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The zebrafish homeobox gene dharma/bozozok (boz) is required for the formation and/or function of the Nieuwkoop center and the subsequent induction of the Spemann organizer. dharma is expressed soon after the midblastula transition in the dorsal blastomeres and the dorsal yolk syncytial layer (YSL). We found that the expression of dharma was upregulated or ectopically induced by misexpression of a Wnt protein and cytoplasmic components of the Wnt signaling pathway and downregulated by the expression of dominant-negative Tcf3. A 1.4-kbp fragment of the dharma promoter region contains consensus sequences for Tcf/Lef binding sites. This promoter region recapitulated the Wnt-dependent and dorsal dharma expression pattern when it was fused to luciferase or GFP. Deletion and point mutant analyses revealed that the Tcf/Lef binding sites were required to drive this expression pattern. These data established that dharma/boz functions between the dorsal determinants-mediated Wnt signals and the formation of the Nieuwkoop center.  相似文献   

The forebrain constitutes the most anterior part of the central nervous system, and is functionally crucial and structurally conserved in all vertebrates. It includes the dorsally positioned telencephalon and eyes, the ventrally positioned hypothalamus, and the more caudally located diencephalon [from rostral to caudal: the prethalamus, the zona limitans intrathalamica (ZLI), the thalamus and the pretectum]. Although antagonizing Wnt proteins are known to establish the identity of the telencephalon and eyes, it is unclear how various subdivisions are established within the diencephalon--a complex integration center and relay station of the vertebrate brain. The conserved forebrain-specific zinc-finger-containing protein Fezl plays a crucial role in regulating neuronal differentiation in the vertebrate forebrain. Here, we report a new and essential role of zebrafish Fezl in establishing regional subdivisions within the diencephalon. First, reduced activity of fezl results in a deficit of the prethalamus and a corresponding expansion of the ZLI. Second, Gal4-UAS-mediated fezl overexpression in late gastrula is capable of expanding the prethalamus telencephalon and hypothalamus at the expense of the ZLI and other fore- and/or mid-brain regions. Such altered brain regionalization is preceded by the early downregulation of wnt expression in the prospective diencephalon. Finally, fezl overexpression is able to restore the anterior forebrain and downregulate wnt expression in Headless- and/or Tcf3 (also known as Tcf7l1a)-deficient embryos. Our findings reveal that Fezl is crucial for establishing regional subdivisions within the diencephalon and may also play a role in the development of the telencephalon and hypothalamus.  相似文献   

Patterning of angiogenesis in the zebrafish embryo   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Little is known about how vascular patterns are generated in the embryo. The vasculature of the zebrafish trunk has an extremely regular pattern. One intersegmental vessel (ISV) sprouts from the aorta, runs between each pair of somites, and connects to the dorsal longitudinal anastomotic vessel (DLAV). We now define the cellular origins, migratory paths and cell fates that generate these metameric vessels of the trunk. Additionally, by a genetic screen we define one gene, out of bounds (obd), that constrains this angiogenic growth to a specific path. We have performed lineage analysis, using laser activation of a caged dye and mosaic construction to determine the origin of cells that constitute the ISV. Individual angioblasts destined for the ISVs arise from the lateral posterior mesoderm (LPM), and migrate to the dorsal aorta, from where they migrate between somites to their final position in the ISVs and dorsal longitudinal anastomotic vessel (DLAV). Cells of each ISV leave the aorta only between the ventral regions of two adjacent somites, and migrate dorsally to assume one of three ISV cell fates. Most dorsal is a T-shaped cell, based in the DLAV and branching ventrally; the second constitutes a connecting cell; and the third an inverted T-shaped cell, based in the aorta and branching dorsally. The ISV remains between somites during its ventral course, but changes to run mid-somite dorsally. This suggests that the pattern of ISV growth ventrally and dorsally is guided by different cues. We have also performed an ENU mutagenesis screen of 750 mutagenized genomes and identified one mutation, obd that disrupts this pattern. In obd mutant embryos, ISVs sprout precociously at abnormal sites and migrate anomalously in the vicinity of ventral somite. The dorsal extent of the ISV is less perturbed. Precocious sprouting can be inhibited in a VEGF morphant, but the anomalous site of origin of obd ISVs remains. In mosaic embryos, obd somite causes adjacent wild-type endothelial cells to assume the anomalous ISV pattern of obd embryos. Thus, the launching position of the new sprout and its initial trajectory are directed by inhibitory signals from ventral somites. Zebrafish ISVs are a tractable system for defining the origins and fates of vessels, and for dissecting elements that govern patterns of vessel growth.  相似文献   

Patterning the early Xenopus embryo   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Developmental biology teachers use the example of the frog embryo to introduce young scientists to the wonders of vertebrate development, and to pose the crucial question, 'How does a ball of cells become an exquisitely patterned embryo?'. Classical embryologists also recognized the power of the amphibian model and used extirpation and explant studies to explore early embryo polarity and to define signaling centers in blastula and gastrula stage embryos. This review revisits these early stages of Xenopus development and summarizes the recent explosion of information on the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that are responsible for the first phases of embryonic patterning.  相似文献   

