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Russian Journal of Marine Biology - The species composition of macrophytic algae in Troitsa Bay (Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan) was studied from June to September in 2004–2018. A total of...  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Marine Biology - The composition and seasonal dynamics of meroplankton in Amurskii Bay (Sea of Japan) were studied for the first time. The total survey period exceeded two years....  相似文献   

The species composition and seasonal dynamics of density and biomass of euglenoids in the plankton of Peter the Great Bay were examined. Ten species of euglenoids were found. Of these, Eutreptiella braarudiiThrondsen and Eutreptiella eupharyngeaMoestrup et Norris are new records for the Far Eastern seas of Russia. Sharply pronounced peaks of euglenoid density and biomass occurred in the spring and summer. Increased density and biomass of species of the genera EuglenaEhr. and EutreptiaPerty were observed in polluted waters near sewage outlets.  相似文献   

Comparison of the results of ichthyoplankton surveys conducted at 97 stations in the eastern part of the Peter the Great Bay of the Sea of Japan, in June–July 2007 with the similar research data of the 1950s shows that at present, as was the case 50 years ago, flatfish eggs belonging mainly to the yellowfin sole Limanda aspera and brown sole Pleuronectes herzensteini prevail in the local ichthyoplankton (up to 86%). The highest concentrations of these species’ eggs were recorded in the Vostok Bay and Strelok Bay. The spawning activity of flatfish in 2007 is found to be lower than in the mid 1900s, but the significance of the eastern part of the Peter the Great Bay for flatfish reproduction remains large. The importance of long-term monitoring in this area, which is being subjected to steadily growing anthropogenic impacts, is also proven.  相似文献   

Gastropods Nucella heyseana were collected from 1999 to 2001 from different habitats in Vostok Bay (Sea of Japan). The spatial distribution, the seasonal and interannual dynamics, and the composition of aggregations of this mollusk were analyzed. In Vostok Bay, N. heyseana inhabits biotopes that are typical of this species and other members of the genus and sometimes forms aggregations with an unusually high density and biomass (up to 1690 spec/m2 and 3680 g/m2), thus exceeding 10–40 times the greatest values reported elsewhere for populations of the southern Kuril Islands and Pos'eta Bay (Sea of Japan). N. heyseana is a typical polyphagous predator, and its diet includes numerous species of the associated fauna of bivalve and gastropod mollusks (more than 30 species). The abundance, composition, and stability of local aggregations of N. heyseana are largely dependent on the abundance dynamics of its prey (primarily the most common species, such as Mytilus trossulus, Ruditapes philippinarum, Protothaca euglypta, and Littorina spp.). The opinion on the low density of N. heyseana in southern Primorye (Golikov, Kussakin, 1978) is probably based on a lack of information about the intertidal fauna of this region compared to the South Kuril Islands.  相似文献   

A complete list of sponges of Peter the Great Bay (northwestern Sea of Japan) is presented comprising 40 species belonging to 27 genera, 19 families, 9 orders, and 2 classes. Information is presented about the biogeographical composition of sponge fauna of the bay, the depths of their habitats, and their substrates.Original Russian Text Copyright ¢ 2005 by Biologiya Morya, Khodakovskaya.  相似文献   

The complete list of prosobranch gastropods comprising 195 species classified in 97 genera and 38 families was compiled for Peter the Great Bay (northwest of the Sea of Japan) and the adjacent water areas. In general, in the bay low boreal species prevail, which supported its assignment to the Manchurian (North Japanese, Sea of Japan, Asian) Low Boreal Pacific Subregion of the Boreal Pacific Region. Shallow water thermotropic species mostly prevailed in the littoral and upper sublittoral (to a depth of 50 m) zones of the bay; psychrotropic species were found in the lower sublittoral and upper bathyal (50–500 m) zones; and bathyal thermotropic species inhabited the lower (more then 500 m) bathyal zone.  相似文献   

Based on results of processing planktonic and benthic samples collected in 1996 and 1997, a spatial distribution of echinoderms in the bottom and of their larvae in the plankton were collated for the water area of the Southern region of the Far Eastern State Biosphere Marine Reserve. Some correlation between distributions of the adult and larval sea star Asterias amurensis in July was revealed. At the same time, there was no correlation between distributions of larvae and adult individuals of the brittle star Ophiura sarsi and sea urchin Echinocardium cordatum, which are most abundant in the area. The size structure of bottom populations of the brittle stars O. sarsi and Amphiodia fissa in the studied area was assessed. The correlation coefficient between the distribution of young-of-the-year and the population density was 0.47 in O. sarsi and 0.74 in A. fissa respectively, which implied a selective settling of larvae of those species in areas inhabited by adult brittle stars. Recruitment of bottom populations from 1996 spawning was 5% in O. sarsi and 3.3% in A. fissa.  相似文献   

Based on our data, 76 species of fish from 57 genera and 19 families are found in the mesobenthal of Peter the Great Bay. At depths greater than 200 m in the open part of the bay, no less than five species occur that are lacking closer to the coast; twenty species are capable of descending to a larger depth than was previously assumed. The species composition of fish in the mesobenthal is impoverished during the period of the hydrological summer and is considerably enriched in the cold time of the year, which is related to the wintering migrations of many species from shelf waters to the continental slope. Mass, common, and rare, as well as permanently occurring fish are determined for each hydrological season. The lowest fish biomass is observed in the warm time of the year, and the highest in winter and spring. Specific features of the spatial and temporal variation in the composition of mass fish in the mesobenthal are shown.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Marine Biology - This paper presents the results of the study of the species composition and seasonal dynamics of the qualitative characteristics of phytoplankton in Paris and...  相似文献   

The effect of some environmental factors on the composition and spatial distribution of the meiobenthos were studied in Vostok Bay. The spatial density of the meiobenthos significantly positively correlated with ground type and was maximum in fine- grained sands. The eumeiobenthos was dominated by harpacticoids in coarse-grained ground and by nematodes in ground with a high silt content. The pseudomeiobenthos was dominated by polychaetes and bivalve mollusks in all ground types. The depth distribution of the meiobenthos was highly heterogenous, harpacticoids being the only group whose distribution correlated significantly with depth.  相似文献   

Nemertean pilidia belonging to the groups magnum, pyramidale, gyrans, recurvatum, and auriculatumwere found in Peter the Great Bay. Pilidium auriculatumis probably a little-known ribbon worm of the family Hubrechtiidae, which has never before been found in the Sea of Japan. Larvae of two species of the order Archinemertea were also found.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Marine Biology - This study reports recent data on the distribution and breeding abundance of seven species of colonial birds on the coast of Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan....  相似文献   

The livers of six flatfish species from Sivuch'ya Bight were examined histologically for the presence of neoplastic lesions. Out of 120 fish studied, hepatic tumors were found in two individuals: the black plaice Pleuronectes obscurusand the longsnout flounderPleuronectes punctatissimus.Based on presence of tissue and cellular atypism, tumor pearls surrounded by squamous cells, and absence of mucous secretion, the neoplasm in P. punctatissimuswas classified as squamous cell carcinoma. Abnormal growth of fibrous stroma suggests a scirrhous variant of carcinoma. Tumor in P. obscuruswas classified as a hepatocellular adenoma. This is the first information on liver tumors in flatfishes of Sivuch'ya Bight.  相似文献   

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