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Cryptococcus neoformans is a facultative intracellular pathogen, which can replicate in the acidic environment inside phagolysosomes. Deletion of the enzyme inositol-phosphosphingolipid-phospholipase-C (Isc1) makes C. neoformans hypersensitive to acidic pH likely by inhibiting the function of the proton pump, plasma membrane ATPase (Pma1). In this work, we examined the role of Isc1 on Pma1 transport and oligomerization. Our studies showed that Isc1 deletion did not affect Pma1 synthesis or transport, but significantly inhibited Pma1 oligomerization. Interestingly, Pma1 oligomerization could be restored by supplementing the medium with phytoceramide. These results offer insight into the mechanism of intracellular survival of C. neoformans.  相似文献   

The vast majority of extracellular proteins are exported from mammalian cells by the endoplasmic reticulum/Golgi-dependent secretory pathway. For poorly understood reasons, however, a heterogenous group of extracellular proteins has been discovered that does not make use of signal peptide-dependent secretory transport. Both the release mechanisms and the molecular identity of the secretory machines involved have remained elusive. Recent studies now have established a subgroup of unconventional secretory proteins capable of translocating from the cytoplasm directly across the plasma membrane to get access to the exterior of eukaryotic cells. This review aims to focus on a detailed comparison of the subcellular site of membrane translocation of various unconventional secretory proteins such as the proangiogenic molecule fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) and Leishmania hydrophilic acylated surface protein B (HASP B). A potential link between membrane translocation and quality control as an integral part of unconventional secretory processes is discussed.  相似文献   

In this study we show that the plasma membrane [H+]ATPase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is phosphorylated on multiple Ser and Thr residues in vivo. Phosphorylation occurs during the movement of newly synthesized ATPase from the ER to the cell surface, as revealed by the analysis of temperature-sensitive sec mutants blocked at successive steps of the secretory pathway. Two-dimensional phosphopeptide analysis of the ATPase indicates that, although most sites are phosphorylated at or before arrival in secretory vesicles, some phosphopeptides are unique to the plasma membrane. Phosphorylation of plasma membrane-specific site(s) is associated with increased ATPase activity during growth on glucose. Upon glucose starvation, dephosphorylation occurs concomitantly with a decrease in enzymatic activity, and both are rapidly reversed (within 2 min) upon readdition of glucose. We suggest that reversible, site-specific phosphorylation serves to adjust ATPase activity in response to nutritional signals.  相似文献   

To understand protein sorting and quality control in the secretory pathway, we have analyzed intracellular trafficking of the yeast plasma membrane ATPase, Pma1. Pma1 is ideal for such studies because it is a very abundant polytopic membrane protein, and its localization and activity at the plasma membrane are essential for cell viability and growth. We have tested whether the cytoplasmic amino- and carboxyl-terminal domains of Pma1 carry sorting information. As the sole copy of Pma1, mutants truncated at either NH2 or COOH termini are targeted at least partially to the plasma membrane and have catalytic activity to sustain cell viability. The mutants are also delivered to degradative pathways. Strikingly, NH2- and COOH-terminal Pma1 mutants are differentially recognized for degradation at distinct cellular locales. COOH-terminal mutants are recognized for destruction by endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation. By contrast, NH2-terminal mutants escape detection by endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation entirely, and undergo endocytosis for vacuolar degradation after apparently normal cell surface targeting. Both NH2- and COOH-terminal mutants are conformationally abnormal, as revealed by increased sensitivity to tryptic cleavage, but are able to assemble to form oligomers. We propose that different quality control mechanisms may assess discrete domains of Pma1 rather than a global conformational state.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is the entry site of proteins into the endomembrane system. Proteins exit the ER via coat protein II (COPII) vesicles in a selective manner, mediated either by direct interaction with the COPII coat or aided by cargo receptors. Despite the fundamental role of such receptors in protein sorting, only a few have been identified. To further define the machinery that packages secretory cargo and targets proteins from the ER to Golgi membranes, we used multiple systematic approaches, which revealed 2 uncharacterized proteins that mediate the trafficking and maturation of Pma1, the essential yeast plasma membrane proton ATPase. Ydl121c (Exp1) is an ER protein that binds Pma1, is packaged into COPII vesicles, and whose deletion causes ER retention of Pma1. Ykl077w (Psg1) physically interacts with Exp1 and can be found in the Golgi and coat protein I (COPI) vesicles but does not directly bind Pma1. Loss of Psg1 causes enhanced degradation of Pma1 in the vacuole. Our findings suggest that Exp1 is a Pma1 cargo receptor and that Psg1 aids Pma1 maturation in the Golgi or affects its retrieval. More generally our work shows the utility of high content screens in the identification of novel trafficking components.   相似文献   

