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The administration of nembutal and chloral hydrate anesthetic agents in the rat produces an increase in the uptake of zinc, as Zn-65, in the liver. Associated with this is the appearance of a low-molecular-weight Zn-binding protein in the soluble cytosol fraction. This protein is comparable to that induced by the stress of severe exercise, by burn injury, and by Zn injection, and is probably Zn metallothionein. This is an example of the induction of a Zn binding protein in the liver by a drug, and confirms that anesthesia significantly effects Zn metabolism in the liver. Consequently this effect of anesthetic agents should be taken into account in the investigation of the regulation of Zn metabolism.  相似文献   

目的:比较常见的多种麻醉剂对小鼠心脏超声结果的影响。方法:C57BL/6小鼠25只,随机分5组,每组5只。首先在清醒状态下,借助小动物高频超声系统(Vevo2100)评价小鼠心功能,然后分别用戊巴比妥钠、水合氯醛、三溴乙醇、氯胺酮/地西泮及异氟烷麻醉,再次对心功能进行评价。比较6种不同处理情况下,超声反映的小鼠心功能的差异。结果:与清醒状态相比,5种麻醉方式下,小鼠的心率及心功能均有不同程度降低。其中,戊巴比妥钠、水合氯醛、三溴乙醇及异氟烷麻醉组的左心收缩功能显著降低(P0.01),而氯胺酮/地西泮麻醉的小鼠与清醒组相比,收缩功能无明显差异(P0.05),但其余参数也有显著差异(P0.01)。结论:不论何种麻醉方式,都会对小鼠心率及心功能造成一定影响,但其同组内仍具有可比性;因此应根据现实条件及实验需要选择麻醉剂,并贯彻始终,保持试验中麻醉条件的一致性。  相似文献   

目的分析氯胺酮、水合氯醛和氨基甲酸乙酯三种不同麻醉药物对灰仓鼠的麻醉效果。方法将60只灰仓鼠(雌雄各半)随机分为6(A1、A2、B1、B2、C1、C2)组,每组10只,分别进行三种麻醉药物的效果测试,行腹腔注射麻醉,观察临床表现和诱导时间及麻醉时间。结果三种麻醉药物依剂量分为6组,分别在2.82±0.46min、3.50±0.47 min、2.14±0.24 min、2.68±0.49 min、3.16±0.16 min、3.67±0.33 min进入麻醉状态,维持时间分别为29.3±3.7 min、17.4±2.7 min、89.4±3.9 min、61.8±3.1 min、487.9±9.5 min、393.1±7.8 min;三种麻醉药物麻醉后,灰仓鼠的直肠体温分别为34.77℃、32.64℃和32.54℃。结论三种麻醉药物对灰仓鼠的腹腔注射麻醉是有效和安全的,在应用中可以根据实验需要选择不同的麻醉药物,为灰仓鼠得到广泛应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

目的分析比对速眠新、氯胺酮、异氟烷和利多卡因4种不同麻醉药对食蟹猴的麻醉效果。方法总结实际工作中分别使用四种不同麻醉药物对食蟹猴作用的麻醉特点。结果速眠新、氯胺酮、异氟烷均能获得较好的麻醉效果,能满足不同手术、采样需要;局麻药利多卡因对食蟹猴麻醉的实际应用不理想。结论食蟹猴的手术及其他侵犯性操作等都应该考虑生物安全和动物福利要求,实行麻醉,但应根据食蟹猴实验内容要求和不同麻醉药特点选择合适的麻醉方法,确保人员和动物安全,实验结果不受影响。  相似文献   

Six bromo- and/or chloro- derivatives of phloroglucinol have been obtained from the red alga Rhabdonia verticillata.  相似文献   

Further investigation of Laurencia species from Japanese waters, which were collected at three locations, yielded brominated metabolites, a labdane- type diterpene and a C15 acetogenin possessing a terminal bromoallene group. Their structures were deduced from analysis of spectroscopic data.  相似文献   

Three chromone analogs, 1 – 3 , a chlorinated alkaloid sclerotioramine ( 4 ), together with two 11‐noreremophilane‐type sesquiterpenes with a conjugated enolic OH group and a brominated one, 5 and 6 , respectively, were isolated from Penicillium citreonigrum (HQ738282). Compounds 1, 5 , and 6 were new. Biological tests revealed that 4 exhibited a significant activity (IC50 7.32 μg/ml), and 6 showed a moderate activity (IC50 16.31 μg/ml) in vitro against HepG2 cell line, and 4 also displayed an activity comparable to that of acarbose against α‐glucosidase.  相似文献   



Analgesic discography (discoblock) can be used to diagnose or treat discogenic low back pain by injecting a small amount of local anesthetics. However, recent in vitro studies have revealed cytotoxic effects of local anesthetics on intervertebral disc (IVD) cells. Here we aimed to investigate the deteriorative effects of lidocaine and bupivacaine on rabbit IVDs using an organotypic culture model and an in vivo long-term follow-up model.


