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一株广谱抑菌活性乳酸菌的筛选及特性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
【目的】从贵州剑河采集的传统自然发酵豆酱中分离筛选具有广谱抑菌效果的乳酸菌,并进行肠道益生特性的研究。【方法】通过抑菌试验分离筛选得到菌株DJ-04,对其进行人工胃肠液耐受性、胆盐耐受性和渗透压耐受性的研究,并对其进行生理生化鉴定和16S r RNA鉴定。【结果】菌株DJ-04对大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、志贺氏菌和铜绿假单胞菌的生长有很好的抑制作用;在p H值为2.5的人工胃液中处理3 h活菌数达到107 CFU/m L以上;在人工肠液中处理3 h活菌数达到108 CFU/m L以上,对人工胃肠液表现出良好的耐受性。能耐受一定浓度的牛胆盐,在质量浓度0.2 g/100 m L的牛胆盐环境中活菌数可达到107 CFU/m L;具有较高的渗透压耐受能力,在Na Cl质量浓度为10 g/100 m L的液体MRS中培养24 h后,活菌数仍在107 CFU/m L以上。经鉴定,DJ-04为植物乳杆菌。【结论】植物乳杆菌DJ-04具有良好的人工胃肠液耐受性以及耐胆盐和耐渗透压能力,具有肠道益生菌的潜能。  相似文献   

益生菌拮抗阪崎肠杆菌的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的研究鼠李糖乳杆菌和植物乳杆菌等8种常见益生菌对阪崎肠杆菌的拮抗作用。方法采用牛津杯法测定益生菌耗尽上清对阪崎肠杆菌的抑菌圈,获得对阪崎肠杆菌具有较强抑菌能力的鼠李糖乳杆菌和植物乳杆菌;采用混合培养法对2株益生菌与阪崎肠杆菌的拮抗竞争能力进行测试。结果 8种益生菌耗尽上清均能抑制阪崎肠杆菌,其抑菌能力具有热稳定性且依赖于酸性pH环境。阪崎肠杆菌(107CFU/mL)与鼠李糖乳杆菌(108CFU/mL或109CFU/mL)共孵育至24 h,其活菌量开始逐渐下降,至120 h孵育结束下降到105CFU/mL;菌量比为1:10的阪崎肠杆菌与植物乳杆菌共孵育至24 h,其活菌量开始逐渐下降,菌量比为1:100时则提前至8 h,至120 h孵育结束活菌量均下降到102CFU/mL。结论鼠李糖乳杆菌和植物乳杆菌均能有效地竞争拮抗阪崎肠杆菌。  相似文献   

植物乳杆菌(Lactobacillus plantarum)PUM1785是从潜在多重耐药患者的新鲜粪便标本中分离得到的1株具有良好生物学活性的乳酸菌,为了进一步研究其生物学特性和功能,对其进行全基因组测序并解析基因组序列信息及功能。利用Illumina HiSeq平台对植物乳杆菌PUM1785进行全基因组测序,利用相关生物信息学软件对原始数据进行组装及其后续的功能注释、次级代谢产物合成基因簇、致病性及分子进化分析。植物乳杆菌PUM1785基因组全长3 128 032 bp,GC含量44.56%;基因组特征显示其具有高碳水化合物代谢能力以及强抑菌和耐受活性,毒力因子主要表现为黏附和抵抗宿主免疫防御系统作用,属无致病性的毒力减弱型菌株。植物乳杆菌PUM1785能够黏附于宿主细胞,产生抗性蛋白和毒力因子,保护自身不受机体免疫防御的清除和破坏,能够在肠道内稳定定殖,适合作为微生态制剂或功能性食品生产菌株。  相似文献   

