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Methylation-sensitive single-nucleotide primer extension (Ms-SNuPE) is a technique that allows for rapid and simultaneous quantitation of the degree of methylation at several CpG sites. Treatment of genomic DNA with sodium bisulfite is used to convert unmethylated cytosine to uracil while leaving 5-methylcytosine unchanged. A strand-specific polymerase chain reaction product is then generated to provide a suitable DNA template for quantitative methylation analysis using Ms-SNuPE. Single-nucleotide primer extension is performed with oligonucleotide(s) designed to hybridize immediately upstream of the CpG site(s) being analyzed. The Ms-SNuPE technique can be adapted for high-throughput methylation analysis and therefore represents a novel approach for rapid quantitation of cytosine methylation suitable for a wide range of biological investigations.  相似文献   

We have developed a rapid quantitative method (Ms-SNuPE) for assessing methylation differences at specific CpG sites based on bisulfite treatment of DNA followed by single nucleotide primer extension. Genomic DNA was first reacted with sodium bisulfite to convert unmethylated cytosine to uracil while leaving 5-methylcytosine unchanged. Amplification of the desired target sequence was then performed using PCR primers specific for bisulfite-converted DNA and the resulting product isolated and used as a template for methylation analysis at the CpG site(s) of interest. This methylation-sensitive technique has several advantages over existing methods used for detection of methylation changes because small amounts of DNA can be analyzed including microdissected pathology sections and it avoids utilization of restriction enzymes for determining the methylation status at CpG sites.  相似文献   

Wu Z  Luo J  Ge Q  Lu Z 《Biosensors & bioelectronics》2008,23(9):1333-1339
Aberrant DNA methylation of CpG site in the gene promoter region has been confirmed to be closely associated with carcinogenesis. In the present study, a microarray-based methylation-sensitive single-nucleotide primer extension (Ms-SNuPE) for parallel detecting changes of DNA methylation in cancer was developed. After modification by sodium sulfite, the unmethylated cytosine in the genomic DNA is converted to uracil while leaving the 5-methylcytosine unchanged, which can be detected by bifunctional primer carrying a unique sequence tag in addition to a locus-specific sequence. Because each locus has a distinct tag, the detecting reactions can be performed in a highly multiplexed fashion and the resulting product then be hybridized to the reverse complements of the sequence tags arrayed on a glass slide for methylation analysis. The calibration curves with the correlation coefficient >0.97 were established, which suggested that the method could be used in near-quantitative DNA methylation analysis. Two breast tumor-related genes (E-cad and p16) are successfully analyzed by two group primers (22 primers total), and the results are compatible with that of methylation-specific PCR (MSP). Our research proved that the method is simple and inexpensive, and could be applied as a high-throughput tool to quantitatively determine methylation status of the investigated genes.  相似文献   

We have investigated the possibility of determining quantitatively the alleles of binary DNA polymorphisms by single-nucleotide primer extension (SNuPE) and fluorescence-based DHPLC. Using a polymorphism of interest to our group, ROX-labeled dideoxy CTP (ROX-ddCTP) was incorporated at the 3' end of the primer annealed to the template adjacent to the polymorphic site. The primer extension product was then resolved from the unincorporated dye terminator by ion-pair reversed-phase liquid chromatography. The signal intensity of incorporated ROX-ddCTP correlated well over one order of magnitude with the relative amount of the C-allele present in the genomic DNA template. We conclude that SNuPE, when combined with fluorescence-based DHPLC, can accurately determine the relative molar proportion of one allele in total DNA.  相似文献   

This study reports the development of an on-chip enzyme-mediated primer extension process based on a microfluidic device with microbeads array for single-nucleotide discrimination using quantum dots as labels. The functionalized microbeads were independently introduced into the arrayed chambers using the loading chip slab. A single channel was used to generate weir structures to confine the microbeads and make the beads array accessible by microfluidics. The applied allele-specific primer extension method employed a nucleotide-degrading enzyme (apyrase) to achieve specific single-nucleotide detection. Based on the apyrase-mediated allele-specific primer extension with quantum dots as labels, on-chip single-nucleotide discrimination was demonstrated with high discrimination specificity and sensitivity (0.5 pM, signal/noise > 3) using synthesized target DNA. The chip-based signal enhancement for single-nucleotide discrimination resulted in 200 times higher sensitivity than that of an off-chip test. This microfluidic device successfully achieved simultaneous detection of two disease-associated single-nucleotide polymorphism sites using polymerase chain reaction products as target. This apyrase-mediated microfluidic primer extension approach combines the rapid binding kinetics of homogeneous assays of suspended microbeads array, the liquid handling capability of microfluidics, and the fluorescence detection sensitivity of quantum dots to provide a platform for single-base analysis with small reagent consumption, short assay time, and parallel detection.  相似文献   

