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Modeling of yeast metabolism and process dynamics in batch fermentation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Much is known about yeast metabolism and the kinetics of industrial batch fermentation processes. In this study, however, we provide the first tool to evaluate the dynamic interaction that exists between them. A stoichiometric model, using wine fermentation as a case study, was constructed to simulate batch cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Five differential equations describe the evolution of the main metabolites and biomass in the fermentation tank, while a set of underdetermined linear algebraic equations models the pseudo-steady-state microbial metabolism. Specific links between process variables and the reaction rates of metabolic pathways represent microorganism adaptation to environmental changes in the culture. Adaptation requirements to changes in the environment, optimal growth, and homeostasis were set as the physiological objectives. A linear programming routine was used to define optimal metabolic mass flux distribution at each instant throughout the process. The kinetics of the process arise from the dynamic interaction between the environment and metabolic flux distribution. The model assessed the effect of nitrogen starvation and ethanol toxicity in wine fermentation and it was able to simulate fermentation profiles qualitatively, while experimental fermentation yields were reproduced successfully as well.  相似文献   

Aims: To analyse the diversity of wild yeast in spontaneous fermentations of a white wine and to select the most suitable autochthonous starter yeasts. The selected yeasts would be used for inoculation of industrial fermentations in several years. Methods and Results: Yeasts were characterized by applying electrophoretic karyotyping. This technique was chosen because it can reveal the large‐scale mutations in the yeast genome induced by gross chromosomal rearrangements. This type of mutation is considered one of the main forces behind the rapid evolution of industrial yeasts. A heterogeneous population of yeast strains was observed in the spontaneous fermentations during two consecutive years. Four of the most abundant strains were isolated and tested for microbiological features of industrial importance. The selected autochthonous strains were used as starter yeasts for the following 7 years. In the majority of these experiences, we obtained homogeneous yeast populations, in which the karyotype of one of the inoculated strains – karyotype V – emerged as clearly dominant. Conclusions: The inoculation of the selected strain with karyotype V and a proper handling of the inoculum scaling‐up process led to the substitution of the spontaneous fermentations by controlled fermentations producing a highly satisfactory final product. Significance and Impact of the Study: We monitored the wine yeast population of an industrial system for a total of 9 years. Our work is one of the first examples made at industrial scale showing how molecular techniques can be successfully applied to improve the efficiency of the winemaking process.  相似文献   

AIMS: The objective of this work was to study the effect of the use of Saccharomyces cerevisiae monocultures over the biodiversity of non-Saccharomyces yeasts in wine-producing areas in Chile. METHODS AND RESULTS: Microvinifications were carried out with grape musts of two areas. In one of them, the fermentation is carried out mainly in a spontaneous manner, whereas in the other the musts are inoculated with commercial yeasts. The isolated yeasts were identified by the internal transcribed (ITS)/restriction fragment length polymorphism technique. In the industrial production area less variability of yeast genera was observed as compared with the traditional area, an observation that is greatest at the end of the fermentation. Furthermore, a study of the production of extracellular enzymes was done. The majority of the yeasts showed at least one of the activities assayed with the exception of beta-glycosidase. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that in the industrialized area the diversity of yeasts is less in the traditional area. Likewise, the potentiality of the non-Saccharomyces yeasts as enzyme producers with industrial interest has been confirmed. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study shows the negative effect of the use of monocultures over the biodiversity of yeasts in wine-producing regions.  相似文献   

Inhibition of yeast function by ethanol and by high substrate concentrations is well recognized and, to a limited extent, quantified. The role of carbon dioxide in affecting yeast metabolism (particularly growth processes) is not clear although inhibition is generally found at moderate to high concentrations of the dissolved gas. A similar situation exists with other microorganisms and with other fermentation systems. An understanding of the role of carbon dioxide, and particularly of its inhibitory effects on enzyme action and membrane function, is required if the observed global inhibition of yeasts and other fermentation systems is to be partitioned to its appropriate causes.  相似文献   

