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用甲型流感病毒75-39株鼠肺适应型,免疫治疗S37腹水瘤小鼠,存活率达93.3%。体外流感病毒感染37肿瘤细胞,经不同时间观测,到3天时S37细胞胎盘蓝染色发现细胞100%死亡。而对照组S37的细胞死亡率为10%左右。进一步研究病毒免疫治疗S37腹水瘤小鼠的机现,发现经病毒感后小鼠NK杀伤活性升高达58%,正常鼠NK活性为22%,两者有显著性差异。  相似文献   

粱荣根 《微生物学报》1963,3(3):226-234
最近几年,许多学者对于A2流感病毒的发源曾进行过研究,并提出一些假设,这些假设有的单凭少数病毒株的抗原关系,有的尚缺乏直接的有力的证据,故仍未能令人满意地解释A2流感病毒的发源问题。 1957年A2型流感的大流行首先在我国发生,早在1957年2月在我国贵州省已有流行,同时分离出A2病毒。其后,在3、4月份全国各地均先后发生,所有分离的病毒经鉴定均属A2型。在A2流行之前。  相似文献   

甲型流感是对人类健康和社会稳定构成极大威胁的急性呼吸道传染病,具有极高的发病率和死亡率。由于甲型流感病毒的高变异性和频繁的耐药性,使得新靶点的抗病毒药物的研发显得非常重要。甲型流感病毒的核蛋白高度保守,是一个潜在的抗病毒药物的靶点,国内外已有相关报道。中草药作为祖国的传统医学宝藏,在防治甲流方面也表现出了独特的优势。本文从甲型流感病毒结构与功能出发,阐述甲型流感病毒核蛋白作为抗病毒靶点的研究进展。  相似文献   

目的 开发一种快速、简便的基于胶体金免疫层析法(GICA)的试剂盒,以用于对甲型流感病毒的检测。方法以柠檬酸三钠还原法制备胶体金颗粒,标记抗甲型流感病毒内部抗原的单克隆抗体。硝酸纤维素膜上包被两种抗甲型流感病毒单克隆抗体的混合液,制成免疫层析试纸。待测样品中的甲型流感病毒首先与胶体金标记抗体结合,后移动至硝酸纤维素上与固定的单克隆抗体发生反应,形成肉眼可见的红色带。结果GICA试纸条与甲1型和甲3型流感病毒共16种毒株均能发生特异性反应,与乙型流感病毒、副流感病毒、腺病毒和呼吸道合胞病毒无交叉反应。用三种不同甲型流感病毒毒株的不同浓度标本与美国同类经过FDA批准的产品比较,灵敏度相同。结论GICA试纸条灵敏度能够达到临床使用的要求,并具有简便快速、无需特殊仪器设备等优点,对甲型流感的诊断和流行病学调查具有十分重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

用Triton x-100和DOC裂解、Sephadex G200柱层析和密度梯度超离心方法,首次从流感病毒感染的鸡胚尿囊膜中提纯了甲型流感病毒RNP。经蛋白质和核酸含量测定、补体结台试验、免疫双扩散及SDS—PAGF鉴定,所提纯的RNP与从病毒中提取的RNP相同。并测出粤防77—38毒株RNP的等电点为4.6,沉降系数为56.1 S。  相似文献   

【目的】将TAP标签构建到WSN病毒基因组上,得到含有TAP标签的重组流感病毒,以便进行后续的病毒追踪。【方法】利用反向遗传学技术,对甲型流感病毒A/WSN/33(H1N1)的PA片段进行改造来插入TAP(tandemaffinitypurification)标签序列。通过病毒拯救得到表达外源标签TAP的重组流感病毒WSNPA-TAP,并对拯救出的重组病毒进行生物学鉴定。【结果】成功拯救出重组流感病毒并命名为WSN PA-TAP。重组病毒基因组测序表明重组病毒的序列正确,利用RNA银染技术观察到重组病毒的全基因组片段。重组流感病毒WSN PA-TAP在MDCK细胞上测定生长曲线,发现该重组病毒的复制能力比野生型WSN弱;Westernblotting检测到PA-TAP融合蛋白的表达,其分子质量为96 kDa。【结论】成功拯救出能够表达外源标签TAP的重组流感病毒WSN PA-TAP,为筛选与甲型流感病毒聚合酶有关的宿主蛋白的研究提供了新思路,同时也为以甲型流感病毒为载体携带外源基因的探索提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