We have characterized a class of mutations in PMA1, (encoding plasma membrane ATPase) that is ideal for the analysis of membrane targeting in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This class of pma1 mutants undergoes growth arrest at the restrictive temperature because newly synthesized ATPase fails to be targeted to the cell surface. Instead, mutant ATPase is delivered to the vacuole, where it is degraded. Delivery to the vacuole occurs without previous arrival at the plasma membrane because degradation of mutant ATPase is not prevented when internalization from the cell surface is blocked. Disruption of PEP4, encoding vacuolar proteinase A, blocks ATPase degradation, but fails to restore growth because the ATPase is still improperly targeted. One of these pma1 mutants was used to select multicopy suppressors that would permit growth at the nonpermissive temperature. A novel gene, AST1, identified by this selection, suppresses several pma1 alleles defective for targeting. The basis for suppression is that multicopy AST1 causes rerouting of mutant ATPase from the vacuole to the cell surface. pma1 mutants deleted for AST1 have a synthetic growth defect at the permissive temperature, providing genetic evidence for interaction between AST1 and PMA1. Ast1 is a cytoplasmic protein that associates with membranes, and is localized to multiple compartments, including the plasma membrane. The identification of AST1 homologues suggests that Ast1 belongs to a novel family of proteins that participates in membrane traffic.  相似文献   

The effect of aluminum on dimorphic fungi Yarrowia lipolytica was investigated. High aluminum (0.5–1.0 mM AlK(SO4)2) inhibits yeast–hypha transition. Both vanadate-sensitive H+ transport and ATPase activities were increased in total membranes isolated from aluminum-treated cells, indicating that a plasma membrane H+ pump was stimulated by aluminum. Furthermore, Al-treated cells showed a stronger H+ efflux in solid medium. The present results suggest that alterations in the plasma membrane H+ transport might underline a pH signaling required for yeast/hyphal development. The data point to the cell surface pH as a determinant of morphogenesis of Y. lipolytica and the plasma membrane H+-ATPase as a key factor of this process.  相似文献   

We previously identified Sys1p as a high copy number suppressor of Ypt6 GTPase-deficient yeast mutants that are defective in endosome-to-Golgi transport. Here, we show that Sys1p is an integral membrane protein that resides on a post-endoplasmic reticulum (ER) organelle(s). Affinity studies with detergent- solubilized yeast proteins showed that the C-terminal 53 amino acid tail of Sys1p binds effectively to the cytoplasmic Sec23p-Sec24p COPII subcomplex. This binding required a di-acidic Asp-Leu-Glu (DXE) motif, previously shown to mediate efficient ER export of the vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein in mammalian cells. In Sys1p, a Glu-Leu-Glu (EXE) sequence could not substitute for the (DXE) motif. Mutations of the (DXE) sequence resulted in ER retention of approximately 30% of the protein at steady state, whereas addition of the Sys1p tail to an ER-resident membrane protein led to an intracellular redistribution of the chimeric protein. Our study demonstrates for the first time that, in yeast, a di-acidic sequence motif can act as a sorting signal for cargo selection during the formation of transport vesicles at the ER by direct binding to COPII component(s).  相似文献   

