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Peroxisomes were purified from livers of control mice and from mice treated with three agents which induce proliferation of hepatic peroxisomes — namely two structurally unrelated hypolipidemic drugs, clofibrate (ethyl--p-chlorophenoxyisobutyrate) and Wy-14,643 (4-chloro-6[2,3-xylidino)-2-pyrimidinylthio] acetic acid), and a plasticizer, DEHP (di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate).Membranes were isolated from these purified peroxisomes and analysed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. All membranes which were tested, displayed two predominant integral membrane proteins of apparent molecular weights of 68 kDa and 70 kDa respectively, as well as a number of minor components. Treatment of animals with clofibrate, Wy-14,643 and DEHP was observed to result in each case in an increased proportion of the 70 kDa protein in the peroxisomal membranes. These treatments also resulted in increased peroxisomal fatty acid oxidation in livers and an increase in the proportion of catalase activity in the cytosolic fraction of liver cells.These results have been discussed in relation to alterations in the molecular composition of the membranes, the mechanisms of peroxisome proliferation and the inducibility of peroxisomal membrane proteins.  相似文献   

PEX19 has been shown to play a central role in the early steps of peroxisomal membrane synthesis. Computational database analysis of the PEX19 sequence revealed three different conserved domains: D1 (aa 1--87), D2 (aa 88--272), and D3 (aa 273--299). However, these domains have not yet been linked to specific biological functions. We elected to functionally characterize the proteins derived from two naturally occurring PEX19 splice variants: PEX19DeltaE2 lacking the N-terminal domain D1 and PEX19DeltaE8 lacking the domain D3. Both interact with peroxisomal ABC transporters (ALDP, ALDRP, PMP70) and with full-length PEX3 as shown by in vitro protein interaction studies. PEX19DeltaE8 also interacts with a PEX3 protein lacking the peroxisomal targeting region located at the N-terminus (Delta66aaPEX3), whereas PEX19DeltaE2 does not. Functional complementation studies in PEX19-deficient human fibroblasts revealed that transfection of PEX19DeltaE8-cDNA leads to restoration of both peroxisomal membranes and of functional peroxisomes, whereas transfection of PEX19DeltaE2-cDNA does not restore peroxisomal biogenesis. Human PEX19 is partly farnesylated in vitro and in vivo. The farnesylation consensus motif CLIM is located in the PEX19 domain D3. The finding that the protein derived from the splice variant lacking D3 is able to interact with several peroxisomal membrane proteins and to restore peroxisomal biogenesis challenges the previous assumption that farnesylation of PEX19 is essential for its biological functionality. The data presented demonstrate a considerable functional diversity of the proteins encoded by two PEX19 splice variants and thereby provide first experimental evidence for specific biological functions of the different predicted domains of the PEX19 protein.  相似文献   