用甲型流感病毒75-39株鼠肺适应型,免疫治疗S37腹水瘤小鼠,存活率达93.3%。体外流感病毒感染S37肿瘤细胞,经不同时间观测,到3天时S37细胞经胎盘蓝染色发现细胞100%死亡。而对照组S37细胞死亡率为10%左右(p<0.01)。进一步研究病毒免疫治疗S37腹水瘤小鼠的机理,发现经病毒感染后小鼠NK细胞杀伤活性升高达58%,正常鼠NK活性为22%,两者有显著性差异(p<0.01)。另外,检测病毒注射后小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞的吞噬活性也随之升高。  相似文献   

目的测定板蓝根颗粒抗流感病毒的药效作用。方法 A/California/7/2009(CA7)病毒滴鼻感染BALB/c小鼠观察14d,观察板蓝根对甲型H1N1流感病毒感染小鼠的保护作用,计算小鼠存活率、存活天数以及延长生命率。感染的小鼠第5天每组小鼠处死一半,取肺组织,观察板蓝根对甲型H1N1流感病毒感染小鼠肺组织的保护作用。结果板蓝根可明显延长甲型H1N1流感病毒感染小鼠的存活天数并提高存活率,病理结果显示板蓝根对甲型H1N1流感病毒感染的小鼠的肺组织有一定程度的保护作用,与模型组比较差异显著(P〈0.05)。结论板蓝根颗粒对甲型H1N1流感病毒感染的小鼠有较好的保护作用。  相似文献   

小鼠感染合胞病毒与鼠流感病毒后肺脏病理学比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨光  尹海林  何学令 《四川动物》2007,26(3):678-680
目的与方法用合胞病毒(RSV)和鼠肺流感病毒(IVP)感染SPF级BALB/c小鼠,复制两种不同的小鼠病毒性肺炎动物模型,观察其临床症状,并对两种模型各自的肺部组织病理学特点进行研究。结果与结论IVP模型组与RSV模型组小鼠感染病毒后,分别在试验的2天和3天发病,临床症状均表现为精神沉郁、耸毛、卷缩、毛无光泽、活动减少、呼吸急促、咳嗽。但IVP感染模型组小鼠在发病后出现死亡,第7天其死亡率达到40%,而RSV感染模型组小鼠7日试验内无死亡病例发生。病理组织学诊断,RSV模型组小鼠为急性渗出性间质性肺炎,IVP模型组小鼠为出血性间质性肺炎。  相似文献   

为了解福建省甲型H1N1流感病毒基因变异特征和规律,对2009~2012年福建省分离的14株甲型H1N1流感病毒进行了全基因序列分析。结果发现,所有的毒株均是典型的低致病性流感病毒,对金刚烷胺类药物耐药,对神经氨酸酶抑制剂敏感。所有毒株与A/California/07/2009(H1N1)疫苗株保持高度同源,8个节段基因同源性均在98.2%以上。相比之下,福建省2012年的流感毒株抗原变异程度较大,其中A/Fujiangulou/SWL1155/2012毒株HA基因发生11个氨基酸位点改变,其中H138R、L161I、S185T和S203T位点的变异分别涉及Ca、Sa和Sb抗原决定簇。监测显示,疫苗对福建省人群保护效果较好,但福建省2012年毒株相对疫苗株已经出现抗原漂移,应进一步密切关注其变异情况。  相似文献   

This paper reviews epigenetic mechanisms by which influenza viruses affect cellular gene activity to control their life cycles, aiming to provide new insights into the complexity of functional interactions between viral and cellular factors, as well as to introduce novel targets for therapeutic intervention and vaccine development against influenza infections.  相似文献   