The biogenesis of mitochondria requires the integration of many proteins into the inner membrane from the matrix side. The inner membrane protein Oxa1 plays an important role in this process. We identified Mba1 as a second mitochondrial component that is required for efficient protein insertion. Like Oxa1, Mba1 specifically interacts both with mitochondrial translation products and with conservatively sorted, nuclear-encoded proteins during their integration into the inner membrane. Oxa1 and Mba1 overlap in function and substrate specificity, but both can act independently of each other. We conclude that Mba1 is part of the mitochondrial protein export machinery and represents the first component of a novel Oxa1-independent insertion pathway into the mitochondrial inner membrane.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of the Ca(2+)- and H(+)-ATPases shed light into the membrane embedded domains involved in binding and ion translocation. Consistent with site-directed mutagenesis, these structures provided additional evidence that membrane-spanning segments M4, M5, M6 and M8 are the core through which cations are pumped. In the present study, we have used alanine/serine scanning mutagenesis to study the structure-function relationships within M6 (Leu-721-Pro-742) of the yeast plasma membrane ATPase. Of the 22 mutants expressed and analyzed in secretory vesicles, alanine substitutions at two well conserved residues (Asp-730 and Asp-739) led to a complete block in biogenesis; in the mammalian P-ATPases, residues corresponding to Asp-730 are part of the cation-binding domain. Two other mutants (V723A and I736A) displayed a dramatic 20-fold increase in the IC(50) for inorganic orthovanadate compared to the wild-type control, accompanied by a significant reduction in the K(m) for Mg-ATP, and an alkaline shift in the pH optimum for ATP hydrolysis. This behavior is apparently due to a shift in equilibrium from the E(2) conformation of the ATPase towards the E(1) conformation. By contrast, the most striking mutants lying toward the extracellular side in a helical structure (L721A, I722A, F724A, I725A, I727A and F728A) were expressed in secretory vesicles but had a severe reduction of ATPase activity. Moreover, all of these mutants but one (F728A) were unable to support yeast growth when the wild-type chromosomal PMA1 gene was replaced by the mutant allele. Surprisingly, in contrast to M8 where mutations S800A and E803Q (Guerra et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1768: 2383-2392, 2007) led to a dramatic increase in the apparent stoichiometry of H(+) transport, three substitutions (A726S, A732S and T733A) in M6 showed a reduction in the apparent coupling ratio. Taken together, these results suggest that M6 residues play an important role in protein stability and function, and probably are responsible for cation binding and stoichiometry of ion transport as suggested by homology modeling.  相似文献   

Formation of ER-derived protein transport vesicles requires three cytosolic components, a small GTPase, Sar1p, and two heterodimeric complexes, Sec23/24p and Sec13/31p, which comprise the COPII coat. We investigated the role of Lst1p, a Sec24p homologue, in cargo recruitment into COPII vesicles in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A tagged version of Lst1p was purified and eluted as a heterodimer complexed with Sec23p comparable to the Sec23/24p heterodimer. We found that cytosol from an lst1-null strain supported the packaging of alpha-factor precursor into COPII vesicles but was deficient in the packaging of Pma1p, the essential plasma membrane ATPase. Supplementation of mutant cytosol with purified Sec23/Lst1p restored Pma1p packaging into the vesicles. When purified COPII components were used in the vesicle budding reaction, Pma1p packaging was optimal with a mixture of Sec23/24p and Sec23/Lst1p; Sec23/Lst1p did not replace Sec23/24p. Furthermore, Pma1p coimmunoprecipitated with Lst1p and Sec24p from vesicles. Vesicles formed with a mixture of Sec23/Lst1p and Sec23/24p were similar morphologically and in their buoyant density, but larger than normal COPII vesicles (87-nm vs. 75-nm diameter). Immunoelectronmicroscopic and biochemical studies revealed both Sec23/Lst1p and Sec23/24p on the membranes of the same vesicles. These results suggest that Lst1p and Sec24p cooperate in the packaging of Pma1p and support the view that biosynthetic precursors of plasma membrane proteins must be sorted into ER-derived transport vesicles. Sec24p homologues may comprise a more complex coat whose combinatorial subunit composition serves to expand the range of cargo to be packaged into COPII vesicles. By changing the geometry of COPII coat polymerization, Lst1p may allow the transport of bulky cargo molecules, polymers, or particles.  相似文献   