Catalase leakage from its particulate compartment within the light mitochondrial fraction of liver was used as an index of the integrity of peroxisomes in untreated mice and in mice treated with the peroxisome proliferators clofibrate(ethyl-p-chlorophenoxyisobutyrate), Wy-14,643(4-chloro-6[2,3-xylidino)-2-pyrimidinylthio]acetic acid) and DEHP(di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate).Catalase leakage represented about 2% of the total catalase activity when fractions from untreated mice were incubated at 4°C, increasing to about 5% during 60 min incubation at 37°C. In fractions from livers of mice treated with peroxisome proliferators, catalase leakage was significantly higher, being 7–11% at 4°C and increasing to approximately 20% after 60 min incubation at 37°C. The pattern of release was similar for all proliferators. Parallel data were obtained for catalase latency in these fractions, i.e. following 60 min incubation at 37°C, free (non-latent) catalase activity was 18% in control mice and 65, 67, and 83% in fractions from clofibrate-, Wy-14,643- and DEHP-treated mice, respectively. Differences in catalase leakage from peroxisomes in fractions from untreated mice and clofibrate-treated mice were also apparent following treatments designed to effect membrane permeabilization, as in freeze-thawing, osmotic rupture, and extraction with Triton X-100 and lysophosphatidylcholine.These data are consistent with a significant alteration in the integrity of the membranes of peroxisomes in livers of mice which have been treated with peroxisome proliferators, and furthermore indicate a commonality of effect of these agents.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes and mitochondria were purified from potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Bintje) by differential centrifugation followed by separation on a continuous Percoll gradient containing 0.3 M sucrose in the lower half and 0.3 M mannitol in the upper half. The peroxisomes band at the bottom and the mitochondria in the middle of this type of gradient. Mitochondrial contamination of the peroxisomes was only 2% [as judged by cytochrome c oxidase (EC activity]. Contamination by amyloplasts, plasma membrane and endoplasmic reticulum was also minimal. The peroxisomes were 80% intact as judged by malate dehydrogenase (MDH, NAD?-dependent; EC latency. The specific activity of NADH-ferricyanide reductase and NADH-Cyt c reductase was 0.22 and 0.051 μmol (mg protein)?1 min?1 in freshly isolated peroxisomes, respectively. The active site of the reductase appeared to be on the inner surface of the membrane. The peroxisomes also contained a b-type cytochrome. Frozen peroxisomes were subfractionated by osmotic rupture followed by centrifugation to separate the soluble proteins from the peroxisomal membrane. About half the MDH and 30% of the NADH-ferricyanide reductase activity was associated with the membrane but only 6% of the catalase (EC activity. A further wash removed 75% of the residual catalase with only a small loss of MDH or NADH-ferricyanide reductase activity. MDH appears to be closely associated with the peroxisomal membrane. When the purified peroxisomal membrane was analyzed by SDS-PAGE followed by silver staining, prominent bands at 22, 40, 41, 48, 53 and 74 kDa were observed. After immunoblotting the purified peroxisomal membrane, a band at 53 kDa showed strong cross-reactivity with antibodies raised against NADH-ferricyanide reductase. Since the NADH-ferricyanide reductase activity in the peroxisomal membrane could be shown to be specific for the β-hydrogen of NADH, the activity could not be due to contamination by endoplasmic reticulum where the reductase is α-specific. We conclude that the peroxisomal membrane contains a short redox chain, consisting of a NADH-ferricyanide reductase and a b-type cytochrome, similar to that of e.g. the plasma membrane. The role of this redox chain has yet to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes are critical organelles housing various, often oxidative, reactions. Pexophagy, the process by which peroxisomes are selectively targeted for destruction via autophagy, is characterized in yeast and mammals but had not been reported in plants. In this article, we describe how the peroxisome-related aberrations of a mutant defective in the LON2 peroxisomal protease are suppressed when autophagy is prevented by mutating any of several key autophagy-related (ATG) genes. Our results reveal that plant peroxisomes can be degraded by selective autophagy and suggest that pexophagy is accelerated when the LON2 protease is disabled.  相似文献   

The 70-kDa peroxisomal membrane protein (PMP70) is one of major components of peroxisomal membranes. In rodents, PMP70 is markedly induced by administration of hypolipidemic agents in parallel with peroxisome proliferation and the induction of peroxisomal fatty acid β-oxidation enzymes. PMP70 is an ATP-binding cassette transporter, identified for the first time in intracellular membranes of eukaryotic cells. The authors' recent studies suggest that PMP70 is synthesized on free polysomes and posttranslationally inserted into peroxisomal membranes, and assembles as dimeric or oligomeric forms on peroxisomal membranes. PMP70 is suggested to be involved in metabolic transport of long-chain acyl-CoA across peroxisomal membranes.  相似文献   

The beta-oxidation of fatty acids in peroxisomes produces hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), a toxic metabolite, as a bi-product. Fatty acids beta-oxidation activity is deficient in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) because of mutation in ALD-gene resulting in loss of very long chain acyl-CoA synthetase (VLCS) activity. It is also affected in disease with catalase negative peroxisomes as a result of inactivation by H2O2. Therefore, the following studies were undertaken to delineate the molecular interactions between both the ALD-gene product (adrenoleukodystrophy protein, ALDP) and VLCS as well as H2O2 degrading enzyme catalase and proteins of peroxisomal beta-oxidation. Studies using a yeast two hybrid system and surface plasmon resonance techniques indicate that ALDP, a peroxisomal membrane protein, physically interacts with VLCS. Loss of these interactions in X-ALD cells may result in a deficiency in VLCS activity. The yeast two-hybrid system studies also indicated that catalase physically interacts with L-bifunctional enzyme (L-BFE). Interactions between catalase and L-BFE were further supported by affinity purification, using a catalase-linked resin. The affinity bound 74-kDa protein, was identified as L-BFE by Western blot with specific antibodies and by proteomic analysis. Additional support for their interaction comes from immunoprecipitation of L-BFE with antibodies against catalase as a catalase- L-BFE complex. siRNA for L-BFE decreased the specific activity and protein levels of catalase without changing its subcellular distribution. These observations indicate that L-BFE might help in oligomerization and possibly in the localization of catalase at the site of H2O2 production in the peroxisomal beta-oxidation pathway.  相似文献   