模拟人体胃肠道环境筛选益生乳杆菌   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
【目的】筛选具有益生特性的乳杆菌作为保健型酸奶的候选菌株。【方法】从健康人肠道和奶豆腐中分离筛选出耐受人工胃液的乳杆菌,对其进行体外益生特性(人工胃肠液耐受性、胆盐耐受性、抑菌活性及胆固醇降解能力)研究。【结果】从在乳杆菌分离培养基上有溶钙圈的41株菌株中筛选出5株耐酸、耐人工胃液较强的菌株,经16S rR NA基因测序鉴定,其中3株为乳杆菌,分别命名为植物乳杆菌Lp MT-3、植物乳杆菌Lp MT-5和唾液乳杆菌LsA F-7。在人工胃液中3株菌的耐受力均强于商品化的对照菌株LGG(鼠李糖乳杆菌GG);转入肠液4 h后直至26 h,Lp MT-5存活率基本稳定在45%左右,仅次于LGG。胆盐浓度为0.10%时,3株乳杆菌的耐胆盐能力均强于LGG;胆盐浓度为0.20%时,Lp MT-3和LsA F-7仍能存活。3株乳杆菌均具有抑菌活性,对粪肠球菌的抑制最明显,其次是金黄色葡萄球菌,对大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌的抑制作用较差。3株乳杆菌对胆固醇的清除效力依次为Lp MT-3LpM T-5Ls AF-7;清除率依次为Ls AF-7Lp MT-3LpM T-5。【结论】筛选出3株适应人体胃肠液环境、耐胆盐、抑菌及降胆固醇活力强的乳杆菌,可作为进一步开发新的益生菌产品和保健型酸奶的菌株。  相似文献   

【目的】解析健康新生婴儿胎便中植物乳杆菌HLPL03的益生功能,评价其环境耐受性及代谢功能低聚糖的生物学活性。【方法】通过耐受胃肠道条件、过氧化氢和抗生素试验,评估植物乳杆菌HLPL03对极端环境的耐受性;利用改良培养基,评价植物乳杆菌HLPL03代谢功能低聚糖的能力;同时,探究功能低聚糖对植物乳杆菌HLPL03抑菌活性、疏水性和黏附能力的影响。【结果】植物乳杆菌HLPL03在pH 2.5条件下培养3 h后,活菌数仍在104 CFU/mL以上;在0.30%胆盐中培养6 h后,活菌数接近107 CFU/mL;在1.0 mmol/L H2O2强氧化剂条件下培养6 h,活菌数显著升高(P<0.001);除低聚木糖外,植物乳杆菌HLPL03能代谢多种功能低聚糖,并对常见食源性致病菌具有较强的抑制能力;棉子糖是改善植物乳杆菌HLPL03生物学活性的最佳低聚糖,其能提高菌株表面疏水性达36.1%,且促进菌株在Caco-2细胞上的黏附率由16.78%提高至42.11%。【结论】健康新生婴儿源植物乳杆菌HLPL03具有良好的抗环境胁迫能力,且其生物学活性能被棉子糖等功能低聚糖有效促进,可作为特色乳酸菌进行研究和开发。  相似文献   

【背景】乳酸菌和芽孢杆菌是应用于生产最多的益生菌,但不同菌株间的生长特性均不相同,因此了解菌株的生物学特性具有重要意义。【目的】研究菌株的生物学特性,能合理地开发和利用菌株,以保证菌株生产应用的安全性。【方法】活化后鉴定5株乳酸菌和3株芽孢杆菌并对其形态进行观察,探究菌株的生长曲线、产酸能力及最适生长条件,测定菌株的抑菌活性和产酶性能,同时探究菌株的益生性和安全性。【结果】五株乳酸菌分别编号鉴定为干酪乳杆菌R1、副干酪乳杆菌R2、香肠乳杆菌R3、福莱乳杆菌R4和唾液乳杆菌R5;3株芽孢杆菌分别编号命名为贝莱斯芽孢杆菌Y1、枯草芽孢杆菌Y2和地衣芽孢杆菌Y3。八株菌形态结构均不相同但都为杆状,均在2–10 h为对数生长期,18–24 h为稳定期,培养24 h时乳酸菌和芽孢杆菌的活菌数均保持在109和108 CFU/mL,最适生长温度为37.0℃。乳酸菌具有较强的产酸能力和抑菌活性,芽孢杆菌有较强的产酶性,在人工胃液中都有较强的耐受性。八株菌都无溶血活性、无毒力基因、对抗生素都保持中度敏感以上;其中唾液乳杆菌有四环素耐药基因,但对四环素抗性为中度敏感。【结论】八株菌生长繁殖速度快,乳酸菌产酸能力和抑菌活性较强,芽孢杆菌具有较强的产酶性能,在体外具有较好的益生性和安全性,可应用于生产实践。  相似文献   