从成熟的沙棘果皮中筛选得到9株酵母茵,通过产气性能、产酒精能力和发酵力测试试验及对发酵所得的沙棘果酒的感官评价,选出R1为最佳的沙棘果酒酿酒用茵株.该茵株适合在酸度较高的沙棘果汁中进行正常的酒精发酵,起酵快、发酵能力强,发酵所得沙棘果酒品质优,而且酒体澄清透明、色泽红润,具有沙棘果酒的典型风味,适用于果酒生产以及下一步...  相似文献   

Alcoholic fermentation of synthetic must was performed using either Saccharomyces cerevisiae or a mutant Deltapep4, which is deleted for the proteinase A gene. Fermentation with the mutant Deltapep4 resulted in 61% lower levels of free amino acids, and in 62% lower peptide concentrations at the end of alcoholic fermentation than in the control. Qualitative differences in amino acid composition were observed. Changes observed in amino acids in peptides were mainly quantitative. After alcoholic fermentation, each medium was inoculated with Oenococcus oeni. Malolactic fermentation in the medium with the Deltapep4 strain took 10 days longer than the control. This difference may have been due to a difference in the nitrogen composition of the two media. Free amino acids and amino acids in peptides were poorly consumed by O. oeni. Thus, the qualitative aspects of nitrogen composition, which depend in part on yeast metabolism, may be a determinant for the optimal growth of O. oeni in wine.  相似文献   

AIMS: During fermentation yeast cells should cope with stress conditions. We pursue a better understanding of the stress response in wine yeasts at the beginning of vinification. METHODS AND RESULTS: We analyse by means of quantitative PCR the expression of several stress induced genes in 24 efficient commercial wine yeast strains at the beginning of vinifications performed under standard conditions or with small variations in pH and temperature. In all cases, high levels (with differences among strains) of GPD1 mRNA but quite low expression of other stress genes (TRX2, HSP104 and SSA3) were found. For all these genes, mRNA levels increase as temperature decreases or pH increases. CONCLUSIONS: Important levels of expression of GPD1 (but not of other stress genes) are required during the first hours of vinification, because of the need for glycerol production to counteract the hyperosmotic stress at this point. The differences among strains suggest that certain level of expression is enough to ensure the continuity of the process. Variations in the pH and temperature of the vinification can affect gene expression. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: A common pattern of stress response between efficient wine strains exists, which could be used as a criterion for selection. Studies of this kind can allow the establishment of connections between gene expression and physiological traits.  相似文献   

Aim:  The aim of this study was to analyse the relevance of the general amino acid permease gene ( GAP1 ) of the wine yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae on nitrogen metabolism and fermentation performance.
Methods and Results:  We constructed a gap1 mutant in a wine strain. We compared fermentation rate, biomass production and nitrogen consumption between the gap1 mutant and its parental strain during fermentations with different nitrogen concentrations. The fermentation capacity of the gap1 mutant strain was impaired in the nitrogen-limited and -excessive conditions. The nitrogen consumption rate between the wild strain and the mutant was different for some amino acids, especially those affected by nitrogen catabolite repression (NCR). The deletion of GAP1 gene also modified the gene expression of other permeases.
Conclusions:  The Gap1 permease seems to be important during wine fermentations with low and high nitrogen content, not only because of its amino acid transporter role but also because of its function as an amino acid sensor.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  A possible biotechnological advantage of a gap1 mutant is its scarce consumption of arginine, whose metabolism has been related to the production of the carcinogenic ethyl carbamate.  相似文献   

