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How has evolution led to the variation in behavioural phenotypes (personalities) in a population? Knowledge of whether personality is heritable, and to what degree it is influenced by the social environment, is crucial to understanding its evolutionary significance, yet few estimates are available from natural populations. We tracked three behavioural traits during different life‐history stages in a pedigreed population of wild house sparrows. Using a quantitative genetic approach, we demonstrated heritability in adult exploration, and in nestling activity after accounting for fixed effects, but not in adult boldness. We did not detect maternal effects on any traits, but we did detect a social brood effect on nestling activity. Boldness, exploration and nestling activity in this population did not form a behavioural syndrome, suggesting that selection could act independently on these behavioural traits in this species, although we found no consistent support for phenotypic selection on these traits. Our work shows that repeatable behaviours can vary in their heritability and that social context influences personality traits. Future efforts could separate whether personality traits differ in heritability because they have served specific functional roles in the evolution of the phenotype or because our concept of personality and the stability of behaviour needs to be revised.  相似文献   

In the future, human destiny may depend on our ethics. In particular, biotechnology and expansion in space can transform life, raising profound questions. Guidance may be found in Life‐centered ethics, as biotic ethics that value the basic patterns of organic gene/protein life, and as panbiotic ethics that always seek to expand life. These life‐centered principles can be based on scientific insights into the unique place of life in nature, and the biological unity of all life. Belonging to life then implies a human purpose: to safeguard and propagate life. Expansion in space will advance this purpose but will also raise basic questions. Should we expand all life or only intelligent life? Should we aim to create populations of trillions? Should we seed other solar systems? How far can we change but still preserve the human species, and life itself? The future of all life may be in our hands, and it can depend on our guiding ethics whether life will fulfil its full potentials. Given such profound powers, life‐centered ethics can best secure future generations. Our descendants may then understand nature more deeply, and seek to extend life indefinitely. In that future, our human existence can find a cosmic purpose.  相似文献   

Ediacara fossils document an important evolutionary episode just before the Cambrian explosion and hold critical information about the early evolution of macroscopic and complex multicellular life. They also represent an enduring controversy in paleontology. How are the Ediacara fossils related to living animals? How did they live? Do they share any evolutionary patterns with other life forms? Recent developments indicate that Ediacara fossils epitomize a phylogenetically diverse biosphere, probably including animals, protists, algae, fungi and others. Their simple ecology is dominated by epibenthic osmotrophs, deposit feeders and grazers, but few if any predators. Their evolution started with an early morphospace expansion followed by taxonomic diversification within confined morphospace, and concluded by extinction of many taxa at the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary.  相似文献   

Animals have been a critical component of the spaceflight program since its inception. The Russians orbited a dog one month after the Sputnik satellite was launched. The dog mission spurred U.S. interest in animal flights. The animal missions proved that individuals aboard a spacecraft not only could survive, but also could carry out tasks during launch, near-weightlessness, and re-entry; humans were launched into space only after the early animal flights demonstrated that spaceflight was safe and survivable. After these humble beginnings when animals preceded humans in space as pioneers, a dynamic research program was begun using animals as human surrogates aboard manned and unmanned space platforms to understand how the unique environment of space alters life. In this review article, the following questions have been addressed: How did animal research in space evolve? What happened to animal development when gravity decreased? How have animal experiments in space contributed to our understanding of musculoskeletal changes and fracture repair during exposure to reduced gravity?  相似文献   

Living cells are powered by intricate networks of chemical reactions of thousands of molecules. Understanding how living systems emerged through the assembly of chemical processes is one of the biggest challenges in science. Subject Categories: Biotechnology & Synthetic Biology, Evolution & Ecology, Metabolism

How can chemistry turn into biology? How can living cells be built from molecules? These are fundamental questions in biology and, despite much research efforts, remain unanswered. Yet, the past two decades have seen considerable advances in our knowledge of how and which (bio)physical and (bio)chemical processes could have driven the emergence of the first living cells. These achievements have led not only to a better understanding of the molecular origins of life, but also spurred significant developments in synthetic biology, biophysics and supramolecular chemistry. Although the exact events that sparked life on Earth will quite likely remain a mystery, at least partially, exploring the chemical origins of life offers clues about our primordial past and could contribute to shaping our future.
Although the exact events that sparked life on Earth will quite likely remain a mystery […] exploring the chemical origins of life offers clues about our primordial past and could contribute to shaping our future.

