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The genetic architecture of a female sexual ornament   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding the evolution of sexual ornaments, and particularly that of female sexual ornaments, is an enduring challenge in evolutionary biology. Key to this challenge are establishing the relationship between ornament expression and female reproductive investment, and determining the genetic basis underpinning such relationship. Advances in genomics provide unprecedented opportunities to study the genetic architecture of sexual ornaments in model species. Here, we present a quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of a female sexual ornament, the comb of the fowl, Gallus gallus, using a large-scale intercross between red junglefowl and a domestic line, selected for egg production. First, we demonstrate that female somatic investment in comb reflects female reproductive investment. Despite a trade-off between reproductive and skeletal investment mediated by the mobilization of skeletal minerals for egg production, females with proportionally large combs also had relatively high skeletal investment. Second, we identify a major QTL for bisexual expression of comb mass and several QTL specific to female comb mass. Importantly, QTL for comb mass were nonrandomly clustered with QTL for female reproductive and skeletal investment on chromosomes one and three. Together, these results shed light onto the physiological and genetic architecture of a female ornament.  相似文献   

Characters in animals used in signalling and subjected to strong directional selection often demonstrate (i) an elevated level of fluctuating asymmetry (small random deviations from bilateral symmetry) and (ii) a negative relationship between the degree of individual fluctuating asymmetry and the size of a given character. We tested these two predictions in plants since flowers are subjected to strong directional selection and are involved in signalling to pollinators, whereas leaves are supposed not to be directly involved in signalling. The overall level of fluctuating asymmetry in a number of plant species with bilaterally or radially symmetric flowers was not generally higher in floral traits than in leaves. The level of fluctuating asymmetry in plants was sometimes significantly consistent within individuals. The absolute degree of individual fluctuating asymmetry in floral traits was generally negatively related to the size of the trait, while there was a positive relationship for leaves. The degree of individual fluctuating asymmetry in floral traits was marginally negatively related to the degree of individual fluctuating asymmetry in leaf traits. These patterns of fluctuating asymmetry in plants suggest that (i) the degree of asymmetry in flowers signals different aspects of quality than does the degree of asymmetry in leaves, and that (ii) fluctuating asymmetry in flowers often reflects the phenotypic quality of individual plants.  相似文献   

We staged female mate choice trials between pairs of males andrepeated the process for each female to determine the repeatabilityof female preference for males in red jungle fowl (Gallus gallus)in the first and second half of the breeding season. We measuredmale morphological traits (the size and color of the comb andthe brightness of the hackle feathers) that females are knownto use in choosing a mate. In the first half of the breedingseason, females showed repeatability in their choices of matewith respect to the male's comb characters. Females did notshow a repeatable preference with respect to male hackle feathers,and we found no repeatability of mate choice in the second halfof the season. Females seem to primarily look at the male'scomb when choosing a mate, and other ornaments seem only ofsecondary importance.[Behav Ecol 7: 243-246 (1996)]  相似文献   

The degree of fluctuating asymmetry has been demonstrated to reflect the ability of individuals to cope with different kinds of environmental stress (Parsons 1990). Parasites and diseases are one kind of environmental stress which most individuals encounter during their lifetime. Parasites have also been suggested to play an important role in sexual selection and the development of ornaments, since the full expression of ornaments may reflect the ability of hosts to cope with the debilitating effects of parasites. Here I report for the first time that a parasite, the haematophagous tropical fowl mite Ornithonyssus bursa (Macronyssidae, Gamasida), directly affects the degree of fluctuating asymmetry in a secondary sexual character of its host, the elongated tail of the swallow Hirundo rustica (Aves: Hirundinidae). I experimentally manipulated the mite load of swallow nests during one season by either increasing or reducing the number of mites, or keeping nests as controls. The degree of fluctuating asymmetry was measured in the subsequent year after the swallows had grown new tail ornaments under the altered parasite regime. The degree of fluctuating asymmetry was larger at increasing levels of parasites for male tail length, but not for the length of the shortest tail feather or wing length or for tail and wing length in females. These results suggest that the degree of fluctuating asymmetry in tail ornaments, but not in other feather traits, reliably reveals the level of parasite infestation. This has important implications for the ability of conspecifics to use the size and the expression of ornaments in assessment of phenotypic quality and thus in sexual selection.  相似文献   

