on G. ashmeadi dispersal rate or direction. Survey results for G. ashmeadi from French Polynesia suggest that the best release establishment strategies for classical biological control of H. vitripennis are: (1) many small releases where host density is high, or (2) larger and fewer releases where host densities are low.  相似文献   

Ceutorhynchus assimilis has been selected as a potential biological control agent of Lepidium draba, which is a Eurasian invasive weed in North America. Preliminary studies indicated specificity of this weevil collected in southern France on L. draba. This result was in discord with the pest status of C. assimilis found in the literature. Host-specificity tests based both on field and laboratory experiments showed heterogeneity in the host spectrum of the weevils reared from different host-plants as determined by larval development. However, no distinguishable morphological differences could be visually detected between the populations feeding on different host-plants. All sampled populations of weevils were polyphagous as adults. Weevils reared from L. draba were specific to this plant for their complete larval development. Conversely, populations living on other wild and cultivated Brassicaceae species were not able to use L. draba as a host plant. Such differentiation is further highlighted by other biological aspects such as plant infestation rates, sex-ratio, duration of larval development, and differences in the timing of their life cycles. These results demonstrate that C. assimilis, an insect species formerly considered as a pest of Brassicaceae, is characterized by its host-range variability, with one population being potentially useful in the biological control of L. draba. Moreover, this example points to the need to test multiple populations of biological control agents in assessing risk.  相似文献   

The potential of the leaf beetle Charidotis auroguttata as a biocontrol agent for cat’s claw creeper Macfadyena unguis-cati (Bignoniaceae), an environmental weed in Australia, and risk to non-target plants was evaluated under quarantine conditions. In no-choice tests, C. auroguttata adults and larvae fed on many plant species across different families, but egg to adult development occurred only on the target weed. However, when neonate larvae from the target weed were transferred onto Myoporum boninense australe (Myoporaceae), a non-target native plant, 11.7% completed development, as compared to 95% of larvae that completed development on the target weed. Larval development on this non-target species also took twice as long as on the target weed. No larvae completed development on other test plants. In choice tests, leaf area consumption by adults and larvae was significantly more on the target weed than on other plants, and oviposition occurred only on the target weed. In the no-choice demography trials, adults laid eggs from the second week after emergence on the target weed, with an average of 0.286 eggs/female/day, resulting in an 18-fold increase in the adult population over 16 weeks. On My. boninense australe adult survival remained high, but oviposition commenced only from the 10th week after emergence with an average of 0.023 eggs/female/day, and none of the eggs developed into adults. In the choice demography trials, oviposition on the target weed was evident from the fourth week onwards, while on the non-target plant oviposition commenced only from the 14th week. Only 10% of total adults and 11.3% of total eggs were found on the non-target plant, and none of these eggs developed into adults. Although the biocontrol agent can ‘spill-over’ from the target weed to the non-target native plant and cause adult feeding damage, the non-target plant could not sustain a viable insect population on its own. This agent was not approved for field release in Australia due to perceived risk to non-target species.  相似文献   

Mozena obtusa Uhler (Heteroptera: Coreidae) was examined in quarantine for its potential as a biological control agent of Prosopis species (mesquite) in Australia. Trials were conducted on 16 nontarget plant species to estimate its developmental host range. Complete development occurred on all Prosopis species that have become naturalized in Australia as well as on four Australian native species (Neptunia species and Paraserianthes lophantha), although reproductive diapause prevented assessment of subsequent fecundity. Development through the first feeding nymphal instar also occurred on other plant species representing two subfamilies. Nymphal performance was highly variable on both target and nontarget species, possibly because variation in plant nitrogen composition affected plant quality. The correlation between environment, plant nitrogen, and plant quality is likely to be sufficiently strong to determine whether a plant species can support development. Plant quality should therefore be considered when predicting the field host range of M. obtusa and of sap-sucking coreids generally. Nonetheless, our preliminary results suggest that M. obtusa may not be sufficiently specific for release in Australia, although insufficient understanding of its oviposition behavior in the field and the effect of plant quality on development means that its rejection would be premature.  相似文献   

