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Whole genome microarrays were used to study plant gene expression in mature Meloidogyne incognita -induced galls in Arabidopsis. We found 959 genes to be significantly differentially expressed, and two-thirds of these were down-regulated. Microarray results were confirmed by qRT-PCR. The temporal and spatial responses of four differentially expressed genes were analysed using GUS reporter plants following infection with M. incognita and the cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii . The ammonium transporter gene AtAMT1;2 was consistently and locally repressed in response to both nematodes at all developmental stages. The lateral organ boundary domain gene LBD41 showed up-regulation in the feeding sites of both nematode species, although there was variation in expression in saccate H. schachtii female feeding sites. Expression of an actin depolymerizing factor ADF3 and a lipid transfer protein was induced in feeding sites of both nematodes at the fusiform stage and this persisted in feeding sites of saccate M. incognita . These results contribute to the knowledge of how plant gene expression responds to parasitism by these nematodes as well as highlighting further differences in the mechanisms of development and maintenance of these feeding site structures.  相似文献   

Bacterial wilt, caused by Ralstonia solanacearum, is one of the most serious diseases of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). Concomitant infection of R. solanacearum and root‐knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita increases the severity of bacterial wilt in tomato, but the role of this nematode in disease complexes involving bacterial pathogens is not completely elucidated. Although root wounding by root‐knot nematode infection seems to play an important role, it might not entirely explain the increased susceptibility of plants to R. solanacearum. In the present study, green fluorescent protein (GFP)‐labelled R. solanacearum distribution was observed in the root systems of the tomato cultivar Momotaro preinoculated with root‐knot nematode or mock‐inoculated with tap water. Fluorescence microscopy revealed that GFP‐labelled R. solanacearum mainly colonized root‐knot nematode galls, and little or no green fluorescence was observed in nematode‐uninfected roots. These results suggest that the gall induced by the nematode is a suitable location for the growth of R. solanacearum. Thus, it is crucial to control both R. solanacearum and root‐knot nematode in tomato production fields to reduce bacterial wilt disease incidence and effects.  相似文献   

Root-knot nematodes are obligate parasites that invade roots and induce the formation of specialized feeding structures. Although physiological and molecular changes inside the root leading to feeding site formation have been studied, very little is known about the molecular events preceding root penetration by nematodes. In order to investigate the influence of root exudates on nematode gene expression before plant invasion and to identify new genes potentially involved in parasitism, sterile root exudates from the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana were produced and used to treat Meloidogyne incognita pre-parasitic second-stage juveniles. After confirming the activity of A. thaliana root exudates (ARE) on M. incognita stylet thrusting, six new candidate genes identified by cDNA-AFLP were confirmed by qRT-PCR as being differentially expressed after incubation for one hour with ARE. Using an in vitro inoculation method that focuses on the events preceding the root penetration, we show that five of these genes are differentially expressed within hours of nematode exposure to A. thaliana roots. We also show that these genes are up-regulated post nematode penetration during migration and feeding site initiation. This study demonstrates that preceding root invasion plant-parasitic nematodes are able to perceive root signals and to respond by changing their behaviour and gene expression.  相似文献   

In Glycine max, the second-stage juveniles of Meloidogyne incognita entered the roots through the apical meristem or elongation zone. The juveniles induced giant cells in the zone of vascular strands. Near the head of the nematode and adjacent to the giant cells, the vascular strands exhibited abnormalities in their shapes and structures; both xylem and phloem were found to be affected. The giant cells had dense and granular cytoplasm, and large nuclei with large nucleoli. Some parenchyma cells exhibited hypertrophy, while others exhibited hyperplasia. The distinctive feature of the study is reporting the occurrence of abnormal xylem, abnormal phloem and abnormal parenchyma.  相似文献   

The effect of nematode infestation on the alternative pathway respiration of mitochondria isolated from resistant and susceptible tomato roots greatly depended on the oxidisable substrate tested. The percentage of alternative respiration in NADH, malate and succinate oxidation was markedly different between the resistant (Rossol) and the susceptible (Roma VF) cultivars before infestation. Only the percentage of malate alternative oxidation in mitochondria from the resistant roots was influenced by nematode invasion. Conversely, attacked roots showed consistent variations in the content of mitochondria per unit fresh weight and in the phosphorylation efficiency (ADP/O) of the organelles. Expression of the alternative pathway (ρ' value) was found to be unchanged in intact roots and isolated mitochondria six days after nematode inoculation.  相似文献   

