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The sarcoglycan complex (SGC) is a multimember transmembrane complex interacting with other members of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex (DGC) to provide a mechanosignaling connection from the cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix. The SGC consists of four proteins (alpha, beta, gamma, and delta). A fifth sarcoglycan subunit, epsilon-sarcoglycan, shows a wider tissue distribution. Recently, a novel sarcoglycan, the zeta-sarcoglycan, has been identified. All reports about the structure of SGC showed a common assumption of a tetrameric arrangement of sarcoglycans. Addressing this issue, our immunofluorescence and molecular results showed, for the first time, that all sarcoglycans are always detectable in all observed samples. Therefore, one intriguing possibility is the existence of a pentameric or hexameric complex considering zeta-sarcoglycan of SGC, which could present a higher or lower expression of a single sarcoglycan in conformity with muscle type--skeletal, cardiac, or smooth--or also in conformity with the origin of smooth muscle.  相似文献   

Many studies have been performed on the sarcoglycan sub-complex and a7B and b1D integrins, but their distribution and localization patterns along the non-junctional sarcolemma are still not clear. We have carried out an indirect immunofluorescence study on surgical biopsies of normal human skeletal muscle, performing double localization reactions with antibodies to sarcoglycans, integrins and sarcomeric actin. Our results indicate that the tested proteins colocalize with each other. In a few cases, a-sarcoglycan does not colocalize with the other sarcoglycans and integrins. We also demonstrated, by employing antibodies to all the tested proteins, that these proteins can be localized to regions of the sarcolemma corresponding either to the I-band or A-band. Our results seem to confirm the hypothesis of a correlation between the region of the sarcolemma occupied by costameric proteins and the metabolic type (fast or slow) of muscle fibers. On this basis, we suggest that slow fibers are characterized by localization of costameric proteins to I-bands, while fast fibers are characterized by localization of costameric proteins to A-bands. The results open a new line of research in understanding interactions between the components of the DGC and vinculin-talin-integrin complexes in the context of different fiber types. Moreover, the same results may be extended to skeletal muscle fibers affected by neuromuscular diseases to detect possible structural alterations.  相似文献   

The heterotetrameric sarcoglycan complex, composed of alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta-sarcoglycans, is an important component of the dystrophin-associated glycoprotein assembly in striated muscle. Mutations in any of the four genes encoding sarcoglycans cause a deficiency in all sarcoglycans in the sarcolemma and produce one of four types of limb-girdle muscular dystrophy. A fifth widely expressed sarcoglycan, epsilon-sarcoglycan, has been recently described. epsilon-Sarcoglycan is homologous to alpha-sarcoglycan, but whether it associates with the other sarcoglycans in muscle is not known. In this study, we use wild type and alpha-sarcoglycan-deficient mice to analyze the localization and association of sarcoglycans in skeletal muscle in vivo. The amounts of beta-, gamma-, and delta-sarcoglycans are reduced in alpha-sarcoglycan mutants, whereas the amount of epsilon-sarcoglycan is unchanged. We show here that epsilon-sarcoglycan is complexed with beta-, gamma-, and delta-sarcoglycans in both wild type and alpha-sarcoglycan mutant mice. We also use C2C12 myocytes to study the temporal expression and organization of sarcoglycan complexes during muscle cell differentiation in vitro. In C2C12 cells, alpha- and epsilon-sarcoglycans form separate complexes with beta-, gamma-, and delta-sarcoglycans. Both types of complexes are expressed at the cell surface and presumed to be functional. These results suggest that epsilon-sarcoglycan serves a function similar to that of alpha-sarcoglycan and that residual beta-, gamma-, and delta-sarcoglycan seen in mutant mice and alpha-sarcoglycan-deficient patients is due to its association with epsilon-sarcoglycan.  相似文献   

When n-alkanes have been found in mammalian tissues, they have been considered to be solely of exogenous origin, and have not been assigned any normal or pathological function. We have observed n-alkanes regularly in normal stratum corneum (5.5 ± 0.2% total lipid), and found striking accumulations (> 25% total lipid) in some scaling diseases. Although the origin of these n-alkanes is not known, evidence is presented that they do not arise from external contaminants, medications, sebaceous glands, and spontaneous or bacterial degradation. The presence of large quantities of n-alkanes in human stratum corneum suggests that they may play a role in normal human epidermal function and in the pathophysiology of some epidermal diseases.  相似文献   

