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As part of our studies on the molecular mechanism of mutation [Chambers, R. W. (1982) in Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis (Lemontt, J. F., & Generoso, W. M., Eds.) pp 121-145, Plenum, New York and London], we wanted to prepare specific oligonucleotides carrying O2- or O4-alkylthymidine residues. Since O-alkylthymine moieties are known to be alkali labile, side reactions were expected during the deprotection procedures used for synthesis of oligonucleotides on a solid support by the classical phosphoramidite method. We have studied these side reactions in detail. Kinetic data show the deprotection procedures displace most O-alkyl groups at rates that make these procedures inappropriate for synthesis of most oligonucleotides carrying O-alkylthymine moieties. We describe alternative deprotection procedures, using readily accessible reagents, that we have used successfully to synthesize a series of oligonucleotides carrying several different O-alkylthymine moieties. The oligonucleotides synthesized are d(A-A-A-A-G-T-alkT-T-A-A-A-A-C-A-T), where alk = O2-methyl, O2-isopropyl, O4-methyl, O4-isopropyl, and O4-n-butyl. This work extends the previously described procedure for the chemical synthesis of oligonucleotides carrying an O4-methylthymine moiety [Li, B. F., Reese, C. B., & Swann, P. F. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 1086-1093] and reports the first chemical synthesis of an oligonucleotide carrying an O2-alkylthymine. The oligonucleotides synthesized have a sequence corresponding to the minus strand that is complementary to the viral strand at the start of gene G in bacteriophage phi X174 replicative form DNA where the normal third codon has been replaced with the ocher codon, TAA.  相似文献   

A method for cleaving polypeptides at their methionine residues without affecting intramolecular disulfide bonds is described. This method may be applied for cleaving recombinant heterologous hybrid polypeptides with release of the interesting peptide. The method may also be applied to assign the correct positions of disulfide bonds in protein molecules.  相似文献   

The conformational characteristics of the peptide sequence X-l-Pro, where X  Gly or l-Ala and the peptide bond joining X and l-Pro is cis, are evaluated. Semi-empirical potential functions are used to estimate the contributions to the conformational energy made by the non-bonded van der Waals' and electrostatic interactions and the intrinsic torsional potentials about the NCa and CaC′ bonds. Rotations φ1 and ψ1 about the NCa and CaC′ bonds in residue X and rotation ψ2 about the CaC′ bond in l-Pro are permitted, while the angle of rotation φ2 about the NCa bond in l-Pro is fixed at 120 ° by the pyrrolidine ring. The presence of the cis peptide bond connecting X and l-Pro renders the backbone rotations φ1, ψ1 in X dependent upon the rotation ψ2 about the CaC′ bond in l-Pro. (Interdependence of rotations in neighboring residues joined by a cis peptide bond was previously observed in l-alanine oligomers.) The number of energetically allowed conformations for the Gly and l-Ala residues preceding a cis peptide bond l-Pro residue are found to be substantially reduced from those permitted when the peptide bond is trans or when l-Pro is replaced by an amino acid residue. On the other hand, ψ2 = 100 to 160 ° (cis′) and 300 to 0 ° (trans′) are found to be the lowest energy conformations of the l-Pro residue irrespective of the cis or trans conformation of the X-l-Pro peptide bond.  相似文献   

The binding of Cu++ and Zn++ ions to three polypeptides containing Glu and Tyr residues, (Glu Tyr Glu)n, (Glu-Glu-Tyr-Glu)n and (Glu-Tyr-Tyr-Glu)n has been investigated by absorption spectroscopy, fluorescence and circular dichroism. Difference absorption spectra show that Zn+- slightly perturbs the absorption spectrum of the tyrosyl residue whereas Cu++ binding is accompanied by the appearance of a strong absorption band around 245 nm. The fluorescence of the tyrosyl residue is enhanced by Zn++ ions while it is quenched by Cu++ ions. Cation binding induces a conformational change of the polypeptides from a random coil to an -helix, Mg++ ions do not elicit any of these phenomena.  相似文献   

Terahertz absorption spectra of alanine polypeptides in water were simulated with classical molecular dynamics at 310 K. Vibrational modes and oscillator strengths were calculated based on a quasi-harmonic approximation. Absorption spectra of Alan (n = 5, 15, 30) with different chain lengths and Ala15 in coiled and helical conformations were studied in 10–40 cm? 1 bandwidth. Simulation results indicated both the chain length and the conformation have significant influences on THz spectra of alanine polypeptides. With the increase of chain length, the average THz absorption intensity increases. Compared with the helical Ala15 polypeptide, the THz spectra of coiled one shows stronger absorption peaks. These results were explained from different numbers of hydrogen bonds formed between polypeptides and the surrounding water molecules.  相似文献   

