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Although there have been many studies of the ecology of primates in communities throughout the world, there have been few attempts to compare community ecology within and among continents. In this study the ecological characteristics of the sympatric primate species at eight localities—two from each of the major biogeographic areas inhabited by primates today—South America, Africa, Madagascar, and Asia—were compared using a multivariate technique (principal components analysis of the correlation matrix) to summarize the ten dimensional ecological niche space. The most striking clustering of species in ecological multivariate space is according to phylogeny with closely related species showing similar ecological features. Likewise, the ecological characteristics of individual communities are determined by phylogenetic groups present at each locality or biogeographic region. As a result, communities within any biogeographical region are more similar ecologically to one another than to communities from other continental areas. In several measures of ecological diversity among the species comprising each community, the neotropical communities show lower overall diversity than do communities from other continents.  相似文献   

In order to assess the status of lemurs along the lower reaches of the Mahavavy in north-west Madagascar, we carried out transect line sampling at Anjamena between April and August 1995. These data were complemented by additional absence–presence surveys conducted in 1994 and 1995 in many of the remaining forested areas of the region. This is the first study of lemur population density estimates for the faunal subregion between the rivers Mahavavy and Betisboka. Six sympatric lemurs are found at Anjamena: Cheirogaleus medius, Eulemur fulvus rufus, E. mongoz, Lepilemur sp., Microcebus murinus and Propithecus verreauxi coronatus. Data suggest that in some parts of the region large numbers of lemurs may still be found (E. f. rufus 121 individuals per km2, E. mongoz (45), Lepilemur sp. (110), M. murinus (85) and P. v. coronatus (173)). No density data are provided for C. medius. In conclusion, as high lemur population densities may still be found and, in particular, P. v. coronatus is not known to exist in any protected area, Anjamena could serve as an important addition to the protected area system of north-west Madagascar.  相似文献   

In the extant lemur communities of Madagascar the number of lemur species increases with increasing number of tree species. In forests with few tree species lemurs use patches with higher number of tree species than average. However, in forest plots with high number of tree species, lemurs stay in places with lower number of tree species than average. At low tree species diversity a minimum number of different tree species seems to be required within the animals' home range to assure year-round food availability. At high tree species diversity tree species essential for survival might be diluted by resources which are of no use for lemurs, thus increasing energetic expenses for traveling between suitable patches. According to the present analyses, structural diversity is of subordinate importance to the number of tree species as a correlate of lemur species richness. Within limits of disturbance intensity and on a small geographic scale, disturbances increase forest productivity. Lemurs reach higher species numbers and population densities in slightly disturbed areas compared with undisturbed sites. This peaked curve of the number of lemur species over disturbance, however, may not only be a consequence of “resource dilution” in undisturbed sites and higher food abundance in slightly disturbed areas, but also a consequence of selective extinction of lemur species which were unable to cope with the disturbance regime exaggerated by human interference over the last few hundred or thousand years.  相似文献   

Safe sleeping sites may be a limited resource crucial for survival. In order to investigate their potential significance for social organization in nocturnal primates, we analyzed the spatial distribution of daily sleeping sites, their characteristics, their usage, and sleeping group compositions in the nocturnal Milne Edwards' sportive lemur during a 6-month field study in the dry deciduous forest of northwestern Madagascar. Sexes did not differ either in body size or in body mass. Sleeping sites were used almost exclusively by adult male-female pairs. Individuals showed a high sleeping-site fidelity limited to 2-3 different sleeping sites in close vicinity during the whole study period. Most females showed a higher fidelity to one distinct sleeping site than their male partners. Sleeping groups consisted of one adult male and one adult female and remained stable in composition over the whole study period. Exclusive pair-specific usage of sleeping sites suggests sleeping site related territoriality of male-female pairs, perhaps influenced by inter- and intrasexual resource competition. Results give first insights into the distribution patterns and social organization of this species. They imply dispersed monogamy for the Milne Edwards' sportive lemur, with sleeping sites as a potentially restricted and defendable resource.  相似文献   