Identification of nucleotides used for RNA chain initiation or for contacting DNA binding proteins is basic to our understanding of gene regulation. Normally, a radioactive primer is used to copy RNA or DNA. The polymerase extension stops at free ends of mRNA (as in promoter mapping) or at the position of template cleavage or modification (as in footprinting). The locations of these positions are then analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. These analyses have been improved using fluorescently labeled primers and commonly available DNA sequencing machines. The protocol, which we call fluorescently labeled oligonucleotide extension (FLOE), eliminates the need for handling radioactivity and polyacrylamide. The DNA sequencer delivers data as a "trace" that is ready for quantification, which eliminates the need to trace gels separately. The data analysis is further improved by new software, Scanalyze, which we present here. We demonstrate that by using promoter mapping and footprinting, FLOE shortens experimental time, extends the stretch of analyzable sequence, and simplifies quantification compared to radioactive methods and is as sensitive in terms of detecting templates.  相似文献   

The expression of several cancer-related genes has been reported to be silenced by DNA methylation of their promoter region. 5-Aza-2'-deoxycytidine (5-AZA-CdR), a potent and specific inhibitor of DNA methylation, can reactivate the in vitro expression of these genes. In future clinical trials in tumor therapy with 5-AZA-CdR a method to quantitate its inhibition of methylation of specific tumor suppressor genes would provide important data for the analysis of the therapeutic efficacy of this analogue. We have modified the methylation-sensitive single-nucleotide primer extension assay reported by Gonzalgo and Jones (Nucleic Acids Res. 25, 2529-2531, 1997). Genomic DNA was treated with bisulfite and a fragment of the promoter region of the human retinoic acid receptor beta (RARbeta) gene, a tumor suppressor gene, was amplified using seminested PCR. Using two different primers we quantitated the inhibition of methylation produced by 5-AZA-CdR at two specific CpG sites in the RARbeta promoter in a human colon and a breast carcinoma cell line. The results obtained with the modified assay show a precise and reproducible quantitation of inhibition of DNA methylation produced by 5-AZA-CdR in tumor cells.  相似文献   

A mathematical model is proposed for processive primer extension by eukaryotic DNA primase. The model uses available experimental data to predict rate constants for the dynamic behavior of primase activity as a function of NTP concentration. The model also predicts some data such as the binding affinities of the primase for the DNA template and for the RNA primer.  相似文献   

A sensitive and highly reproducible multiplexed primer extension assay is described for quantitative mutation analysis of heterogeneous DNA populations. Wild-type and mutant target DNA are simultaneously probed in competitive primer extension reactions using fluorophor-labeled primers and high fidelity, thermostable DNA polymerases in the presence of defined mixtures of deoxy- and dideoxynucleotides. Primers are differentially extended and the resulting products are distinguished by size and dye label. Wild-type:mutant DNA ratios are determined from the fluorescence intensities associated with electrophoretically resolved reaction products. Multiple nucleotide sites can be simultaneously interrogated with uniquely labeled primers of different lengths. The application of this quantitative technique is shown in the analysis of heteroplasmic point mutations in mitochondrial DNA that are associated with Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

COHCAP (City of Hope CpG Island Analysis Pipeline) is an algorithm to analyze single-nucleotide resolution DNA methylation data produced by either an Illumina methylation array or targeted bisulfite sequencing. The goal of the COHCAP algorithm is to identify CpG islands that show a consistent pattern of methylation among CpG sites. COHCAP is currently the only DNA methylation package that provides integration with gene expression data to identify a subset of CpG islands that are most likely to regulate downstream gene expression, and it can generate lists of differentially methylated CpG islands with ∼50% concordance with gene expression from both cell line data and heterogeneous patient data. For example, this article describes known breast cancer biomarkers (such as estrogen receptor) with a negative correlation between DNA methylation and gene expression. COHCAP also provides visualization for quality control metrics, regions of differential methylation and correlation between methylation and gene expression. This software is freely available at https://sourceforge.net/projects/cohcap/.  相似文献   

In this article, we show that high resolution melting analysis (HRM) is a sensitive and specific method for the detection of methylation. Methylated DNA and unmethylated DNA acquire different sequences after bisulphite treatment resulting in PCR products with markedly different melting profiles. We used PCR to amplify both methylated and unmethylated sequences and assessed HRM for the determination of the methylation status of the MGMT promoter region. Reconstruction experiments showed that MGMT methylation could be detected at levels as low as 0.1%. Moreover, MS-HRM allows for estimation of the methylation level by comparing the melting profiles of unknown PCR products to the melting profiles of PCR products derived from standards with a known unmethylated to methylated template ratio. We used MS-HRM for the analysis of eight cell lines of known methylation status and a panel of colorectal cancer specimens. The simplicity and high reproducibility of the MS-HRM protocol makes MS-HRM the method of choice for methylation assessment in many diagnostic and research applications.  相似文献   

