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One current version of the internalism/externalism debate in evolutionary theory focuses on the relative importance of developmental constraints in evolutionary explanation. The received view of developmental constraints sees them as an internalist concept that tend to be shared across related species as opposed to selective pressures that are not. Thus, to the extent that constraints can explain anything, they can better explain similarity across species, while natural selection is better able to explain their differences. I challenge both of these aspects of the received view and propose a hierarchical view of constraints.
Roger SansomEmail:

Autotomy of body parts offers various prey animals immediate benefits of survival in compensation for considerable costs. I found that a land snail Satsuma caliginosa of populations coexisting with a snail-eating snake Pareas iwasakii survived the snake predation by autotomizing its foot, whereas those out of the snake range rarely survived. Regeneration of a lost foot completed in a few weeks but imposed a delay of shell growth. Imprints of autotomy were found in greater than 10 per cent of S. caliginosa in the snake range but in only less than 1 per cent out of it, simultaneously demonstrating intense predation by the snakes and high efficiency of autotomy for surviving snake predation in the wild. However, in experiments, mature S. caliginosa performed autotomy less frequently. Instead of the costly autotomy, they can use defensive denticles on the inside of their shell apertures. Owing to the constraints from the additive growth of shells, most pulmonate snails can produce these denticles only when they have fully grown up. Thus, this developmental constraint limits the availability of the modified aperture, resulting in ontogenetic switching of the alternative defences. This study illustrates how costs of adaptation operate in the evolution of life-history strategies under developmental constraints  相似文献   

Fifteen functionally significant aspects of skull morphology were measured on skulls of 36 additional species of carnivores to complete a survey of skull shape in modern fissiped (land) carnivores that includes most of the living genera. The measurements were transformed to dimensionless variables based on the residuals from allometric equations, and were analysed singly and in a 10 variable principal components analysis. An initial study of 62 species of viverrids, canids, mustelids and felids had shown those families to be distinguished from each other by the functionally significant measurements. However, among the additional 36 species, some procyonids, ursids and mustelids display a range of diversity of skull morphology that overlaps that of the other families and diminishes the potential value of the measurements as taxonomic characters. Intraspecific variation is presented for 12 species, and is low enough to allow use of some features as species level diagnostic characters. The lack of correlation between diet and functionally significant aspects of skull morphology among omnivorous carnivores, and the absence of certain skull shapes among carnivores are discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship between the form and function of the skull has been the subject of a great deal of research, much of which has concentrated on the impact of feeding on skull shape. However, there are a number of other behaviours that can influence craniodental morphology. Previous work has shown that subterranean rodents that use their incisors to dig (chisel‐tooth digging) have a constrained cranial shape, which is probably driven by a necessity to create high bite forces at wide gapes. Chisel‐tooth‐digging rodents also have an upper incisor root that is displaced further back into the cranium compared with other rodents. This study quantified cranial shape and upper incisors of a phylogenetically diverse sample of rodents to determine if chisel‐tooth‐digging rodents differ in craniodental morphology. The study showed that the crania of chisel‐tooth‐digging rodents shared a similar place in morphospace, but a strong phylogenetic signal within the sample meant that this grouping was nonsignificant. It was also found that the curvature of the upper incisor in chisel‐tooth diggers was significantly larger than in other rodents. Interestingly, most subterranean rodents in the sample (both chisel‐tooth and scratch diggers) had upper incisors that were better able to resist bending than those of terrestrial rodents, presumably due to their similar diets of tough plant materials. Finally, the incisor variables and cranial shape were not found to covary consistently in this sample, highlighting the complex relationship between a species’ evolutionary history and functional morphology.  相似文献   

Here, we advance novel uses of allometric spaces--multidimensional spaces specifically defined by allometric coefficients--with the goal of investigating the focal role of development in shaping the evolution of morphological disparity. From their examination, operational measures of allometric disparity can be derived, complementing standard signals of morphological disparity through an intuitive and process-oriented refinement of established analytical protocols used in disparity studies. Allometric spaces thereby become a promising context to reveal different patterns of evolutionary developmental changes and to assess their relative prevalence and importance. Such spaces offer a novel domain of investigation of phenotypic variation and should help in detecting large-scale trends, thus placing various macroevolutionary phenomena in an explicitly developmental context. Ammonoidea (Cephalopoda) at the Lower-Middle Jurassic transition were chosen as a case study to illustrate this methodological approach. We constructed two phenotypic spaces: a static, adult one (adult morphospace) and a dynamic, developmental one (allometric space). Comparative disparity analyses show a strikingly stable occupation in both spaces, despite extensive change in taxonomic composition. In contrast, disparity analyses of subclades reveal clearly distinct morphological and allometric disparity dynamics. Allometric approaches allow developmental insights into morphological diversification otherwise intractable from the analysis of adult morphospace alone.  相似文献   