Ebselen (2-phenyl-1,2-benzisoselenazol-3(2H)-one) is a selenium-containing antioxidant demonstrating anti-inflammatory and cytoprotective properties in mammalian cells and cytotoxicity in lower organisms. The mechanism underlying the antimicrobial activity of ebselen remains unclear. It has recently been proposed that, in lower organisms like yeast, the plasma membrane H+-ATPase (Pma1p) could serve as a potential target for this synthetic organoselenium compound. Using yeast and bacteria, the present study found ebselen to inhibit microbial growth in a concentration- and time-dependent manner, and yeast and Gram-positive bacteria to be more sensitive to this action (IC50 approximately 2-5 microM) than Gram-negative bacteria (IC50 < 80 microM). Washout experiments and scanning electron microscopic analysis revealed ebselen to possess fungicidal activity. In addition, ebselen was found to inhibit medium acidification by PMA1-proficient haploid yeast in a concentration-dependent manner. Additional studies comparing PMA1 (+/-) and PMA1 (+/+) diploid yeast cells revealed the mutant to be more sensitive to treatment with ebselen than the wild type. Ebselen also inhibited the ATPase activity of Pma1p from S. cerevisiae in a concentration-dependent manner. The interaction of ebselen with the sulfhydryl-containing compounds L-cysteine and reduced glutathione resulted in the complete and partial prevention, respectively, of the inhibition of Pma1p ATPase activity by ebselen. Taken together, these results suggest that the fungicidal action of ebselen is due, at least in part, to interference with both the proton-translocating function and the ATPase activity of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase.  相似文献   

Dss1p is an evolutionarily conserved small protein that interacts with BRCA2, a tumor suppressor protein, in humans. The Schizosaccharomyces pombe strain lacking the dss1+ gene (Δdss1) shows a temperature-sensitive growth defect and accumulation of bulk poly(A)+ RNA in the nucleus at a nonpermissive temperature. In situ hybridization using probes for several specific mRNAs, however, revealed that the analyzed mRNAs were exported normally to the cytoplasm in Δdss1, suggesting that Dss1p is required for export of some subsets of mRNAs. We identified the pad1+ gene, which encodes a component of the 26S proteasome, as a suppressor for the ts phenotype of Δdss1. Unexpectedly, overexpression of Pad1p could suppress neither the defect in nuclear mRNA export nor a defect in proteasome function. In addition, loss of proteasome functions does not cause defective nuclear mRNA export. Dss1p seems to be a multifunctional protein involved in nuclear export of specific sets of mRNAs and the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway in fission yeast.  相似文献   

The specialised ATPase FliI is central to export of flagellar axial protein subunits during flagellum assembly. We establish the normal cellular location of FliI and its regulatory accessory protein FliH in motile Salmonella typhimurium, and ascertain the regions involved in FliH(2)/FliI heterotrimerisation. Both FliI and FliH localised to the cytoplasmic membrane in the presence and in the absence of proteins making up the flagellar export machinery and basal body. Membrane association was tight, and FliI and FliH interacted with Escherichia coli phospholipids in vitro, both separately and as the preformed FliH(2)/FliI complex, in the presence or in the absence of ATP. Yeast two-hybrid analysis and pull-down assays revealed that the C-terminal half of FliH (H105-235) directs FliH homodimerisation, and interacts with the N-terminal region of FliI (I1-155), which in turn has an intra-molecular interaction with the remainder of the protein (I156-456) containing the ATPase domain. The FliH105-235 interaction with FliI was sufficient to exert the FliH-mediated down-regulation of ATPase activity. The basal ATPase activity of isolated FliI was stimulated tenfold by bacterial (acidic) phospholipids, such that activity was 100-fold higher than when bound by FliH in the absence of phospholipids. The results indicate similarities between FliI and the well-characterised SecA ATPase that energises general protein secretion. They suggest that FliI and FliH are intrinsically targeted to the inner membrane before contacting the flagellar secretion machinery, with both FliH105-235 and membrane phospholipids interacting with FliI to couple ATP hydrolysis to flagellum assembly.  相似文献   

