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We have recently developed a fast approach to comparisons of 3-dimensional structures. Our method is unique, treating protein structures as collections of unconnected points (atoms) in space. It is completely independent of the amino acid sequence order. It is unconstrained by insertions, deletions, and chain directionality. It matches single, isolated amino acids between 2 different structures strictly by their spatial positioning regardless of their relative sequential position in the amino acid chain. It automatically detects a recurring 3D motif in protein molecules. No predefinition of the motif is required. The motif can be either in the interior of the proteins or on their surfaces. In this work, we describe an enhancement over our previously developed technique, which considerably reduces the complexity of the algorithm. This results in an extremely fast technique. A typical pairwise comparison of 2 protein molecules requires less than 3 s on a workstation. We have scanned the structural database with dozens of probes, successfully detecting structures that are similar to the probe. To illustrate the power of this method, we compare the structure of a trypsin-like serine protease against the structural database. Besides detecting homologous trypsin-like proteases, we automatically obtain 3D, sequence order-independent, active-site similarities with subtilisin-like and sulfhydryl proteases. These similarities equivalence isolated residues, not conserving the linear order of the amino acids in the chains. The active-site similarities are well known and have been detected by manually inspecting the structures in a time-consuming, laborious procedure. This is the first time such equivalences are obtained automatically from the comparison of full structures. The far-reaching advantages and the implications of our novel algorithm to studies of protein folding, to evolution, and to searches for pharmacophoric patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

With the decline in productivity of drug‐development efforts, novel approaches to rational drug design are being introduced and developed. Naturally occurring and synthetic peptides are emerging as novel promising compounds that can specifically and efficiently modulate signaling pathways in vitro and in vivo. We describe sequence‐based approaches that use peptides to mimic proteins in order to inhibit the interaction of the mimicked protein with its partners. We then discuss a structure‐based approach, in which protein‐peptide complex structures are used to rationally design and optimize peptidic inhibitors. We survey flexible peptide docking techniques and discuss current challenges and future directions in the rational design of peptidic inhibitors. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 91: 505–513, 2009. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online”date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   

Protein‐protein interactions are abundant in the cell but to date structural data for a large number of complexes is lacking. Computational docking methods can complement experiments by providing structural models of complexes based on structures of the individual partners. A major caveat for docking success is accounting for protein flexibility. Especially, interface residues undergo significant conformational changes upon binding. This limits the performance of docking methods that keep partner structures rigid or allow limited flexibility. A new docking refinement approach, iATTRACT, has been developed which combines simultaneous full interface flexibility and rigid body optimizations during docking energy minimization. It employs an atomistic molecular mechanics force field for intermolecular interface interactions and a structure‐based force field for intramolecular contributions. The approach was systematically evaluated on a large protein‐protein docking benchmark, starting from an enriched decoy set of rigidly docked protein–protein complexes deviating by up to 15 Å from the native structure at the interface. Large improvements in sampling and slight but significant improvements in scoring/discrimination of near native docking solutions were observed. Complexes with initial deviations at the interface of up to 5.5 Å were refined to significantly better agreement with the native structure. Improvements in the fraction of native contacts were especially favorable, yielding increases of up to 70%. Proteins 2015; 83:248–258. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Qian Wang  Luhua Lai 《Proteins》2014,82(10):2472-2482
Target structure‐based virtual screening, which employs protein‐small molecule docking to identify potential ligands, has been widely used in small‐molecule drug discovery. In the present study, we used a protein–protein docking program to identify proteins that bind to a specific target protein. In the testing phase, an all‐to‐all protein–protein docking run on a large dataset was performed. The three‐dimensional rigid docking program SDOCK was used to examine protein–protein docking on all protein pairs in the dataset. Both the binding affinity and features of the binding energy landscape were considered in the scoring function in order to distinguish positive binding pairs from negative binding pairs. Thus, the lowest docking score, the average Z‐score, and convergency of the low‐score solutions were incorporated in the analysis. The hybrid scoring function was optimized in the all‐to‐all docking test. The docking method and the hybrid scoring function were then used to screen for proteins that bind to tumor necrosis factor‐α (TNFα), which is a well‐known therapeutic target for rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases. A protein library containing 677 proteins was used for the screen. Proteins with scores among the top 20% were further examined. Sixteen proteins from the top‐ranking 67 proteins were selected for experimental study. Two of these proteins showed significant binding to TNFα in an in vitro binding study. The results of the present study demonstrate the power and potential application of protein–protein docking for the discovery of novel binding proteins for specific protein targets. Proteins 2014; 82:2472–2482. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The design of protein–peptide interactions has a wide array of practical applications and also reveals insight into the basis for molecular recognition. Here, we present the redesign of a tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) protein scaffold, along with its corresponding peptide ligand. We show that the binding properties of these protein–peptide pairs can be understood, quantitatively, using straightforward chemical considerations. The recognition pairs we have developed are also practically useful for the specific identification of tagged proteins. We demonstrate the facile replacement of these proteins, which we have termed T‐Mods (TPR‐based recognition module), for antibodies in both detection and purification applications. The new protein–peptide pair has a dissociation constant that is weaker than typical antibody–antigen interactions, yet the recognition pair is highly specific and we have shown that this affinity is sufficient for both Western blotting and affinity purification. Moreover, we demonstrate that this more moderate affinity is actually advantageous for purification applications, because extremely harsh conditions are not required to dissociate the T‐Mod‐peptide interaction. The results we present are important, not only because they represent a successful application of protein design but also because they help define the properties that should be sought in other scaffolds that are being developed as antibody replacements.  相似文献   