Summary The histochemical pattern of muscle fiber types of the longissimus dorsi and biceps femoris muscles was investigated in normal and splaylegged piglets at birth and seven days later. Only slight differences between the muscle fibers at birth were found using histochemical reactions for alkaline adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase), succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), phosphorylase (PH) activities, and for the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) reaction. With the method for acid-preincubated ATPase activity, high activity was observed in Type I muscle fibers and low activity in Type II muscle fibers in animals of both groups investigated. However, a higher number of Type I fibers was found in muscles of normal piglets, suggesting a faster and more advanced process of transformation of Type II into Type I muscle fibers in unaffected animals. Thus the histochemical conversion appears to be retarded in muscles of splaylegged animals, which have a histochemical pattern similar to that of normal prenatal animals. Cholinesterase activity in motor endplates was well developed; its staining revealed smaller sized and irregularly arranged endplates in muscles of affected piglets. Fiber type differentiation in muscles of animals which recovered from splayleg becomes fully developed and comparable to normal piglets seven days after birth. The number of fibers which became converted from Type II to Type I was increased; the fiber types were differentiated with regard to the PAS reaction and to their ATPase, SDH and PH activities. Morphological features of motor endplates in muscles of normal and surviving splaylegged piglets are similar.Histochemical investigation of the fiber type differentiation thus suggests that full recovery occurs within the first week of postnatal life in muscles affected by pathological changes accompanying splayleg.  相似文献   

The histochemical pattern of muscle fiber types of the longissimus dorsi and biceps femoris muscles was investigated in normal and splaylegged piglets at birth and seven days later. Only slight differences between the muscle fibers at birth were found using histochemical reactions for alkaline adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase), succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), phosphorylase (PH) activities, and for the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) reaction. With the method for acid-preincubated ATPase activity, high activity was observed in Type I muscle fibers and low activity in Type II muscle fibers in animals of both groups investigated. However, a higher number of Type I fibers was found in muscles of normal piglets, suggesting a faster and more advanced process of transformation of Type II into Type I muscle fibers in unaffected animals. Thus the histochemical conversion appears to be retarded in muscles of splaylegged animals, which have a histochemical pattern similar to that of normal prenatal animals. Cholinesterase activity in motor endplates was well developed; its staining revealed smaller sized and irregularly arranged endplates in muscles of affected piglets. Fiber type differentiation in muscles of animals which recovered from splayleg becomes fully developed and comparable to normal piglets seven days after birth. The number of fibers which became converted from Type II to Type I was increased; the fiber types were differentiated with regard to the PAS reaction and to their ATPase, SDH and PH activities. Morphological features of motor endplates in muscles of normal and surviving splaylegged piglets are similar. Histochemical investigation of the fiber type differentiation thus suggests that full recovery occurs within the first week of postnatal life in muscles affected by pathological changes accompanying splayleg.  相似文献   

The major gangliosides of human thyroids were extracted, purified and then analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography. In normal thyroid, GM3 and GD3 represented about 80% of lipid-bound sialic acid. GM3 contained more than 50% of long-chain fatty acids, whereas GD3 contained mostly short ones. 4D hydroxy sphinganine represented 20% of long-chain base content in both cases. In pathological thyroids (Graves' disease, cancer, toxic adenoma), GM3 represented about 60% of lipid-bound sialic acid; its fatty acid content was mostly short chain fatty acids, as in normal GD3. 4D hydroxy sphinganine proportion was decreased.  相似文献   

Single fiber analyses were performed in normal and diseased muscle by means of a high-resolution microphotometric method. We investigated the activity distribution of a mitochondrial marker enzyme, succinate dehydrogenase, within single muscle fibers. We differentiated between the central and the subsarcolemmal region. Both normal muscle fibers, and ragged-red fibers from patients with a mitochondrial myopathy showed significantly higher succinate dehydrogenase activities in the subsarcolemmal region. Since the fibers' supply of oxygen is accomplished by diffusion from capillaries located close to the sarcoplasmic membrane our results are of functional importance.  相似文献   