Interaction of DNA methylation and sequence variants that are methylation quantitative trait loci (mQTLs) may influence susceptibility to diseases such as alcohol dependence (AD). We used genome-wide genotype data from 268 African Americans (AAs: 129 AD cases and 139 controls) and 143 European Americans (EAs: 129 AD cases and 14 controls) to identify mQTLs that were associated with promoter CpGs in 82 AD risk genes. 282 significant mQTL–CpG pairs (9.9 × 10?100 ≤ P nominal ≤ 7.7 × 10?8) in AAs and 313 significant mQTL–CpG pairs (2.7 × 10?53 ≤ P nominal ≤ 9.9 × 10?8) in EAs were identified [i.e., mQTL–CpG associations survived multiple-testing correction, q values (false discovery rate) ≤ 0.05]. The most significant mQTL was rs1800759, which was strongly associated with CpG cg12011299 in both AAs (P nominal = 9.9 × 10?100; q = 6.7 × 10?91) and EAs (P nominal = 2.7 × 10?53; q = 1.4 × 10?44). Rs1800759 (previously known to be associated to AD) and CpG cg12011299 (distance: 37 bp) are both located in alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) 4 gene (ADH4) promoter region. In general, the strength of association between mQTLs and CpGs was inversely correlated with the distance between them. Association was also influenced by race and AD. Additionally, 48.3 % of the mQTLs identified in AAs and 65.6 % of the mQTLs identified in EAs were predicted to be expression QTLs. Three mQTLs (rs2173201, rs4147542, and rs4147541 in ADH1B-AHD1C gene cluster region) found in AAs were previously identified by our genome-wide association studies as being significantly associated with AD in AAs. Thus, DNA methylation, which can be influenced by sequence variants and is implicated in gene expression regulation, appears to at least partially underlie the association of genetic variation with AD.  相似文献   

Methylation analysis of individual cytosines in genomic DNA can be determined quantitatively by bisulphite treatment and PCR amplification of the target DNA sequence, followed by restriction enzyme digestion or sequencing. Methylated and unmethylated molecules, however, have different sequences after bisulphite conversion. For some sequences this can result in bias during the PCR amplification leading to an inaccurate estimate of methylation. PCR bias is sequence dependent and often strand-specific. This study presents a simple method for detection and measurement of PCR bias for any set of primers, and investigates parameters for overcoming PCR bias.  相似文献   

The ratio of two differentially replicating alleles is not constant during S phase. Using this fact, we have developed a method for determining allele-specific replication timing for alleles differing by at least a single base pair. Unsynchronized cells in tissue culture are first sorted into fractions based on DNA content as a measure of position in S phase. DNA is purified from each fraction and used for PCR with primers that bracket the allelic difference, amplifying both alleles. The ratio of alleles in the amplified product is then determined by a single nucleotide primer extension (SNuPE) assay, modified as described [Singer-Sam,J. and Riggs,A.D. (1993) Methods Enzymol., 225, 344-351]. We report here use of this SNuPE-based method to analyze replication timing of two X-linked genes, Pgk-1 and Xist, as well as the autosomal gene Gabra-6. We have found that the two alleles of the Gabra-6 gene replicate synchronously, as expected; similarly, the active allele of the Pgk-1 gene on the active X chromosome (Xa) replicates early relative to the silent allele on the inactive X chromosome (Xi). In contrast, the expressed allele of the Xist gene, which is on the Xi, replicates late relative to the silent allele on the Xa.  相似文献   

This study reports the development of a microarray-based allele-specific extension method for typing of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The use of allele-specific primers has been employed previously to identify single base variations but it is acknowledged that certain mismatches are not refractory to extension. Here we have overcome this limitation by introducing apyrase, a nucleotide-degrading enzyme, to the extension reaction. We have shown previously that DNA polymerases exhibit slower reaction kinetics when extending a mismatched primer compared with a matched primer. This kinetic difference is exploited in the apyrase-mediated allele-specific extension (AMASE) assay, allowing incorporation of nucleotides when the reaction kinetics are fast but degrading the nucleotides before extension when the reaction kinetics are slow. Here we show that five homozygous variants (14% of the total number of variants) that were incorrectly scored in the absence of apyrase were correctly typed when apyrase was included in the extension reaction. AMASE was performed in situ on the oligonucleotide microarrays using fluorescent nucleotides to type 10 SNPs and two indels in 17 individuals generating approximately 200 genotypes. Cluster analysis of these data shows three distinct clusters with clear-cut boundaries. We conclude that SNP typing on oligonucleotide microarrays by AMASE is an efficient, rapid and accurate technique for large-scale genotyping.  相似文献   