目的通过对一株植物乳杆菌代谢产物的抑菌作用以及该产物的某些物理特性的研究,为进一步发现可替代现有抗生素的抗菌物质奠定基础。方法首先利用低温离心和超滤法对植物乳杆菌培养后的上清液进行初步提取,用打孔法行抑菌试验,明确其对铜绿假单胞菌、大肠埃希菌、肺炎克雷伯菌和金黄色葡萄球菌等临床分离菌株的抑菌活性;并进一步经加热、调整pH及过氧化氢酶等处理上清液后,再验证其活性变化。结果植物乳杆菌的培养上清液对铜绿假单胞菌等多株临床分离菌株均具有一定的抑菌活性,且以pH在6以内时该物质抑菌活性较好,过氧化氢酶处理后或加热至100℃、30min,上清液的抑菌活性依然存在。结论在植物乳杆菌的培养上清液中存在着具有抑菌活性的物质,对从临床标本所分离的部分革兰阴性菌及革兰阳性菌有抑菌作用,该物质对热耐受,其活性受pH变化的影响。  相似文献   

目的以Lactobacillus plantarum SQ-2506为目标,研究该菌株的发酵、冻干工艺及其益生特性。方法通过对培养基中C源、N源和刺激因子的浓度改变考察对活菌数的影响,从而确定培养基的最佳配方;在确定最佳培养基后做出该菌的生长曲线以确定最佳发酵时间点;同时考察冻干保护剂的配方和预冷时间对菌粉活菌数的影响;此外,对植物乳杆菌进行产酸、产H_2O_2、生物膜形成能力、抑菌特性以及抗氧化能力的检测。结果最佳MRS培养基中葡萄糖浓度为0.8%、酪蛋白胨为0.4%、牛肉粉为0.6%、吐温为0.06%;植物乳杆菌的生长曲线在5h时达到稳定期,此时发酵液活菌数为3.16×10~9 CFU/mL,发酵液的pH为4.45。最佳冻干保护剂的配方:脱脂乳100g/L,蔗糖120g/L,抗坏血酸20g/L,谷氨酸钠30g/L;冻干前对上机液预冻时间为2h,此时菌粉冻干存活率为70.21%。该菌株具有产酸、产H_2O_2能力,并对大肠埃希菌、金黄色葡萄球菌和白色假丝酵母均有一定的抑制作用,形成膜能力较强,且具有一定的抗氧化能力。结论通过培养基成分、发酵条件和冻干工艺的优化以及对其益生特性的研究,为下一步新药开发和规模化生产奠定基础。  相似文献   

为拓宽α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制剂的微生物来源,筛选一株具有降糖效果的菌株。实验利用体外模型对西藏生牦牛乳来源的菌株进行初筛和复筛,获得一株具有α-葡萄糖苷酶高抑制活性的类芽孢杆菌Paenibacillus bovis BD3526,该菌株的降糖活性(>60%)显著高于其他分离菌株和常规乳酸菌。菌株产α-GI的遗传性状稳定有效,中温、好氧发酵更有利于该菌株合成与积累活性物质。当在脱脂乳中发酵12h后,活菌总数达到峰值1.75×10^9CFU/mL,6h后的发酵乳的糖苷酶抑制活性均处于高水平(>80%),不断递减的IC50表明,α-GI伴随着发酵程度的加深在进一步积累。  相似文献   

目的从肉仔鸡肠道中筛选出耐酸、耐胆盐和耐消化酶的优良双歧杆菌,研究其生长特性,并优化其发酵参数,为转化生产力提供理论依据。方法通过无菌采样并分离得到多株双歧杆菌,对分离获得的双歧杆菌进行形态学、生化特性研究,然后采用牛津杯法,测定90株双歧杆菌对大肠埃希菌和沙门菌的抑制作用,采用改良MRS培养基,模拟鸡胃肠道逆环境,对其耐消化道特性进行研究,筛选出优良双歧杆菌,再进行生长特性研究及发酵参数优化。结果从肉仔鸡肠道分离出90株双歧杆菌,初步挑选出23株作为候选菌株,抑菌试验测得双歧杆菌B1、B2和B3具有良好的抑菌效果,然后经过耐受消化道逆环境试验,发现B2菌株的耐受能力最好,初步鉴定双歧杆菌B2为小鸡双歧杆菌,并将其定名为Bifidobacterium pullorum B2,对其生长特性的研究发现经18 h发酵细菌总数可以从8.3×105CFU/mL升高到1.3×109CFU/mL,运用优化的发酵培养基进行中试试验,发酵后的活菌数可达1.41×1010CFU/mL。结论本实验从肉仔鸡肠道中分离筛选并初步鉴定了Bifidobacterium pullorum B2,优化了制备Bifidobacterium pullorum B2发酵液的发酵条件,降低了生产成本。  相似文献   