In this study we addressed the targeting requirements of peroxisomal ABC transporters, in particular the human adrenoleukodystrophy protein. This membrane protein is defective or missing in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy, a neurodegenerative disorder predominantly presenting in childhood. Using adrenoleukodystrophy protein deletion constructs and green fluorescent protein fusion constructs we identified the amino acid regions 1-110 and 67-164 to be sufficient for peroxisomal targeting. However, the minimal region shared by these constructs (amino acids 67-110) is not sufficient for peroxisomal targeting by itself. Additionally, the NH2-terminal 66 amino acids enhance targeting efficiency. Green fluorescent protein-labeled fragments of human peroxisomal membrane protein 69 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pxa1 corresponding to the amino acid 67-164 adrenoleukodystrophy protein region were also directed to the mammalian peroxisome. The required region contains a 14-amino-acid motif (71-84) conserved between the adrenoleukodystrophy protein and human peroxisomal membrane protein 69 and yeast Pxa1. Omission or truncation of this motif in the adrenoleukodystrophy protein abolished peroxisomal targeting. The single amino acid substitution L78F resulted in a significant reduction of targeting efficiency. The in-frame deletion of three amino acids (del78-80LLR) within the proposed targeting motif in two patients suffering from X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy resulted in the mislocalization of a green fluorescent protein fusion protein to nucleus, cytosol and mitochondria. Our data define the targeting region of human adrenoleukodystrophy protein containing a highly conserved 14-amino-acid motif.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes require peroxin (Pex) proteins for their biogenesis. The interaction between Pex3p, which resides on the peroxisomal membrane, and Pex19p, which resides in the cytosol, is crucial for peroxisome formation and the post-translational targeting of peroxisomal membrane proteins (PMPs). It is not known how Pex3p promotes the specific interaction with Pex19p for the purpose of PMP translocation. Here, we present the three-dimensional structure of the complex between a cytosolic domain of Pex3p and the binding-region peptide of Pex19p. The overall shape of Pex3p is a prolate spheroid with a novel fold, the 'twisted six-helix bundle.' The Pex19p-binding site is at an apex of the Pex3p spheroid. A 16-residue region of the Pex19p peptide forms an α-helix and makes a contact with Pex3p; this helix is disordered in the unbound state. The Pex19p peptide contains a characteristic motif, consisting of the leucine triad (Leu18, Leu21, Leu22), and Phe29, which are critical for the Pex3p binding and peroxisome biogenesis.  相似文献   

Redox enzymes in the plant plasma membrane and their possible roles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Purified plasma membrane (PM) vesicles from higher plants contain redox proteins with low‐molecular‐mass prosthetic groups such as flavins (both FMN and FAD), hemes, metals (Cu, Fe and Mn), thiol groups and possibly naphthoquinone (vitamin K1), all of which are likely to participate in redox processes. A few enzymes have already been identified: Monodehydroascorbate reductase (EC is firmly bound to the cytosolic surface of the PM where it might be involved in keeping both cytosolic and, together with a b‐type cytochrome, apoplastic ascorbate reduced. A malate dehydrogenase (EC is localized on the inner side of the PM. Several NAD(P)H‐quinone oxidoreductases have been purified from the cytocolic surface of the PM, but their function is still unknown. Different forms of nitrate reductase (EC–3) are found attached to, as well as anchored in, the PM where they may act as a nitrate sensor and/or contribute to blue‐light perception, although both functions are speculative. Ferric‐chelate‐reducing enzymes (EC are localized and partially characterized on the inner surface of the PM but they may participate only in the reduction of ferric‐chelates in the cytosol. Very recently a ferric‐chelate‐reducing enzyme containing binding sites for FAD, NADPH and hemes has been identified and suggested to be a trans‐PM protein. This enzyme is involved in the reduction of apoplastic iron prior to uptake of Fe2+ and is induced by iron deficiency. The presence of an NADPH oxidase, similar to the so‐called respiratory burst oxidase in mammals, is still an open question. An auxin‐stimulated and cyanide‐insensitive NADH oxidase (possibly a protein disulphide reductase) has been characterized but its identity is still awaiting independent confirmation. Finally, the only trans‐PM redox protein which has been partially purified from plant PM so far is a high‐potential and ascorbate‐reducible b‐type cytochrome. In co‐operation with vitamin K1 and an NAD(P)H‐quinone oxidoreductase, it may participate in trans‐PM electron transport.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes are critical organelles housing various, often oxidative, reactions. Pexophagy, the process by which peroxisomes are selectively targeted for destruction via autophagy, is characterized in yeast and mammals but had not been reported in plants. In this article, we describe how the peroxisome-related aberrations of a mutant defective in the LON2 peroxisomal protease are suppressed when autophagy is prevented by mutating any of several key autophagy-related (ATG) genes. Our results reveal that plant peroxisomes can be degraded by selective autophagy and suggest that pexophagy is accelerated when the LON2 protease is disabled.  相似文献   

