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The order-disorder transitions of the double helices formed by the ribo-oligoadenylic acids rA8 and rA10 at pH 4.2 have been investigated in a series of organic/aqueous mixed solvents. Melting temperature data, Tm, derived from the uv melting curves were used to define the stability of the double helices in the different mixed solvent systems. It was found that the extent of helix destabilization depended in a predictable fashion on both the quantity and the nature of the added organic solvents. For the C1 through C4 aliphatic alcohols, the longer, less branched alcohols proved to be more effective destabilizers of the helical structure. Significantly, the amides proved to be more powerful destabilizers than the alcohols. Analysis of the melting curves provided the Van't Hoff enthalpy change for each transition. The data are interpreted in terms of the role of solvent in the stabilization of ribonucleic acid structure.  相似文献   

The possibility of determining the free energy of stabilization ΔG0 of native DNA structure with the help of calorimetric data on heats ΔH of transition from the native to denaturated state is considered. Results of microcalorimetric measurements of heats of denaturation of T2 phage DNA at, different values of pH and ionic strength of solution are given. Values of free energy of stabilization of the DNA native structure ΔG0 under various conditions have been obtained. It is shown that under conditions close to physiological ΔG0 approaches 1200 cal/mole per base pair.  相似文献   

The effect of 3' and 5' dangling ends has been studied on the stability of a self-complementary double-helix of d(ATGCGCAT) in 1 mol dm-3 NaCl-phosphate buffer. It was shown that the effect on the DNA was smaller than that on r(AUGCAU).  相似文献   

We have solved at 1.07 Å resolution the X-ray crystal structure of a polyriboadenylic acid (poly(rA)) parallel and continuous double helix. Fifty-nine years ago, double helices of poly(rA) were first proposed to form at acidic pH. Here, we show that 7-mer oligo(rA), i.e. rA7, hybridizes and overlaps in all registers at pH 3.5 to form stacked double helices that span the crystal. Under these conditions, rA7 forms well-ordered crystals, whereas rA6 forms fragile crystalline-like structures, and rA5, rA8 and rA11 fail to crystallize. Our findings support studies from ∼50 years ago: one showed using spectroscopic methods that duplex formation at pH 4.5 largely starts with rA7 and begins to plateau with rA8; another proposed a so-called ‘staggered zipper’ model in which oligo(rA) strands overlap in multiple registers to extend the helical duplex. While never shown, protonation of adenines at position N1 has been hypothesized to be critical for helix formation. Bond angles in our structure suggest that N1 is protonated on the adenines of every other rAMP−rAMP helix base pair. Our data offer new insights into poly(rA) duplex formation that may be useful in developing a pH sensor.  相似文献   

Interaction of low-molecular amines (cystamine, cysteamine, cystaphose, asparagine, beta-alanine) with DNA was studied. The amines change the positive circular dichroism (CD) band of DNA as well as temperature and range width of melting. Effect of amines on DNA depends on ionic strength of the solvent, concentration and structure of the ligand. Monamines cause destabilization of DNA double helix followed by stabilization as ligand concentration increases. At concentrations stabilizing the double helix DNA conformation undergoes transition from the B- to C-form. The results obtained enable to relate the stabilizing effect of low-molecular amines and conformational B leads to C-transition to the non-specific interaction of ligand amino groups with DNA phosphates, and the destabilizing effect of monoamines of low concentrations to their interaction with bases, mainly in the denaturated sites of DNA. It is proposed that a stronger effectiveness of amines as compared to monovalent metals in the conformational shift of DNA towards the C-form is due to the additional effect of disturbance of hydrophobic interactions in DNA double helix.  相似文献   