Mapping of genomic DNA methylation is a dispensable part of functional genome. We have developed a novel method based on methylation-specific primer and serial analysis of gene expression, called MSP-SAGE, with potential of high-throughput quantification of genomic DNA methylation. We used a 6-mer methylation-specific primer to extend the methylated CpG sequences other than non-methylated CpG sequences. The 17 bp tags contained methylated CpG sequence, which were obtained from extended methylation sequence by digestion of restriction endonuclease, and then the tags were concatenated and cloned for sequencing. We can identify the locations of methylation according to the sequences of tags and quantify the methylation status from the frequency of the tags. MSP-SAGE has a good linearity in a broad methylation range from 5% to 100% with good accuracy and high precision. The proof-of-principle study shows that MSP-SAGE is a reliable high-throughput assay for quantification of DNA methylation.  相似文献   

We present a biochemical analysis of the effects of three single-stranded DNA binding proteins on extension of oligonucleotide primers by the Tetrahymena telomerase. One of them, a human protein designated translin, which was shown to specifically bind the G-rich Tetrahymena and human telomeric repeats, slightly stimulated the primer extension reactions at molar ratios of translin/primer of <1:2. At higher molar ratios, it inhibited the reactions by up to 80%. The inhibition was caused by binding of translin to the primers, rather than by a direct interaction of this protein with telomerase. A second protein, the general human single-stranded DNA binding protein Replication Protein A (RPA), similarly affected the primer extension by telomerase, even though its mode of binding to DNA differs from that of translin. A third protein, the E. coli single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB), whose binding to DNA is highly cooperative, caused more substantial stimulation and inhibition at the lower and the higher molar ratios of SSB/primer, respectively. Both telomere-specific and general single-stranded DNA binding proteins are found in living cells in telomeric complexes. Based on our data, we propose that these proteins may exert either stimulatory or inhibitory effects on intracellular telomerases, depending on their local concentrations.  相似文献   

In this report we describe a simple and rapid protocol for reliable quantitation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations, which is basically a modification of the traditional polymerase chain reaction (PCR)/restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis technique. Up to now, the PCR/RFLP method has been of limited use for the accurate determination of ratios of mutant and wild type molecules, largely owing to the formation of heteroduplex molecules by PCR and incompleteness of restriction digestion. In order to overcome this problem, we have introduced a single-step primer extension reaction using Vent(R)(exo-) DNA polymerase and a fluorescence-labeled primer to the standard assay. The labeled homoduplex molecules are then digested with a restriction endonuclease, and the nucleic acids fractionated on an automated DNA sequencer equipped with GENESCAN analysis software. The amount of mutant mtDNA is readily estimated from fluorescence intensities of the wild-type and mutant mtDNA fragments corrected for incomplete digestion as monitored by a homologous control fragment. The accuracy of the improved protocol was determined by constructing standard curves obtained from defined mixtures of genomic DNA containing homoplasmic wild-type and mutant mtDNA. The expected values were obtained, with an observed correlation coefficient of 0.997 and a typical variability of +/-5% between repeated measurements. Further validation of the protocol is provided by the screening of five patients and unaffected subjects carrying the guanine to adenine transition at the nucleotide 3460 of the mitochondrial genome responsible for the mitochondrial disorder of Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy.  相似文献   

Selective 2'-hydroxyl acylation analyzed by primer extension (SHAPE) interrogates local backbone flexibility in RNA at single-nucleotide resolution under diverse solution environments. Flexible RNA nucleotides preferentially sample local conformations that enhance the nucleophilic reactivity of 2'-hydroxyl groups toward electrophiles, such as N-methylisatoic anhydride (NMIA). Modified sites are detected as stops in an optimized primer extension reaction, followed by electrophoretic fragment separation. SHAPE chemistry scores local nucleotide flexibility at all four ribonucleotides in a single experiment and discriminates between base-paired versus unconstrained or flexible residues with a dynamic range of 20-fold or greater. Quantitative SHAPE reactivity information can be used to establish the secondary structure of an RNA, to improve the accuracy of structure prediction algorithms, to monitor structural differences between related RNAs or a single RNA in different states, and to detect ligand binding sites. SHAPE chemistry rarely needs significant optimization and requires two days to complete for an RNA of 100-200 nucleotides.  相似文献   

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