Summary Single fiber analyses were performed in normal and diseased muscle by means of a high-resolution microphotometric method. We investigated the activity distribution of a mitochondrial marker enzyme, succinate dehydrogenase, within single muscle fibers. We differentiated between the central and the subsarcolemmal region. Both normal muscle fibers, and ragged-red fibers from patients with a mitochondrial myopathy showed significantly higher succinate dehydrogenase activities in the subsarcolemmal region. Since the fibers' supply of oxygen is accomplished by diffusion from capillaries located close to the sarcoplasmic membrane our results are of functional importance.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical characteristics of myosin have been demonstrated directly in normal and cross-reinnervated skeletal muscle fibers whose physiological properties have been defined. Fibers belonging to individual motor units were identified by the glycogen-depletion method, which permits correlation of cytochemical and physiological data on the same fibers. The normal flexor digitorum longus (FDL) of the cat is composed primarily of fast-twitch motor units having muscle fibers with high myosin ATPase activity. These fibers reacted with antibodies specific for the two light chains characteristic of fast myosin, but not with antibodies against slow myosin. Two categories of fast fibers, corresponding to two physiological motor unit types (FF and FR), differed in their immunochemical response, from which it can be concluded that their myosins are distinctive. The soleus (SOL) consists almost entirely of slow-twitch motor units having muscle fibers with low myosin ATPase activity. These fibers reacted with antibodies against slow myosin, but not with antibodies specific for fast myosin. When the FDL muscle was cross-reinnervated by the SOL nerve, twitch contraction times were slowed about twofold, and motor units resembled SOL units in a number of physiological properties. The corresponding muscle fibers had low ATPase activity, and they reacted with antibodies against slow myosin only. The myosin of individual cross-reinnervated FDL muscle units was therefore transformed, apparently completely, to a slow type. In contrast, cross-reinnervation of the SOL muscle by FDL motoneurons did not effect a complete converse transformation. Although cross-reinnervated SOL motor units had faster than normal twitch contraction times (about twofold), other physiological properties characteristic of type S motor units were unchanged. Despite the change in contraction times, cross-reinnervated SOL muscle fibers exhibited no change in ATPase activity. They also continued to react with antibodies against slow myosin, but in contrast to the normal SOL, they now showed a positive response to an antibody specific for one of the light chains of fast myosin. The myosins of both fast and slow muscles were thus converted by cross-reinnervation, but in the SOL, the newly synthesized myosin was not equivalent to that normally present in either the FDL or SOL. This suggests that, in the SOL, alteration of the nerve supply and the associated dynamic activity pattern are not sufficient to completely respecify the type of myosin expressed.  相似文献   

Human blood platelets stimulated by thrombin undergo very rapid morphological changes, the most characteristic of which are pseudopod formation and granule centralization. These early changes in shape are accompanied by a transient decrease (30%) in phosphatidyl inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) which occurs in the first 10 s after thrombin addition. Transient decreases in phosphatidyl inositol 4-phosphate (PIP) and phosphatidyl inositol (PI) occur later (20-30 s). These events lead to the formation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) and diacylglycerol (DG) and hence phosphatidate (PA). Two polypeptides are phosphorylated during the same time span: the myosin light chain (P20) and a 43 kDa protein (P43). Concomitant with these molecular changes, platelet 'release reaction' occurs, i.e., liberation of the different granule constituents into the external medium: the earliest concerns dense bodies which liberate adenine nucleotides, calcium and serotonin; alpha-granules then liberate adhesive and specific proteins and are followed by lysosomes which liberate hydrolases. Pathological platelets from patients with inherited disorders, presenting well-characterized and specific defects of either the platelet membrane (GT) or storage granules (GPS and HPS), have also been studied. The results obtained lead to the following conclusions: (1) the transducing system is normal in platelets unable to aggregate; (2) phosphorylation of P20 and P43 proteins can be complete with impaired release; and (3) when platelets lack alpha-granules the transducing system as well as the release of other granule populations are impaired. These results evidence the relationship between the absence of intraplatelet components and metabolic events.  相似文献   

Myosin types in human skeletal muscle fibers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
By combining enzyme histochemistry for fiber typing with immunohistochemistry for slow and fast myosin a correlation between fiber type and myosin type was sought in human skeletal muscle. Fiber typing was done by staining for myofibrillar ATPases after preincubation at discriminating pH values. Myosin types were discriminated using type specific anti-rabbit myosin antibodies shown to cross-react with human myosin and were visualized by a protein A-peroxidase method. Type I fibers were shown to contain slow myosin only, type IIA and IIB fibers fast myosin only, and type IIC fibers both myosins in various proportions. When muscle biopsies from well-trained athletes were investigated essentially the same staining pattern was observed. However, rarely occurring type I fibers with high glycolytic activity were detected containing additional small amounts of fast myosin and occasional type IIA fibers had small amounts of slow myosin. Based on the observation of various fiber types in which slow and fast myosin coexist we propose a dynamic continuum of fibers encompassing all fiber types.  相似文献   

Summary By combining enzyme histochemistry for fiber typing with immunohistochemistry for slow and fast myosin a correlation between fiber type and myosin type was sought in human skeletal muscle. Fiber typing was done by staining for myofibrillar ATPases after preincubation at discriminating pH values. Myosin types were discriminated using type specific anti-rabbit myosin antibodies shown to cross-react with human myosin and were visualized by a protein A-peroxidase method. Type I fibers were shown to contain slow myosin only, type IIA and IIB fibers fast myosin only, and type IIC fibers both myosins in various proportions. When muscle biopsies from well-trained athletes were investigated essentially the same staining pattern was observed. However, rarely occurring type I fibers with high glycolytic activity were detected containing additional small amounts of fast myosin and occasional type IIA fibers had small amounts of slow myosin. Based on the observation of various fiber types in which slow and fast myosin coexist we propose a dynamic continuum of fibers encompassing all fiber types.  相似文献   