The utilization of eucalyptus plantations by seven sympatric species of prosimians was studied in the eastern rainforest of Madagascar. The species were Avahi laniger, Cheirogaleus major, Hapalemur griseus, Indri indri, Lemur fulvus, Lepilemur mustelinus, and Microcebus rufus. None of the lemurs was ever found in young eucalyptus plantations with little undergrowth. This was mainly due to the lack of travel opportunities within the shrub layer and between the shrubs and the canopy. Food (mainly berries) is seasonally available in the shrub layer but cannot be exploited because frugivorous lemurs cannot reach it. Old eucalyptus plantations with dense undergrowth are used by all prosimian species. They provide food as well as travel and resting facilities. Mixed tree plantations in the western part of Madagascar were used by groups of Lemur fulvus, Lepilemur mustelinus, and Propithecus verreauxi. According to these results, old eucalyptus plantations and mixed tree species plantations could be used to provide firewood and construction wood for the human population. They also might extend the habitat for lemurs and serve as buffers against human disturbance.  相似文献   

There are consistent individual differences in human intelligence, attributable to a single 'general intelligence' factor, g. The evolutionary basis of g and its links to social learning and culture remain controversial. Conflicting hypotheses regard primate cognition as divided into specialized, independently evolving modules versus a single general process. To assess how processes underlying culture relate to one another and other cognitive capacities, we compiled ecologically relevant cognitive measures from multiple domains, namely reported incidences of behavioural innovation, social learning, tool use, extractive foraging and tactical deception, in 62 primate species. All exhibited strong positive associations in principal component and factor analyses, after statistically controlling for multiple potential confounds. This highly correlated composite of cognitive traits suggests social, technical and ecological abilities have coevolved in primates, indicative of an across-species general intelligence that includes elements of cultural intelligence. Our composite species-level measure of general intelligence, 'primate g(S)', covaried with both brain volume and captive learning performance measures. Our findings question the independence of cognitive traits and do not support 'massive modularity' in primate cognition, nor an exclusively social model of primate intelligence. High general intelligence has independently evolved at least four times, with convergent evolution in capuchins, baboons, macaques and great apes.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms maintaining local species richness is a major topic in tropical ecology. In ecological communities of Madagascar, primates represent a major part of mammalian diversity and, thus, are a suitable taxon to study these mechanisms. Previous research suggested that ecological niche differentiation facilitates the coexistence of lemurs. However, detailed data on all species making up diverse local primate assemblages is rarely available, hampering community‐wide tests of niche differentiation among Malagasy mammals. Here, we took an indirect approach and used stable isotopes as long‐term indicators of individuals' diets to answer the question of whether trophic patterns and food‐related mechanisms stabilize coexistence in a species‐rich lemur community. We analyzed stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in hair collected from eight syntopic lemurs in Kirindy Forest. We found that lemur species were well separated into trophic niches and ranged over two trophic levels. Furthermore, species were densely packed in isotopic space suggesting that past competitive interactions between species are a major structuring force of this dry forest lemur community. Results of other comparative studies on primates and our findings underline that—in contrast to communities worldwide—the structure and composition of lemur communities follow predictions of ecological niche theory. Patterns of competitive interactions might be more clearly revealed in Malagasy primate communities than elsewhere because lemurs represent a large fraction of ecologically interacting species in these communities. The pronounced trophic niche differentiation among lemurs is most likely due to intense competition in the past as is characteristic for adaptive radiations. Am J Phys Anthropol 153:249–259, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

性双型的特征通常被认为产生于种内争夺交配优先权的斗争。例如,现生和化石的雄性长鼻类动物具有较大的体型和较粗壮的上门齿。本研究阐释了如下现象:化石象型类动物(Elephantiformes,长鼻类的主要类群)一些性双型特征与其进化历史具有相关性,而与性别竞争并非直接相关。在中新世的葛氏铲齿象(Platybelodon grangeri)和狭齿嵌齿象(Gomphotherium angustidens)中,雄性比雌性倾向于具有进化中更进步的特征,如同雄性在进化中领先雌性一步。这种现象可能与雌性偏好的机制相耦合。在象型类动物进化的早期(繁荣期),性别选择压促使雄性比雌性产生更加显著的进步特征;然而,在它们进化的晚期(衰退期),性别选择压似乎减弱,性别的异时进化也减少。这种新的发现或许在大型有蹄类的演化过程中有一定的普遍意义,因为那些繁荣的类群中通常性双型显著,如鹿科和牛科;而衰落的类群中通常性双型不显著。  相似文献   