Secretory vesicles that accumulate in the temperature-sensitive sec6-4 strain of yeast have been shown to contain a vanadate-sensitive ATPase, presumably en route to the plasma membrane (Walworth, N. C., and Novick, P. J. (1987) J. Cell Biol. 105, 163-174). We have now established this enzyme to be a fully functional form of the PMA1 [H+]ATPase, identical in its catalytic properties to that found in the plasma membrane. In addition, the secretory vesicles are sealed tightly enough to permit the measurement of ATP-dependent proton pumping with fluorescent probes. We have gone on to exploit the vesicles as an expression system for site-directed mutants of the ATPase. For this purpose, a sec6-4 strain has been constructed in which the chromosomal PMA1 gene is under control of the GAL1 promoter; the mutant pma1 allele to be studied is introduced on a centromeric plasmid under the control of a novel heat shock promoter. In galactose medium at 23 degrees C, the wild-type ATPase is produced and supports normal vegetative growth. When the cells are switched to glucose medium at 37 degrees C, however, the wild-type gene turns off, the mutant gene turns on, and secretory vesicles accumulate. The vesicles contain a substantial amount of newly synthesized, plasmid-encoded ATPase (5-10% of total vesicle protein), but only traces of residual wild-type PMA1 ATPase and no detectable mitochondrial ATPase, vacuolar ATPase, or acid or alkaline phosphatase. To test the expression strategy, we have made use of pma1-105 (Ser368----Phe), a vanadate-resistant mutant previously characterized by standard methods (Perlin, D. S., Harris, S. L., Seto-Young, D., and Haber, J. E. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 21857-21864). In secretory vesicles, as expected, the plasmid-borne pma1-105 allele gives rise to a mutant enzyme with a reduced rate of ATP hydrolysis and a 100-fold increase in Ki for vanadate. Proton pumping is similarly resistant to vanadate. Thus, the vesicles appear well suited for the production and characterization of mutant forms of the PMA1 [H+]ATPase. They should also aid the study of other yeast membrane proteins that are essential for growth as well as heterologous proteins whose appearance in the plasma membrane may be toxic to the cell.  相似文献   

Pma1-7 is a mutant plasma membrane ATPase that is impaired in targeting to the cell surface at 37 degrees C and is delivered instead to the endosomal/vacuolar pathway for degradation. We have proposed that Pma1-7 is a substrate for a Golgibased quality control mechanism. By contrast with wild-type Pma1, Pma1-7 is ubiquitinated. Ubiquitination and endosomal targeting of Pma1-7 is dependent on the Rsp5-Bul1-Bul2 ubiquitin ligase protein complex but not the transmembrane ubiquitin ligase Tul1. Analysis of Pma1-7 ubiquitination in mutants blocked in protein transport at various steps of the secretory pathway suggests that ubiquitination occurs after ER exit but before endosomal entry. In the absence of ubiquitination in rsp5-1 cells, Pma1-7 is delivered to the cell surface and remains stable. Nevertheless, Pma1-7 remains impaired in association with detergent-insoluble glycolipid-enriched complexes in rsp5-1 cells, suggesting that ubiquitination is not the cause of Pma1-7 exclusion from rafts. In vps1 cells in which protein transport into the endosomal pathway is blocked, Pma1-7 is routed to the cell surface. On arrival at the plasma membrane in vps1 cells, Pma1-7 remains stable and its ubiquitination disappears, suggesting deubiquitination activity at the cell surface. We suggest that Pma1-7 sorting and fate are regulated by ubiquitination.  相似文献   