Secondary sexual characters have been hypothesized to demonstrate increased phenotypic variation between and within individuals as compared to ordinary morphological traits. We tested whether this was the case by studying phenotypic variation, expressed as the coefficient of variation (CV), and developmental instability, measured as fluctuating asymmetry (FA), in ornamental and non-ornamental traits of 70 bird species with feather ornamentation while controlling for similarity among species due to common descent. Secondary sexual characters differed from ordinary morphological traits by showing large phenotypic CV and FA. This difference can be explained by the different mode of selection operating on each kind of trait: a history of intense directional (ornaments) and stabilizing selection (non-ornaments). Phenotypic variation is reduced in the sex with more intense sexual selection (males), but does not differ among species with different mating systems. The strength of stabilizing selection arising from natural selection is associated with decreased CV (wing CV is smaller than tarsus or tail CVs). We found evidence of FA being reduced in ornamental feathers strongly affected by aerodynamics (tail feathers) compared to other ornaments, but only in females. In conclusion, CV and FA were not related, suggesting mat phenotypic plasticity and developmental instability are independent components of phenotypic variation.  相似文献   

Several studies of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in animals show that secondary sexual characters used in signalling have a negative relationship between size and asymmetry. Larger sexual traits are presumably more costly to produce, which should lead to greater developmental stress and corresponding increases in asymmetry. In the absence of among individual variation in the ability to handle these costs, the relationship between size and asymmetry should thus be positive. A negative relationship therefore suggests that expression of these traits is condition-dependent. In plants, flowers act as signals for pollinators and may show similar trends to animal signals. Leaves which are uninvolved in signalling should not. Moller & Eriksson (1994) found that 89% of species ( n = 16 of 18) with insect-pollinated flowers showed a negative relationship between petal size and asymmetry, while 79% of species ( n = 15 of 19) showed a positive relationship between leaf size and asymmetry. I carried out a similar study of 18 plant species. The average relationship between petal size and asymmetry did not differ significantly from zero in those species showing measurable FA in flowers ( n = 12). The relationship was significantly negative in one species, and significandy positive in another. On average, leaves in species with FA did not show a significant positive relationship between size and asymmetry ( n = 7). There was no significant difference in the slopes of the relationship between size and asymmetry for leaves and flowers. Levels of floral asymmetry for species with FA were significandy repeatable on individual plants in 33% ( n = 4 of 12) of species, but leaf asymmetry was not significantly repeatable in any species. It is argued that condition-dependence of traits need not result in a negative relationship between size and asymmetry.  相似文献   

Asymmetry has been demonstrated to play a role in signalling systems such as sexual selection and pollination, with receivers showing a preference for symmetrical signals. Large signals often have the smallest degree of asymmetry, a finding that is consistent with signal asymmetry being condition-dependent. The kind of asymmetry displayed by signals was supposed or shown to be fluctuating asymmetry, and signals revealing individual differences in the ability to stabilize developmental processes, despite a hostile developmental environment, was supposed to be the basis for the preference for symmetric signals. Recently, it has been suggested that condition-dependent signals display antisymmetry rather than fluctuating asymmetry, based on analyses of the relationship between asymmetry and mean length of the left and the right character in a few published graphs of absolute asymmetry of signals. Here I demonstrate on the basis of a much larger number of data sets, including those previously published, that the previous results are biased because of the methods used for the analyses, and that characters with condition-dependent asymmetry show fluctuating asymmetry rather than antisymmetry. In particular, frequency distributions of signed left-minus-right character values display leptokurtosis, as predicted if asymmetry distributions reflected individual differences in developmental precision, rather than platykurtosis. Platykurtosis is predicted if the traits are antisymmetric. The preponderance of leptokurtic distributions is consistent with recent modelling showing that inherent differences in the ability of individuals to control developmental processes invariably leads to leptokurtic distributions of signed left-minus-right character values.  相似文献   

