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Research has suggested killer whale (Orcinus orca) predation may affect cetacean vocal behavior; however, few data exist to test this hypothesis. Data collected during 40,976 km of visual and acoustic shipboard surveys in the tropical Pacific Ocean, including 1,232 detections of 13 species, were examined to determine if changes in dolphin vocal activity could be attributed to the presence of killer whales. Generalized linear models and Random Forest analyses were used to test the hypothesis that dolphin vocal activity was related to the distance and time to the nearest killer whale sighting. Both results show that dolphin vocalizations were inversely correlated with the temporal proximity of killer whales (< 0.05). Despite the relative rarity of killer whales in the tropics, they appear to influence vocal behavior of nearby dolphin schools. This disruption in communication may not significantly impact interactions necessary for survival in tropical waters where killer whale density is low. However, in temperate climates, where increased productivity supports a greater abundance of killer whales, this interruption in communication may have a greater impact. The lower incidence of whistling dolphins in temperate waters may be related to the greater abundance of killer whales in these areas.  相似文献   

Resident (fish eating) killer whales (Orcinus orca) in the North Pacific have been the subject of long‐term studies in several geographical regions. The current study examines population parameters in the southern Alaska resident population from 1984 to 2010 and develops a population model. The southern Alaska resident population ranges from southeastern Alaska through the Kodiak archipelago and contains over 700 individuals. We follow the life histories of 343 identifiable whales in 10 pods from two clans born before and during the study. Population parameters were comparable to those of the British Columbia northern resident population during the 1970s and 1980s, except that age of maturity was approximately one year earlier. The average annual rate of increase was slightly higher in Alaska (3.5%) than for the British Columbia northern residents (2.9%) and probably represents a population at r‐max (maximum rate of growth). Reasons for the high growth rate in Alaska could be a recovery following past anthropogenic mortalities, or more likely, a response to increasing salmon returns in recent decades, resulting in an increase in carrying capacity. The slow maturation and low rate of reproductive response makes these whales slow to recover from natural or anthropogenic catastrophes.  相似文献   

Killer whale discrete calls include types containing an overlapping high-frequency component (biphonic calls) and types without an overlapping high-frequency component (monophonic calls). In the resident killer whales of the Northeast Pacific, biphonic discrete calls exhibit higher source levels than monophonic calls, which suggests different active space and consequently different functions for monophonic and biphonic call types. In this study we investigate the potential communicative functions of monophonic and biphonic discrete calls produced by killer whales from Kamchatka (Northwest Pacific). We analyze how the usage of these calls depends on the number of pods present in the area and type of activity. Our results show that the usage of monophonic and biphonic calls in Kamchatkan killer whales depends on the number of pods in the area and is less dependent on the type of activity. Biphonic calls are more common when more than one pod is present in the area and could therefore function as markers of pod and matriline affiliation, serving mainly as cohesion signals. Monophonic calls dominated the vocalizations when a single pod was present, while in the presence of more than one pod both categories were used in equal proportions.  相似文献   



Killer whales (Orcinus orca) are the most widely distributed cetacean, occurring in all oceans worldwide, and within ocean regions different ecotypes are defined based on prey preferences. Prey items are largely unknown in the eastern Canadian Arctic and therefore we conducted a survey of Inuit Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) to provide information on the feeding ecology of killer whales. We compiled Inuit observations on killer whales and their prey items via 105 semi-directed interviews conducted in 11 eastern Nunavut communities (Kivalliq and Qikiqtaaluk regions) from 2007-2010.


Results detail local knowledge of killer whale prey items, hunting behaviour, prey responses, distribution of predation events, and prey capture techniques. Inuit TEK and published literature agree that killer whales at times eat only certain parts of prey, particularly of large whales, that attacks on large whales entail relatively small groups of killer whales, and that they hunt cooperatively. Inuit observations suggest that there is little prey specialization beyond marine mammals and there are no definitive observations of fish in the diet. Inuit hunters and elders also documented the use of sea ice and shallow water as prey refugia.


