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Malaria parasites use vertebrate hosts for asexual multiplication and Culicidae mosquitoes for sexual and asexual development, yet the literature on avian malaria remains biased towards examining the asexual stages of the life cycle in birds. To fully understand parasite evolution and mechanism of malaria transmission, knowledge of all three components of the vector-host-parasite system is essential. Little is known about avian parasite-vector associations in African rainforests where numerous species of birds are infected with avian haemosporidians of the genera Plasmodium and Haemoproteus. Here we applied high resolution melt qPCR-based techniques and nested PCR to examine the occurrence and diversity of mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences of haemosporidian parasites in wild-caught mosquitoes sampled across 12 sites in Cameroon. In all, 3134 mosquitoes representing 27 species were screened. Mosquitoes belonging to four genera (Aedes, Coquillettidia, Culex and Mansonia) were infected with twenty-two parasite lineages (18 Plasmodium spp. and 4 Haemoproteus spp.). Presence of Plasmodium sporozoites in salivary glands of Coquillettidia aurites further established these mosquitoes as likely vectors. Occurrence of parasite lineages differed significantly among genera, as well as their probability of being infected with malaria across species and sites. Approximately one-third of these lineages were previously detected in other avian host species from the region, indicating that vertebrate host sharing is a common feature and that avian Plasmodium spp. vector breadth does not always accompany vertebrate-host breadth. This study suggests extensive invertebrate host shifts in mosquito-parasite interactions and that avian Plasmodium species are most likely not tightly coevolved with vector species.  相似文献   

Malaria sporozoites have the unique capacity to invade two entirely different types of target cell in the mosquito vector and the vertebrate host during the course of the parasite's life cycle. Although little is known about the specific interaction of the sporozoite with its target cells, two sporozoite proteins, circumsporozoite (CS) and thrombospondin-related adhesive protein (TRAP), have been shown to play important roles in the invasion of both cell types. CS protein is a multifunctional protein involved in sporogony, invasion of the salivary glands, the specific arrest of sporozoites in the liver sinusoid, gliding motility of the sporozoite, and hepatocyte recognition and entry. TRAP has been shown to be critical for sporozoite infection of the mosquito salivary glands and liver cells, and is essential for sporozoite gliding motility. This review will focus on the involvement of these molecules in sporozoite motility and the invasion of host cells.  相似文献   

Interactions of the malaria parasite and its mammalian host   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A hallmark of Plasmodium development inside its mammalian victim is the remarkable restriction to the host species. Adaptation to an intracellular life style in specific target cells is determined by multiple parasite-host interactions. The first line of crosstalk occurs during intradermal sporozoite injection by an Anopheles mosquito. The following expansion in the liver is highly efficient and leads to successful establishment of the parasite population. During the periodic waves of fevers and chills the parasite destroys and re-infects red blood cells. Recent advances in experimental genetics and imaging techniques begin to expose the complex interactions at the changing parasite-host interfaces. Understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms of target cell recognition, nutrient acquisition, and hijacking of cellular and immune functions may ultimately explain the elaborate biology of a medically important single cell eukaryote.  相似文献   

Malaria parasites undergo two rounding-up transformations in their life cycle: the ookinete-to-oocyst transformation in the mosquito midgut, and the sporozoite-to-EEF (exo-erythrocytic form) differentiation in the host hepatocyte. Both events are characterized by the loss of polarity, implying that cytoskeletal reorganization is involved. In other eukaryotes, regulation of the actin skeleton is fundamental to subcellular remodeling. Although filamentous actin is well known to be involved in the motility of apicomplexan parasites, its participation in their morphological regulation is still largely unexplored. Here we describe the fundamental role of Actin depolymerization factor 2 (ADF2), a vector-stage-specific ADF isoform, in morphological changes accompanying the parasite life cycle. Among protozoan parasites, Plasmodium is unique in having two actin and two ADF genes. Disruption of the ADF2 gene in the rodent malaria parasite P. berghei had no effect on ookinete development or its subsequent invasion of the midgut. However, both the ookinete-to-oocyst and sporozoite-to-EEF transformations showed significant defects. These results indicated that Plasmodium ADF2 plays a pivotal role in transformation in the malaria parasite life cycle.  相似文献   

Malaria is transmitted to a mammalian host when the sporozoite stage of the Plasmodium parasite is injected by a mosquito vector. Sporozoites are unique in being able to interact with both hosts. Formed and released in the mosquito midgut, sporozoites bind to the salivary glands and invade their secretory cells. Once injected into the mammalian host, they home to the liver and invade hepatocytes. Recent work has shown that two sporozoite surface proteins, CS and TRAP, act in both hosts, perform multiple functions, and are each essential for the parasite at more than one step of its life cycle.  相似文献   

