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A recently proposed model for 1/f(w-1) noise in nerve membrane (Clay and Schlesinger, 1976; Lundström and McQueen, 1974) is shown to be mathematically inconsistent in several respects. A self-consistent model based on similar membranes lipid orientation fluctuation effects is proposed.  相似文献   

A model of the squid axon membrane based on the theory of absolute reaction rates generates the rapid potential dependence of the membrane properties from the statistics of a simple gate-closing mechanism. It is shown that the peak negative transient conductance, normalized to the peak inward transient current, has a maximum value which is only weakly dependent upon parameter values, and is basically a property of the proposed mechanism. Those parameters which do influence the normalized peak conductance also affect the potential at which the maximum occurs, enabling an upper limit of 0.10 ± 0.02 mV?1 to be established. Published data are consistent with this value but more precise measurements are desirable. The same limit should be observed in all excitable tissues which depend on the postulated central mechanism. Since other models do not predict such a maximum, experimental measurements of this property can provide a stringent test of the unifying principle suggested.  相似文献   

A mechanism for 1/f noise in diffusing membrane channels.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The diffusion polarization effect is shown to produce 1/f (omega-1) noise in the conductance of membranes containing diffusing ion channels. The magnitude and frequency range of the effect are calculated.  相似文献   

The present situation of 1/f noise in the passage of ions across membranes is examined. A survey of biological and synthetic membranes is given at which a l/f frequency dependence has been observed in the spectrum of voltage or current fluctuations. Empirical relations and theories of 1/f noise in membranes are critically discussed. Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Sonderforschungsbereich 38 “Membranforschung”  相似文献   

Summary The noise associated with ion transport through porous membranes is considered as a diffusion process. This is confirmed experimentally by measuring the noise spectra associated with pores of known dimension. It is then shown that one dimensional diffusion through pores of variable length can produce approximate 1/f noise spectra, if the distribution of lengths is proportional to (length)–1.  相似文献   

The present situation of 1/f noise in the passage of ions across membranes is examined. A survey of biological and synthetic membranes is given at which a 1/f frequency dependence has been observed in the spectrum of voltage or current fluctuations. Empirical relations and theories of 1/f noise in membranes are critically discussed.  相似文献   

It has long been recognized that protein dynamical processes occur over a wide temporal range. However, the functionality of this spectrum of events remains unclear. In this work, a generalized noise function analysis is applied to a collection of diverse protein dynamical systems. It is shown that a power law model with an oscillatory component can adequately describe the time course of a variety of processes. These results suggest that under the appropriate conditions, proteins are in a metastable state. A microscopic, chemical kinetic model based on a Poisson distribution of activation energies is presented. From this model specific functional forms for the parameters of the generalized noise model can be derived. Additionally, a model is presented to described kinetic hole burning effects observed at low temperatures. Scaling laws are derived for these models that provide a connection with the generalized noise analysis.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2023,122(3):522-532
The factor Q10 is used in neuroscience to adjust reaction rates of voltage-activated membrane conductances to different temperatures and is widely assumed to be constant. By performing an analysis of published data of the reaction rates of sodium, potassium, and calcium membrane conductances, we demonstrate that 1) Q10 is temperature dependent, 2) this relationship is similar across conductances, and 3) there is a strong effect at low temperatures (<15°C). We show that macromolecular rate theory (MMRT) explains this temperature dependency. MMRT predicts the existence of optimal temperatures at which reaction rates decrease as temperature increases, a phenomenon that we also found in the published data sets. We tested the consequences of using MMRT-adjusted reaction rates in the Hodgkin-Huxley model of the squid’s giant axon. The MMRT-adjusted model reproduces the temperature dependence of the rising and falling times of the action potential. Furthermore, the model also reproduces these properties for different squid species that live in different climates. In a second example, we compare spiking patterns of biophysical models based on human pyramidal neurons from the Allen Cell Types database at room and physiological temperatures. The original models, calibrated at 34°C, failed to generate realistic spikes at room temperature in more than half of the tested models, while the MMRT produces realistic spiking in all conditions. In another example, we show that using the MMRT correction in hippocampal pyramidal cell models results in 100% differences in voltage responses. Finally, we show that the shape of the Q10 function results in systematic errors in predicting reaction rates. We propose that the optimal temperature could be a thermodynamical barrier to avoid over excitation in neurons. While this study is centered on membrane conductances, our results have important consequences for all biochemical reactions involved in cell signaling.  相似文献   

Towards a molecular theory of the nerve membrane   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ion transport through the nerve membrane is considered in terms of barrier-limited fluxes calculated from absolute reaction rate theory. Equations are developed to describe the conformational transitions of an enzyme embedded in the membrane to provide a low-energy transport site. The enzyme transitions are controlled by binding and hydrolytic release of an acetylcholine-like molecule, which in turn depends on ion association with a single negative charge on the enzyme. Simulation of the equations gives good agreement with typical experimental voltage clamps and action potentials. A steady-state negative resistance is found in isoosmolar potassium, and the model shows excitation by an acetylcholine pulse under conditions mimicking the postsynaptic membrane. The implications of the model for development of a molecular theory of the nerve membrane are considered.  相似文献   