流感病毒感染可引起肺部损伤甚至引发严重的并发症,因其抗原性易发生变异,所以疫苗难以进行全面防护。而肠道菌群具有促进免疫系统正常发育及调节免疫细胞内稳态的功能。本文综述了肠道菌群与流感病毒的相互作用和影响,从肠道菌群提高人体固有免疫反应、减轻肺部免疫损伤、促使树突状细胞成熟及形成同源异型交叉保护等方面,探讨肠道菌群对流感病毒感染的预防和治疗作用及其机制,旨在为将肠道菌群作为预防治疗疾病手段和潜在的药物靶点提供思路。  相似文献   

A型流行性感冒病毒的负链RNA基因组由编码病毒中12个蛋白质的八个节段组成。在病毒组装的最后阶段,病毒体从细胞顶端胞浆膜突出时将这些基因组的病毒体(v)RNAs吸收进其中。基因组分段赋予了流感病毒进化的优势,但也提出了问题,在病毒体组装时需要八个节段每一个的至少一个复制本以产生完全有传染性的病毒颗粒。历史上一直存在争论:一方赞同确保足额的基因组合并的特异性包装机制;另一方赞同基因组节段被随机选择而不是以充足数量被包装以确保能自行产生合理比例病毒体的替代模式。近年来人们对该问题已达成一致意见:大多数病毒体仅包含八个节段,特异性机制为选择每个vRNA的某一复制本的确发挥了作用。本综述总结了得出这一结论所做的工作,叙述了在识别特异性包装信号方面最新的进展,讨论了这些RNA元素运转的可能机制。  相似文献   

Influenza virus infection frequently causes complications and some excess mortality in the patients with diabetes. Vaccination is an effective measure to prevent influenza virus infection. In this paper, antibody response and protection against influenza virus infection induced by vaccination were studied in mouse model of diabetes. Healthy and diabetic BALB/c mice were immunized once or twice with inactivated influenza virus vaccine at various dosages. Four weeks after the first immunization or 1 week after the second immunization, the mice were challenged with influenza virus at a lethal dose. The result showed that the antibody responses in diabetic mice were inhibited. Immunization once with high dose or twice with low dose of vaccine provided full protection against lethal influenza virus challenge in diabetic mice, however, in healthy mice, immunization only once with low dose provided a full protection.  相似文献   

甲型流感病毒流行毒株检测和分型基因芯片的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】研制一种可同时对甲型流感病毒H1N1、H1N2、H3N2、H5N1和H9N2等5种流行亚型进行检测和分型的基因芯片。【方法】根据National Center for Biotechnology Information中Influenza Virus Resource数据库,针对H1N1、H1N2、H3N2、H5N1和H9N2等5种亚型甲型流感病毒的HA和NA基因设计46条特异性寡核苷酸探针和1条质控探针,点制成基因芯片。利用通用引物扩增流感病毒HA和NA基因,使用Klenow酶对扩增产物进行荧光标记和片段化,将标记后产物和芯片杂交,清洗、扫描后根据荧光信号判定检测结果。用18株不同种属来源的甲型流感病毒分离毒株和186份咽拭子对芯片特异性、敏感性和临床应用进行初步评价。【结果】所有18株分离毒株均能被芯片准确检测并分型,芯片检测灵敏度能达约1×104个病毒基因拷贝。同时8份咽拭子检测结果为H1N1阳性,4份咽拭子为H3N2阳性。【结论】研究表明该芯片具有较高的特异性和灵敏度,可为甲型流感病毒的监测提供一种有效的方法。  相似文献   