Climate-induced phenological shifts can influence population, evolutionary, and ecological dynamics, but our understanding of these phenomena is hampered by a lack of long-term demographic data. We use a multi-decade census of 5 salmonid species representing 14 life histories in a warming Alaskan stream to address the following key questions about climate change and phenology: How consistent are temporal patterns and drivers of phenology for similar species and alternative life histories? Are shifts in phenology associated with changes in phenotypic variation? How do phenological changes influence the availability of resource subsidies? For most salmonid species, life stages, and life histories, freshwater temperature influences migration timing – migration events are occurring earlier in time (mean = 1.7 days earlier per decade over the 3–5 decades), and the number of days over which migration events occur is decreasing (mean = 1.5 days per decade). Temporal trends in migration timing were not correlated with changes in intra-annual phenotypic variation, suggesting that these components of the phenotypic distribution have responded to environmental change independently. Despite commonalities across species and life histories, there was important biocomplexity in the form of disparate shifts in migration timing and variation in the environmental factors influencing migration timing for alternative life history strategies in the same population. Overall, adult populations have been stable during these phenotypic and environmental changes (λ ≈1.0), but the temporal availability of salmon as a resource in freshwater has decreased by nearly 30 days since 1971 due to changes in the median date of migration timing and decreases in intra-annual variation in migration timing. These novel observations advance our understanding of phenological change in response to climate warming, and indicate that climate change has influenced the ecology of salmon populations, which will have important consequences for the numerous species that depend on this resource.  相似文献   

How do material conditions, urban life strategies, and postcolonial medical infrastructures shape the practices of care available to patients and families in Maputo? How do global health interventions articulate with urban economies, colonial legacies, and gendered relations? Under what conditions is health made available in Mozambique's capital? This article explores these questions through the experiences of one young woman as she moves through clinical and city spaces and through changing familial and residential situations. Showing how health is shaped by gendered relations and material circumstances (or condições) as they are refracted through urban space, her experiences make clear that care both requires and creates complex material‐relational conditions rooted in clinic practice, urban forms, and gendered social and familial life. In the midst of complex medical regimes and rapidly changing urban spaces, these conditions constitute the ground on which women access medicine but also give rise to exclusions from forms of care produced by both biomedicine and social relations. Arguing for greater attention to the role of gender, urban space, economy, and exchange in theorizing health in situated urban and transnational spaces, this article advocates for accounts that go beyond biomedical and clinical framings of life, health, and well‐being and that centre relational accounts of life in the city.  相似文献   

Most metazoans require skeletal support systems. While the formation of bones and teeth in vertebrates has been well studied, endo- and exoskeleton development of non-vertebrates, especially calcification during terminal differentiation, has been neglected. Biomineralization of skeletons in invertebrates presents interesting research opportunities. We undertake here to survey some of the better understood examples of skeletal development in selected invertebrates. The differentiation of the skeletal spicules of euechinoid larvae and other non-vertebrate deuterostomes, the shells of molluscs, and the calcification of crustacean carapaces are surveyed. The diversity of these different kinds of animals and our present limited understanding make it difficult to identify unifying themes, but there certainly are unifying questions: How is the mineral precursor secreted? What is the nature of the interaction of mineral with the matrix proteins of the skeleton? Is there any conservation of protein domains in matrix proteins found in skeletal elements from different phyla? Are there common strategies in the development of organs that form mineralized structures?  相似文献   

Cell types are fundamental units of multicellular life but their evolution is obscure. How did the first cell types emerge and become distinct in animal evolution? What were the sets of cell types that existed at important evolutionary nodes that represent eumetazoan or bilaterian ancestors? How did these ancient cell types diversify further during the evolution of organ systems in the descending evolutionary lines? The recent advent of cell type molecular fingerprinting has yielded initial insights into the evolutionary interrelationships of cell types between remote animal phyla and has allowed us to define some first principles of cell type diversification in animal evolution.  相似文献   

Nikolai Veresov: Tatiana, in this volume of our journal we publish a selection of your articles. Two of your other articles were published in Soviet Psychology in the 1970s. Introducing you to the readers of that journal, James Wertsch (1978) wrote: "The author … is one of the leading young investigators from the Luria school of neurolinguistics. She has studied and conducted extensive research both with Luria and with A. A. Leontiev, a major figure in Soviet psycholinguistics. Her analysis of inner speech as a mechanism in speech production reveals the strong influence that L. S. Vygotsky has had on Soviet psychology."1 But first of all, I suppose our readers would be interested in learning more about your life, about events that preceded your scientific achievements. Could you please tell us briefly about your childhood and your family? How did your parents influence your course of life and your occupational choice? What did they do?  相似文献   

We propose a human-centered evolutionary curriculum based around the three questions: Who am I? Where do I come from? How do I fit in? We base our curriculum on our experiences as an evolutionary biologist/paleontologist (NE) and as a secondary level special education science teacher (GE)—and not least from our joint experience as co-editors-in-chief of this journal. Our proposed curriculum starts and ends with human biology and evolution, linking these themes with topics as diverse as the “tree of life” (systematics), anthropology, Charles Darwin, cultural evolution, ecology, developmental biology, molecular evolution/genetics, paleontology, and plate tectonics. The curriculum is “universal” as it is designed to be taught at all levels, K–16. The curriculum is flexible: “modules” may be expanded and contracted, reordered, or modified to fit specific grade level needs—and the requirements and interests of local curricula and teachers. We further propose that students utilize workbooks from online or printed sources to investigate the local answers to the general questions (e.g., “Who am I?”), while classroom instruction is focused on the larger scale issues outlined in the modules of our curriculum.  相似文献   