宏基因组学应用于耐盐酶类及耐盐基因研究的进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
耐盐酶在高盐浓度下仍具备催化活性和稳定性,在高盐食品和海产品加工、洗涤及其它高盐环境生物技术领域被广泛应用;耐盐基因在高盐条件下可以使微生物维持正常功能,获取并研究不同环境中的耐盐基因对揭示微生物的耐盐机制,以及实现其在高盐环境中的定向应用具有的重要意义。宏基因组学避开纯培养技术探知微生物的多样性及其功能,为我们提供了一种发现新基因、开发新的微生物活性物质和研究微生物群落结构及其功能的新技术。文中结合本课题组的研究工作,综述了利用宏基因组学获取耐盐酶类及耐盐基因的策略,同时着重介绍利用宏基因组学从海洋、土壤、胃肠道等环境中获取耐盐酶类及耐盐基因的研究。  相似文献   

Plant salt tolerance   总被引:156,自引:0,他引:156  
Soil salinity is a major abiotic stress in plant agriculture worldwide. This has led to research into salt tolerance with the aim of improving crop plants. However, salt tolerance might have much wider implications because transgenic salt-tolerant plants often also tolerate other stresses including chilling, freezing, heat and drought. Unfortunately, suitable genetic model systems have been hard to find. A recently discovered halophytic plant species, Thellungiella halophila, now promises to help in the detection of new tolerance determinants and operating pathways in a model system that is not limited to Arabidopsis traits or ecotype variations.  相似文献   

Advances in salt tolerance   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary Advances in and prospects for the development of salt tolerant crops are discussed. The genetic approach to the salinity problem is fairly new, but research has become quite active in a short span of time. Difficulties and opportunities are outlined. Salinity varies spatially, temporally, qualitatively, and quantitatively. In addition, the responses of plants to salt stress vary during their life cycle. Selection and breeding, including the use of wide crosses, are considered the best short-term approaches to the development of salt tolerant crops, but the new biotechnological and molecular biological techniques will make increasingly important contributions. Cooperation is called for among soil and water scientists, agronomists, plant physiologists and biochemists, cytologists, and plant geneticists, breeders, and biotechnologists. Given such cooperation and adequate support for these endeavors, the potential for increasing productivity in salt-affected areas can be realized.  相似文献   

Improving crop salt tolerance   总被引:63,自引:0,他引:63  
Salinity is an ever-present threat to crop yields, especially in countries where irrigation is an essential aid to agriculture. Although the tolerance of saline conditions by plants is variable, crop species are generally intolerant of one-third of the concentration of salts found in seawater. Attempts to improve the salt tolerance of crops through conventional breeding programmes have met with very limited success, due to the complexity of the trait: salt tolerance is complex genetically and physiologically. Tolerance often shows the characteristics of a multigenic trait, with quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with tolerance identified in barley, citrus, rice, and tomato and with ion transport under saline conditions in barley, citrus and rice. Physiologically salt tolerance is also complex, with halophytes and less tolerant plants showing a wide range of adaptations. Attempts to enhance tolerance have involved conventional breeding programmes, the use of in vitro selection, pooling physiological traits, interspecific hybridization, using halophytes as alternative crops, the use of marker-aided selection, and the use of transgenic plants. It is surprising that, in spite of the complexity of salt tolerance, there are commonly claims in the literature that the transfer of a single or a few genes can increase the tolerance of plants to saline conditions. Evaluation of such claims reveals that, of the 68 papers produced between 1993 and early 2003, only 19 report quantitative estimates of plant growth. Of these, four papers contain quantitative data on the response of transformants and wild-type of six species without and with salinity applied in an appropriate manner. About half of all the papers report data on experiments conducted under conditions where there is little or no transpiration: such experiments may provide insights into components of tolerance, but are not grounds for claims of enhanced tolerance at the whole plant level. Whether enhanced tolerance, where properly established, is due to the chance alteration of a factor that is limiting in a complex chain or an effect on signalling remains to be elucidated. After ten years of research using transgenic plants to alter salt tolerance, the value of this approach has yet to be established in the field.  相似文献   