We have developed different activity/stability tests to evaluate the possibilities of fully dispersed chymotrypsin derivatives as industrial catalysts in biphasic systems. We have tested different immiscible organic solvents (log P ranged from 0.65 to 2.8) and used different enzyme derivatives (soluble chymotrypsin and one-point and multipoint covalent attached derivatives). Special emphasis has been given to the role of the "exact composition of the aqueous phase."High phosphate concentrations largely protect every hymotrypsin derivative from the distorting effects of dissolved solvent molecules. The effects on the activity and stability of soluble chymotrypsin due to saturating solvent concentrations in an aqueous solution, and the much more severe effects of contact with the phase interface in a stirred biphasic system, all show the opposite trend for the influence of solvent polarity to that generally observed for biocatalysts. For example, deleterious effects decline in the order chloroform, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate. On the contrary, with or without stirring, our stabilized chymotrypsin-agarose derivatives are much more stable against these water-immiscible solvents, and their relative effects follow the normal trend. From these integrated activity and stability tests we can conclude that fully dispersed immobilized-stabilized derivatives seem to be an interesting alternative to develop industrial biphasic processes catalyzed by chymotrypsin.  相似文献   

The influence of ligand length on helix-coil transition parameters in the presence of different ligand concentrations has been considered theoretically. A decrease of this influence with an increase of ligand length when the binding constant has a constant value was shown. When binding free energy is proportional to the ligand length, i. e. when K = K0m (K-binding constant, m-ligand length) the length effect is unambigous. In the presence of low-ligand concentration the stability of DNA double helix increases with their length, whereas in the presence of high concentrations it decreases.  相似文献   

Intercalation of cationic dyes in the DNA double helix: introductory theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of salt on the intercalation of acridine dyes and DNA is rather well explained by the Gouy-Chapman double-layer theory as applied to a cylinder model of the DNA–dye complex. The free energy of transfer of a dye ion from the bulk solution to the complex is divided into several parts, one of which, ΔF0, accounts for the short-range, nonelectrostatic interactions. The assumption that ΔF0 should not depend on the amount of dye in the complex leads to an internal dielectric constant of the cylinder of about Di = 7. The scatter in ΔF0 values, as calculated from individual experimental points, is of order 0.5 kT per dye ion. This scatter is large enough to mask possible effects of heterogeneity in DNA sequences. The calculations are made for a long cylinder with radius 10 Å, with the DNA phosphate charges smeared uniformly at the surface, a uniform spacing of dye charges at the cylinder axis, and a length of b = 3.37 Å per base pair. Each intercalated dye ion also adds a length b to the total length of the cylinder. The salt-dependent part of the electric free energy of intercalation, ΔF1, is tabulated for complexes with r = 0–0.24 dye ions per DNA phosphate in 0.002–0.2M monovalent salt and dye solutions.  相似文献   

A comparative study was performed regarding the catalytic activity and stability of two related enzymes (thermophilic alcohol dehydrogenase from Thermoanaerobacter brockii and its mesophilic counterpart from yeast) in the presence of a number of miscible and immiscible organic solvents. The study was performed in view of the practical usefulness of organic solvents for alcohol dehydrogenases which have been shown to catalyse a variety of industrially-important dehydrogenation reactions. A number of organic solvents of different physicochemical characteristics were used and substantial stabilization was achieved. The non-polar solvents utilized showed the ability to enhance thermal stability of both proteins. Protection against thermal denaturation was especially pronounced by n-dodecane, the solvent with the highest logP used in the present study. Dimethylformamide and dioxane, employed as two miscible organic solvents, showed the ability to cause substrate inhibition and changes in protein conformation as indicated by kinetic and fluorescence studies. A higher resistance of the thermophilic protein to the deleterious effect of pyridine and thermostabilization of the mesophilic enzyme by non-polar solvents are especially emphasized. Combined differences in protein structure and nature of organic solvents are suggested to explain the differences in stability and catalytic activity observed in the present investigation.  相似文献   

