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M Benson  V Pirrotta 《The EMBO journal》1988,7(12):3907-3915
The Drosophila zeste protein binds in vitro to several sites in the white, Ultrabithorax, decapentaplegic, Antennapedia, and engrailed genes and to at least one site in the zeste gene itself. The distribution of these sites corresponds often with that of regulatory elements in these genes as defined by mutations or, in the case of white, by molecular analysis. A zeste binding site is frequently found in the immediate vicinity of the promoter. zeste binding sites are composed of two or more zeste recognition sequences T/CGAGT/CG. Isolated consensus sequences do not bind or footprint. Cooperative interactions are involved both in binding to a given site and between proteins bound at independent sites. zeste bound to one DNA molecule can in fact bind simultaneously to another DNA molecule. These results suggest a general role for zeste in bringing together distant regulatory elements controlling the activity of a target gene. In this model, transvection effects are a by-product of normal intragenic zeste action.  相似文献   

Polycomb group (PcG) and Trithorax (TRX) complexes assemble at Polycomb response elements (PREs) and maintain respectively the repressed and active state of homeotic genes. Although PcG and TRX complexes are distinct, their binding to some PRE fragments in vitro depends on GAGA motifs. GAGA factor immunoprecipitates with both complexes. In presence of a PRE, TRX stimulates expression and prevents the return of repression at later stages. When TRX levels are reduced, repression is re-established in inappropriate regions of imaginal discs, suggesting that TRX insufficiency impairs the epigenetic memory of the active state. Targeting a GAL-TRX fusion shows that TRX is a coactivator that stimulates expression of an active gene but cannot initiate expression by itself. Targeting a histone acetylase to a PRE does not affect embryonic silencing but causes a loss of memory in imaginal discs, suggesting that deacetylation is required to establish the memory of the repressed state.  相似文献   

The activity of the Ultrabithorax gene is continuously required during imaginal development to maintain the morphogenetic identity of the third thoracic segment of Drosophila. The spatial pattern of Ultrabithorax gene expression depends on certain cis regulatory regions and several trans regulatory genes. Amongst the latter the Polycomb gene is necessary to maintain Ultrabithorax repressed in cells where it was not initially activated and the trithorax gene is required for maintaining the expression of the gene where initially active. We have studied genetic interactions between several Ultrabithorax mutations in coding and cis regulatory regions in combination with Polycomb and trithorax mutations. Our results suggest that Polycomb and trithorax gene products do not interact with Ultrabithorax protein products but interact (directly or indirectly) with specific and discrete cis regulatory regions such as those where anterobithorax and postbithorax but not bithorax mutations map. We discuss possible mechanisms of these interactions.  相似文献   

The closely related Drosophila serendipity (sry) beta and delta zinc finger proteins display consensus in vitro DNA recognition sequences differing by 4 of 13 nucleotide positions and bind in vivo to distinct sets of sites on polytene chromosomes. We compared the pattern of in vivo chromosomal binding of deleted forms of the sry delta protein fused to beta-galactosidase and expressed in Drosophila transgenic lines. Results show that the carboxy-terminal DNA-binding finger domain is required and sufficient for binding at specific chromosomal sites but that this binding does not nearly reproduce the wild-type pattern. An NH2-terminal domain of the sry delta protein is essential to its specificity of in vivo interaction with chromatin. In vitro and in vivo experiments using reciprocal finger swap between the sry beta and delta proteins suggest that the in vivo specificity is dependent on selective protein-protein contacts at defined chromosomal sites, in addition to DNA specific recognition.  相似文献   