Human thymus of healthy subjects and patients affected by thymoma-associated Myastenia Gravis were studied in order to visualize and compare the morphological distributive pattern of four neuropeptides: vasoactive intestinal peptide, substance P, neuropeptide Y, and neurotensin. Based on our observations, we formulated hypotheses on their relations in neuro-immunomodulation under physiological and pathophysiological conditions. Immuno-histochemical staining for neuropeptides was performed and morphological and morphometrical analyses were conducted on healthy and diseased thymus. In normal thymus, a specific distributive pattern was observed for the several neuropeptide-positive nerves in different thymus lobular zones. In particular substance P-positive fibers were observed in subcapsular zone, specifically located into parenchyma, where they represent the almost total amount of fibers; neurotensin-positive fibers were observed primarily located in parenchyma than perivascular site of several thymus lobular zones, and more abundant the cortico-medullary and medullary zones. Instead VIP- and NPY-positive fibers were widely distributed in perivascular and parenchymal sites of several thymus lobular zones. In thymoma, the distribution of neuropeptide-positive fibers was quantitatively reduced, while cells immunopositive to VIP and substance P were quantitatively increased and dispersed. Observation of the perivascular and parenchymal distribution of the analyzed neuropeptides suggests evidence that a regulatory function is performed by nerves and cells that secrete neuropeptide into the thymus. The alteration of neuropeptide patterns in thymoma suggests that these neurotransmitters play a role in autoimmune diseases such as Myastenia Gravis.  相似文献   

Surface thermodynamics of normal and pathological human granulocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Surface tensions of normal and pathological granulocytes were determined by (1) adhesion to solid substrates of different surface tensions while suspended in liquid media of different surface tensions, and by (2) measurement of cell-liquid-vapor contact angles obtained with sessile drops of saline water on cell monolayers. The results obtained by the two different methods were in close conformation with one another. With the cell adhesion emthod some residual leukocyte adhesion still persists even under conditions where there no longer is a van der Waals attraction between cells and solid substrate. At low ionic strength and by the abolishment of all multivalent cations through the admixture of EDTA, that residual cell adhesion virtually disappears (with normal as well as with pathological granulocytes), indicating that the earlier residual cell adhesion did indeed arise from electrostatic interactions mediated by multivalent cations (probably Ca2+). Comparison of the capacities for engulfment and the surface thermodynamics data of normal and pathological granulocytes obtained in this study leads to the novel observation that the phagocytic episode from half to complete engulfment of bacterial particles by granulocytes appears to be the crucial step from the thermodynamic point of view.  相似文献   

The immunofluorescent staining of the human normal testis shows that both peritubular and tubular cells bind antimyosin-like antibodies. The same cells are provided with a large amount of microfilaments within the cytoplasm. The thin microfilaments observed by electron microscopy in various cells of the human testis likely correspond to the sites of immunofluorescent staining. In pathological specimens there can be observed a decrease in peritubular smooth muscle cells associated with a decrease in cytoplasmic microfilaments and in the immunofluorescent staining of some cells.  相似文献   

The present study was initiated to investigate GLUT-1 through -5 expression in developing and mature human skeletal muscle. To bypass the problems inherent in techniques using tissue homogenates, we applied an immunocytochemical approach, employing the sensitive enhanced tyramide signal amplification (TSA) technique to detect the localization of glucose transporter expression in human skeletal muscle. We found expression of GLUT-1, GLUT-3, and GLUT-4 in developing human muscle fibers showing a distinct expression pattern. 1) GLUT-1 is expressed in human skeletal muscle cells during gestation, but its expression is markedly reduced around birth and is further reduced to undetectable levels within the first year of life; 2) GLUT-3 protein expression appears at 18 wk of gestation and disappears after birth; and 3) GLUT-4 protein is diffusely expressed in muscle cells throughout gestation, whereas after birth, the characteristic subcellular localization is as seen in adult muscle fibers. Our results show that GLUT-1, GLUT-3, and GLUT-4 seem to be of importance during muscle fiber growth and development. GLUT-5 protein was undetectable in fetal and adult skeletal muscle fibers. In adult muscle fibers, only GLUT-4 was expressed at significant levels. GLUT-1 immunoreactivity was below the detection limit in muscle fibers, indicating that this glucose transporter is of minor importance for muscle glucose supply. Thus we hypothesize that GLUT-4 also mediates basal glucose transport in muscle fibers, possibly through constant exposure to tonal contraction and basal insulin levels.  相似文献   

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