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Progesterone receptors, both nuclear and cytosolic, were determined in the embryonic and inter-embryonic segments of the rabbit uterus at 6, 7 and 8 daypost-coitum. At day6 postcoitum a higher concentration of nuclear receptor in the embryonic segment was observed compared with that in the inter-embryonic segment. A reverse situation was observed in the case of cytoplasmic receptors. On the 7th daypost-coitum, no significant alteration in the concentration of either kind of the receptors was observed. However, on day 8, a higher concentration of both nuclear and cytosolic receptors at the embryonic site was observed compared to that in inter-embryonic segment. Since receptors are influenced only in the immediate vicinity of the blastocyst, it can be suggested that the blastocyst plays a role in the induction of its own implantation. Further, at day 8 increase in receptor concentration at the embryonic site may be related to the presence of decidual tissue at this site. CDRI Communication no. 2741.  相似文献   

We characterized the expression pattern of progesterone receptor (PR) in two regions of the oviduct (ampullae and isthmus), and the uterus (epithelium and stroma) of the rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) during early pregnancy (1-4 days) by RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry. We observed a significant increase in the expression of PR at mRNA level in the uterus on days 1 and 2 of pregnancy, followed by a decrease on days 3 and 4. These changes were also observed at protein level in the uterine epithelium. Interestingly, PR immunoreactivity decreased in stromal cells in all days of pregnancy as compared with non-pregnant rabbits (NG). In the isthmus PR mRNA expression significantly increased on day 2 of pregnancy and diminished on days 3 and 4, whereas no significant changes were observed in the ampullae. In epithelial and stromal cells of the isthmus, PR immunostaining was reduced through pregnancy as compared with NG group. In contrast, a reduction in PR immunostaining was observed on days 1-3 with an increase on day 4 in epithelial and stromal cells of the ampullae. The overall results suggest that PR exhibit a differential expression pattern in the oviduct and the uterus during early pregnancy of the rabbit, and that these differences are related to different functions of PR in the reproductive tract during early pregnancy.  相似文献   

The human testicular receptor 2 (TR2) and TR4 orphan receptors are two evolutionarily related proteins belonging to the nuclear receptor superfamily. Numerous TR2 and TR4 variants and homologs have been identified from different species, including vertebrates (e.g. human, murine, rabbit, fish, and amphibian) and invertebrates (e.g. Drosophila, sea urchin, and nematode) since TR2 was initially isolated over a decade ago. Specific tissue distribution, genomic organization, and chromosomal assignment of both orphan receptors have been investigated. In order to reveal the physiological functions played by both TR2 and TR4, upstream modulators of TR2 and TR4 gene expression, their downstream target gene regulation, feedback mechanisms, and differential modulation mediated by the recruitment of other nuclear receptors and coregulators have been investigated. Studies summarized in the present report have provided unexpected insights into the TR2 and TR4 functions in a variety of biological processes. The essential and difficult tasks of identifying orphan receptor ligands, agonist/antagonist assignment, their physiological functions, and mechanisms of action will continue to challenge nuclear receptor researchers in the future.  相似文献   

Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) has been shown to play an important role in the implantation of mouse blastocysts. The present study was designed to document the appearance of LIF in the rabbit uterus during early pregnancy and to determine whether changes just prior to implantation, similar to those in mice, occurred. LIF was localized in endometrial epithelium, myometrium, and endometrial glands. A low level of LIF was detected in the uterus of nonestrous and estrous females. LIF expression reached its highest level on day 5 of pregnancy and declined on days 6 and 7. By day 13 of pregnancy, little endometrial LIF was apparent. The expression of LIF on day 5 of pseudopregnancy was similar to that on day 5 of pregnancy. LIF expression was much higher at implantation sites than that at nonimplantation areas on day 7 of pregnancy. It is concluded that LIF may be important for the implantation of rabbit blastocysts. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In vitro binding affinities of various progestins to cytosol and nuclear progesterone receptors of rabbit uterus were determined and correlated with the biological potency of these steroids. In addition, cytosol and nuclear progesterone receptor levels were measured after a 5-day administration of different progestins (0.5 mg/kg daily) with variable biologic activites. The receptor levels were compared with the bilological response; the induction of uteroglobin synthesis. Cytosol and nuclear progesterone receptors had identical steroid binding properties (r = 0.98). The correlation between the in vitro binding affinity (cytosol or nuclear) and the in vivo biologic activity of the steroids was good (r = 0.73). After a 5-day treatment with progestins, the nuclear receptor concentration correlated in an inverse manner (r = ?0.84) with the uterine fluid unteroglobin concentration. A similar, but slightly weaker correlation (r = ?0.81) was also found for the cytosol receptor content and uteroglobin secretion. These data indicate that not only nuclear, but also cytosol progesterone receptor levels decrease in the rabbit uterus during chronic hormone action. Decline in the nuclear progesterone receptor content seemed to occur during treatment with all progestational steroids, while onlyi progestins with high biological potency were capable of decreasing the cytosol receptor content.  相似文献   