【背景】NX11424酵母是一株具有良好发酵特性且能赋予赤霞珠葡萄酒浓郁果香的宁夏本土酿酒酵母。【目的】解析NX11424酵母发酵的赤霞珠葡萄酒中的水果香气特征。【方法】以赤霞珠为材料,设置3个发酵处理:自然发酵、灭菌接种NX11424的发酵和直接接种NX11424的发酵,利用26S rDNA D1/D2区测序分析法鉴定发酵过程中酵母菌的种类,并通过顶空固相微萃取和气相色谱-质谱联用技术定量测定不同发酵处理下赤霞珠葡萄酒的香气成分及含量。【结果】三个发酵处理下赤霞珠葡萄酒各理化指标无显著性差异。所分离到的酵母菌鉴定为2属3种:萄葡汁有孢汉逊酵母(Hanseniaspora uvarum)、酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)和布拉迪酵母(Saccharomyces boulardii,S. boulardii);这2属3种均存在于自然发酵中,接种发酵中仅存在H. uvarumS. cerevisiae两种酵母。三个发酵处理下的赤霞珠葡萄酒中香气物质种类无差异,均为69种;其中,酯类28种,醇类25种,有机酸5种,萜烯类2种和其他类化合物9种;但各发酵处理下香气物质的含量存在显著差异。聚类分析表明,69种香气成分被聚为3类。第1类香气物质包括香茅醇、丙醇等9种成分,其中7种香气物质的含量在灭菌接种发酵中较高;第2类香气物质包括己酸乙酯、棕榈酸乙酯等31种成分,其含量均在直接接种发酵中较高;第3类香气物质包括丁酸乙酯、乳酸乙酯等29种成分,其中27种香气物质的含量在自然发酵中较高。虽然直接接种发酵处理中酵母菌的多样性低于自然发酵处理,但是该处理的赤霞珠葡萄酒中酯类香气物质含量较多,水果香气浓郁,对赤霞珠葡萄酒香气的改善更明显。【结论】NX11424与发酵中的其他本土酵母间的相互作用可以改善葡萄酒的质量,为宁夏本土酵母NX11424在赤霞珠葡萄酒酿造过程中改善葡萄酒质量奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

We propose a dynamic model of alcoholic fermentation in wine-making conditions. In this model, the speed at which CO(2) is released is related to the effects of the main factors involved in fermentation in wine-making conditions: temperature (which can vary within a predefined range) and nitrogen additions (which must not exceed the maximal authorized level). The resulting model consists of ordinary differential equations including numerous parameters that need to be identified and important interactions between explicative variables. These parameters were identified by uncoupling the effects of variables during specific experiments. The results were validated on another series of experiments in different conditions.  相似文献   

The yield changes in cell mass and metabolites with changes in the oxygen supply rate were investigated in continuous ethanol fermentation. With increases in oxygen concentration in the purging gas from 5.3 to 39.3 %, the specific oxygen uptake rate (qO2) increased from 0.158 to 1.24 mmol/g/h. With this change, cell mass increased from 13.2 to 14.9 g/l and glycerol decreased from 4.8 to 0.99 g/l, although little change in ethanol yield was observed. At a higher oxygen concentration and/or at a lower respiratory quotient (RQ), glycerol disappeared, acetaldehyde, acetoin and 2,3-butanediol increased, and ethanol started to decrease. The yields of iso-butylalcohol and iso-amylalcohol also increased with increases in the oxygen supply rate when RQ was lower than approximately 10. Reduction in the redox balance (NADH/NAD) in the cells by qO2, appeared to reduce initially the rate of glycerol-3-phosphate formation and next the rate of ethanol formation, resulting in the accumulation of acetaldehyde and formation of 2,3-butanediol through acetoin. Fatty acid composition changed with changes in the oxygen supply rate. The value for unsaturation, Δ mol−1, increased from 0.745 to 0.836 with the increase in qO2 from 0.158 to 1.79 mmol/g/h. Increases in oleic acid (C18:1) and decreases in palmitic acid (C16:0) were the major changes with the increases in Δ mol−1.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, branched-chain amino acid transaminases (BCAATases) are encoded by the BAT1 and BAT2 genes. BCAATases catalyse the transfer of amino groups between those amino acids and alpha-keto-acids. alpha-Keto-acids are precursors for the biosynthesis of higher alcohols, which significantly influence the aroma and flavour of yeast-derived fermentation products. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of BAT-gene expression on general yeast physiology, on aroma and flavour compound formation and on the sensory characteristics of wines and distillates. For this purpose, the genes were overexpressed and deleted in a laboratory strain, BY4742, and overexpressed in an industrial wine yeast strain, VIN13. The data show that, with the exception of a slow growth phenotype observed for the BAT1 deletion strain, the fermentation behaviour of the strains was unaffected by the modifications. The chemical and sensory analysis of fermentation products revealed a strong correction between BAT gene expression and the formation of many aroma compounds. The data suggest that the adjustment of BAT gene expression could play an important role in assisting winemakers in their endeavour to produce wines with specific flavour profiles.  相似文献   

Rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L.) were incubated at 5-30 degrees C for 48 h and the effect of temperature on ethanolic fermentation in the seedlings was investigated in terms of low-temperature adaptation. Activities of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH, EC and pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC, EC in roots and shoots of the seedlings were low at temperatures of 20-30 degrees C, whereas temperatures of 5, 7.5 and 10 degrees C significantly increased ADH and PDC activities in the roots and shoots. Temperatures of 5-10 degrees C also increased ethanol concentrations in the roots and shoots. The ethanol concentrations in the roots and shoots at 7.5 degrees C were 16- and 12-times greater than those in the roots and shoots at 25 degrees C, respectively. These results indicate that low temperatures (5-10 degrees C) induced ethanolic fermentation in the roots and shoots of the seedlings. Ethanol is known to prevent lipid degradation in plant membrane, and increased membrane-lipid fluidization. In addition, an ADH inhibitor, 4-methylpyrazole, decreased low-temperature tolerance in roots and shoots of rice seedlings and this reduction in the tolerance was recovered by exogenous applied ethanol. Therefore, production of ethanol by ethanolic fermentation may lead to low-temperature adaptation in rice plants by altering the physical properties of membrane lipids.  相似文献   

采用差热分析系统(DTA)对8个主栽酿酒葡萄品种的芽和根系进行低温放热分析(LTE),建立各品种芽、根系韧皮部及木质部的温度-伤害度(LT-I)回归方程,评估不同品种的根系及芽抗寒性.结果表明: 8个品种的根系韧皮部伤害度50%的温度从高到低为马瑟兰>品丽珠>赤霞珠>小芒森>霞多丽>蛇龙珠>贵人香>熊岳白;不同品种木质部伤害度50%的温度从高到低为马瑟兰>霞多丽>赤霞珠>小芒森>品丽珠>蛇龙珠>贵人香>熊岳白;芽伤害度50%的温度从高到低为赤霞珠>小芒森>蛇龙珠>品丽珠>霞多丽>贵人香>马瑟兰>熊岳白.利用模糊隶属函数值法综合评价根系及芽的抗寒性,马瑟兰根系的抗寒性最差,熊岳白根系的抗寒性最好;赤霞珠、品丽珠、小芒森和蛇龙珠芽的抗寒性最差,贵人香和熊岳白芽的抗寒性最好.  相似文献   

Effects of temperature on growth and metabolism in juvenile turbot   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
The effects of constant temperatures on growth, food efficiency, and physiological status were studied in four different batches of juvenile turbot. The growth responses were studied in three experiments lasting 70–85 days under 8–20° C thermal conditions. There was a positive correlation between growth and temperature from 8 to 17° C and a plateau was observed from 17 to 20° C. In fish fed to satiety, specific growth rate was positively correlated to the food intake, which was double at 20° C, compared with 8° C. Minor changes were observed in food efficiency. Body fat deposition decreased as temperature increased (25% lower at 20° C, compared with 8° C). Apparent food conversion, PER (protein efficiency ratio) and PUC (protein utilization coefficient) ranges were 0.8–0.9, 2.1–2.3 and 33–38% respectively. In 70–300 g fish, routine MO2 increased (2.5–6.5 μmol O2 h?1 g bw?1) with temperature up to 20° C, while larger turbot (500–600 g) appeared relatively thermo-independent, with a lower oxygen consumption (1.5 ìmol h?1 g?1). The average daily total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) and urea-N excretion per fish biomass was positively related to temperature. TAN was 30% lower at 8° C, compared with 20° C. Ingested nitrogen was mainly excreted under the final form of TAN, urea-N representing 26% of the total amount. A post-prandial peak in TAN and a delayed peak in urea-N nitrogen were observed. The hydromineral status [osmolarity, sodium, chloride and potassium blood plasma, gill (Na+-K+)-ATPase activity] of turbot was not affected by progressive changes in temperature during the acclimation period. Juvenile turbots show remarkable homeostatic capacities and so they have a relatively thermo-independent physiology within the range of temperature studied.  相似文献   

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