Although avian malarial parasites are globally distributed, the factors that affect the geographical distribution and local prevalence of different parasite lineages across host populations or species are still poorly understood. Based on the intense screening of avian malarial parasites in nine European blue tit populations, we studied whether distribution ranges as well as local adaptation, host specialization and phylogenetic relationships can determine the observed prevalences within populations. We found that prevalence differed consistently between parasite lineages and host populations, indicating that the transmission success of parasites is lineage specific but is partly shaped by locality-specific effects. We also found that the lineage-specific estimate of prevalence was related to the distribution range of parasites: lineages found in more host populations were generally more prevalent within these populations. Additionally, parasites with high prevalence that were also widely distributed among blue tit populations were also found to infect more host species. These findings suggest that parasites reaching high local prevalence can also realize wide distribution at a global scale that can have further consequences for host specialization. Although phylogenetic relationships among parasites did not predict prevalence, we detected a close match between a tree based on the geographic distance of the host populations and the parasite phylogenetic tree, implying that neighbouring host populations shared a related parasite fauna.  相似文献   

Parasite population structure is often thought to be largely shaped by that of its host. In the case of a parasite with a complex life cycle, two host species, each with their own patterns of demography and migration, spread the parasite. However, the population structure of the parasite is predicted to resemble only that of the most vagile host species. In this study, we tested this prediction in the context of a vector‐transmitted parasite. We sampled the haemosporidian parasite Polychromophilus melanipherus across its European range, together with its bat fly vector Nycteribia schmidlii and its host, the bent‐winged bat Miniopterus schreibersii. Based on microsatellite analyses, the wingless vector, and not the bat host, was identified as the least structured population and should therefore be considered the most vagile host. Genetic distance matrices were compared for all three species based on a mitochondrial DNA fragment. Both host and vector populations followed an isolation‐by‐distance pattern across the Mediterranean, but not the parasite. Mantel tests found no correlation between the parasite and either the host or vector populations. We therefore found no support for our hypothesis; the parasite population structure matched neither vector nor host. Instead, we propose a model where the parasite's gene flow is represented by the added effects of host and vector dispersal patterns.  相似文献   

The malaria parasite sporozoite transmission stage develops and differentiates within parasite oocysts on the Anopheles mosquito midgut. Successful inoculation of the parasite into a mammalian host is critically dependent on the sporozoite's ability to first infect the mosquito salivary glands. Remarkable changes in tissue infection competence are observed as the sporozoites transit from the midgut oocysts to the salivary glands. Our microarray analysis shows that compared to oocyst sporozoites, salivary gland sporozoites upregulate expression of at least 124 unique genes. Conversely, oocyst sporozoites show upregulation of at least 47 genes (upregulated in oocyst sporozoites [UOS genes]) before they infect the salivary glands. Targeted gene deletion of UOS3, encoding a putative transmembrane protein with a thrombospondin repeat that localizes to the sporozoite secretory organelles, rendered oocyst sporozoites unable to infect the mosquito salivary glands but maintained the parasites' liver infection competence. This phenotype demonstrates the significance of differential UOS expression. Thus, the UIS-UOS gene classification provides a framework to elucidate the infectivity and transmission success of Plasmodium sporozoites on a whole-genome scale. Genes identified herein might represent targets for vector-based transmission blocking strategies (UOS genes), as well as strategies that prevent mammalian host infection (UIS genes).  相似文献   

Eleven volunteers were injected with an anti-malaria (Plasmodium falciparum) sporozoite vaccine candidate consisting of a synthetic peptide, Ac-Cys-(NANP)3, coupled to tetanus toxoid (TT) and adsorbed to aluminum hydroxide. Two of the volunteers had no previously known exposure to TT. Eight volunteers made detectable antipeptide, anticircumsporozoite protein or antisporozoite antibodies, whose titers increased after multiple injections in four individuals. The maximum antisporozoite titer obtained in an immunofluorescence assay was 1280. In those individuals who produced antipeptide antibody, the overall correlation between IgG anti-Ac-Cys-(NANP)3 antibody in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and IgG antisporozoite reactivity in immunofluorescence was highly significant. However, the fine specificity of antibody varied among volunteers with two individuals producing mostly antipeptide antibody. Anti-TT antibody responses increased in all volunteers with the exception of that person who had the highest pretrial anti-TT titer; this individual was one of the two pre-TT-immunized volunteers who failed to produce anti-Ac-Cys-(NANP)3 or sporozoite antibody. For the two non-TT preimmunized volunteers, one produced an antisporozoite fluorescence titer of 320; the other made no detectable antibody against either Ac-Cys-(NANP)3 or sporozoites during a primary response. For the three volunteers monitored, after the first injection, significant T cell proliferative responses to (NANP)3 were observed, which increased up to 4 wk after immunization, when a second injection was given. Responsiveness then declined to background levels and did not reappear after further immunizations. In contrast, a marked TT-specific proliferation was observed for the duration of the study.  相似文献   