The 1H-NMR spectra and the resonance Raman spectra of intermediate spin complex, octaethylporphyrinatoiron (III) perchlorate (OEP-Fe(III)ClO4) and its mono imidazole adduct have been recorded and analyzed. The perchlorate complex was determined to be an intermediate-spin state (S = 3/2) in dichloromethane. The mono imidazole and 2-methylimidazole adducts of OEP-Fe(III)ClO4 were of the high-spin state in dichloromethane, which is a good model for the ferrihemoproteins such as metmyoglobins. The spin state of OEP-Fe(III)ClO4 varies the polarity of solvent from typical high-spin (S = 5/2) to typical low-spin (S = 1/2) state including intermediate-spin state (S = 3/2). The resonance Raman studies of the intermediate-spin complex in various solvents indicate that the complex is a plausible model to reproduce anomalous physico-chemical properties of the ferricytochrome c' at physiological condition.  相似文献   

Here we identify the pharmacophore in a peptoid that antagonizes Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor-2 (VEGFR2) in vitro and in vivo. Only three of the side chains in the peptoid are required for activity. Surprisingly, however, main chain atoms also form critical interactions with the receptor.  相似文献   

Xiong K  Punihaole D  Asher SA 《Biochemistry》2012,51(29):5822-5830
We utilize 198 and 204 nm excited UV resonance Raman spectroscopy (UVRR) and circular dichroism spectroscopy (CD) to monitor the backbone conformation and the Gln side chain hydrogen bonding (HB) of a short, mainly polyGln peptide with a D(2)Q(10)K(2) sequence (Q10). We measured the UVRR spectra of valeramide to determine the dependence of the primary amide vibrations on amide HB. We observe that a nondisaggregated Q10 (NDQ10) solution (prepared by directly dissolving the original synthesized peptide in pure water) exists in a β-sheet conformation, where the Gln side chains form hydrogen bonds to either the backbone or other Gln side chains. At 60 °C, these solutions readily form amyloid fibrils. We used the polyGln disaggregation protocol of Wetzel et al. [Wetzel, R., et al. (2006) Methods Enzymol.413, 34-74] to dissolve the Q10 β-sheet aggregates. We observe that the disaggregated Q10 (DQ10) solutions adopt PPII-like and 2.5(1)-helix conformations where the Gln side chains form hydrogen bonds with water. In contrast, these samples do not form fibrils. The NDQ10 β-sheet solution structure is essentially identical to that found in the NDQ10 solid formed upon evaporation of the solution. The DQ10 PPII and 2.5(1)-helix solution structure is essentially identical to that in the DQ10 solid. Although the NDQ10 solution readily forms fibrils when heated, the DQ10 solution does not form fibrils unless seeded with the NDQ10 solution. This result demonstrates very high activation barriers between these solution conformations. The NDQ10 fibril secondary structure is essentially identical to that of the NDQ10 solution, except that the NDQ10 fibril backbone conformational distribution is narrower than in the dissolved species. The NDQ10 fibril Gln side chain geometry is more constrained than when NDQ10 is in solution. The NDQ10 fibril structure is identical to that of the DQ10 fibril seeded by the NDQ10 solution.  相似文献   

The hyperchromic and hypochromic changes in the intensity of the amide-I and amide-III lines of polypeptides and certain ring vibrations of the bases of polynucleotides are shown to be related to similar changes in the lower energy uv absorption bands. The selection rules strictly limit the pairs of excited electronic states that can contribute to the elements of the polarizability matrix. An energy-dependent term in this equation weights the contribution of the pairs of electronic transitions in favor of those involving the lower energy transitions. For both polypeptides and polynucleotides, there is a large hypochromic inensity change in the first π → π* exciton band upon the coil-to-helix transition. Through the selection rules, certain conformationally sensitive Raman lines are shown to derive their intensity predominantly from this band and hence also display hypochromism. Again, through an application of the selection rules, certain Raman lines can be demonstrated to depend predominantly for their intensity upon the n → π* transition, and consequently have the opposite hyperchromic intensity change upon the same conformational transition.  相似文献   

Substitution of 5-nitro- -histidine for -histidine is proposed as a useful tool to study the relationships among tautomerism, acid-base properties, and biological activity of peptide hormones. This approach is illustrated by an analog of the tripeptide thyroliberin, [5-nitro- -histidine]2-thyroliberin, which has been prepared by solid-phase peptide synthesis. The acid-base properties of the hormone analog and the position of the imidazole ring tautomeric equilibrium have been investigated by spectroscopic methods. Correlation of these properties with the biological activity of the nitrated tripeptide strongly supports the idea that imidazole ring tautomerism is a key factor for hormonal activity and that the Nτ-H tautomer must be considered the biologically active form of thyroliberin.  相似文献   

The synthesis of analogs of tetra-L-alanine containing 3-fluoro-L-alanine selectively incorporated at each position is described. The standard procedures in the literature used to couple L-alanine peptides together were often found to lead to undesired products, or elimination reactions when corresponding 3-fluoro-L-alanine peptide analogs were used. Several modified procedures have thus been developed for the synthesis of fluorine-substituted analogs. In addition, the pH-dependence of 19F n.m.r. spectra of 3-fluoro-L-alanine and the tetrapeptide analogs is presented.  相似文献   