Peroxin 2 (PEX2) is a 35-kDa integral peroxisomal membrane protein with two transmembrane regions and a zinc RING domain within its cytoplasmically exposed C-terminus. Although its role in peroxisome biogenesis and function is poorly understood, it seems to be involved in peroxisomal matrix protein import. PEX2 is synthesized on free cytosolic ribosomes and is posttranslationally imported into the peroxisome membrane by specific targeting information. While a clear picture of the basic targeting mechanisms for peroxisomal matrix proteins has emerged over the past years, the targeting processes for peroxisomal membrane proteins are less well understood. We expressed various deletion constructs of PEX2 in fusion with the green fluorescent protein in COS-7 cells and determined their intracellular localization. We found that the minimum peroxisomal targeting signal of human PEX2 consists of an internal protein region of 30 amino acids (AA130 to AA159) and the first transmembrane domain, and that adding the second transmembrane domain increases targeting efficiency. Within the minimum targeting region we identified the motif "KX6(I/L)X(L/F/I)LK(L/F/I)" that includes important targeting information and is also present in the targeting regions of the 22-kDa peroxisomal membrane protein (PMP22) and the 70-kDa peroxisomal membrane protein (PMP70). Mutations in this targeting motif mislocalize PEX2 to the cytosol. In contrast, the second transmembrane domain does not seem to have specific peroxisomal membrane targeting information. Replacing the second transmembrane domain of human PEX2 with the transmembrane domain of human cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV does not alter PEX2 peroxisome targeting function and efficiency.  相似文献   

Membranes are structures whose lipid and protein components are at, or close to, equilibrium in the plane of the membrane, but are not at equilibrium across the membrane. The thermodynamic tendency of ionic and highly polar molecules to be in contact with water rather than with nonpolar media (hydrophilic interactions) is important in determining these equilibrium and nonequilibrium states. In this paper, we speculate about the structures and orientations of integral proteins in a membrane, and about how the equilibrium and nonequilibrium features of such structures and orientations might be influenced by the special mechanisms of biosynthesis, processing, and membrane insertion of these proteins. The relevance of these speculations to the mechanisms of the translocation event in membrane transport is discussed, and specific protein models of transport that have been proposed are analyzed.  相似文献   

Summary Although hydrophobic forces probably dominate in determining whether or not a protein will insert into a membrane, recent studies in our laboratory suggest that electrostatic forces may influence the final orientation of the inserted protein. A negatively charged hepatic receptor protein was found to respond totrans-positive membrane potentials as though electrophoresing into the bilayer. In the presence of ligand, the protein appeared to cross the membrane and expose binding sites on the opposite side. Similarly, a positively charged portion of the peptide melittin crosses a lipid membrane reversibly in response to atrans-negative potential. These findings, and others by Date and co-workers, have led us to postulate that transmembrane proteins would have hydrophobic transmembrane segments bracketed by positively charged residues on the cytoplasmic side and negatively charged residues on the extra-cytoplasmic side. In the thermodynamic sense, these asymmetrically placed charge clusters would create a compelling preference for correct orientation of the protein, given the inside-negative potential of most or all cells. This prediction is borne out by examination of the few transmembrane proteins (glycophorin, M13 coat protein, H-2Kb, HLA-A2, HLA-B7, and mouse Ig heavy chain) for which we have sufficient information on both sequence and orientation.In addition to the usual diffusion and pump potentials measurable with electrodes, the microscopic membrane potential reflects surface charge effects. Asymmetries in surface charge arising from either ionic or lipid asymmetries would be expected to enhance the bias for correct protein orientation, at least with respect to plasma membranes. We introduce a generalized form of Stern equation to assess surface charge and binding effects quantitatively. In the kinetic sense, dipole potentials within the membrane would tend to prevent positively charged residues from crossing the membrane to leave the cytoplasm. These considerations are consistent with the observed protein orientations. Finally, the electrostatic and hydrophobic factors noted here are combined in two hypothetical models of translocation, the first involving initial interaction of the presumptive transmembrane segment with the membrane; the second assuming initial interaction of a leader sequence.  相似文献   