Tilapia zilli (Gervais), a larvivorous fish identified in the Mwea Rice Irrigation System (Kenya), was evaluated in the field to assess its potential for biological control of mosquito larvae. The study was conducted from October 1991 to April 1992 in experimental ponds constructed at Mbui-Njeru, which is one of the 36 villages in the irrigation scheme. T. zilli was found to be extremely effective in controlling mosquito breeding that persisted throughout the study period. However, the presence of vegetation and turbidity significantly reduced its efficiency in predation. The negative effects of vegetation could be averted by combining T. zilli with an herbivorous fish to control weeds. Similarly, breeding of other larvivorous organisms, including frogs, should be encouraged to enhance mosquito control efficiency. It is suggested that positive measures should be taken to deter colonization of catfish whose presence aggravates the turbidity problem and also depletes the fish population due to its substrate feeding and carnivorous behaviour.  相似文献   

Sericothrips staphylinus was released as a biological control agent for Ulex europaeus in New Zealand and Hawaii following tests on ca. 80 plant species which showed it was narrowly oligophagous. To determine the suitability of S. staphylinus for release in Australia, further host specificity tests were conducted on 38 species and cultivars of Australian plants. These tests confirmed that S. staphylinus would feed only on U. europaeus in Australia and, following formal approval, was released in Tasmania during January 2001. To develop an optimal release strategy for S. staphylinus under Australian conditions, a field trial based on an earlier New Zealand study was conducted by replicating releases of 10, 30, 90, 270 and 810 adults. Results showed that population growth, reproduction rate and the number of S. staphylinus recovered 14 months after release can be non-linear functions of release size and establishment could be achieved with as few as 10 thrips. As S. staphylinus is easily cultured ca. 250 thrips were chosen as the minimum number for release because, based on a negative binomial model, this release size produced close to the maximum population growth. Surveys in early 2007 recovered S. staphylinus from 80% of 30 sites in Tasmania, the post release period ranging from 1 to 6 years. However, densities were low (<1 thrips/cm of tip growth) with no evidence of visible plant damage. The maximum dispersal range was 180–250 m after 38 months. At all the other sites, dispersal was estimated at less than 120 m. It is possible that S. staphylinus populations are still in the lag phase of their establishment before starting to increase rapidly and disperse. However, the survey results support a recent Tasmanian study which indicated that S. staphylinus is a sedentary, latent species characterised by steady densities and low levels of damage to its host plant. Its efficacy as a biological control agent on gorse may be restricted primarily by ‘bottom up’ effects of plant quality limiting its rate of natural increase and an inability of the thrips to reach large, damaging populations under field conditions.  相似文献   

耐热木霉菌株筛选及其对热作区香蕉促生效应的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]为筛选安全、高效的耐热木霉功能菌株,有效促进热作区香蕉的生产,本研究从热作区土壤分离筛选适温范围较宽的木霉菌株,研制木霉生物有机肥,并研究其对香蕉枯萎病发病率、果实产量及品质的影响.[方法]通过稀释涂布法筛选出木霉菌株,根据菌株在不同温度下的生长情况、拮抗尖孢菌能力及酶活强弱进行菌株复筛;将复筛所得菌株试制成生...  相似文献   

The biology and host range of the cerambycid beetle Aerenicopsis championi Bates, a potential biological control agent for the weed Lantana camara L., were studied. A. championi is a univoltine species associated with L. camara, L. urticifolia, and L. hirsuta in Mexico and Central America. In Mexico, adult emergence occurred in May and June at the start of the rainy season. Larvae fed within the stems over a 9- to 12-month period and caused damage to the plant. The insect was imported into Australia, where a procedure for rearing it in the laboratory was developed. Host-range tests indicated that adults oviposited and larvae commenced development in L. camara and L. montevidensis but not in any of 57 other species tested. A CLIMEX model indicated that most areas infested with lantana in Australia would have a favorable climate for A. championi. Permission to release this insect in Australia was obtained and three small releases were made in southern Queensland in February 1995.  相似文献   

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