The biological relevance of vigilin a ubiquitous multi (KH)-domain protein is still barely understood. Investigations over the last years, however, provided evidence for a possible involvement of vigilin in the nucleo-cytoplasmic transport of tRNA and in the subsequent association of tRNA with ribosomes. We therefore investigated the potential association of vigilin with 80S ribosomes. Immunostaining, gel filtration, westernblot analysis of polyribosomes and high salt treatment of 80S ribosomes isolated from fresh human placenta were applied to analyze the possible association of vigilin with ribosomes. Overlay assays were performed to examine whether vigilin is capable of binding to ribosomal proteins. Immunostaining of HEp-2 cells, gel filtration of a cytoplasmic extract of HEp-2 cells and westernblot analysis of isolated 80S ribosomes clearly demonstrate that vigilin is bond to the ribosomal complex. Vigilin detaches from the ribosomal complex under the influence of high salt concentrations. We present data that radioactively labeled human vigilin interacts directly with a subset of ribosomal proteins from both subunits. We were able to narrow down the putative binding region to the C-terminal domain by using vigilin mutant constructs. Therefore our results provide strong evidence that vigilin is bond to the ribosomal complex and underline the hypothesis that vigilin might be involved in the link between tRNA-export and the channeled tRNA-cycle on ribosomes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Growth and morphogenesis during development depend both on patterning genes, which assign positional information, and on genes that regulate mechanical forces. The dumpy gene of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is an example of the latter class, with mutant phenotypes affecting size and shape of the limbs, thoracic cuticle, trachea and mouthparts. RESULTS: The genetically complex dumpy locus was found to span over 100 kb and encode a gigantic 2.5 MDa extracellular matrix protein. Dumpy represents an extreme form of modular protein evolution, containing 308 epidermal growth factor (EGF) modules, interspersed with a new module class, DPY, and terminating in a crosslinking zona pellucida domain and membrane anchor sequence. We determined the three-dimensional structure of the DPY module by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and found that it forms a disulphide-stabilised beta sheet motif, capable of linking end-to-end with EGF modules to form a fibre. Consistent with its cuticle phenotypes, dumpy is expressed at several sites of cuticle-epidermal cell attachment, including the trachea and the muscle tendon cells, which mediate anchorage of the muscles to the cuticle. CONCLUSIONS: The dumpy gene encodes a gigantic extracellular molecule that we predict to be a membrane-anchored fibre of almost a micrometer in length. Insertion and crosslinking of this fibre within the cuticle may provide a strong anchor for the underlying tissue, allowing it to maintain mechanical tension at sites under stress. This would explain its contribution to tissue morphogenesis through its regulation of mechanical properties.  相似文献   

The maturation and packaging of bacteriophage lambda DNA are under the control of the multifunctional viral terminase enzyme, which is composed of the protein products of Nu1 and A, the two most leftward genes of the phage chromosome. Terminase binds selectively to the cohesive end site (cos) of multimeric replicating lambda DNA and introduces staggered nicks to regenerate the 12-base single-stranded cohesive ends of the mature phage genome. The purified gpNu1 subunit of terminase forms specific complexes with cos lambda DNA. DNase I footprinting experiments showed that gpNu1 bound to three distinct regions near the extreme left end of the lambda chromosome. These regions coincided with two 16-base-pair sequences (CTGTCGTTTCCTTTCT) that were in inverted orientation, as well as a truncated version of this sequence. Bear et al. (J. Virol. 52:966-972,1984) isolated a mutant phage which contained a CG to TA transition at the 10th position of the rightmost 16-base-pair sequence, and this phage (termed lambda cos 154) exhibits a defect in DNA maturation when it replicates in Escherichia coli which is deficient in integration host factor. Footprinting experiments with cos 154 DNA showed that gpNu1 could not bind to the site which contained the mutation but could protect the other two sites. Since the DNA-packaging specificity of terminase resides in the gpNu1 subunit, these studies suggest that terminase uses these three sites as recognition sequences for specific binding to cos lambda.  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting is a form of epigenetic inheritance that is characterized by differential expression of a gene depending on its parental origin. The mini-X chromosome Dp(1;f)LJ9 in Drosophila shows this type of classical imprinting; when transmitted by the maternal parent genes on this chromosome are fully expressed, but when the chromosome is transmitted by the male parent at least three genes are subject to silencing, resulting in a variegated expression pattern. Chemical and environmental modifiers of position-effect variegation have been shown to alter the somatic maintenance of the imprint. To extend these observations, several mutations in chromatin-associated proteins were examined for their effect on imprinting on the Dp(1;f)LJ9 mini-X chromosome. Effects on establishment and maintenance were independently assessed by genetically associating the mutations in chromatin modifiers with the mini-X chromosome in either the parents, where the imprint is established, or the progeny, in which the imprint must be maintained. Nine Suppressor of variegation [ Su(var)] mutations, including alleles of the Su(var)2-5 gene, which encodes the well characterized heterochromatin-associated protein HP1, abolished maintenance but not the establishment of the imprint. Mutant alleles of two genes in the trithorax group ( trx-G), brahma and trithorax, showed a maternal-effect enhancement of the paternal imprint. Surprisingly, however, with the exception of an Enhancer of Polycomb [ E(Pc)] allele, none of the Polycomb-group ( Pc-G) mutations tested affected the imprint. Thus, the maintenance of this imprint relies on the wild-type products of Su(var) and trx-G, but not Pc-G, genes. Finally, none of the mutations tested affected the maintenance of the maternal imprint or the establishment of either the maternal or paternal imprint, suggesting that the maternal and paternal imprints depend on different molecular processes and that imprint establishment and maintenance are independently regulated.  相似文献   