Analysis of short RNAs in the malaria parasite and its red blood cell host   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Rathjen T  Nicol C  McConkey G  Dalmay T 《FEBS letters》2006,580(22):5185-5188
RNA interference (RNAi) is an RNA degradation process that involves short, double-stranded RNAs (dsRNA) as sequence specificity factors. The natural function of the RNAi machinery is to generate endogenous short double-stranded RNAs to regulate gene expression. It has been shown that treatment of Plasmodium falciparum, the etiologic agent of malaria, with dsRNA induces degradation of the corresponding microRNA (miRNA), yet typical RNAi-associated genes have not been identifiable in the parasite genome. To clarify this discrepancy we set out to clone short RNAs from P. falciparum-infected red blood cells and from purified parasites. We did not find any short RNA that was not a rRNA or tRNA fragment. Indeed, only known human miRNAs were isolated in parasite preparations indicating that very few if any short RNAs exist in P. falciparum. This suggests a different mechanism than classical RNAi in observations of dsRNA-mediated degradation. Of the human miRNAs identified, the human miRNA mir-451 accumulates at a very high level in both infected and healthy red blood cells. Interestingly, mir-451 was not detectable in a series of immortalised cell lines representing progenitor stages of all major blood lineages, suggesting that mir-451 may play a role in the differentiation of erythroid cells.  相似文献   

Barry AE  Leliwa-Sytek A  Man K  Kasper JM  Hartl DL  Day KP 《Gene》2006,376(2):163-173
An analysis of the diversity of the aspartyl proteases of Plasmodium falciparum, known as plasmepsins (PMs), was completed in view of their possible role as drug targets. DNA sequence polymorphisms were identified in nine pm genes including their non-coding (introns and 5' flanking) sequences. All genes contained at least one single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). Extensive microsatellite diversity was observed predominantly in non-coding sequences. All but one non-synonymous polymorphism (a conservative substitution) were mapped to the surface of the predicted protein, contradicting a possible role in enzymatic activity. The distribution of SNPs was found to be non-random among pm genes, with pm6 and pm10 having significantly higher SNP densities, suggesting they were under selection. For pm6 the majority of the SNPs were in introns and some of these may contribute to splice site variation. SNPs were found at a high density in both the coding and non-coding sequences of pm10. Recombination was important in generating additional diversity at this locus. Although direct selection for pm10 mutations could not be ruled out, the presence of balancing selection and a high density of SNPs in non-coding sequence led us to propose that another gene under selection may be influencing the diversity in the region. By sequencing short DNA tags in a 200 kb region flanking pm10 we show that a cluster of antigen genes, known to be under diversifying selection, may contribute to the observed diversity. We discuss the importance of diversity and local selection effects when choosing drug targets for intervention strategies.  相似文献   

Factors that influence proximity and the number and duration of contacts among individuals can influence parasite transmission among hosts, and thus parasite prevalence and species richness are expected to increase with increasing host density. To examine this prediction we took advantage of a unique situation. Following the clearing of a forest fragment that supported red colobus (Piliocolobus tephrosceles) and black-and-white colobus (Colobus guereza), the animals moved into a neighboring fragment that we had been monitoring for a number of years and for which we had described the primate parasite community. After the animals immigrated into the fragment, the colobus populations more than doubled and colobus density became almost twice that found in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Despite this increase in host density, the richness of the parasite community did not increase. However, in both colobus species the prevalence of Trichuris sp., the only commonly occurring gastrointestinal parasite, increased. Over the next 5 years the prevalence and intensity of infection of Trichuris sp. in red colobus declined and their population numbers slowly increased. In contrast, the prevalence and intensity of infection of Trichuris sp. increased in black-and-white colobus and remained high following the immigration, and their population size declined. While Trichuris sp. infections are typically asymptomatic, we consider it a possibility that they contributed to the decline of the black-and-white colobus, and that the red colobus may be serving as a reservoir for Trichuris, thereby increasing the infection risk for black-and-white colobus.  相似文献   