Changes in excluded volume and contact interaction with the surface of a protein have been suggested as mechanisms for the changes in stability induced by cosolvents. The aim of the present paper is to present an analysis that combines both effects in a quantitative manner. The result is that both processes are present in both stabilizing and destabilizing interactions and neither can be ignored. Excluded volume was estimated using accessible surface area calculations of the kind introduced by Lee and Richards. The change in excluded volume on unfolding, deltaX, is quite large. For example, deltaX for ribonuclease is 6.7 L in urea and approximately 16 L in sucrose. The latter number is greater than the molar volume of the protein. Direct interaction with the protein is represented as the solvent exchange mechanism, which differs from ordinary association theory because of the weakness of the interaction and the high concentrations of cosolvents. The balance between the two effects and their contribution to overall stability are most simply presented as bar diagrams as in Fig. 3. Our finding for five proteins is that excluded volume contributes to the stabilization of the native structure and that contact interaction contributes to destabilization. This is true for five proteins and four cosolvents including both denaturants and osmolytes. Whether a substance stabilizes a protein or destabilizes it depends on the relative size of these two contributions. The constant for the cosolvent contact with the protein is remarkably uniform for four of the proteins, indicating a similarity of groups exposed during unfolding. One protein, staphylococcus nuclease, is anomalous in almost all respects. In general, the strength of the interaction with guanidinium is about twice that of urea, which is about twice that of trimethylamine-N-oxide and sucrose. Arguments are presented for the use of volume fractions in equilibrium equations and the ignoring of activity coefficients of the cosolvent. It is shown in the Appendix that both the excluded volume and the direct interaction can be extracted in a unified way from the McMillan-Mayer formula for the second virial coefficient.  相似文献   

An effect of 5'-phosphorylation on the stability of triple helical DNA containing pyrimidine:purine:pyrimidine strands has been demonstrated by both gel electrophoresis and UV melting. A 5'-phosphate on the purine-rich middle strand of a triple helix lowers the stability of triple helix formation by approximately 1 kcal/mol at 25 degrees C. The middle strand is involved in both Watson-Crick and Hoogsteen base pairing. In contrast, a 5'-phosphate on the pyrimidine-rich strands, which are involved in either Watson-Crick or Hoogsteen base pairing, has a smaller effect on the stability of triple helix. The order of stability is: no phosphate on either strand > phosphate on both pyrimidine strands > phosphate on purine strand > phosphate on all three strands. Differential stability of triple helix species is postulated to stem from an increase in rigidity due to steric hindrance from the 5'-phosphate. This result indicates that labelling with 32P affect equilibrium in triplex formation.  相似文献   

E D Atkins  M A Taylor 《Biopolymers》1992,32(8):911-923
Elongational flow techniques are used to investigate the birefringent response and flow-induced molecular scission of monodisperse phage-DNA samples in aqueous solution. A 4-roll mill apparatus was used to characterize the solutions at low stain rates, epsilon less than or equal to 300 s-1, and the opposed jets apparatus used to study fracture of the DNA molecules at strain rates up to 15 x 10(3) s-1. The molecular weight values were measured before and after fracture in elongational flow using the high-resolution technique of pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The birefringent response incorporates both rigid and flexible components. The birefringence is nonlocalized and rises gradually to a plateau value, similar to rigid-rod behavior. In addition a certain minimum value in the strain rate is necessary, an onset value epsilon 0, before the signal appears, indicating a flexible component. This behavior is consistent with a hinged-rod model and is similar to that observed for the protein collagen molecule at elevated temperature. We propose that this type of behavior is likely for multistrand rope-like macromolecules where localized separation or partial untwisting of the intertwined chains occurs, creating temporary hinges, in accordance with biochemical evidence for sequence-specific sites of flexibility. Results are presented on the entanglement effects at high concentrations. We have calculated rotational diffusion rates as a function of concentration and molecular weight. Using PFGE to measure the molecular weight profiles, our fracture studies at high strain rates demonstrate chain halving and quartering in accordance with the predictions of the thermally activated barrier to scission theory for single-chain polymers.  相似文献   