Calcium-activated potassium conductance noise in snail neurons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Current fluctuations were measured in small, 3-6 micrometers-diameter patches of soma membrane in bursting neurons of the snail, Helix pomatia. The fluctuations dramatically increased in magnitude with depolarization of the membrane potential under voltage clamp conditions. Two components of conductance noise were identified in the power spectra calculated from the membrane currents. One component had a corner frequency which increased with depolarization. This component was blocked by intracellular injection of TEA and was relatively insensitive to extracellular calcium levels (as long as the total number of effective divalent cations remained constant). It was identified as fluctuations of the voltage-dependent component of delayed outward current. The second component of conductance noise had a corner frequency which decreased with depolarization. It was relatively unaffected by TEA injection and was reversibly blocked by substitution of extracellular calcium with magnesium, cobalt, or nickel. This second component of noise was identified as fluctuations of the calcium-dependent potassium current. The results suggest that the two components of delayed outward current are conducted through physically distinct channels.  相似文献   

A basic characteristic of biological memory is that it has a graded duration, which, even for socalled short-term memory, can vary from minutes to days (i.e. over about three orders of magnitude), depending on the training protocol, which one can think of as determining the “strength” of the memory. Furthermore, the molecular analysis of simple learning in invertebrates has revealed many examples where “learning” is produced by adecrease in an appropriate membrane conductance. This paper provides a quantitative analysis of a simple kinetic scheme where by a conductance decrease can be produced by repetitive nerve impulses, with a duration that varies with stimulus frequency. The simplest model considered is based on the actual kinetics of the naturally-occurring ionophore Monazomycin. This model yields durations ranging only over a factor of about 10, for reasonable parameter values. However, a simple modification of the model yields memory durations ranging over three or more orders of magnitude. We also show that Monazomycin-like kinetics can appear as the result of a combination of simple uni- and bi-molecular reactions, thus making more plausible the possibility that the effects described here may operate in actual biological systems.  相似文献   

In order to predict extinction risk in the presence of reddened, or correlated, environmental variability, fluctuating parameters may be represented by the family of 1/f noises, a series of stochastic models with different levels of variation acting on different timescales. We compare the process of parameter estimation for three 1/f models (white, pink and brown noise) with each other, and with autoregressive noise models (which are not 1/f noises), using data from a model time-series (length, T) of population. We then calculate the expected increase in variance and the expected extinction risk for each model, and we use these to explore the implication of assuming an incorrect noise model. When parameterising these models, it is necessary to do so in terms of the measured ("sample") parameters rather than fundamental ("population") parameters. This is because these models are non-stationary: their parameters need not stabilize on measurement over long periods of time and are uniquely defined only over a specified "window" of timescales defined by a measurement process. We find that extinction forecasts can differ greatly between models, depending on the length, T, and the coefficient of variability, CV, of the time series used to parameterise the models, and on the length of time into the future which is to be projected. For the simplest possible models, ones with population itself the 1/f noise process, it is possible to predict the extinction risk based on CV of the observed time series. Our predictions, based on explicit formulae and on simulations, indicate that (a) for very short projection times relative to T, brown and pink noise models are usually optimistic relative to equivalent white noise model; (b) for projection timescales equal to and substantially greater than T, an equivalent brown or pink noise model usually predicts a greater extinction risk, unless CV is very large; and (c) except for very small values of CV, for timescales very much greater than T, the brown and pink models present a more optimistic picture than the white noise model. In most cases, a pink noise is intermediate between white and brown models. Thus, while reddening of environmental noise may increase the long-term extinction probability for stationary processes, this is not generally true for non-stationary processes, such as pink or brown noises.  相似文献   

A recently introduced real-space lattice methodology for solving the three-dimensional Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations is used to compute current-voltage relations for ion permeation through the gramicidin A ion channel embedded in membranes characterized by surface dipoles and/or surface charge. Comparisons to a variety of experimental results, presented herein, have proven largely successful. Strengths and weaknesses of the method are discussed.  相似文献   

A model is presented which can be used to understand the observed 1/f electrical noise in nerve cell membranes. It is based on recent theories of normal mode vibrations in liquid crystals.  相似文献   

The lattice-model of Changeux, Thiery, Tung & Kittel (1966) was extended in order to examine the co-operative response of chemically excitable membrane and the exact mathematical correspondence to the Ising model was shown. In this model, two conformational states S and R with different affinities for the ligand are assumed to be accessible to each protomer, which is interacting with the nearest-neighbor protomers. The model is applicable to any kind of symmetrically interacting system consisting of oligomers and lattices and is an extension of previously proposed models of allosteric protein. It includes the model of Monod, Wyman, & Changeux (1965) and that of Koshland, Némethy & Filmer (1966) as the extreme cases of the oligomer. By assuming that a state-transition from S to R in a protomer is accompanied by a unit increase in conductance, the characteristics of dose-response curves of chemically excitable membrane are examined. The Hill's coefficient nH of dose-response curve, the measure of the co-operativity, is shown to be proportional to the square of the mean fluctuation of the state function, the fraction of protomers in R state.  相似文献   

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