By combining TEK and scientific approaches we provide a more holistic view of killer whale predation in the eastern Canadian Arctic relevant to management and policy. Continuing the long-term relationship between scientists and hunters will provide for successful knowledge integration and has resulted in considerable improvement in understanding of killer whale ecology relevant to management of prey species. Combining scientists and Inuit knowledge will assist in northerners adapting to the restructuring of the Arctic marine ecosystem associated with warming and loss of sea ice.  相似文献   

A disparate selection of toothed whales (Odontoceti) share striking features of their acoustic repertoires including the absence of whistles and high frequency but weak (low peak-to-peak source level) clicks that have a relatively long duration and a narrow bandwidth. The non-whistling, high frequency click species include members of the family Phocoenidae, members of one genus of delphinids, Cephalorhynchus, the pygmy sperm whale, Kogia breviceps, and apparently the sole member of the family Pontoporiidae. Our review supports the 'acoustic crypsis' hypothesis that killer whale predation risk was the primary selective factor favouring an echolocation and communication system in cephalorhynchids, phocoenids and possibly Pontoporiidae and Kogiidae restricted to sounds that killer whales hear poorly or not at all (< 2 and > 100 kHz).  相似文献   

Reproductive hormone profiles of six captive killer whales (Orcinu orcus) from three Sea World aquaria were studied for intervals up to 2 yr. Daily urine samples and bimonthly blood samples were collected and analyzed for hormone concentration. Immunoreactive estrone conjugates, pregnanediol-3-glucoruonide, 20-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone as well as bioactive follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) were measured in urine samples and indexed by creatinine concentrations of the same sample. In selected cases, serum progesterone concentrations were also measured. Three of the animals in the study became pregnant during the study period and two of these animals were evaluated during the time of conception and throughout most of gestation. From the data of the three animals that conceived, hormone profiles of the complete ovarian cycle, early pregnancy, and mid- to late gestation are described. The remaining three animals did not conceive and only one of these demonstrated hormone changes that indicated regular ovarian activity. The female reproductive pattern of the killer whale is characterized by a gestation of 17 mo and an ovarian cycle of 6-7 wk in duration. The hormone changes associated with the ovarian cycle of the killer whale are similar to those of most other mammalian species. A bimodal pattern of bioactive FSH with a pronounced rise of estrogen predominates the preovulatory hormone profile. After ovulation, increased progesterone production is observed for approximately 4 wk in the nonconceptive ovarian cycle. During the luteal phase and early pregnancy, when progesterone metabolites are elevated, estrogen metabolite excretion remains low. These data extend the application of urine collections for longitudinal studies involving hormone changes, particularly those involving nondomesticated species.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of the type of activity and the social context on the proportion of four different structural categories of stereotyped calls in the acoustic communication of Kamchatkan killer whales. Using generalized linear models, we described the dependence of each sound category on the type of activity, the number of killer whale pods and the presence of mixed-pod groups. We found that the proportion of different sound categories depended on the number of pods and the presence of mixed-pod groups, while the type of activity did not affect the proportion of sounds of different categories. Based on the observed differences we suggest that biphonic and high-frequency monophonic calls are mainly used as family and pod markers, and help to track the position of family members at long ranges, and low-frequency monophonic calls are used as close-range intra-group signals to maintain contact between pod members in the conditions of limited underwater visibility.  相似文献   

Investigating intraspecific variation in acoustic signals can indicate the extent of isolation and divergence between populations and adaptations to local environments. Here we analyze the variation in killer whale high‐frequency (>17 kHz) whistles recorded off Norway, Iceland, and in the North Pacific. We used a combination of methods including multivariate comparisons of spectral and temporal parameters and categorization of contours to types. Our results show that spectral and temporal characteristics of high‐frequency whistles recorded in the North Pacific show significant differences from whistles recorded in the Northeast Atlantic, being generally stereotyped, lower in frequency, and slightly longer in duration. Most high‐frequency whistles from the North Pacific were downsweeps, whereas this was one of the least common types recorded in the Northeast Atlantic. The repertoire of whistles recorded in Norway was similar to Iceland, but whistles produced in Norway had significantly lower maximum frequency and frequency range. Most methods were able to discriminate between whistles of the North Pacific and the Northeast Atlantic, but were unable to consistently distinguish whistles from Iceland and Norway. This suggests that macro‐ and microgeographic differences in high‐frequency whistles of killer whales may reflect historical geographic isolation between ocean basins and more recent divergence between adjacent populations.  相似文献   