The absence of a paternal contribution in an unfertilized ovum presents two developmental constraints against the evolution of parthenogenesis. We discuss the constraint caused by the absence of a centrosome and the one caused by the missing set of chromosomes and how they have been broken in specific taxa. They are examples of only a few well‐underpinned examples of developmental constraints acting at macro‐evolutionary scales in animals. Breaking of the constraint of the missing chromosomes is the best understood and generally involves rare occasions of drastic changes of meiosis. These drastic changes can be best explained by having been induced, or at least facilitated, by sudden cytological events (e.g., repeated rounds of hybridization, endosymbiont infections, and contagious infections). Once the genetic and developmental machinery is in place for regular or obligate parthenogenesis, shifts to other types of parthenogenesis can apparently rather easily evolve, for example, from facultative to obligate parthenogenesis, or from pseudoarrhenotoky to haplodiploidy. We argue that the combination of the two developmental constraints forms a near‐absolute barrier against the gradual evolution from sporadic to obligate or regular facultative parthenogenesis, which can probably explain why the occurrence of the highly advantageous mode of regular facultative parthenogenesis is so rare and entirely absent in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Ecological constraints on the evolution of avian brains   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Birds have brains that are comparable in size to those of mammals. However, variation in relative avian brain size is greater in birds. Thus, birds are ideal subjects for comparative studies on the ecological and behavioral influences on the evolution of the brain and its components. Previous studies of ecological or behavioral correlates in relative brain size were mainly based on gross comparisons between higher taxa or focussed on the relationships between the sizes of specific brain structures and the complexity of different tasks. Here we examine variation in dimensions of the braincase, relative overall brain size and size of its components, in reference to one general ecological and behavioral task: migration. We used data from three lineages of closely related species (14 Acrocephalines, 17 Sylvia and 49 parulid warblers). Within each group, species vary in their migratory tendencies. We found that species migrating long distances have lower skulls and smaller forebrains than resident species. We discuss four hypotheses that could explain smaller forebrain sizes, and suggest relevant taxa to use in comparative analyses to examine each of these hypotheses:
–  Brain size is energetically constrained. Contrasts can be made not only between migrants and residents, but also between birds in habitats with high and low levels of available food.
–  Brain size is developmentally constrained; birds with short growing periods should have smaller forebrains. Comparisons need to be made between birds living in habitats with long and short breeding seasons.
–  Bill adaptations for foraging constrain braincase dimensions. Further analyses would need to be done on groups with high variation in bill dimensions and foraging modes.
–  Birds with small brains have to migrate to compensate for low behavioral flexibility. Contrasts between members of families containing tropical residents and migrants need to be made.
We also raise the question of whether only those parts of the brain are reduced that are most dispensable and whether brain size reduction limits foraging skills and social competence.Communicated by F. Bairlein  相似文献   

Tooth number in rodents is an example of reduction in evolution. All rodents have a toothless diastema lacking canine and most premolars present in most other mammals. Whereas some rodent lineages retained one premolar (p4), many others lost it during evolution. Recently, an 'inhibitory cascade' developmental model (IC) has been used to predict how the first molar (m1) influences the number and relative sizes of the following distal molars (m2 and m3). The model does not, however, consider the presence of premolars, and here we examine whether the premolar could influence and constrain molar proportions during development and evolution. By investigating a large data set of both extinct and extant rodent families over more than 40 million years, we show that the basal phenotype is characterized by the presence of premolars together with equally sized molars. More recent rodent families, with and without premolar, show more unequal molar sizes. Analysing molar areas, we demonstrated that (i) rodents harbour almost all the molar proportions known in mammals, and the IC model can explain about 80% of taxa in our data set; (ii) proportions of molars are influenced by the presence or absence of p4; and (iii) the most variable teeth in the dental row are m1 and m3, whether p4 is present or not. Moreover, m1 can represent up to half of the total molar area when p4 is absent. We hypothesize that p4 loss during evolution released the constraint on m1 development, resulting in a more variable size of m1 and thereby having an indirect effect on the evolution of the whole molar row.  相似文献   

To exam whether the temperature experienced by fishes at early developmental stages can influence their phenotype at subsequent stages, the model species used, European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax was subjected to water temperatures of 15 or 20° C during the half-epiboly stage until the metamorphosis. Meristic and morphometric characters at three different stages, well after the end of the thermal treatments, were explored. Body shape and most of the meristic characters were significantly affected by the environmental temperature during their early life stages. Fish body shape at 15° C tended to be more slender than at 20° C. The dorsal spines and soft rays, the pectoral lepidotrichia and caudal dermatotrichia were significantly affected. Phenotypic differences due to the two thermal regimes are discussed in terms of their functional meaning during the transition from the planktonic to the littoral niche.  相似文献   