We know very little about male mating preferences and how they influence the evolution of female traits. Theory predicts that males may benefit from choosing females on the basis of traits that indicate their fecundity. Here, we explore sexual selection generated by male choice on two components of female body size (wing length and body mass) in Drosophila serrata. Using a dietary manipulation to alter female size and 828 male mate choice trials, we analysed linear and nonlinear sexual selection gradients on female mass and wing length. In contrast to theoretical expectations and prevailing empirical data, males exerted stabilizing rather than directional sexual selection on female body mass, a correlate of fecundity. Sexual selection was detected only among females with access to standard resource levels as an adult, with no evidence for sexual selection among resource-depleted females. Thus the mating success of females with the same body mass differed depending upon their access to resources as an adult. This suggests that males in this species may rely on signal traits to assess body mass rather than assessing it directly. Stabilizing rather than directional sexual selection on body mass together with recent evidence for stabilizing sexual selection on candidate signal traits in this species suggests that females may trade-off resources allocated to reproduction and sexual signalling.  相似文献   

While it is well established that females prefer to mate with well‐ornamented males, the influence of perceptive and cognitive processes on the expression of female mate choice is still poorly known. It has been suggested that the female perception of a male's attractiveness is not absolute, but depends on the other males with which he is compared that have been previously encountered (comparative evaluation). We investigated whether mate preference in bearded reedlings (Panurus biarmicus) is dependent on or independent of social context in relation to two different traits: beard and tail lengths. Each female had a choice between two to three males with different modifications of beard and tail. For each female, three different experiments were conducted (one binary and two trinary tests). We found that when females are presented with options that vary antagonistically with respect to two ornaments (binary test), some individuals prefer one trait while others the other trait. This indicates that in our bearded reedlings population exists a mate preference polymorphisms. Moreover, we found that the presence of a third stimulus, irrespective of the initial preference, reduced the strength of the initial preference – what we can call a “preference dilution effect.” Our results suggest that the female's choice may be constrained by her cognitive abilities when she is simultaneously presented with several options varying for two uncorrelated traits.  相似文献   

We used a breeding design involving 18 sires and 108 dams tostudy the heritabilities of male ornaments in red jungle fowl(Gallus gallus). Ornaments used by females to choose mates showedlow heritabilities, with the exception of comb and wattle measures.The general absence of heritability suggests that a geneticcovariance did not exist at the time of this study between mostmale ornaments and female preferences for those ornaments. Thisresult is contrary to a key prediction of the arbitrary or Fisherianhypothesis of sexual selection. Comb size and color are condition-dependenttraits that reflect short-term changes in health, and comb sizeof males was positively correlated with offspring weight. Ourresults are consistent with the expectation of good-genes hypothesesthat male ornaments reflect the ability of males to withstandenvironmental stresses.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry occurs when an individual is unable to undergo identical development of an otherwise bilaterally symmetric trait on both sides of its body. Since both sides of a bilaterally symmetric trait are the result of the actions of a single genome, fluctuating asymmetry represents an epigenetic measure of the sensitivity of development to stress. Different morphological traits may show a direct relationship between their functional importance and their degree of developmental canalization. This may explain why some characters show high degrees of fluctuating asymmetry, and why these characters more often become exaggerated secondary sexual ornaments. The degree of fluctuating asymmetry is generally larger in small marginal populations living in novel environments, and this will particularly lead to relatively large degrees of asymmetry in the least developmentally canalized traits. More stringent selection against heterozygotes in marginal populations may further break down developmental stability and linkage groups which would lead to increased genetic variance. Females may prefer to mate with males having large, but relatively symmetric morphological characters, because it is more difficult to make large traits (a good genes argument), a large trait is more easily perceived (a sensory bias preference), and because symmetry signals ability to cope with stress (a good genes argument). The low degree of developmental stability and the large amount of genetic variance in secondary sexual characters in small, marginal populations could set the scene for rapid development of divergence and speciation in marginal populations.  相似文献   