The Raman spectra of Bence-Jones proteins (BJP) were measured for their native and denatured states. All of the native BJPs investigated gave amide I at 1670–1675 cm?1 and amide III at 1242–1246 cm?1. Although the amide I was shifted to 1667 cm?1 upon the LiBr, acid, and thermal denaturation, as expected, the amide III frequency was unaltered, indicating that the antiparallel β- and disordered structures of BJP provide amide III at almost the same frequencies. The intensity of the 880-cm?1 line of native BJP was relatively intense compared with that of amino acid mixed solution in which the mole ratios of Trp, Phe, and Tyr were adjusted to reproduce the corresponding ratios of BJP. However, the intensity was evidently reduced upon LiBr, acid, and thermal denaturation, approaching that of the amino acid mixture. Thus, the intensity of the 880-cm?1 line is proposed as a practical probe for the environment of Trp residues. The pH dependence of the intensity of the 880-cm?1 line suggests that one of two buried Trp residues is exposed between pH 4 and 3.2 and the other between pH 3.2 and 1.4. The variable fragment (VL) of BJP (Tod) exhibited a S? S stretching Raman line at 525 cm?1. Provided that the crystallographic data of the VL of BJP is applicable to VL of BJP (Tod), the 525 cm?1 of the S? S stretching frequency should be assigned to a TGG conformation of linkage, but not to the AGT or AGG conformation. This supports Sugeta's model rather than Scheraga's model.  相似文献   

The interactions between an aliphatic or phenyl side chain and an indole ring in a phospholipid environment were investigated by synthesizing and characterizing gramicidins in which Trp(9) was ring-labeled and D-Leu(10) was replaced by D-Val, D-Ala, or D-Phe. All three analogues form conducting channels, with conductances that are lower than that of gramicidin A (gA) channels. The channel lifetimes vary by less than 50% from that of gA channels. Circular dichroism spectra and size-exclusion chromatography show that the conformation of each analogue in dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) vesicles is similar to the right-handed beta(6.3)-helical conformation that is observed for gA. (2)H NMR spectra of oriented samples in DMPC show large changes for the Trp(9) ring when residue 10 is modified, suggesting a steric interaction between D-Leu(10) and Trp(9), in agreement with previous acylation studies (R. E. Koeppe II et al. (1995) Biochemistry 34, 9299-9307). The outer quadrupolar splitting for Trp(9) is unchanged with D-Phe(10), at approximately 153 kHz, but increases by approximately 25 kHz with D-Val(10) and decreases by approximately 10 kHz with D-Ala(10). With D-Ala(10) or D-Val(10), the outer resonance splits into two in a temperature-dependent manner. The NMR spectra indicate that the side chain torsion angles chi1 and chi2 for Trp(9) change when residue 10 is substituted. The changes in chi1 are small, in all cases less than 10 degrees, as is Deltachi2 when D-Ala(10) is introduced, but with D-Val(10) and D-Phe(10) Deltachi2 is at least 25 degrees. We conclude that D-Leu(10) helps to stabilize an optimal orientation of Trp(9) in gA channels in lipid bilayers and that changes in Trp orientation alter channel conductance and lifetime without affecting the basic channel fold.  相似文献   

Photooxidation of specific residues in alpha-crystallin polypeptides   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Singlet oxygen is a biologically important, photochemically generated species that preferentially oxidizes His, Trp, and Met residues of protein molecules. Calf alpha-crystallin was photooxidized with use of meso-tetra(p-sulfonatophenyl)porphyrin (TPPS) and uroporphyrin (UP) as singlet oxygen generators. The effects of photooxidation were monitored by analyzing the changes in alpha-crystallin peptide maps obtained by reversed-phase HPLC using a photodiode array absorbance detector. The reaction led to the loss of six specific peptides, five of which contained photooxidizable residues. Peptides containing His-97 and His-154 from the A chain and Met-68 from the B chain are preferentially photooxidized, suggesting that those residues have access to singlet oxygen. Trp residues in the N-terminal region are converted to NFK, whereas Trp-60 in the B chain is not photooxidized strongly suggesting that the former are close to the surface of alpha-crystallin while the latter Trp residue is buried. Only one peptide that is lost from the peptide maps does not contain a photooxidizable group; however, this peptide does contain an apparently undigested Lys residue. It is suggested that it forms a cross-link with a photooxidized His residue.  相似文献   

The laser-excited Raman spectrum of helical polyglycine II has been obtained. Oligomers of polyglycine are in the planar zigzag conformation and their Raman spectra are indicative of the spectrum of polyglycine I. The Raman spectra of polyglycines have bands complementary to the infrared which are sensitive to the conformation of the chain. The spectra of the oligomers have bands sensitive to the length of the polyglycine. The Raman spectra of di- and triglycine in aqueous solution suggest the conformation is neither planar nor helical.  相似文献   

Raman spectra of poly-L-lysines   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
J L Koenig  P L Sutton 《Biopolymers》1970,9(10):1229-1237
The Raman spectra of poly-L -lysine hydrochloride and poly-?-carbobenzoxy-L -lysine in the solid state have been obtained and are consistent with the presence of an α-helical structure. The Raman spectrum of poly-L -lysine in aqueous solution suggests the presence of random coil structures.  相似文献   

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