Genome size and developmental complexity   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Gregory TR 《Genetica》2002,115(1):131-146
Haploid genome size (C-value) is correlated positively with cell size, and negatively with cell division rate, in a variety of taxa. Because these associations are causative, genome size has the potential to impact (and in turn, be influenced by) organism-level characters affected by variation in either of these cell-level parameters. One such organismal feature is development. Developmental rate, in particular, has been associated with genome size in numerous plant, vertebrate, and invertebrate groups. However, rate is only one side of the developmental coin; the other important component is complexity. When developmental complexity is held essentially constant, as among many plants, developmental rate is the visibly relevant parameter. In this case, genome size can impose thresholds on developmental lifestyle (and vice versa), as among annual versus perennial plants. When developmental rate is constrained (as during time-limited amphibian metamorphosis), complexity becomes the notable variable. An appreciation for this rate-complexity interaction has so far been lacking, but is essential for an understanding of the relationships between genome size and development. Moreover, such an expanded view may help to explain patterns of variation in taxa as diverse as insects and fish. In each case, a hierarchical approach is necessary which recognizes the complex interaction of evolutionary processes operating at several levels of biological organization.  相似文献   

This study tests the relative efficacy of human cranial modules, defined on the basis of developmental and functional criteria, for reconstructing neutral genetic population history. Specifically, two hypotheses were tested: 1) The "basicranial hypothesis" predicts that the endochondrally ossifying basicranium will be more reliable for reconstructing population history than intramembranously ossifying regions of the human cranium. This is based on the assumption that early ossification of the basicranium and its distinct functional constraints produce a cranial structure that is relatively immune to non-neutral evolutionary forces. 2) The "single function hypothesis" predicts that cranial regions associated with a single (sensory) function are less reliable indicators of neutral genetic history. Here the prediction is based on the logic that complex, multi-functional, integrated cranial regions are less likely toexhibit homoplasy and, therefore, provide a more accurate morphological proxy for genetic relationships. The congruence between craniometric affinity matrices and neutral genetic population matrices based on autosomal microsatellite and classical markers was assessed using a series of Mantel and Dow-Cheverud tests. The results did not support the predictions of the "basicranial hypothesis," as the endochondrally ossifying basicranium was not significantly more congruent with the genetic data than intramembraneously ossifying modules. Moreover, although the results provided some support for the "single function hypothesis," defining cranial modules on the basis of anatomical or functional complexity did not provide a consistent means of predicting their phylogenetic efficacy. These results have important implications for building an accurate inference model of cranial evolution in the human fossil record.  相似文献   

Tetrapod limb development has been studied extensively for decades, yet the strength and role of developmental constraints in this process remains unresolved. Mammals exhibit a particularly wide array of limb morphologies associated with various locomotion modes and behaviors, providing a useful system for identifying periods of developmental constraint and conserved developmental mechanisms or morphologies. In this study, landmark‐based geometric morphometrics are used to investigate levels and patterns of morphological diversity (disparity) among the developing forelimbs of four mammals with diverse limb morphologies: mice, opossums, horses, and pigs. Results indicate that disparity among the forelimbs of these species slightly decreases or stays the same from the appearance of the limb ridge to the bud stage, and increases dramatically from the paddle through tissue regression stages. Heterochrony exhibited by the precocial opossum limb was not found to drive these patterns of morphological disparity, suggesting that the low disparity of the middle stages of limb development (e.g., paddle stage) is driven by processes operating within the limb and is likely not a result of embryo‐wide constraint.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic allometry, how species change with size through their lives, and heterochony, a decoupling between shape, size, and age, are major contributors to biological diversity. However, macroevolutionary allometric and heterochronic trends remain poorly understood because previous studies have focused on small groups of closely related species. Here, we focus on testing hypotheses about the evolution of allometry and how allometry and heterochrony drive morphological diversification at the level of an entire species‐rich and diverse clade. Pythons are a useful system due to their remarkably diverse and well‐adapted phenotypes and extreme size disparity. We collected detailed phenotype data on 40 of the 44 species of python from 1191 specimens. We used a suite of analyses to test for shifts in allometric trajectories that modify morphological diversity. Heterochrony is the main driver of initial divergence within python clades, and shifts in the slopes of allometric trajectories make exploration of novel phenotypes possible later in divergence history. We found that allometric coefficients are highly evolvable and there is an association between ontogenetic allometry and ecology, suggesting that allometry is both labile and adaptive rather than a constraint on possible phenotypes.  相似文献   