Research on human evolution and sexual dimorphism motivates an interesting test problem. In studying hominid phylogeny it is of interest to test whether parallel evolution plays a role. With regard to sexual dimorphism it is of interest to known whether the directions of sexual dimorphism in the populations being compared are the same. We show that testing these two problems gives rise to the same type of hypothesis testing, viz. the problem of testing the hypothesis that the means of independent, normally distributed random vectors with unit covariance matrices are situated on a straight line through the origin. A test is proposed and applied to study the sexual dimorphism of 20 recent skull populations. In this example the hypothesis of equal directions of sexual dimorphism is rejected. The classical theory of constructing multiple discriminant functions (canonical variates) is adapted to the problem of comparing sexual dimorphisms.  相似文献   

Flip through The Pictorial Guide to the Living Primates1 and you will notice a striking yet generally underappreciated aspect of primate biology: primates are extremely colorful. Primate skin and pelage coloration were highlighted examples in Darwin's2 original discussions of sexual selection but, surprisingly, the topic has received little research attention since. Here we summarize the patterns of color variation observed across the primate order and examine the selective forces that might drive and maintain this aspect of primate phenotypic diversity. We discuss how primate color patterns might be adaptive for physiological function, crypsis, and communication. We also briefly summarize what is known about the genetic basis of primate pigmentation and argue that understanding the proximate mechanisms of primate coloration will be essential, not only for understanding the evolutionary forces shaping phenotypic variation, but also for clarifying primate taxonomies and conservation priorities.  相似文献   

We present a detailed reanalysis of the comparative brain data for primates, and develop a model using path analysis that seeks to present the coevolution of primate brain (neocortex) and sociality within a broader ecological and life-history framework. We show that body size, basal metabolic rate and life history act as constraints on brain evolution and through this influence the coevolution of neocortex size and group size. However, they do not determine either of these variables, which appear to be locked in a tight coevolutionary system. We show that, within primates, this relationship is specific to the neocortex. Nonetheless, there are important constraints on brain evolution; we use path analysis to show that, in order to evolve a large neocortex, a species must first evolve a large brain to support that neocortex and this in turn requires adjustments in diet (to provide the energy needed) and life history (to allow sufficient time both for brain growth and for 'software' programming). We review a wider literature demonstrating a tight coevolutionary relationship between brain size and sociality in a range of mammalian taxa, but emphasize that the social brain hypothesis is not about the relationship between brain/neocortex size and group size per se; rather, it is about social complexity and we adduce evidence to support this. Finally, we consider the wider issue of how mammalian (and primate) brains evolve in order to localize the social effects.  相似文献   

Culture pervades human life and is at the origin of the success of our species. A wide range of other animals have culture too, but often in a limited form that does not complexify through the gradual accumulation of innovations. We developed a new paradigm to study cultural evolution in primates in order to better evaluate our closest relatives'' cultural capacities. Previous studies using transmission chain experimental paradigms, in which the behavioural output of one individual becomes the target behaviour for the next individual in the chain, show that cultural transmission can lead to the progressive emergence of systematically structured behaviours in humans. Inspired by this work, we combined a pattern reproduction task on touch screens with an iterated learning procedure to develop transmission chains of baboons (Papio papio). Using this procedure, we show that baboons can exhibit three fundamental aspects of human cultural evolution: a progressive increase in performance, the emergence of systematic structure and the presence of lineage specificity. Our results shed new light on human uniqueness: we share with our closest relatives essential capacities to produce human-like cultural evolution.  相似文献   