Hybridomas secreting monoclonal antibodies have been produced by fusion of NS-1 mouse myeloma cells with the spleen cells of mice inoculated with a 60-65,000-mol wt fraction of proteins released from Drosophila embryo nuclei treated with DNase I. The antibodies secreted by the hybridomas were examined with polytene chromosomes of formaldehyde- fixed salivary gland squashes by an immunofluorescence assay. Most of the clonal antibodies obtained resulted in specific staining of the chromosomes relative to the cytoplasmic debris. In the case of clone 28, the antibodies showed a preferential association with sites of gene activity, both puffs and loci identified as puffing at some time during the third instar and prepupal period. In larvae that were heat shocked (exposed to 35 degrees C for 15 min before removal and fixation of the glands), the antibodies of clone 28 stained preferentially the induced heat-shock loci while continuing to stain most of the normal set of loci. The antigen for clone 28 was identified as a single protein of approximately 62,000 mol wt by using the antibodies followed by 125I- rabbit anti-mouse Ig to stain nitrocellulose replicas of SDS polyacrylamide gels of total chromosomal proteins. This study demonstrates that monoclonal antibodies can be used successfully in immunofluorescence staining of formaldehyde-fixed polytene chromosomes. The results verify the hypothesis that a specific nonhistone chromosomal protein is preferentially associated with the set of loci that includes both active sites and those scheduled to be active at some time in this developmental program. Such proteins may play a general role in the mechanisms of cell determination and gene activation.  相似文献   

Three different segments of the zeste coding sequence were inserted in an expression vector and antibodies were raised against the resulting zeste-beta galactosidase hybrid proteins. The antibodies were used to analyse the zeste protein produced in bacteria from a different expression vector containing the entire zeste coding region. The major products made in bacteria as well as the products of in vitro translation of zeste RNA migrate anomalously upon SDS--acrylamide gel electrophoresis. Specific DNA fragments from the white and Ubx gene co-immunoprecipitate with zeste protein. At least two independent zeste binding sites are found in a 250-bp interval of the white regulatory region that contains also the sites of wsp mutations, which are known to be deficient in zeste interaction.  相似文献   

The ability to place a series of gene constructs at a specific site in the genome opens new possibilities for the experimental examination of gene expression and chromosomal position effects. We report that the FLP- FRT site-specific recombination system of the yeast 2mu plasmid can be used to integrate DNA at a chromosomal FRT target site in Drosophila. The technique we used was to first integrate an FRT- flanked gene by standard P element-mediated transformation. FLP was then used to excise the FRT- flanked donor DNA and screen for FLP-mediated re-integration at an FRT target at a different chromosome location. Such events were recovered from up to 5% of the crosses used to screen for mobilization and are easily detectable by altered linkage of a white reporter gene or by the generation of a white + gene upon integration.  相似文献   

Mitotic chromosome condensation is chiefly driven by the condensin complex. The specific recognition (targeting) of chromosomal sites by condensin is an important component of its in vivo activity. We previously identified the rRNA gene cluster in Saccharomyces cerevisiae as an important condensin-binding site, but both genetic and cell biology data suggested that condensin also acts elsewhere. In order to characterize the genomic distribution of condensin-binding sites and to assess the specificity of condensin targeting, we analyzed condensin-bound sites using chromatin immunoprecipitation and hybridization to whole-genome microarrays. The genomic condensin-binding map shows preferential binding sites over the length of every chromosome. This analysis and quantitative PCR validation confirmed condensin-occupied sites across the genome and in the specialized chromatin regions: near centromeres and telomeres and in heterochromatic regions. Condensin sites were also enriched in the zones of converging DNA replication. Comparison of condensin binding in cells arrested in G(1) and mitosis revealed a cell cycle dependence of condensin binding at some sites. In mitotic cells, condensin was depleted at some sites while enriched at rRNA gene cluster, subtelomeric, and pericentromeric regions.  相似文献   