Northeast Pacific resident-type killer whales (Orcinus orca) are known to form stable associations based on kinship between maternal relatives (matrilines) with a system of vocal dialects thought to reflect kinship relationships. We analyzed association patterns and acoustic similarity to study the social organization of killer whales in Avacha Gulf (Kamchatka, Russia), in the Northwest Pacific. The resident-type killer whales of Avacha Gulf formed temporally stable units that included maternal relatives with no dispersal observed. Acoustically, the killer whale community of Avacha Gulf was characterized by a system of dialects comparable to the communities of Northeast Pacific resident-type killer whales. Different units rarely associated with each other and these associations were nonrandom. Associations at different spatial levels did not always coincide with each other and with the patterns of acoustic similarity. Associations between units could change quickly irrespective of kinship relationships. The vocal dialect of a unit, which is more stable than the association patterns between units, might better reflect the overall kinship relationships. The stability and frequency of associations between units depended on the number of mature males in a unit, which could contribute to differences in the speed of change in vocal dialects and association patterns.  相似文献   

Killer whales (Orcinus orca) have a global distribution, but many high‐latitude populations are not well studied. We provide a comprehensive review of the history and ecology of killer whales in the Canadian Arctic, for which there has previously been little information. We compiled a database of 450 sightings spanning over 15 decades (1850–2008) to document the historical occurrence, distribution, feeding ecology, and seasonality of killer whales observed throughout the region. Sighting reports per decade increased substantially since 1850 and were most frequent in the eastern Canadian Arctic. The mean reported group size was 8.3 (median = 4, range 1–100), but size varied significantly among regions and observed prey types. Observations of predation events indicate that Canadian Arctic killer whales prey upon other marine mammals. Monodontids were the most frequently observed prey items, followed by bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus), phocids, and groups of mixed mammal prey. No killer whale sightings occurred during winter, with sightings gradually increasing from early spring to a peak in summer, after which sightings gradually decreased. Our results suggest that killer whales are established, at least seasonally, throughout the Canadian Arctic, and we discuss potential ecological implications of increased presence with declining sea ice extent and duration.  相似文献   

To elucidate the role of gonadotropins-like substances in mud crab Scylla paramamosain, hemolymph samples were measured for concentrations of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and steroid hormones by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Hormonal concentration data were analyzed in association with the stages of gonadal development. ELISA has shown that in the female crab, the level of FSH reaches its peak in the early stage of ovary development, while estradiol and LH peaked during the late maturing stage of the ovary. In the male crab, testosterone and FSH culminated during the spermatid stage, and the level of LH peaked during the sperm stage. These results indicated that substances resembling the vertebrate FSH and LH are present in the hemolymph of S. paramamosain, and they may be involved in the development of the gonad.  相似文献   

Availability of preferred salmonid prey and a sufficiently quiet acoustic environment in which to forage are critical to the survival of resident killer whales (Orcinus orca) in the northeastern Pacific. Although piscivorous killer whales rely on echolocation to locate and track prey, the relationship between echolocation, movement, and prey capture during foraging by wild individuals is poorly understood. We used acoustic biologging tags to relate echolocation behavior to prey pursuit and capture during successful feeding dives by fish-eating killer whales in coastal British Columbia, Canada. The significantly higher incidence and rate of echolocation prior to fish captures compared to afterward confirms its importance in prey detection and tracking. Extremely rapid click sequences (buzzes) were produced before or concurrent with captures of salmon at depths typically exceeding 50 m, and were likely used by killer whales for close-range prey targeting, as in other odontocetes. Distinctive crunching and tearing sounds indicative of prey-handling behavior occurred at relatively shallow depths following fish captures, matching concurrent observations that whales surfaced with fish prior to consumption and often shared prey. Buzzes and prey-handling sounds are potentially useful acoustic signals for estimating foraging efficiency and determining if resident killer whales are meeting their energetic requirements.  相似文献   