A cytochemical study of esterase activity of tomato cultivars resistant (VFN8) and susceptible (Roma) to the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita has shown activity present in root tissue of both cultivars. Inhibitor studies indicated the likely involvement of carboxy- and acetyl-esterases as components in the prostele and cortical cells of cv. Roma 1, 2, and 3 days after nematode infestation. In contrast, necrotic cells immediately adjacent to the nematode in roots of VFN8 were seen to contain high levels of phenolics by 3 days after infection with the adjacent cells having high levels of carboxylesterase activity. The possible role of the enzyme in the hypersensitive response of tomato plants during nematode infection is discussed.  相似文献   

To cope with the various environmental stresses resulting in reactive oxygen species (ROS) production plant metabolism is known to be altered specifically under different stresses. After overcoming the stress the metabolism should be reconfigured to recover basal operation however knowledge concerning how this is achieved is cursory. To investigate the metabolic recovery of roots following oxidative stress, changes in metabolite abundance and carbon flow were analysed. Arabidopsis roots were treated by menadione to elicit oxidative stress. Roots were fed with 13C labelled glucose and the redistribution of isotope was determined in order to study carbon flow. The label redistribution through many pathways such as glycolysis, the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and amino acid metabolism were reduced under oxidative stress. After menadione removal many of the stress-related changes reverted back to basal levels. Decreases in amounts of hexose phosphates, malate, 2-oxoglutarate, glutamate and aspartate were fully recovered or even increased to above the control level. However, some metabolites such as pentose phosphates and citrate did not recover but maintained their levels or even increased further. The alteration in label redistribution largely correlated with that in metabolite abundance. Glycolytic carbon flow reverted to the control level only 18 h after menadione removal although the TCA cycle and some amino acids such as aspartate and glutamate took longer to recover. Taken together, plant root metabolism was demonstrated to be able to overcome menadione-induced oxidative stress with the differential time period required by independent pathways suggestive of the involvement of pathway specific regulatory processes.  相似文献   

Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) was inoculated with root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita to investigate the anatomical abnormalities in the affected roots. Soon after inoculation the second-stage juveniles (J2) entered at or near the root caps and migrated intercellularly towards the zone of vascular differentiation. Discrete giant cells were observed after three days of inoculation. The nematode induced hypertrophy and hyperplasia near the giant cells. After six days, the juveniles moulted to their third stage (J3). At the same, time giant cell size and density of giant cell cytoplasm increased. The continuity of vascular strands remained unaffected. Between 12 and 24 days of inoculation the giant cells enlarged several times and became multinucleate and enclosed dense and granular cytoplasm. The nematodes became almost pyriform 18 days after inoculation. The orientation of vascular strands changed, due to hypertrophy, hyperplasia and enlargement of the nematode. After 30 days of inoculation the nematodes developed into mature females and started egg laying. A large amount of parenchyma transformed into abnormal xylem.  相似文献   

Chalcone (1,3-diphenyl-2-propen-1-one) is an aromatic ketone precursor of important molecules in plants such as flavonoids or anthocyanins. Its phytotoxicity has been demonstrated on different plant species, but to date little is known about the mechanisms of action of this secondary metabolite at plant cellular level. Detailed analysis by light and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was conducted to examine the root meristems' ultrastructure of control and chalcone-treated Arabidopsis seedlings. Mitochondrial dysfunction was analysed by measuring mitochondrial membrane potential with JC-1 fluorochrome. Finally, acridine orange/ethidium bromide staining was used for the detection of programmed cell death. Microscopy revealed tissue alterations, inhibition of root hair formation and important changes after 7 and 14 d at the chalcone IC(50) value. Chalcone-treated cells showed signs of programmed cell death such as mitochondrial condensation, disruption of organelles and chromatin fragmentation. Acridine orange/ethidium bromide staining confirmed the programmed cell death, which could be induced by the reduction of mitochondrial transmembrane potential (ΔΨ(m)) that was detected after chalcone treatment. These results confirm the phytotoxic activity of chalcone on Arabidopsis seedlings, the alteration of mitochondrial membrane potential and the induction of programmed cell death.  相似文献   

To quantify the diffusion constant of small molecules in the plant cell wall, fluorescence from carboxyfluorescein (CF) in the intact roots of Arabidopsis thaliana was recorded. Roots were immersed in a solution of the fluorescent dye and viewed through a confocal fluorescence microscope. These roots are sufficiently transparent that much of the apoplast can be imaged. The diffusion coefficient, D(cw), of CF in the cell wall was probed using two protocols: fluorescence recovery after photobleaching and fluorescence loss following perfusion with dye-free solution. Diffusion coefficients were obtained from the kinetics of the fluorescent transients and modelling apoplast geometry. Apoplastic diffusion constants varied spatially in the root. In the elongation zone and mature cortex, D(cw)=(3.2+/-1.4)x10(-11) m(2) s(-1), whereas in mature epidermis, D(cw)=(2.5+/-0.7)x10(-12) m(2) s(-1), at least an order of magnitude lower. Relative to the diffusion coefficient of CF in water, these represent reductions by approximately 1/15 and 1/195, respectively. The low value for mature epidermis is correlated with a suberin-like permeability barrier that was detected with either autofluorescence or berberine staining. This study provides a quantitative estimate of the permeability of plant cell walls to small organic acids-a class of compounds that includes auxin and other plant hormones. These measurements constrain models of solute transport, and are important for quantitative models of hormone signalling during plant growth and development.  相似文献   