Polycomb (PcG) and trithorax (trxG) genes encode proteins involved in the maintenance of gene expression patterns, notably Hox genes, throughout development. PcG proteins are required for long-term gene repression whereas TrxG proteins are positive regulators that counteract PcG action. PcG and TrxG proteins form large complexes that bind chromatin at overlapping sites called Polycomb and Trithorax Response Elements (PRE/TRE). A third class of proteins, so-called “Enhancers of Trithorax and Polycomb” (ETP), interacts with either complexes, behaving sometimes as repressors and sometimes as activators. The role of ETP proteins is largely unknown.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In a two-hybrid screen, we identified Cyclin G (CycG) as a partner of the Drosophila ETP Corto. Inactivation of CycG by RNA interference highlights its essential role during development. We show here that Corto and CycG directly interact and bind to each other in embryos and S2 cells. Moreover, CycG is targeted to polytene chromosomes where it co-localizes at multiple sites with Corto and with the PcG factor Polyhomeotic (PH). We observed that corto is involved in maintaining Abd-B repression outside its normal expression domain in embryos. This could be achieved by association between Corto and CycG since both proteins bind the regulatory element iab-7 PRE and the promoter of the Abd-B gene.


Our results suggest that CycG could regulate the activity of Corto at chromatin and thus be involved in changing Corto from an Enhancer of TrxG into an Enhancer of PcG.  相似文献   

The effects of cGMP-dependent protein kinase (G-kinase), a major cellular receptor of cGMP, were investigated in activated human neutrophils. Immunocytochemistry demonstrated that G-kinase translocated from a diffuse localization in the cytoplasm to the cytoskeleton and nucleus after stimulation with N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP), and transiently co-localized with the intermediate filament protein, vimentin. During this time period, the most remarkable co-localization of G-kinase and vimentin was observed between 1-2.5 min stimulation with fMLP. At that time co-localization of G-kinase and vimentin was predominantly confined to filaments which extended from regions adjacent to the nucleus into the uropod. Distinctive localization for only G-kinase was observed at the microtubule organizing center and euchromatin of the nucleus. The filamentous staining pattern for G-kinase and vimentin was enhanced in the presence of 8-Br-cGMP. Coincident with co-localization of G-kinase and vimentin in adherent neutrophils was a transient increase in cGMP levels and an increase in the phosphorylation of vimentin in fMLP-stimulated cells. The increase in cGMP levels was dependent upon cell adherence, was enhanced by preincubating neutrophils with L-arginine (the precursor for nitric oxide synthesis), and attenuated with the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, NG-monomethyl-L-arginine. Phosphorylation of vimentin in the fMLP-stimulated neutrophil was observed in the presence or absence of exogenous cGMP, although in the presence of low concentrations of 8-Br-cGMP a more rapid phosphorylation of vimentin was observed that correlated with the enhanced co-localization of G-kinase and vimentin. Phosphorylation of vimentin was not observed in non-activated cells treated with 8-Br-cGMP, suggesting that phosphorylation only occurs when G-kinase is co-localized with vimentin. The presence of the protein kinase C inhibitors, staurosporine or H-7, did not inhibit vimentin phosphorylation during fMLP stimulation, while 8-Br-cGMP enhanced phosphorylation in fMLP-treated cells. This suggests that neither protein kinase C nor cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalyze the phosphorylation of vimentin in neutrophils activated by fMLP. These results indicate that vimentin and G-kinase are co-localized in neutrophils and that vimentin is phosphorylated by G-kinase in response to the co-localization of the two proteins. A model for the targeting of G-kinase and vimentin is presented which hypothesizes that the transient redistribution of G-kinase may regulate neutrophil activation.  相似文献   

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