TheE. coli secY (prlA) gene, located in the operator-distal part of thespec ribosomal protein operon, codes for an integral membrane protein, SecY. The phenotypes of temperature-sensitive and cold-sensitive mutations insecY suggest that the SecY protein plays an essential rolein vivo to facilitate protein translocation, whereas theprlA mutations in this gene suggest that SecY may interact with the signal sequence of translocating polypeptides. SecY contains most probably six cytoplasmic and five periplasmic domains, as well as 10 transmembrane segments. Such membrane-embedded structure may confer the SecY protein a translocator function, in which it provides a proteinaceous pathway for passage of secreted as well as membrane proteins. Results obtained byin vitro analyses of the translocation reactions, as well as some new phenotypes of thesecY mutants, are consistent with this notion. Possible interaction of SecY with other secretion and chaperone-like factors is also discussed.  相似文献   

The Niemann Pick C1 protein localizes to late endosomes and plays a key role in the intracellular transport of cholesterol in mammalian cells. Cholesterol and other lipids accumulate in a lysosomal or late endosomal compartment in cells lacking normal NPC1 function. Other than accumulation of lipids, defects in lysosomal retroendocytosis, sorting of a multifunctional receptor and endosomal movement have also been detected in NPC1 mutant cells. Ncr1p is an ortholog of NPC1 in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In this study, we show that Ncr1p is a vacuolar membrane protein that transits through the biosynthetic vacuolar protein sorting pathway, and that it can be solubilized by Triton X-100 at 4 degrees C. Using well-established assays, we demonstrate that the absence of Ncr1p had no effect on fluid phase and receptor- mediated endocytosis, biosynthetic delivery to the vacuole, retrograde transport from endosome to Golgi and ubiquitin- and nonubiquitin-dependent multivesicular body sorting. We conclude that Ncr1p does not have an essential role in known endocytic transport pathways in yeast.  相似文献   


A number of studies using chimeric constructs made by fusing endoplasmic/sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium pump (SERCA) sequences with those of the plasma membrane located calcium pump (PMCA) have suggested that the retention/retrieval signal responsible for maintaining SERCA in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is located within the N-terminus of these pumps. Because of the difficulties in identifying the presence of constructs at the plasma membrane we have used a trans-Golgi network (TGN) marker to evaluate whether chimeric proteins are retained by the ER or have lost their retention/retrieval sequences and are able to enter the wider endomembrane system and reach the TGN. In this study, attempts to locate this retention/retrieval sequence demonstrate that the retention sequences are located not in the N-terminus, as previously suggested, but in the largely transmembranous C-terminal domain of SERCA. Further attempts to identify the precise retention/retrieval motif using SERCA1/PMCA3 chimeras were unsuccessful. This may be due to the fact that introducing SERCA1 sequences into the C-terminal PMCA3 sequence and vice versa disrupts the organization of the closely packed transmembrane helices leading to retention of such constructs by the quality control mechanisms of the ER. An alternative explanation is that SERCAs have targeting motifs that are non-linear, being made up of several segments of sequence to form a patch that interacts with the retrieval machinery.  相似文献   

Arginine (Arg)-based endoplasmic reticulum (ER) localization signals are sorting motifs involved in the quality control of multimeric membrane proteins. They are distinct from other ER localization signals like the C-terminal di-lysine [-K(X)KXX] signal. The Pmp2p isoproteolipid, a type I yeast membrane protein, reports faithfully on the activity of sorting signals when fused to a tail containing either an Arg-based motif or a -KKXX signal. This reporter reveals that the Arg-based ER localization signals from mammalian Kir6.2 and GB1 proteins are functional in yeast. Thus, the machinery involved in recognition of Arg-based signals is evolutionarily conserved. Multimeric presentation of the Arg-based signal from Kir6.2 on Pmp2p results in forward transport, which requires 14-3-3 proteins encoded in yeast by BMH1 and BMH2 in two isoforms. Comparison of a strain without any 14-3-3 proteins (Deltabmh2) and the individual Deltabmh1 or Deltabmh2 shows that the role of 14-3-3 in the trafficking of this multimeric Pmp2p reporter is isoform-specific. Efficient forward transport requires the presence of Bmh1p. The specific role of Bmh1p is not due to differences in abundance or affinity between the isoforms. Our results imply that 14-3-3 proteins mediate forward transport by a mechanism distinct from simple masking of the Arg-based signal.  相似文献   

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