At the microstructural level, bones remodel throughout life. This process is recorded in bone cortex as osteons. A more comprehensive understanding of the interaction between genetic regulation and environmental factors in osteon remodeling will increase the value of this skeletal record and enable more accurate reconstruction of individual life histories. The purpose of this study was to examine the contribution of maternal lineage to normal age and sex variation in osteon remodeling dynamics in Macaca mulatta. Femoral cross sections from 57 Cayo Santiago-derived rhesus macaques representing five matrilines were examined to evaluate the effect of genetic relatedness on osteon remodeling dynamics. Analysis of variance revealed an effect of maternal lineage on osteon area and Haversian canal area. The other variables did not differ significantly among matrilines. Analysis of covariance revealed no significant interactions among age, sex, and matriline for any of the microstructural variables.  相似文献   


In line with Gustafson (2008), most studies of transnationalism have investigated migration from south to north. This article examines health-, welfare- and lifestyle-related migration from Norway to Spain. The phenomenon is increasing, with consequences for national and municipal policies. The focus is on how Norwegian health migrants cope. Based on anthropological fieldwork and life story interviews we ask: Who are these migrants? How did the migration step come into being? How do they cope when the decision is effectuated? What kind of identity-related challenges do they face? The article also discusses implications for future comparative research on the phenomenon.  相似文献   


Sleep behavior remains one of the most enigmatic areas of life. The unanswered questions range from “why do we sleep?” to “how we can improve sleep in today’s society?” Identification of mutations responsible for altered circadian regulation of human sleep lead to unique opportunities for probing these territories. In this review, we summarize causative circadian mutations found from familial genetic studies to date. We also describe how these mutations mechanistically affect circadian function and lead to altered sleep behaviors, including shifted or shortening of sleep patterns. In addition, we discuss how the investigation of mutations can not only expand our understanding of the molecular mechanisms regulating the circadian clock and sleep duration, but also bridge the pathways between clock/sleep and other human physiological conditions and ailments such as metabolic regulation and migraine headaches.  相似文献   

Despite more than a century of interest in the evolution ofhumans from our close relatives the great apes, the genes responsiblefor phenotypic differences between humans and chimpanzees haveremained elusive. Sequencing of the chimpanzee genome is expectedto identify some 42 million nucleotide differences between humansand chimpanzee. How can we identify the small proportion ofthese differences which are the essential elements of beinghuman? We have analyzed the draft human genome to find regionswhich may have experienced recent strong selection in the humanline. Included in the identified regions are several genes forneural development and function, skeletal development, and fatmetabolism. These observations provide a starting point in thesearch to identify the salient genetic differences between modernhumans and our immediate hominid ancestors. Strong directional selection for a favorable new allele cancause  相似文献   

For the past several decades it has been proposed that birds show latitudinal variation in song complexity. How universal this variation may be and what factors generate it, however, are still largely unknown. Furthermore, while migration is confounded with latitude, migratory behaviour alone may also be associated with variation in song complexity. In this paper we review the literature to assess current ideas on how latitude and migratory behaviour may drive large‐scale geographical patterns of song complexity. At least seven distinct hypotheses have been proposed in 29 studies of the topic. Four of these hypotheses posit that sexual selection pressures co‐vary with latitude and/or migration, resulting in concordant changes in song. Other hypotheses suggest that mechanisms other than sexual selection, such as large‐scale changes in environmental sound transmission properties, may be at play. Sixteen studies found support for increased song complexity with increased latitude and/or migration, whereas 13 did not. Relatively few studies exist on this topic, and methodological differences between them and variable definitions of ‘complexity’ make it difficult to determine whether results are comparable and concordant. At a minimum, it is possible to conclude there is no strong evidence that song complexity increases with latitude and/or migration in all birds. Future work should focus on examining multiple hypotheses at once to further advance our understanding of how latitude, migration and song complexity may or may not be related.  相似文献   

What is biological complexity? How many sorts exist? Are there levels of complexity? How are they related to one another? How is complexity related to the emergence of new phenotypes? To try to get to grips with these questions, we consider the archetype of a complex biological system, Escherichia coli. We take the position that E. coli has been selected to survive adverse conditions and to grow in favourable ones and that many other complex systems undergo similar selection. We invoke the concept of hyperstructures which constitute a level of organisation intermediate between macromolecules and cells. We also invoke a new concept, competitive coherence, to describe how phenotypes are created by a competition between maintaining a consistent story over time and creating a response that is coherent with respect to both internal and external conditions. We suggest how these concepts lead to parameters suitable for describing the rich form of complexity termed hypercomplexity and we propose a relationship between competitive coherence and emergence.  相似文献   

Brief E  Illes J 《Neuron》2010,68(2):174-177
Neurogenetics promises rich insights into how the mind works. Researchers investigating the range of topics from normal brain functioning to pathological states are increasingly looking to genetics for clues on human variability and disease etiology. Is it fair to assume this interest in neurogenetics is universal? How should researchers and clinicians approach ideas of consent to research or prediction of disease when a subject or patient understands the mind with concepts or language incompatible with neurogenetics? In this paper we consider how non-Western philosophies bring complexity to ideas of individual and community consent and confidentiality in the context of neurogenetics.  相似文献   

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