Engineering salt tolerance in plants   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
Recent progress has been made in the identification and characterization of the mechanisms that allow plants to tolerate high salt concentrations. The understanding of metabolic fluxes and the main constraints for the production of compatible solutes (i.e. feedback inhibition and the limitation of substrate supply) open up the possibility of genetically engineering entire pathways that could lead to the production of osmoprotectants. This, together with the identification of the different sodium transporters (in particular vacuolar and plasma membrane Na(+)/H(+) antiporters) that could provide the needed ion homeostasis during salt stress, opens the possibility of engineering crop plants with improved salt tolerance.  相似文献   

The physiological changes induced by a daily increase of NaCl level, over a period of 4 d, were studied in leaves of the salt-sensitive cultivated tomato species Lycopersicon esculentum and its wild salt-tolerant relative Lycopersicon pennellii. A higher solute contribution to the osmotic adjustment was observed in NaCl-treated leaves of L. pennellii than in those of L. esculentum. This response together with the higher accumulation of inorganic solutes in the wild species and of organic solutes in the cultivated species verified the different salt tolerance mechanisms operating in the two species in the short-term. With regard to the changes induced by salt stress on the free polyamine levels, the putrescine and spermine levels increased with salinity, whereas the spermine levels decreased in both tomato species; nevertheless, the main difference between the two species lays in an earlier and greater accumulation of putrescine induced by salinity in L. pennellii than in L. esculentum. The changes in putrescine levels were associated to changes in amino acids related to its synthesis, and the changes were different in both species. In L. esculentum, the high concentrations of some intermediate compounds (glutamate and arginine) were related to the low accumulation rate of both proline and putrescine. In contrast, in L. pennellii, important reductions in glutamate and arginine levels were found at the end of the salinization period. Moreover, in this last situation, a decline in the putrescine level ran parallel to a high proline accumulation, which suggests that the higher the stress level, the higher the deviation of glutamate to proline occurring in the salt tolerant species. It could be concluded that an early accumulation of the diamine putrescine seems to be associated with salt tolerance in the short-term.  相似文献   

Summary Interspecific segregating populations derived from a cross between tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) cv M82-1 -8 (M82) and the wild species L. pennellii accession LA-716 (Lpen716) were used to study the genetic basis of salt tolerance and its implications for breeding. BC1 (M82 x (M82 x Lpen716)) and BC1 S1 (progenies of selfed BC1 plants) populations were grown under arid field conditions and irrigated with water having electrical conductivities of 1.5 (control), 10 and 20 dSm-1. The evaluation of salt tolerance was based on total fruit yield (TY), total dry matter (TD) and TD under salinity relative to the control (RD). Sodium, potassium and chloride concentrations were measured in the leaves and stems. The methods for estimating heritability were adapted to BC1 plants and BC1S1 families. TY, TD and RD had heritability estimates of 0.3–0.45, indicating that salt tolerance can be improved by selection. Genetic correlations between traits indicated that high yield may be combined with salt tolerance and that ion contents are not likely to provide an efficient selection criteria for salt tolerance. Genetic correlations between performances under various salinity levels suggested that similar mechanisms affect the responses to salinity treatments of 10 and 20 dSm-1. Responses to paper selection confirmed that salt tolerance of the tomato may be improved by selection, and that this selection should be based on dry matter and yield parameters under salinity.Passed away May 1986  相似文献   

The plant cytoskeleton is a highly dynamic component of plant cells and mainly based on microtubules (MTs) and actin filaments (AFs). The important functions of dynamic cytoskeletal networks have been indicated for almost every intracellular activity, from cell division to cell movement, cell morphogenesis and cell signal transduction. Recent studies have also indicated a close relationship between the plant cytoskeleton and plant salt stress tolerance. Salt stress is a significant factor that adversely affects crop productivity and quality of agricultural fields worldwide. The complicated regulatory mechanisms of plant salt tolerance have been the subject of intense research for decades. It is well accepted that cellular changes are very important in plant responses to salt stress. Because the organization and dynamics of cytoskeleton may play an important role in enhancing plant tolerance through various cell activities, study on salt stress-induced cytoskeletal network has been a vital topic in the subject of plant salt stress tolerance mechanisms. In this article, we introduce our recent work and review some current information on the dynamic changes and functions of cytoskeletal organization in response to salt stress. The accumulated data point to the existence of highly dynamic cytoskeletal arrays and the activation of complex cytoskeletal regulatory networks in response to salt stresses. The important role played by cytoskeleton in mediating the plant cell''s response to salt stresses is particularly emphasized.Key words: cytoskeleton, microtubules (MTs), microfilaments (MFs), salt stress, response mechanisms, plant tolerance  相似文献   

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