In this work, we will describe in quantitative terms the unspecific recognition between lactose permease (LacY) of Escherichia coli, a polytopic model membrane protein, and one of the main components of the inner membrane of this bacterium. Supported lipid bilayers of 1‐palmitoyl‐2‐oleoyl‐sn‐glycero‐3‐phosphoethanolamine (POPE) and 1‐palmitoyl‐2‐oleoyl‐sn‐glycero‐3‐phosphoglycerol (POPG) (3:1, mol/mol) in the presence of Ca2+ display lateral phase segregation that can be distinguished by atomic force microscopy (AFM) as well as force spectroscopy. LacY shows preference for fluid (Lα) phases when it is reconstituted in POPE : POPG (3:1, mol/mol) proteoliposomes at a lipid‐to‐protein ratio of 40. When the lipid‐to‐protein ratio is decreased down to 0.5, two domains can be distinguished by AFM. While the upper domain is formed by self‐segregated units of LacY, the lower domain is constituted only by phospholipids in gel (Lβ) phase. On the one hand, classical differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements evidenced the segregation of a population of phospholipids and point to the existence of a boundary region at the lipid–protein interface. On the other hand, Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) measurements in solution evidenced that POPE is selectively recognized by LacY. A binary pseudophase diagram of POPE : POPG built from AFM observations enables to calculate the composition of the fluid phase where LacY is inserted. These results are consistent with a model where POPE constitutes the main component of the lipid–LacY interface segregated from the fluid bulk phase where POPG predominates. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin is covalently attached to substrate proteins in the form of a single ubiquitin moiety or polyubiquitin chains and has been generally linked to protein degradation, however, distinct types of ubiquitin linkages are also used to control other critical cellular processes like cell signaling. Over forty mammalian G protein‐coupled receptors (GPCRs) have been reported to be ubiquitinated, but despite the diverse and rich complexity of GPCR signaling, ubiquitin has been largely ascribed to receptor degradation. Indeed, GPCR ubiquitination targets the receptors for degradation by lysosome, which is mediated by the Endosomal Sorting Complexes Required for Transport (ESCRT) machinery, and the proteasome. This has led to the view that ubiquitin and ESCRTs primarily function as the signal to target GPCRs for destruction. Contrary to this conventional view, studies indicate that ubiquitination of certain GPCRs and canonical ubiquitin‐binding ESCRTs are not required for receptor degradation and revealed that diverse and complex pathways exist to regulate endo‐lysosomal sorting of GPCRs. In other studies, GPCR ubiquitination has been shown to drive signaling and not receptor degradation and further revealed novel insight into the mechanisms by which GPCRs trigger the activity of the ubiquitination machinery. Here, we discuss the diverse pathways by which ubiquitin controls GPCR endo‐lysosomal sorting and beyond.   相似文献   

Information on protein–protein interactions (PPIs) is of critical importance for studying complex biological systems and developing therapeutic strategies. Here, we present a double‐readout bioluminescence‐based two‐hybrid technology, termed LuTHy, which provides two quantitative scores in one experimental procedure when testing binary interactions. PPIs are first monitored in cells by quantification of bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) and, following cell lysis, are again quantitatively assessed by luminescence‐based co‐precipitation (LuC). The double‐readout procedure detects interactions with higher sensitivity than traditional single‐readout methods and is broadly applicable, for example, for detecting the effects of small molecules or disease‐causing mutations on PPIs. Applying LuTHy in a focused screen, we identified 42 interactions for the presynaptic chaperone CSPα, causative to adult‐onset neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (ANCL), a progressive neurodegenerative disease. Nearly 50% of PPIs were found to be affected when studying the effect of the disease‐causing missense mutations L115R and ?L116 in CSPα with LuTHy. Our study presents a robust, sensitive research tool with high utility for investigating the molecular mechanisms by which disease‐associated mutations impair protein activity in biological systems.  相似文献   