Sympatric forms of ecologically distinctive killer whales (Orcinus orca) have been documented worldwide. This study focused on a new case of such sympatric occurrence of the “Crozet” type and the recently described “type D” killer whales off the Crozet Islands. The two ecotypes are morphologically and genetically distinct, but they both depredate the same local longline fishery. We used observational, photo‐identification, and fishing data, collected between 2003 and 2015, to examine differences in their patterns of depredation. Of the 828 sets where ecotype could be confirmed, type D killer whales interacted with 82 (11%) of the sets, including 9 (1%) sets that were simultaneously depredated by both ecotypes. Associations between the two types were never observed. Type D killer whales typically occurred in larger groups and both ecotypes preferentially depredated Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides). GLMM modeling revealed that the probability of type D depredation significantly increased throughout the study period, especially in deep waters, and photo‐identification data suggested that a subset of all individuals were habituating to depredation. This study documents the partitioning of resources between two distinct ecotypes of killer whales and provides preliminary insight into the feeding ecology of the rare type D killer whale.  相似文献   

Research was conducted to characterize seminal traits and to develop a sperm cryopreservation method using directional freezing (DF) for the killer whale (Orcinus orca). Experiments evaluated effects of: (i) freezing rate (SLOW, MED, FAST) by diluent (BF5F, Biladyl®, EYC) in 0.5 mL straws; and (ii) freezing method (straw or DF) by glycerol (3, 6, or 9% final concentration, v:v) on in vitro sperm quality. Fresh ejaculates (n = 161) were (mean ± SD) 7.8 ± 7.4 mL at 740 × 106 sperm/mL with 92.2 ± 6.3% total motility (TM), 85.4 ± 6.9% progressive motility (PM), 89.6 ± 9.0% viability and 89.8 ± 9.2% acrosome integrity. Samples frozen using straws by the MED or SLOW method were improved (P < 0.05) over FAST across all diluents. At 3 h post thaw (PT), TM, PM, Rapid motility (RM), VAP, VCL, ALH and viability for 3% and 6% glycerol were improved (P < 0.05) over 9% glycerol. Directional freezing samples at 0 h and 3 h PT, at all glycerol concentrations, displayed higher (P < 0.001) TM, PM, RM, VAP, VSL, VCL and viability /intact acrosomes (PI/FITC-PNA) than straw. These data provided the first information on ejaculate characteristics and the development of a semen cryopreservation method using DF in the killer whale.  相似文献   

We measured the concentration of steroid hormones from urine, feces, and blood samples of two captive Japanese macaques, Macaca fuscata, during nonconceptive ovarian cycles to compare the patterns of the excreted steroids with those of circulating steroids. Urine and feces were analyzed for estrone conjugates (E1C) and pregnanediol-3-glucronide (PdG) using enzyme immunoassays (EIAs), while plasma was analyzed for estradiol-17beta(E2), progesterone (P), and luteinizing hormone (LH) using radioimmunoassays (RIAs). Urinary and fecal E1C and PdG levels were approximately parallel to plasma E2 and P levels, respectively. The E1C profiles of daily urinary and fecal samples revealed a midcycle peak, followed by a sustained PdG increase lasting up to two weeks from the E1C peak. A fecal E1C peak was one day later than the urinary E1C peak. One of the captive females exhibited a discrete plasma LH peak, one indicator that ovulation has occurred, on the day following the urinary E1C peak, i.e., the same day of fecal E1C peak. We measured excreted steroids in nine wild females and determined the timing of ovulation by comparing fecal steroid profiles to those obtained in captive monkeys. Data from wild females indicated that eight of nine females conceived during their first ovulatory cycle of the sampling period, whereas the remaining female failed to conceive during the sampling period even though she ovulated. In the eight females that conceived, E1C increased again following the detected or estimated E1C peak, with levels comparable to the preovulatory peak levels, and sustained elevations of PdG for over 40 days. These data illustrate that the urinary and fecal profiles of ovarian steroid excretion obtained through the application of these noninvasive techniques provide an accurate approach for monitoring conceptive and nonconceptive ovarian cycle in captive and free-living Japanese macaques.  相似文献   

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