The neuroectoderm of the vertebrate gastrula was proposed by Nieuwkoop to be regionalized into forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain and spinal cord by a two-step process. In the activation step, the Spemann gastrula organizer induces neuroectoderm with anterior character, followed by posteriorization by a transforming signal. Recently, simultaneous inhibition of BMP and Wnt signaling was shown to induce head formation in frog embryos. However, how the inhibition of BMP and Wnt signaling pathways specify a properly patterned head, and how they are regulated in vivo, is not understood. Here we demonstrate that the loss of anterior neural fates observed in zebrafish bozozok (boz) mutants occurs during gastrulation due to a reduction and subsequent posteriorization of neuroectoderm. The neural induction defect was correlated with decreased chordino expression and consequent increases in bmp2b/4 expression, and was suppressed by overexpression of BMP antagonists. Whereas expression of anterior neural markers was restored by ectopic BMP inhibition in early boz gastrulae, it was not maintained during later gastrulation. The posteriorization of neuroectoderm in boz was correlated with ectopic dorsal wnt8 expression. Overexpression of a Wnt antagonist rescued formation of the organizer and anterior neural fates in boz mutants. We propose that boz specifies formation of anterior neuroectoderm by regulating BMP and Wnt pathways in a fashion consistent with Nieuwkoop's two-step neural patterning model. boz promotes neural induction by positively regulating organizer-derived chordino and limiting the antineuralizing activity of BMP2b/4 morphogens. In addition, by negative regulation of Wnt signaling, boz promotes organizer formation and limits posteriorization of neuroectoderm in the late gastrula.  相似文献   

Normal left-right asymmetry is highly conserved among vertebrates. Errors in the proper patterning of this axis are believed to lead to congenital anomalies of the heart and abdominal viscera, often with profound clinical consequences. We review briefly the nature of potential signals and signaling sources that lead to the break in left-right symmetry. The evidence suggests that left-right reversal, or homogenization, of these signals may lead to different consequences, and we explain some malpositions and malalignments of the atria, ventricles, and/or outflow tract that are seen in a variety of congenital cardiac diseases. We speculate that there are units of organ assembly responsive to laterality signals, and these units may be driven independently. One crucial source of signals appears to be the notochord and floorplate. In order to examine the clinical relationship of these midline structures to putative disorders of laterality, we review all patients with disturbances of normal laterality seen at the Massachusetts General Hospital over the past 20 years. We find a significant association between laterality defects and anomalies of the spine and other midline structures. Dev. Genet. 22:278–287, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The patterning of an internal organ, like the heart, is little understood. Central to this patterning is the formation, or the acquisition, of an anteroposterior (A-P) axis. We have approached the question of how the heart tube acquires polarity in the zebrafish, Brachydanio rerio, which offers numerous advantages for studying cardiac morphogenesis. During the early stages of organogenesis in the fish, the heart tube lies in an A-P orientation with the venous end lying anteriorly and the arterial end lying posteriorly. High doses (10(-6)-10(-5)M) of retinoic acid (RA) cause truncation of the body axis, as they do in Xenopus. Low doses of retinoic acid (10(-8)-10(-7) M), which do not appear to affect the rest of the embryo, have pronounced effects upon heart tube morphogenesis, causing it to shrink progressively along the A-P axis. To investigate this further, we identified monoclonal antibodies that distinguish between the zebrafish cardiac chambers and used them to show that the RA-induced cardiac truncation always begins at the arterial end of the heart tube. There is a continuous gradient of sensitivity from the arterial to the venous end, such that increasing RA exposure causes the progressive and sequential deletion first of the bulbus arteriosus and then, in order, of the ventricle, the atrium, and the sinus venosus. As exposure increases, parts of chambers are deleted before entire chambers; thus, the sensitivity to RA appears to be independent of chamber boundaries. The analysis of the heart tube's sensitivity to RA and its timing suggest that polarity is established during or shortly after initial commitment to the cardiac lineage.  相似文献   

In teleosts and amphibians, the proneuronal domains, which give rise to primary-motor, primary-inter and Rohon-Beard (RB) neurons, are established at the beginning of neurogenesis as three longitudinal stripes along the anteroposterior axis in the dorsal ectoderm. The proneuronal domains are prefigured by the expression of basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) proneural genes, and separated by domains (inter-proneuronal domains) that do not express the proneural genes. Little is known about how the formation of these domains is spatially regulated. We have found that the zebrafish hairy- and enhancer of split-related (Her) genes her3 and her9 are expressed in the inter-proneuronal domains, and are required for their formation. her3 and her9 expression was not regulated by Notch signaling, but rather controlled by positional cues, in which Bmp signaling is involved. Inhibition of Her3 or Her9 by antisense morpholino oligonucleotides led to ectopic expression of the proneural genes in part of the inter-proneuronal domains. Combined inhibition of Her3 and Her9 induced ubiquitous expression of proneural and neuronal genes in the neural plate, and abolished the formation of the inter-proneuronal domains. Furthermore, inhibition of Her3/Her9 and Notch signaling led to ubiquitous and homogeneous expression of proneural and neuronal genes in the neural plate, revealing that Her3/Her9 and Notch signaling have distinct roles in neurogenesis. These data indicate that her3 and her9 function as prepattern genes that link the positional dorsoventral polarity information in the posterior neuroectoderm to the spatial regulation of neurogenesis.  相似文献   