The role of steroid hormone receptors in very early embryonic development remains unknown. Clearly, expression during organogenesis is important for tissue-specific development. However, progesterone receptor (PR) and estrogen receptors (ERalpha, ERbeta) are expressed during early development through the blastocyst stage in mice and other species, and yet are not essential for embryonic viability. We have utilized the mouse embryonic stem (mES) cell model to investigate the regulated expression of these receptors during differentiation. Surprisingly, one of the earliest changes in gene expression in response to a differentiation signal observed is PR gene induction. It parallels the time course of expression for the patterning genes Hoxb1 and Hoxa5. Unexpectedly, PR gene expression is not regulated in an estrogen-dependent manner by endogenous ERs or by transiently overexpressed ERalpha. Our results suggest a potentially novel mechanism of PR gene regulation within mES cells compared to adult tissues and the possibility of unique targets of PR action during early mES cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Uterine cytosol and nuclear receptors were measured at various time intervals after one dose or two consecutive doses of progesterone and the receptor values compared with the course of induction of uteroglobin, a progesterone-regulated uterine protein. The data of this study suggest (i) that progesterone action involves receptor consumption and (ii) that in the rabbit uterus the biologic response is not a direct function of available cytosol or nuclear receptor sites.  相似文献   

Summary Uteroglobin, labelled with N-succinimidyl-(2–33H)-propionate, was applied in vivo for 3 h to pregnant rabbit uteri 7 and 9 days after mating. Light- and electronmicroscopic autoradiographs showed that the endometrial epithelium, both ciliated and non-ciliated cells, is able to take up3H-uteroglobin, however, with differing intensity. Large areas of labelling were found in the luminal epithelium, whereas the glandular epithelium contained fewer silver grains. Moreover, intensively labelled single cells or symplasms occurred in both luminal and glandular epithelium. They were identified as degenerating or dead cells. After internalization by pinocytosis or phagocytosis, the tritiated uteroglobin was observed in multivesicular bodies or in lysosomes with floccular content. Later, radioactivity was either found within residual bodies or distributed throughout the entire epithelium and the subepithelial stroma, i.e., the silver grains could no longer be assigned to specific cell organelles.  相似文献   

We have compared the biosynthesis of secretory proteins in rabbit cauda epididymidis maintained for 15 days at abdominal temperature with that of the scrotal cauda. Explants from both situations were incubated in vitro in the presence of [35S] methionine, and the labelled proteins released into the incubation medium were analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Body temperature specifically inhibited the synthesis of at least two polypeptides of 43 kDa and 21 kDa (designated EP21), whereas the synthesis of polypeptides of 80, 39, 31, and 24 kDa was increased. These changes resembled those produced by castration, but androgen treatment was not able to reverse the effect of body temperature. To confirm these observations, poly (A)+ RNA from the scrotal and the abdominal cauda respectively, was translated in vitro and the synthesized products were immunoprecipi-tated with an antibody against EP21 polypeptide. Both castration and body temperature strongly decreased the concentration of EP21 mRNA. In vivo testosterone administration restored the content of EP21 mRNA in cauda from castrated animals, but not in cauda maintained at body temperature. The changes observed might be related to the adverse effect of body temperature on sperm storage in the cauda epididymidis. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Synthetic progestins are used by millions of women as contraceptives and in hormone replacement therapy (HRT), although their molecular mechanisms of action are not well understood. The importance of investigating these mechanisms, as compared to those of progesterone, has been highlighted by clinical evidence showing that medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA), a first generation progestin, increases the risk of breast cancer and coronary heart disease in HRT users. A diverse range of later generation progestins with varying structures and pharmacological properties is available for therapeutic use and it is becoming clear that different progestins elicit beneficial and adverse effects to different extents. These differences in biological activity are likely to be due to many factors including variations in dose, metabolism, pharmacokinetics, bioavailability, and regulation of, and/or binding, to serum-binding proteins and steroidogenic enzymes. Since the intracellular effects on gene expression and cell signaling of steroids are mediated via intracellular steroid receptors, differential actions via the progesterone and other steroid receptors and their isoforms, are likely to be the major cause of differential intracellular actions of progestins. Since many progestins bind not only to the progesterone receptor, but also to the glucocorticoid, androgen, mineralocorticoid, and possibly the estrogen receptors, it is plausible that synthetic progestins exert therapeutic actions as well as side-effects via some of these receptors. Here we review the molecular mechanisms of intracellular actions of old (MPA, norethisterone, levonorgestrel, gestodene) vs. new (drospirenone, dienogest, trimegestone) generation progestins, via steroid receptors.  相似文献   