For the organotypic culture model, rabbit IVDs were harvested and cultured for 3 or 7 days after intradiscal injection of local anesthetics (1% lidocaine or 0.5% bupivacaine). Nucleus pulposus (NP) cell death was measured using confocal microscopy. Histological and TUNEL assays were performed. For in vivo study, each local anesthetic was injected into rabbit lumbar IVDs under a fluoroscope. Six or 12 months after the injection, each IVD was prepared for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and histological analysis.


In the organotypic culture model, both anesthetic agents induced time-dependent NP cell death; when compared with injected saline solution, significant effects were detected within 7 days. Compared with the saline group, TUNEL-positive NP cells were significantly increased in the bupivacaine group. In the in vivo study, MRI analysis did not show any significant difference. Histological analysis revealed that IVD degeneration occurred to a significantly level in the saline- and local anesthetics-injected groups compared with the untreated control or puncture-only groups. However, there was no significant difference between the saline and anesthetic agents groups.


In the in vivo model using healthy IVDs, there was no strong evidence to suggest that discoblock with local anesthetics has the potential of inducing IVD degeneration other than the initial mechanical damage of the pressurized injection. Further studies should be performed to investigate the deteriorative effects of the local injection of analgesic agents on degenerated IVDs.  相似文献   

The incorporation of iododeoxyuridine (IdUrd) into Chinese hamster cells was examined as a possible radiosensitizer for fission spectrum neutrons. Dose-response curves comparing both X rays and neutrons in the same cell line with the same IdUrd replacement showed a similar radiation enhancement for IdUrd incorporation. Enhancement ratios at the 1% survival level were 1.8 for X rays and 1.5 for fission spectrum neutrons. While the mechanism of this enhancement in the response for fission neutron radiation is unclear, these positive data should support further exploration to determine if halogenated pyrimidine incorporation results in sensitization for neutron energies employed in therapy.  相似文献   

卤代黄酮类化合物具有很多种生物活性,本文综述目前国内外在黄酮不同位置引入卤原子的方法及一些卤代黄酮类化合物的生物活性,期待为黄酮类化合物开发出一批具有结构新颖的先导化合物.  相似文献   

Anesthesiologists should fully inform patients of the possible complications from anesthesia. For rapport with the patient, with whom they usually have no acquaintance until a day or so before an operative procedure, the anesthesiologist should enlist the help of the internist or surgeon who already has established an atmosphere of trust.The extent of morbidity and minor complications from anesthesia has not been adequately recorded.One out of every 1,000 to 2,000 anesthetized patients dies of complications primarily due to or contributed to by anesthesia.Leading causes of death vary from study to study and from year to year.  相似文献   

Halogenated diarylacetylenes that possess fluorine or chlorine substituents in one aryl ring and N-methylamino or N,N-dimethylamino in the other aryl ring inhibit the proliferation of LS174T colon cancer cells through the repression of c-myc expression and induction of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor-1 (i.e., p21(Wif1/Cip1)) and represent potentially useful antineoplastic agents.  相似文献   

Chemical compositions of three collections of the red alga Laurencia nipponica from the western part of the Sea of Japan were studied. One of them contained a series of the previously known sesquiterpenoids. Another one gave C15 bromoallene ethers, predominantly. Finally, two new halogenated diterpenes, 15-bromoparguer-9(11)-ene-16-ol and 15-bromoparguer-7-ene-16-ol, were isolated from the third collection of the same species. Structures of these diterpenoids were established by 1D and 2D NMR (1H-1H COSY, DEPT, HMQC, HMBC and NOESY) along with molecular calculations for conformations having lowest energies and mass spectroscopy. Diversity and variability of halogenated secondary metabolites in L. nipponica were discussed.  相似文献   

Variations in the treatment conditions which affect the frequency of BUdR-induced morphogenic lesions in Drosophila melanogaster have been studied. By varying the concentrations of BUdR and FU, or by changing the duration of treatment, it has been demonstrated that increased incorporation of BUdR into DNA results in a concomitant increase in morphogenic lesions.
A quantitative analysis of the data on BUdR-induced lesions as a function of the age of the larvae at the time of treatment indicates that an analog pulse during early larval life induces fewer, but larger lesions than a similar treatment given during later stages of development. These observations support the hypothesis that the developmental modifications are the result of genetic changes which in subsequent replication cycles of DNA are transmitted to descendant cells, and are not necessarily due to the presence of BUdR in DNA per se of cells in the developing organism.  相似文献   

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