The dorsal gastrula organizer plays a fundamental role in establishment of the vertebrate axis. We demonstrate that the zebrafish bozozok (boz) locus is required at the blastula stages for formation of the embryonic shield, the equivalent of the gastrula organizer and expression of multiple organizer-specific genes. Furthermore, boz is essential for specification of dorsoanterior embryonic structures, including notochord, prechordal mesendoderm, floor plate and forebrain. We report that boz mutations disrupt the homeobox gene dharma. Overexpression of boz in the extraembryonic yolk syncytial layer of boz mutant embryos is sufficient for normal development of the overlying blastoderm, revealing an involvement of extraembryonic structures in anterior patterning in fish similarly to murine embryos. Epistatic analyses indicate that boz acts downstream of beta-catenin and upstream to TGF-beta signaling or in a parallel pathway. These studies provide genetic evidence for an essential function of a homeodomain protein in beta-catenin-mediated induction of the dorsal gastrula organizer and place boz at the top of a hierarchy of zygotic genes specifying the dorsal midline of a vertebrate embryo.  相似文献   

Genetics and early development of zebrafish   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Zebrafish genes and development are being studied in a growing number of laboratories. Given that many other organisms are already being exploited by large numbers of investigators, and that our general knowledge about the zebrafish embryo and genome is at present rather sketchy, why should we now concern ourselves with how this tropical fish develops? Whereas the zebrafish embryo is similar in important ways to other vertebrate embryos, it is relatively simple and unusually accessible for both cellular and genetic analyses.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that estrogen exacerbates inflammation of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Evans blue dye was used to quantify plasma extravasation (PE) around the rat TMJ. In an initial set of experiments, TMJ PE was compared in na?ve intact male and female rats, as well as in both groups after complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA)-induced inflammation of the TMJ. In contrast to our hypothesis, TMJ PE was significantly greater in both na?ve and CFA-inflamed male rats than in females. To determine whether these differences were due to gonadal hormones, four additional groups of rats were studied: gonadectomized (Gx) males and females, Gx males with chronic testosterone (T) replacement, and Gx females with chronic estrogen (E) replacement. The sex difference in baseline TMJ PE appeared to reflect the actions of T. However, in the presence of TMJ inflammation, T augmented TMJ PE in males, while E attenuated TMJ PE in females. Changes in PE were also assessed in the contralateral TMJ. Results from this analysis indicated that there is a transient contralateral increase in TMJ PE in females but not males. Given that there is an inverse relationship between PE and joint damage, our results suggest that testosterone may mitigate, but estrogen may exacerbate, TMJ damage, particularly in the presence of overt inflammation. Importantly, our results may help explain both the higher prevalence and severity of temporomandibular disorder pain in females than males.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling pathways are essential regulators of chondrogenesis. However, the roles of these pathways in vivo are not well understood. Limb-culture studies have provided a number of essential insights, including the demonstration that BMP pathways are required for chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation. However, limb-culture studies have yielded contradictory results; some studies indicate that BMPs exert stimulatory effects on differentiation, whereas others support inhibitory effects. Therefore, we characterized the skeletal phenotypes of mice lacking Bmpr1a in chondrocytes (Bmpr1a(CKO)) and Bmpr1a(CKO);Bmpr1b+/- (Bmpr1a(CKO);1b+/-) in order to test the roles of BMP pathways in the growth plate in vivo. These mice reveal requirements for BMP signaling in multiple aspects of chondrogenesis. They also demonstrate that the balance between signaling outputs from BMP and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) pathways plays a crucial role in the growth plate. These studies indicate that BMP signaling is required to promote Ihh expression, and to inhibit activation of STAT and ERK1/2 MAPK, key effectors of FGF signaling. BMP pathways inhibit FGF signaling, at least in part, by inhibiting the expression of FGFR1. These results provide a genetic in vivo demonstration that the progression of chondrocytes through the growth plate is controlled by antagonistic BMP and FGF signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Webb SE  Fluck RA  Miller AL 《Biochimie》2011,93(12):2112-2125
The ex-utero fertilization and development of the optically clear embryos of teleost fish have long been favorites of developmental biologists. They have, therefore, provided considerable insight with regards to our understanding of embryonic pattern formation and the early development of vertebrates. These attributes have also been most helpful in the visualization of Ca2+ signaling events that have been reported to accompany many of the fundamental steps and processes that constitute early embryonic development. These include egg activation; segregation of the cytoplasm from the yolk; cytokinesis; axis determination; cellular rearrangement and germ layer establishment; as well as the formation of the first tissue domains. The developing eggs and embryos of medaka (Oryzias latipes) and zebrafish (Danio rerio) have for many decades been a favorite choice of investigators attempting to visualize Ca2+ signaling events. In this short review, we have attempted to catalog and present a comparative study of the developmental Ca2+ signals recorded in these most amenable of vertebrate models.  相似文献   

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