On 15 April and 17 April 2009, novel swineorigin influenza A (H1N1) virus was identifi ed in specimens obtained from two epidemiologically unlinked patients in the United States. The ongoing outbreak of novel H1N1 2009 influenza (swine influenza) has caused more than 3,99,232 laboratory confi rmed cases of pandemic influenza H1N1 and over 4735 deaths globally. This novel 2009 influenza virus designated as H1N1 A/swine/California/04/2009 virus is not zoonotic swine flu and is transmitted from person to person and has higher transmissibility then that of seasonal influenza viruses. In India the novel H1N1 virus infection has been reported from all over the country. A total of 68,919 samples from clinically suspected persons have been tested for influenza A H1N1 across the country and 13,330 (18.9%) of them have been found positive with 427 deaths. At the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi India, we tested 1096 clinical samples for the presence of novel H1N1 influenza virus and seasonal influenza viruses. Of these 1096 samples, 194 samples (17.7%) were positive for novel H1N1 influenza virus and 197 samples (18%) were positive for seasonal influenza viruses. During outbreaks of emerging infectious diseases accurate and rapid diagnosis is critical for minimizing further spread through timely implementation of appropriate vaccines and antiviral treatment. Since the symptoms of novel H1N1 influenza infection are not specifi c, laboratory confi rmation of suspected cases is of prime importance.  相似文献   

We synthesized the sialylphosphatidylethanolamine (sialyl PE) derivatives Neu5Ac-PE, (Neu5Ac)2-PE, Neu5Ac-PE (amide) and Neu5Ac-PE (methyl). We examined the anti-viral effects of the derivatives on human influenza A virus infection by ELISA/virus-binding, hemagglutination inhibition, hemolysis inhibition and neutralization assays. The sialyl PE derivatives that we examined bound to A/Aichi/2/68, A/Singapore/1/57 and A/Memphis/1/71 strains of H3N2 subtype, but not to A/PR/8/34 strain of H1N1 subtype. The derivatives inhibited viral hemagglutination and hemolysis of human erythrocytes with A/Aichi/2/68 and A/Singapore/1/57 (H3N2), but not with A/PR/8/34 (H1N1). The inhibitory activity of the (Neu5Ac)2-PE derivative was the strongest of all sialyl PE derivatives (IC50, 35 M to 40 M). Sialyl PE derivatives also inhibited the infection of A/Aichi/2/68 in MDCK cells. Complete inhibition was observed at a concentration between 0.3 to 1.3 mM. IC50 of (Neu5Ac)2-PE was 15 M in A/Aichi/2/68 strain. Taken together, the synthetic sialyl PE derivatives may be effective reagents against infection of some types of influenza A viruses.  相似文献   

Upon co-infection with influenza B virus (FluB), influenza A virus (FluA) replication is substantially impaired. Previously, we have shown that the nucleoprotein of FluB (BNP) can inhibit FluA polymerase machinery, retarding the growth of FluA. However, the molecular mechanism underlying this inhibitory action awaited further investigation. Here, we provide evidence that BNP hinders the proper formation of FluA polymerase complex by competitively binding to the nucleoprotein of FluA. To exert this inhibitory effect, BNP must be localized in the nucleus. The interaction does not require the presence of the viral RNA but needs an intact BNP RNA-binding motif. The results highlight the novel role of BNP as an anti-influenza A viral agent and provide insights into the mechanism of intertypic interference.  相似文献   

With the prevalence of novel strains and drug-resistant influenza viruses, there is an urgent need to develop effective and low-toxicity anti-influenza therapeutics. Regulation of the type I interferon antiviral response is considered an attractive therapeutic strategy for viral infection. Pterostilbene, a 3,5-dimethoxy analog of resveratrol, is known for its remarkable pharmacological activity. Here, we found that pterostilbene effectively inhibited influenza A virus infection and mainly affected the late stages of viral replication. A mechanistic study showed that the antiviral activity of pterostilbene might promote the induction of antiviral type I interferon and expression of its downstream interferon-stimulated genes during viral infection. The same effect of pterostilbene was also observed in the condition of polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid (poly I:C) transfection. Further study showed that pterostilbene interacted with influenza non-structural 1 (NS1) protein, inhibited ubiquitination mediated degradation of RIG-I and activated the downstream antiviral pathway, orchestrating an antiviral state against influenza virus in the cell. Taken together, pterostilbene could be a promising anti-influenza agent for future antiviral drug exploitation and compounds with similar structures may provide new options for the development of novel inhibitors against influenza A virus (IAV).  相似文献   

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