There are two possible approaches to understanding natural and human-induced changes in the primate communities of Madagascar. One is to begin with present-day and recent historic interactions and work backwards. A second is to begin with paleoecological records of Malagasy primate communities before and immediately following human arrival, and the associated evidence of human and nonhuman primate interactions, and work forwards. On the basis of biological and climatic studies, as well as historic and ethnohistoric records, we are beginning to understand the abiotic and biotic characteristics of Madagascar's habitats, the lemurs' ecological adaptations to these unique habitats, the extent of forest loss, fragmentation and hunting, and the differential vulnerability of extant lemur species to these pressures. On the basis of integrated paleoecological, archaeological and paleontological research, we have begun to construct a detailed chronology for late prehistoric Madagascar. We are beginning to understand the complex sequence of events that led to one of the most dramatic recent megafaunal extinction/extirpation events. Combining the perspectives of the past and the present, we see a complex set of interactions affecting an initially rich but vulnerable fauna. The total evidence refutes any simple, unicausal (e.g. hunting/habitat destruction/climate change) explanation of megafaunal extinctions, yet unequivocally supports a major role--both direct and indirect--for humans as the trigger of the extinction process. It also supports a change over time in the relative importance of hunting versus habitat loss, and in the trophic characteristics of the primate communities in Madagascar.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that both environmental and historical factors influence the taxonomic structure of animal communities; yet, the relative importance of these effects is not known for primates. Environmental characteristics shape the possible niches in a community, providing suitable habitats for some species and not others. Therefore, communities found in similar environments should display similar species compositions. Additionally, geography may be viewed as a surrogate for historical processes. For instance, as the geographic distance between communities increases, dispersal between sites is more limited, and the probability of historical vicariance increases. Therefore, communities in close proximity to each other should exhibit similar species compositions. The geographic location, environmental characteristics, and species composition of 168 primate communities were gathered from the literature. Canonical correspondence analyses were conducted to examine the relative effects of geographic distance and environmental variables on the taxonomic structure of communities. In addition, UPGMA cluster analyses were conducted to better visualize the taxonomic similarity of communities. Spatial variables were significant predictors of community structure in all regions. Rainfall patterns explained African, Malagasy, and Neotropical community structure. In addition, maximum temperature was also correlated with community structure in Madagascar and the Neotropics. No climatic variables predicted Asian community structure. These results demonstrate that both historical and environmental factors play a significant role in structuring modern primate communities; yet, the importance of environmental factors depend on the region in question. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The breeding and non‐breeding ‘castes’ of eusocial insects provide a striking example of role‐specific selection, where each caste maximises fitness through different morphological, behavioural and physiological trait values. Typically, queens are long‐lived egg‐layers, while workers are short‐lived, largely sterile foragers. Remarkably, the two castes are nevertheless produced by the same genome. The existence of inter‐caste genetic correlations is a neglected consequence of this shared genome, potentially hindering the evolution of caste dimorphism: alleles that increase the productivity of queens may decrease the productivity of workers and vice versa, such that each caste is prevented from reaching optimal trait values. A likely consequence of this ‘intralocus caste antagonism’ should be the maintenance of genetic variation for fitness and maladaptation within castes (termed ‘caste load’), analogous to the result of intralocus sexual antagonism. The aim of this review is to create a research framework for understanding caste antagonism, drawing in part upon conceptual similarities with sexual antagonism. By reviewing both the social insect and sexual antagonism literature, we highlight the current empirical evidence for caste antagonism, discuss social systems of interest, how antagonism might be resolved, and challenges for future research. We also introduce the idea that sexual and caste antagonism could interact, creating a three‐way antagonism over gene expression. This includes unpacking the implications of haplodiploidy for the outcome of this complex interaction.  相似文献   

Sexual selection can drive rapid evolutionary change in reproductive behaviour, morphology and physiology. This often leads to the evolution of sexual dimorphism, and continued exaggerated expression of dimorphic sexual characteristics, although a variety of other alternative selection scenarios exist. Here, we examined the evolutionary significance of a rapidly evolving, sexually dimorphic trait, sex comb tooth number, in two Drosophila species. The presence of the sex comb in both D. melanogaster and D. pseudoobscura is known to be positively related to mating success, although little is yet known about the sexually selected benefits of sex comb structure. In this study, we used experimental evolution to test the idea that enhancing or eliminating sexual selection would lead to variation in sex comb tooth number. However, the results showed no effect of either enforced monogamy or elevated promiscuity on this trait. We discuss several hypotheses to explain the lack of divergence, focussing on sexually antagonistic coevolution, stabilizing selection via species recognition and nonlinear selection. We discuss how these are important, but relatively ignored, alternatives in understanding the evolution of rapidly evolving sexually dimorphic traits.  相似文献   

A role for sexual selection in the evolution of insect cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) is suggested by observations of selection acting on male CHCs during female mate choice. However, evidence that CHCs evolve in response to sexual selection is generally lacking, and there is a need to extend our understanding beyond well‐studied taxa. Experimental evolution offers a powerful approach to investigate the effect of sexual selection on the evolution of insect CHCs. We conducted such an experiment using the dung beetle, Onthophagus taurus. After six, 12 and 21 generations of experimental evolution, we measured the CHCs of beetles from three populations subject to sexual selection and three populations within which sexual selection had been removed via enforced monogamy. We found that the male CHC profile responded to the experimental removal of sexual selection. Conversely, the CHC profile of females responded to the presence of sexual selection but not to its removal. These results show that sexual selection can be an important mechanism affecting the evolution of insect CHCs and that male and female CHCs can evolve independently.  相似文献   

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