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In this case study I present preliminary findings on the development of Eva's Phoenix—a pilot project designed to provide housing and employment-training opportunities for homeless youth in Toronto, Canada. I focus on the construction-training program for youth and explore some of the tensions that can arise in a project of this nature. These include consulting youth about the project's directions and facilitating their participation, representational authority in relation to how the project is promoted, and the need to reconcile different values and expectations for delivering the program on the part of partnering organizations and the youth themselves. I challenge perceptions of welfare and welfare reform in relation to youth and offer some insights into what types of services and interventions can potentially help homeless youth, [homelessness, youth, housing, employment training]  相似文献   

The current focus on the use phase in automotive carbon dioxide (CO2) legislation bares a risk of unintended consequences as often reductions in the use phase come along with increasing CO2 emissions in other life cycle (LC) phases. This study presents voluntary policy options in form of LC‐based CO2 emission credits. They were developed by desk research considering existing applications of LCA in practice (e.g., environmental reports) and feedback obtained in a structured stakeholder dialogue. A variety of credit options were identified, including rather simple ones based on life cycle thinking (LCT) and more advanced options which rely on quantitative LCA: LCT options that reward innovations leading to CO2 reductions, for example, in the production phase. LCA‐based options reward CO2 reductions along the LC (credits for an International Organization for Standardization [ISO] 14044 conforming externally reviewed LCA showing a continuous improvement) or reductions of other environmental impacts. It was shown that the credit options can be implemented throughout a simplified and robust methodology, for example, with defined rules for conducting the LCA based on international standards and established industry practice, and for calculating the credits (e.g., a credit of 1 gram [g] of CO2/km [kilometer] for savings of 10 g of CO2/km). Voluntary credit options as a complementary modality to the current automotive tailpipe‐based CO2 regulations would help to improve its efficiency and effectiveness and support and reward efforts on achieving real net CO2 emission reductions. The credit options were developed with a first focus on CO2 and automotive industry, but can generally be transferred to other environmental impacts and sectors as well.  相似文献   

The Committee for the Continuing Study of Evolving Trends in Society Affecting Life was established by the CMA House of Delegates in 1971, following the consideration of a number of resolutions on the topic of abortion. The committee''s charge was broadened, however, to include topics such as euthansia, biomedical engineering, medicine and religion, ecology and education. The committee''s discussions, as its name indicates can cover a wide range of fields of interest to the medical profession. The following article is the first of several which the committee plans to publish, although the products of its deliberations may take the form of resolutions to future meetings of the House of Delegates.  相似文献   

本文主要介绍对生物技术专业高年级学生或研究生开设的环境微生物学课程在教学内容、教学方法与考核方式方面的改革,主要包括制定新教学大纲、选择新版中英文教材、引用创新成果更新授课内容、引导学生自主学习和注重能力考核等方面。  相似文献   

A census taken in April 1965 revealed that there were 3162 residents training in Canadian hospitals approved by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Thirty-one of the 151 approved hospitals had no residents in training, and another 43 hospitals each having 20 or more residents accounted for 85% of all residents training in Canada. Fifty-seven per cent of the residents in Canada were Canadian citizens, 19% were landed immigrants, and 24% were foreign trainees. Major teaching hospitals contained 65% of all residents; 70% of Canadian graduates and 60% of non-Canadian graduates were training in major teaching hospitals. Hospitals approved for full training in the specialty of the trainee contained 57% of all residents; 64% of Canadian graduates and 48% of foreign graduates were in such hospitals.  相似文献   

Summary The semi-arid tropics are characterized by unpredictable weather, limited and erratic rainfall and nutrient-poor soils and suffer from a host of agricultural constraints Several diseases, insect pests and drought affect crop productivity. Developing stress-resistant crops has been a worthwhile activity of the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). Mandated crops of ICRISAT, including groundnut, pigeonpea, chickpea, sorghum and pearl millet, are the main staple foods for nearly one billion people in the semi-arid tropics. Genetic transformation provides a complementary means for the genetic betterment of the genome of these crops. Judicious application of biotechnological tools holds great potential for alleviating some of the major constraints to productivity of these crops in the agricultural systems of the semi arid tropics. This article reviews plant genetic engineering in relation to its applications in genetic enhancement and the improvement of important crops of the semi-arid tropics. For the benefit of nonbiotechnologists, a brief review of technical aspects of plant genetic engineering is also included.  相似文献   

始于2010年的上海市住院医师规范化培训模式是我国新的医师培养模式,经历3年的实践及完善,从制度及培训基地建设与管理、培训模式及教学经验等方面均取得了可喜的成绩。鉴于放射科住院医师在一定程度上的特殊性,本文以我院放射科基地为例,从基地医师的教育及知识背景、后续的继续教育及职业规划等方面对编写上海市医学影像科(放射科)住院医师规范化培训教材的必要性及可行性进行了分析与探讨,然后对编写此教材的定位、知识体系、参编人员构成、教材编写中的注意事项等提出了具体的看法并进行了初步探讨,供各基地教学实施过程中借鉴,共同推动上海市医学影像科(放射科)住院医师规范化工作,提高医学影像学(放射科)规范化培训医师的整体水平。  相似文献   

We developed a mathematical programming model to estimate the supply of cellulosic biomass in Illinois at various biomass prices and examine the implications of biomass production for the maintenance costs of the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). We find that Illinois has the potential to produce about 38.4–54.5 million dry metric tons (MT) of biomass in 2020 at a biomass price of $150/MT, depending on the production costs of cellulosic feedstocks, residue collection technology, and rates of yield increases of conventional crops. Corn stover will account for more than 65% of the total biomass production across biomass prices and the scenarios considered, while the roles of wheat straw and energy crops are quite limited. Given biomass prices of $50/MT‐$150/MT, many landowners would convert their expiring CRP lands to croplands. To maintain the size of the CRP during the 2007–2020 period at the 2007 levels in Illinois, total program maintenance costs would be $104.6–176.5 million at a biomass price of $50/MT, depending on biomass production conditions and crop yields on CRP lands. This would increase to $155.2–245.4 million at a biomass price of $150/MT.  相似文献   

初步整理了国家基本药物口服制剂信息,包括药物疾病分类、中英文通用名、剂型、规格、国产批文数量、原研公司、原研商品名、 原研剂型、原研规格、BCS分类等,旨在为仿制药一致性评价工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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