The response of a susceptible tomato cultivar (Solanum lycopersicum cv. Rio Grande) to infection by three populations of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) was compared histologically with that of Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Monita, L. esculentum cv. VFN8 and Solanum lycopersicum cv. Nemador possessing the Mi-1 resistance gene and accession PI126443 of L. peruvianum possessing the Mi-3 gene. The resistant cultivars showed susceptibility to the Tunisian Meloidogyne populations. Feeding sites were characterised by the development of giant cells that contained granular cytoplasm and several hypertrophied nuclei. The cytoplasm of giant cells was aggregated along their thickened cell walls and consequently the vascular tissues within galls appeared disrupted and disorganised. Feeding site formed on resistant L. esculentum lines and susceptible cultivar Rio Grande are similar according to cell and nucleus number, and the nurse superficies. Resistant accession L. peruvianum PI126443, known to possess heat-stable nematode resistance, also showed susceptible reaction to Tunisian Meloidogyne incognita populations; however, nematode development was reduced in comparison with susceptible plants and less developed feeding cells were observed.  相似文献   

A mturation-rate relationship for Meloidogyne incognita on Lycopersicon esculentum ''Rutgers'' was derived and used to estimate harvest dates for maximmn egg hatch from laboratory cultures at ambient temperatures. Daily maturation increments were totaled (nematode maturation total, NMT) and correlated with hatch from isolated white, yellow, and amber egg masses. Hatch per mass fluctuated periodically from ca. 1.0 NMT, when egg masses were first visible, to 2.5 NMT by which time plants showed stress. Maximum yields from white and yellow masses occurred, with a shorter than expected periodicity, at 1.5-1.8 and 2.1-2.2 NMT. White masses decreased from 90% of the total masses at 1.0 NMT to 5% at 2.5 NMT, as the proportion of yellow and amber masses increased concomitantly. Harvested masses per gram of root varied from 97 to 276; hatch per gram of root, 11,000 to 86,000.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to identify the growth limiting factors in Arabidopsis thaliana subjected to a mild salt stress. Two natural accessions (Col and N1438) were compared. In spite of their morphological and developmental similarity, they have been previously shown to differ in the response of their superoxide dismutase genes to salt stress (Physiol Plant 132:293–305, 2008). Thirty-day-old seedlings were grown for 15 days using a split-root configuration in which the root system was divided into two equal parts: the first was immersed in a complete nutrient solution with 50 mM NaCl added, while the second part was immersed in either complete or incomplete K-, Ca-, or N-free medium. Using this approach, we demonstrated that K+ and Ca2+ uptake was impaired in the roots subjected to NaCl. There was no indication of the salt-induced inhibition of N uptake. If K+ or Ca2+ were available from salt-free medium, plants were able to grow at normal rate and accumulate large amounts of Na+ in the shoots. These results indicate that the sensitivity of Arabidopsis growth to mild salinity was probably due to an inhibition of K+ or Ca2+ root transport by salt rather than due to salt accumulation in shoots. Furthermore, the salt sensitivity of ion transport in roots seemed to depend on the genotype, since K+ was limiting for Col growth, in contrast to N1438, the growth of which was limited by Ca2+.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a large class of small regulatory RNA molecules, however no study has been performed to elucidate the role of miRNAs in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) response to the root knot nematode (RKN, Meloidogyne incognita) infection. We selected 28 miRNAs and 8 miRNA target genes to investigate the miRNA-target gene response to M. incognita infection. Our results show that RKN infection significantly affected the expression of several miRNAs and their targeted genes. After 10 days of RKN infection, expression fold changes on miRNA expressions ranged from down-regulated by 33% to upregulated by 406%; meanwhile the expression levels of miRNA target genes were 45.8% to 231%. Three miRNA-target pairs, miR159-MYB, miR319-TCP4 and miR167-ARF8, showed inverse expression patterns between gene targets and their corresponded miRNAs, suggesting miRNA-mediated gene regulation in cotton roots in response to RKN infection.  相似文献   

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