In photosynthetic cells, a large amount of hydrogen peroxide is produced in peroxisomes through photorespiration, which is a metabolic pathway related to photosynthesis. Hydrogen peroxide, a reactive oxygen species, oxidizes peroxisomal proteins and membrane lipids, resulting in a decrease in peroxisomal quality. We demonstrate that the autophagic system is responsible for the elimination of oxidized peroxisomes in plant. We isolated Arabidopsis mutants that accumulated oxidized peroxisomes, which formed large aggregates. We revealed that these mutants were defective in autophagy-related (ATG) genes and that the aggregated peroxisomes were selectively targeted by the autophagic machinery. These findings suggest that autophagy plays an important role in the quality control of peroxisomes by the selective degradation of oxidized peroxisomes. In addition, the results suggest that autophagy is also responsible for the functional transition of glyoxysomes to leaf peroxisomes.  相似文献   

Peroxisomal matrix proteins are synthesized on free cytosolic ribosomes and posttranslationally imported into the organelle. Translocation of these newly synthesized proteins across the peroxisomal membrane requires the concerted action of many different proteins, the majority of which were already identified. However, not much is known regarding the mechanism, of protein translocation across this membrane system. Here, we discuss recent mechanistic and structural data. These results point to a model in which proteins en route to the peroxisomal matrix are translocated across the organelle membrane by their own receptor in a process that occurs, through a large membrane protein assembly.  相似文献   

Importin beta is a major mediator of import into the cell nucleus. Importin beta binds cargo molecules either directly or via two types of adapter molecules, importin alpha, for import of proteins with a classical nuclear localization signal (NLS), or snurportin 1, for import of m3G-capped U snRNPs. Both adapters have an NH2-terminal importin beta-binding domain for binding to, and import by, importin beta, and both need to be returned to the cytoplasm after having delivered their cargoes to the nucleus. We have shown previously that CAS mediates export of importin alpha. Here we show that snurportin 1 is exported by CRM1, the receptor for leucine-rich nuclear export signals (NESs). However, the interaction of CRM1 with snurportin 1 differs from that with previously characterized NESs. First, CRM1 binds snurportin 1 50-fold stronger than the Rev protein and 5,000-fold stronger than the minimum Rev activation domain. Second, snurportin 1 interacts with CRM1 not through a short peptide but rather via a large domain that allows regulation of affinity. Strikingly, snurportin 1 has a low affinity for CRM1 when bound to its m3G-capped import substrate, and a high affinity when substrate-free. This mechanism appears crucial for productive import cycles as it can ensure that CRM1 only exports snurportin 1 that has already released its import substrate in the nucleus.  相似文献   

In photosynthetic cells, a large amount of hydrogen peroxide is produced in peroxisomes through photorespiration, which is a metabolic pathway related to photosynthesis. Hydrogen peroxide, a reactive oxygen species, oxidizes peroxisomal proteins and membrane lipids, resulting in a decrease in peroxisomal quality. We demonstrate that the autophagic system is responsible for the elimination of oxidized peroxisomes in plant. We isolated Arabidopsis mutants that accumulated oxidized peroxisomes, which formed large aggregates. We revealed that these mutants were defective in autophagy-related (ATG) genes and that the aggregated peroxisomes were selectively targeted by the autophagic machinery. These findings suggest that autophagy plays an important role in the quality control of peroxisomes by the selective degradation of oxidized peroxisomes. In addition, the results suggest that autophagy is also responsible for the functional transition of glyoxysomes to leaf peroxisomes.  相似文献   

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