The pro/N‐degron pathway is an evolved protein degradation pathway through the ubiquitin‐proteasome system. It is a vital pathway to attain protein homeostasis inside the liver cells with varying glucose levels. N‐terminal proline exists in more than 300 proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, but only three of them are the gluconeogenic enzymes; isocitrate lyase (Icl1), fructose‐1,6‐bisphosphatase (Fbp1), and malate dehydrogenase (Mdh2). The present in silico study aims to structurally illustrate the binding of Icl1 enzyme to Gid4 ligase concerning its peers; Fbp1 and Mdh2. Based on the molecular docking scores and interactions, one can attribute the binding stability of Gid4 with degrons, to peptides of length six up to eight from the N‐terminal. Moreover, the percent change in the docking score provides a rationale for the unique Gid4‐Icl11‐4 interaction. The present study provides insights on the binding attitude of Gid4 ligase to degrons of different lengths, so one will consider in designing peptidomimetics to target Gid4 ligase.  相似文献   

We computationally designed a de novo protein–protein interaction between wild‐type ubiquitin and a redesigned scaffold. Our strategy was to incorporate zinc at the designed interface to promote affinity and orientation specificity. A large set of monomeric scaffold surfaces were computationally engineered with three‐residue zinc coordination sites, and the ubiquitin residue H68 was docked to the open coordination site to complete a tetrahedral zinc site. This single coordination bond was intended as a hotspot and polar interaction for ubiquitin binding, and surrounding residues on the scaffold were optimized primarily as hydrophobic residues using a rotamer‐based sequence design protocol in Rosetta. From thousands of independent design simulations, four sequences were selected for experimental characterization. The best performing design, called Spelter, binds tightly to zinc (Kd < 10 nM) and binds ubiquitin with a Kd of 20 µM in the presence of zinc and 68 µM in the absence of zinc. Mutagenesis studies and nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shift perturbation experiments indicate that Spelter interacts with H68 and the target surface on ubiquitin; however, H68 does not form a hotspot as intended. Instead, mutation of H68 to alanine results in tighter binding. Although a 3/1 zinc coordination arrangement at an interface cannot be ruled out as a means to improve affinity, our study led us to conclude that 2/2 coordination arrangements or multiple‐zinc designs are more likely to promote high‐affinity protein interactions. Proteins 2013; 81:1245–1255. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Assessing the role of local populations in a landscape context has become increasingly important in the fields of conservation biology and ecology. A growing number of studies attempt to determine the source–sink status of local populations. As the source–sink concept is commonly used for management decisions in nature conservation, accurate assessment approaches are crucial. Based on a systematic literature review of studies published between 2002 and 2013, we evaluated a priori predictions on methodological and biological factors that may influence the occurrence of source or sink populations. The review yielded 90 assessments from 73 publications that included qualitative and quantitative evidence for either source or sink population(s) for one or multiple species. Overall, sink populations tended to occur more often than source populations. Moreover, the occurrence of source or sink populations differed among taxonomic classes. Sinks were more often found than sources in mammals, while there was a non‐significant trend for the opposite to be true for amphibians. Univariate and multivariate analyses showed that the occurrence of sources was positively related to connectivity of local populations. Our review furthermore highlights that more than 25 years after Pulliam's widely cited publication on ‘sources, sinks, and population regulation’, in‐depth assessments of the source–sink status of populations based on combined consideration of demographic parameters such as fecundity, survival, emigration and immigration are still scarce. To increase our understanding of source–sink systems from ecological, evolutionary and conservation‐related perspectives, we recommend that forthcoming studies on source–sink dynamics should pay more attention to the study design (i.e. connectivity of study populations) and that the assessment of the source–sink status of local populations is based on λ values calculated from demographic rates.  相似文献   