Negative relations between trait size and levels of fluctuatingasymmetry in secondary sexual traits have been claimed to beindicative of honest signaling of male quality. Comparativestudies of beetle horns have been used to illustrate the requirednegative relation between trait size and asymmeiry However,such studies may be confounded by measurement error or samplingbias due to population differences or differences within speciesin the phenotypic expression of hornedness. We examined thepatterns of fluctuating asymmetry within two species of hornedbeetle. We found that, in agreement with theory, horns exhibitgreater asymmetry than naturally selected traits. However, wefound a strong positive relation between horn size and asymmetryin Onthophagus taurs, a species with male dimorphisms, and aflat relation in Bubas bison, a species with continuous variationin horn size. We suggest that these differences may reflectfunctional differences in horns. We conclude that patterns ofasymmetry in horned beetles do not support the notion of honestsignaling.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry and sexual selection   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Fluctuating asymmetry occurs when an individual is unable to undergo identical development on both sides of a bilaterally symmetrical trait. Fluctuating asymmetry measures the sensitivity of development to a wide array of genetic and environmental stresses. We propose that fluctuating asymmetry is used in many signalling contexts for assessment of an individual's ability to cope with its environment. We hypothesize that fluctuating asymmetry is used in sexual selection, both in fighting and mate choice, and in competition for access to resources. Evidence is reviewed showing that the patterns of fluctuating asymmetry in secondary sexual characters differ from those seen in other morphological traits. Secondary sexual characters show much higher levels of fluctuating asymmetry. Also, there is often a negative relationship between fluctuating asymmetry and the absolute size of ornaments, whereas the relationship is typically U-shaped in other morphological traits. The common negative relationship between fluctuating asymmetry and ornament size suggests that many ornaments reliably reflect individual quality.  相似文献   

The relative importance of size and asymmetry in sexual selection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Developmental stability reflects the ability of individualsto cope with their environment during ontogeny given their geneticbackground. An inability to cope with environmental and geneticperturbations is reflected in elevated levels of fluctuatingasymmetry and other measures of developmental instability. Bothtrait size and symmetry have been implicated as playing an importantrole in sexual selection, although their relative importancehas never been assessed. We collected information on the relationshipbetween success in sexual competition and size and asymmetry,respectively, to assess the relative importance of these twofactors in sexual selection. Studies that allowed comparisonof the relationships for the same traits' size and symmetryand success in sexual competition constituted the data, whichtotaled 73 samples from 33 studies of 29 species. The averagesample-size weighted correlation coefficients between matingsuccess or attractiveness and size and asymmetry, respectively,were used as measures of effect size in a meta-anatysis. Analysiswas conducted on samples, studies, and species separately. Wefound evidence of an overall larger effect of symmetry at thespecies level of analysis, but similar effects at the sampleor study levels. The difference in effect size for charactersize and character symmetry was larger for secondary sexualcharacters than for ordinary morphological characters at thelevel of analysis of samples. The results lend support to theconclusion that symmetry plays an important general role insexual selection, especially symmetry of secondary sexual characters.  相似文献   

Exaggerated ornaments often evolve due to the mating preferences of the opposite sex. Genetic correlations between preferences and ornaments can lead both traits to elaborate dramatically in tandem, in a process known as ‘Fisherian runaway’. However, in most previous models of Fisherian runaway, elaborate ornaments are not expected to persist when preferences are consistently costly to the choosing sex. In contrast, we show here that exaggerated male ornaments can be maintained long term even when females must pay a cost to choose their mates. Preferences per se are not costly in our model, but females can only act on their preferences by investing resources in mate search. We predict that mate search effort should decrease with the cost of sampling additional mates and increase with the number of possible ornaments that females can choose from. The potential for multiple exaggerated ornaments to coexist depends on subtleties of their cost structure: strict trade-offs (additive costs) favour sequential ornament evolution, whereas looser trade-offs (multiplicative costs) allow for coexistence. Lastly, we show that pleiotropy affecting both ornaments and preferences makes it difficult for Fisherian runaway to initiate, increasing the evolutionary time until ornamentation. Our model highlights the important but neglected role of mate search effort in sexual selection.  相似文献   

Gravid female Malawian Pseudotropheus cichlids spent significantly more time with males that they subsequently chose as mates, indicating that time spent near a male is a valid and accurate method of measuring female preference. Furthermore, females preferred to mate with males that had longer pelvic fins and a larger number of eggspots on their anal fins. In some instances, females chose to mate with both of the males with which they were presented, possibly because they were unable to discriminate between them.  相似文献   