The stability constants of the 1:1 complexes between Cu2+ and Zn2+ with formate, acetate and several phenylalkanecarboxylates, i.e. C6H5-(CH2)n-COO- with n = 0 to 5, are summarized for water, 50% aqueous ethanol and 50% aqueous dioxane (I = 0.1 M; 25 degrees C): Complex stability depends upon carboxylate group basicity. The influence of varying amounts of ethanol or dioxane (up to 90%) on the stability of the Cu2+ and Zn2+ (M2+) complexes with formate and acetate (CA) was measured by potentiometric pH titrations. The values for pKHH(CA) and log KMM(CA) increase, as expected, with increasing amounts of the organic solvents, i.e. with decreasing solvent polarity. The changes in the equilibrium constants are also evaluated with regard to the mole fractions of the organic solvents and the corresponding dielectric constants. These results may be used to estimate for low dielectric cavities in proteins the equivalent solution dielectric constant on the basis of enhanced carboxylate basicity or metal ion binding capability (method 1). Furthermore, the measured stability constants are used for comparisons of the coordination tendency of carboxylate ligands towards zinc(II)-metalloenzymes (method 2); in this way the equivalent solution dielectric constants in the active-site cavities of bovine carbonic anhydrase and carboxypeptidase A are estimated: the values are of the order of 35 and 70, respectively. This method seems to be generally applicable to metalloproteins.  相似文献   

Summary Clostridum propionicum is a chemical autotroph that metabolizes alanine to propionic acid (reduction product) and acetic acid (oxidation product). The ratio of propionate/acetate predicted by the electron balance is 2:1. This study reports the effect of pH on growth and organic acid production by this organism when grown in both test tube cultures initially buffered from pH 7.0 to 5.0, and in fermentors maintained at pH 7.0 and 6.5. Highest growth and organic acid production was found at pH 7.0 in both cases. HPLC analysis showed that at pH 7.0, the ratios of propionate to acetate were 0.45:1 (stationary tube, 24 h). The highest ratio observed was 1.8:1 (stationary tube, pH 6.0, 24h). This tube produced 8.5% of the acids produced in the pH 7.0 culture tube. The identify of the major portion of the reduction products of the organism remains unknown.  相似文献   

The helix to coil transition of poly(L-glutamic acid) was investigated in 0.05 and 0.005 M aqueous potassium chloride solutions by use of potentiometric titration and circular dichroism measurement. Polymer concentration dependence of the transition was observed in the range from 0.006 to 0.04 monomol/e in 0.005 M KG1 solution. The polymer concentration dependence can be interpreted by current theories of the transition of charged polypeptides and of titration curves of linear weak polyelectrolytes taking the effect of polymer concentration into consideration.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the hydrogen-deuterium exchange reactions of double-helical poly[d(A-T)]·poly[d(A-T)], poly(dA)·poly(dT), and constituent nucleosides (deoxyadenosine and thymidine) have been examined at various temperatures by stopped-flow ultraviolet spectrophotometry, in the spectral region 240–300 nm. The results were interpreted on the basis of a mechanism of the hydrogen exchange reaction of a helical polynucleotide, proposed by Englander and colleagues as well as by the Tsuboi and Nakanishi group. It was concluded that the rates of the base-pair opening reactions are nearly equal to one another in double-helical DNAs, irrespective of the base sequence. On the other hand, the free energy required for bringing the open segment at a particular base-pair was found to be much greater for poly(dA)·poly(dT) than for poly[d(A-T)]· poly[d(A-T)].  相似文献   

Alkaline p-nitrophenylphosphate phosphatase (pNPPase) from the halophilic archaeobacterium Halobacterium salinarum (previously halobium) was solubilized at low salt concentration in reverse micelles of hexadecyltrimethyl-ammoniumbromide in cyclohexane with 1-butanol as co-surfactant. The enzyme maintained its catalytic properties under these conditions. The thermodynamic "solvation-stabilization hypothesis" has been used to explain the bell-shaped dependence of pNPPase activity on the water content of reverse micelles, in terms of protein-solvent interactions. According to this model, the stability of the folded protein depends on a network of hydrated ions associated with acidic residues at the protein surface. At low salt concentration and low water content (the ratio of water concentration to surfactant concentration; w0), the network of hydrated ions within the reverse micelles may involve the cationic heads of the surfactant. The bell-shaped profile of the relationship between enzyme activity and w0 varied depending on the concentrations of NaCl and Mn2+.  相似文献   

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