A high‐resolution chemostratigraphical (coupled δ13Ccarb and δ18Ocarb) study of the topmost Floian through the middle Darriwilian (Ordovician) succession at the Hällekis quarry, Kinnekulle, southern Sweden, shows relatively steady isotopic values with overall minor changes, although some notable short‐ and long‐term shifts are discernible. A pronounced positive shift in δ13C in the uppermost part of the study succession is identified as the Middle Darriwilian Isotopic Carbon Excursion (MDICE), representing the only named global isotopic excursion in the data set. Regional and global comparisons suggest that few details in the different carbon and oxygen isotope curves can be confidently correlated, but longer‐term patterns appear quite consistent. Trends in the isotope data are in agreement with palaeogeographical reconstructions. Differences in stratigraphical patterns of both carbon and oxygen isotopes between localities suggest strong secular development at several spatiotemporal scales; any global signal involving relatively minor isotopic shifts is often masked/subdued by local and regional overprinting and care should be taken not to overinterpret data sets. Collectively, the data suggest rising sea levels and cooling climates through the studied time interval, but detailed interpretations remain problematic.  相似文献   

Site-specific pK(a) values measured by NMR spectroscopy provide essential information on protein electrostatics, the pH-dependence of protein structure, dynamics and function, and constitute an important benchmark for protein pK(a) calculation algorithms. Titration curves can be measured by tracking the NMR chemical shifts of several reporter nuclei versus sample pH. However, careful analysis of these curves is needed to extract residue-specific pK(a) values since pH-dependent chemical shift changes can arise from many sources, including through-bond inductive effects, through-space electric field effects, and conformational changes. We have re-measured titration curves for all carboxylates and His 15 in Hen Egg White Lysozyme (HEWL) by recording the pH-dependent chemical shifts of all backbone amide nitrogens and protons, Asp/Glu side chain protons and carboxyl carbons, and imidazole protonated carbons and protons in this protein. We extracted pK(a) values from the resulting titration curves using standard fitting methods, and compared these values to each other, and with those measured previously by 1H NMR (Bartik et al., Biophys J 1994;66:1180–1184). This analysis gives insights into the true accuracy associated with experimentally measured pK(a) values. We find that apparent pK(a) values frequently differ by 0.5–1.0 units depending upon the nuclei monitored, and that larger differences occasionally can be observed. The variation in measured pK(a) values, which reflects the difficulty in fitting and assigning pH-dependent chemical shifts to specific ionization equilibria, has significant implications for the experimental procedures used for measuring protein pK(a) values, for the benchmarking of protein pK(a) calculation algorithms, and for the understanding of protein electrostatics in general.  相似文献   

Mistletoe lectin is a potent biohazard. Lectin activity in the toxic dimer primarily originates from the 2gamma-subdomain (Tyr-site) of the B-subunit. Crystallographic information on lectin-sugar complexes is available only at acidic pH, where lectin activity is low. Thus, we mapped ligand-binding properties including comparison to ricin's Tyr-site at neutral pH. Using these results and molecular dynamics simulations, a local conformational change was rendered likely. The obtained structural information is valuable for the design of potent inhibitors.  相似文献   

Astringency is one of the major organoleptic properties of food and beverages that are made from plants, such as tea, chocolate, beer, or red wine. This sensation is thought to be due to interactions between tannins and salivary proline‐rich proteins, which are natively unfolded proteins. A human salivary proline‐rich protein, namely IB‐5, was produced by the recombinant method. Its interactions with a model tannin, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), the major flavan‐3‐ol in green tea, were studied here. Circular dichroism experiments showed that IB‐5 presents residual structures (PPII helices) when the ionic strength is close to that in saliva. In the presence of these residual structures, IB‐5 undergoes an increase in structural content upon binding to EGCG. NMR data corroborated the presence of preformed structural elements within the protein prior to binding and a partial assignment was proposed, showing partial structuration. TOCSY experiments showed that amino acids that are involved in PPII helices are more likely to interact with EGCG than those in random coil regions, as if they were anchorage points for the ligand. The signal from IB‐5 in the DOSY NMR spectrum revealed an increase in polydispersity upon addition of EGCG while the mean hydrodynamic radius remained unchanged. This strongly suggests the formation of IB‐5/EGCG aggregates. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 91: 745–756, 2009. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   

The effect of mobile phase pH and dimethyloctylamine (DMOA) on the retention (k') and stereoselectivity (α) of antimalarial agents mefloquine, enpiroline, and chloroquine on the α1-acid glycoprotein chiral stationary phase (AGP-CSP) was investigated. An increase of k' with increasing pH was observed while the effect on α was a function of the solute. The magnitude and direction of changes induced by DMOA depended on pH and the structure of the solute. The results of this study are consistent with a change of the conformation of the AGP between pH 5 and 7. At pH 7, the effect of DMOA on mefloquine was relatively well described by a competitive displacement from one enantioselective site. The effect on chloroquine and enpiroline suggests a multiple-site mechanism in which both competitive and allosteric interactions are involved.  相似文献   

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