Symmetrical male sexual ornaments, paternal care, and offspring quality   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Meller  A. P. 《Behavioral ecology》1994,5(2):188-194
Simultaneous manipulation of tail length and tail asymmetryin male barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) has revealed that femalesprefer maJes with both long and symmetrical tail ornaments overmales with short and asymmetrical ornaments. Fluctuating asymmetryin tail length has a negative effect on the maneuvering abilityof male barn swallows, and females may prefer males with symmetricaltail ornaments because they thereby acquire more direct fitnessbenefits in terms of paternal care. The least preferred maleswith short tails with high asymmetry performed an absolutelyand relatively larger share of feeding of nestlings than themost preferred males. However, the combined feeding rate ofthe pair was not statistically significantly different betweentreatment groups. Fully grown tarsus length and body mass ofoffspring on day 15 did not differ between treatments. Theseresults indicate that females do not prefer males with symmetricaltail ornaments because such males contribute a relatively orabsolutely larger share of parental duties. Although these resultsdo not explain the basis of female choice for long and symmetricaltails, the results are consistent with a hypothesis that femalesof species with biparental care should invest differentiallyin their offspring relative to the quality of their mates. Theresults are also consistent with a hypothesis that preferredmales have access to mates with superior parenting abilities  相似文献   

Although the strength and form of sexual selection on song in male crickets have been studied extensively, few studies have examined selection on the morphological structures that underlie variation in males’ song, particularly in wild populations. Geometric morphometric techniques were used to measure sexual selection on the shape, size and symmetry of both top and bottom tegmina in wild populations of sagebrush crickets, a species in which nuptial feeding by females imposes an unambiguous phenotypic marker on males. The size of the tegmina negatively covaried with song dominant frequency and positively covaried with song pulse duration. Sexual selection was more intense on the bottom tegmen, conceivably because it interacts more freely with the subtegminal airspace, which may play a role in song amplification. An expanded coastal/subcostal region was one of the phenotypes strongly favoured by disruptive selection on the bottom tegmen, an adaptation that may form a more effective seal with the thorax to prevent noise cancellation. Directional selection also favoured increased symmetry in tegminal shape. Assuming more symmetrical males are better able to buffer against developmental noise, the song produced by these males may make them more attractive to females. Despite the strong stabilizing selection documented previously on the dominant frequency of the song, stabilizing selection on the resonator that regulates dominant frequency was surprisingly absent. Nonetheless, wing morphology had an important influence on song structure and appears to be subject to significant linear and nonlinear sexual selection through female mate choice.  相似文献   

In many studies, fluctuating asymmetry (FA) has been used as a measure of individual differences in developmental imprecision. A model of how variation in developmental imprecision is associated with variation in asymmetry is described and applied to important issues about FA. If individual differences in developmental imprecision exist, asymmetry due to developmental error should be leptokurtically distributed. Moreover, the greater the magnitude of individual differences, the greater the leptokurtosis. Asymmetry purportedly due to developmental error in a variety of species is indeed leptokurtically distributed. The level of leptokurtosis suggests that the CV in individual differences in underlying developmental imprecision is generally 20–25, consistent with it being a fitness trait. In addition, data suggest that: (1) the individual differences that underlie the developmental imprecision of different traits are largely shared across traits and not trait-specific; (2) the heritability of these individual differences may average between 35 and 55%, despite small heritabilities of individual trait FAs; and (3) correlations between FA and fitness traits or components suggest high correlations between underlying variation in developmental precision and fitness in many species. Theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Models of female choice in acoustic communication   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
In this article we present generalized theoretical models ofmate attraction in acoustic communication.The models use simpledecision rules for females and show theoretical differencesbetween the rules in relative attraction of females to soundsources (calling males). The important variables of the modelsare the relative powers of the sources, the distance betweenthe sources and the number of competing signalers.Relative attractionamong sources is a function of their relative power output withmore powerful signals attracting more females. Using differentassumptions about the spacing of sources with respect to femalesensitivity, data from phonotaxis studies can be explained wellby either random pick or active choice models. Bioacousticiansmust reexamine their use of, and conclusions based on, the two-choiceplayback paradigm in studying female mate choice.  相似文献   

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