利用免疫组织化学及RT—PCR的方法,研究了细胞周期蛋白D3(Cyclin D3)在兔早期妊娠子宫和着床前胚胎中的表达情况,以揭示CyclinD3在兔胚胎着床过程中的可能作用。结果显示:(1)在兔妊娠第3~8天的子宫近肌层的腺上皮中有CyclinD3免疫染色,并且其表达强度在第7天以后呈现下降的趋势,着床的胚胎中未见CyclinD3免疫染色;(2)在第2~5天的假孕兔子宫的腺上皮中有较强的CyclinD3免疫染色;(3)在发情周期的兔子宫中未见其有表达;(4)在切除卵巢的兔中,注射雌激素后子宫中未见CyclinD3免疫染色,注射孕酮后在子宫腺上皮中有CyclinD3免疫染色,在孕酮和雌激素共同处理后的子宫腺上皮中有较强的CyclinD3免疫染色;(5)利用RT—PCR的方法在早期胚胎中均能检测到CyclinD3,但从胚泡期开始表达上升,到扩展胚泡时其表达最强。上述结果表明,CyclinD3的表达可能对兔胚泡的着床具有一定的调节作用。  相似文献   

Primiparous female rabbits have high nutritional requirements and, while it is recommended that they are subjected to an extensive reproductive rhythm, this could lead to overweight, affecting reproductive outcomes. We hypothesised that restricting food intake during the less energetic period of gestation could improve reproductive outcome without impairing offspring viability. This study compares two groups of primiparous rabbit does in an extensive reproductive programme, one in which feed was restricted from Day 0 to Day 21 of gestation (R021), and another in which does were fed ad libitum (control) throughout pregnancy. The mother and offspring variables compared were (1) mother reproductive outcomes at the time points pre-implantation (Day 3 postartificial insemination [AI]), preterm (Day 28 post-AI) and birth; and (2) the prenatal offspring characteristic IGF system gene expression in foetal liver, liver fibrosis and foetus sex ratio, and postnatal factor viability and growth at birth, and survival and growth until weaning. Feed restriction did not affect the conception rate, embryo survival, or the number of morulae and blastocysts recovered at Day 3 post-AI. Preterm placenta size and efficiency were similar in the two groups. However, both implantation rate (P < 0.001) and the number of foetuses (P = 0.05) were higher in the R021 mothers than controls, while there was no difference in foetal viability. Foetal size and weight, the weights of most organs, organ weight/BW ratios and sex ratio were unaffected by feed restriction; these variables were only affected by uterine position (P < 0.05). Conversely, in the R021 does, foetal liver IGBP1 and IGF2 gene expression were dysregulated despite no liver fibrosis and a normal liver structure. No effects of restricted feed intake were produced on maternal fertility, prolificacy, or offspring birth weight, but control females weaned more kits. Litter weight and mortality rate during the lactation period were also unaffected. In conclusion, pre-implantation events and foetal development were unaffected by feed restriction. While some genes of the foetal hepatic IGF system were dysregulated during pregnancy, liver morphology appeared normal, and the growth of foetuses and kits until weaning was unmodified. This strategy of feed restriction in extensive reproductive rhythms seems to have no significant adverse effects on dam reproductive outcome or offspring growth and viability until weaning.  相似文献   

Endometrial cell death during early pregnancy in the rat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In a study of early pregnancy in the rat, a high proportion of morphologically apoptotic, TUNEL and P2X7 positive cells were found to be present in the luminal epithelium and stroma prior to implantation. At the time of implantation on Day 6, apoptosis as measured by these indicators was reduced up to 4-fold in the non-implantation uterine epithelium but was markedly increased adjacent to the implanting blastocyst. It is proposed that apoptotic cell death is an important regulatory factor involved in uterine remodelling prior to and during implantation.  相似文献   

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