The evolution of body size, the paired phenomena of giantism and dwarfism, has long been studied by biologists and paleontologists. However, detailed investigations devoted to the study of the evolution of ontogenetic patterns shaping giant species are scarce. The damselfishes of the genus Dascyllus appear as an excellent model for such a study. Their well understood phylogeny reveals that large‐bodied species have evolved in two different clades. Geometric morphometric methods were used to compare the ontogenetic trajectories of the neurocranium and the mandible in both small‐bodied (Dascyllus aruanus and Dascyllus carneus; maximum size: 50–65 mm standard length) and giant (Dascyllus trimaculatus and Dascyllus flavicaudus; maximum size: 90–110 mm standard length) Dascyllus species. At their respective maximum body size, the neurocranium of the giant species is significantly shorter and have a higher supraoccipital crest relative to the small‐bodied species, whereas mandible shape variation is more limited and is not related to the ‘giant’ trait. The hypothesis of ontogenetic scaling whereby the giant species evolved by extending the allometric trajectory of the small‐bodied ones (i.e. hypermorphosis) is rejected. Instead, the allometric trajectories vary among species by lateral transpositions. The rate of shape changes and the type of lateral transposition also differ according to the skeletal unit among Dascyllus species. Differences seen between the two giant species in the present study demonstrate that giant species may appear by varied alterations of the ancestor allometric pattern. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 99–117.  相似文献   

Molecular data suggest that humans are more closely related to chimpanzees than either is to the gorillas, yet one finds the closest similarity in craniofacial morphology to be among the great apes to the exclusion of humans. To clarify how and when these differences arise in ontogeny, we studied ontogenetic trajectories for Homo sapiens, Pan paniscus, Pan troglodytes, Gorilla gorilla and Pongo pygmaeus. A total of 96 traditional three-dimensional landmarks and semilandmarks on the face and cranial base were collected on 268 adult and sub-adult crania for a geometric morphometric analysis. The ontogenetic trajectories are compared by various techniques, including a new method, relative warps in size-shape space. We find that adult Homo sapiens specimens are clearly separated from the great apes in shape space and size-shape space. Around birth, Homo sapiens infants are already markedly different from the great apes, which overlap at this age but diverge among themselves postnatally. The results suggest that the small genetic differences between Homo and Pan affect early human ontogeny to induce the distinct adult human craniofacial morphology. Pure heterochrony does not sufficiently explain the human craniofacial morphology nor the differences among the African apes.  相似文献   

Neurocranial expansion and mastication are commonly implicated as the two major biomechanical factors affecting suture morphology. In deer the antlers provide an additional source of biomechanical stress acting on the skull. Equivalent stresses are not found in females, who lack antlers. We analyzed the complexity and interdigitation of the interfrontal and coronal sutures that surround the antler-bearing frontal bones of (n = 67) white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) to 1) evaluate changes in suture morphology throughout ontogeny, and 2) test the hypothesis that male deer have more complex sutures than females. Two methods were used to quantify suture morphology: fractal analysis and length-ratios (actual suture length divided by direct straightline length). Both techniques produced similar results, although the two methods cannot be considered equivalent. Suture complexity increases markedly throughout ontogeny, but appears to level off after animals have reached adulthood. Cranial size in males, but not females, continues to increase in adults. No significant increase in suture complexity with age in the adult cohort was detected. While deer are highly dimorphic in size and the presence of antlers, no significant differences existed between males and females for any measure of suture complexity. No consistent patterns emerged between suture complexity and skull size or antler characteristics. The presence of antlers appears to have a minimal effect on suture complexity in white-tailed deer. Factors that may contribute to the lack of dimorphism in suture complexity are discussed.  相似文献   

Mitigating methane losses from cattle has economic as well as environmental benefits. The aim of this paper is to review the current approaches in relation to associated advantages and disadvantages and future options to reduce enteric methane emission from cattle. Current technologies can be broadly grouped into those that increase productivity of the animal (improved nutrition strategies) so that less methane is produced per unit of meat or milk, and those that directly modify the rumen fermentation so that less methane is produced in total. Data suggest that many of these practices are not appropriate for long term mitigation of methane emissions in ruminants because of their constraints. So it is necessity to develop long term strategies in suppressing methane production. An integrated research investigating animal, plant, microbe and nutrient level strategies would offer a long term solution of methane production. Genetic selection of animals, vaccination, probiotics, prebiotics and plant improvement are the most promising options of all the future approaches discussed. These approaches will reduce enteric methane production without any hazard to animal or environment.  相似文献   

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