Disease-mediated impacts of exotic species on their native counterparts are often ignored when parasite-free individuals are translocated. However, native parasites are frequently acquired by exotic species, thus providing a mechanism through which native host-parasite dynamics may be altered. In Argentina, multiple exotic salmonids are host to the native fish acanthocephalan parasite Acanthocephalus tumescens. Field evidence suggests that rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, may be a major contributor to the native parasite’s population. We used a combination of experimental infections (cystacanth—juvenile worm transmission from amphipod to fish; post-cyclic—adult worm transmission between definitive fish hosts) and dynamic population modelling to determine the extent to which exotic salmonid hosts may alter A. tumescens infections in native freshwater fish. Experimental cystacanth infections demonstrated that although A. tumescens establishes equally well in native and exotic hosts, parasite growth and maturity is superior in exotic O. mykiss. Experimental post-cyclic infections also showed greater establishment success of A. tumescens in O. mykiss, though post-cyclic transmission did not result in greater parasite size or maturity. Dynamic population modelling, however, suggested that exotic salmonids may have a very limited influence on the A. tumescens population overall, due to the majority of A. tumescens individuals being maintained by more abundant native hosts. This research highlights the importance of considering both a host’s relative density and its competency for parasites when evaluating whether exotic species can modify native host-parasite dynamics.  相似文献   

Whether or not organisms become infected by parasites is likely to be a complex interplay between host and parasite genotypes, as well as the physiological condition of both species. Details of this interplay are very important because physiology‐driven susceptibility has the potential to confound genetic coevolutionary responses. Here we concentrate on how physiological aspects of infection may interfere with genetic‐based infectivity in a snail–trematode (Potamopyrgus antipodarum/Microphallus sp.) interaction by asking: (1) how does host condition affect susceptibility to infection? and (2) how does host condition affect the survival of infected individuals? We manipulated host condition by experimentally varying resources. Contrary to our expectation, host condition did not affect susceptibility to infection, suggesting that genetics are more important than physiology in this regard. However, hosts in poor condition had higher parasite‐induced mortality than hosts in good condition. Taken together, these results suggest that coevolutionary interactions with parasites may depend on host condition, not by altering susceptibility, but rather by affecting the likelihood of parasite transmission.  相似文献   

Host density is an important and widely accepted factor influencing microparasites epidemiology. In theory, host density would influence also macroparasite dynamic, although it would be achieved indirectly due to the presence of free-living infective stages of parasites. On this basis, it is expected that macroparasite abundance and prevalence would increase as host density increases, due to the higher probability for a new host to acquire infections from the environment. Nevertheless, some surveys indicate a negative relationship between host density and gastrointestinal helminth abundance in alpine chamois. On the basis of data collected from three different chamois populations, the Authors discuss the possibility that ecological factors different from host density should influence parasite biocoenosis dynamic, leading to the pattern observed in natural chamois-parasite systems.  相似文献   

It has often been suggested that vector-borne parasites alter their vector''s feeding behaviour to increase their transmission, but these claims are often based on laboratory studies and lack rigorous testing in a natural situation. We show in this field study that the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, alters the blood-feeding behaviour of its mosquito vector, Anopheles gambiae s.l., in two ways. First, mosquitoes infected with sporozoited, the parasite stage that is transmitted from the mosquito to a human, took up larger blood meals than uninfected mosquitoes. Whereas 72% of the uninfected mosquitoes had obtained a full blood meal, 82% of the infected ones had engorged fully. Second, mosquitoes harbouring sporozoites were more likely to bite several people per night. Twenty-two per cent of the infected mosquitoes, but only 10% of the uninfected mosquitoes, contained blood from at least two people. We conclude that the observed changes in blood-feeding behaviour allow the parasite to spread more rapidly among human hosts, and thus confirm that the parasite manipulates the mosquito to increase its own transmission.  相似文献   

Tropical forests are experiencing increasing impacts from a multitude of anthropogenic activities such as logging and conversion to agricultural use. These perturbations are expected to have strong impacts on ecological interactions and on the transmission dynamics of infectious diseases. To date, no clear picture of the effects of deforestation on vector-borne disease transmission has emerged. This is associated with the challenge of studying complex systems where many vertebrate hosts and vectors co-exist. To overcome this problem, we focused on an innately simplified system – a small oceanic island (São Tomé, Gulf of Guinea). We analyzed the impacts of human land-use on host-parasite interactions by sampling the bird community (1735 samples from 30 species) in natural and anthropogenic land use at different elevations, and screened individuals for haemosporidian parasites from three genera (Plasmodium, Haemoproteus, Leucocytozoon). Overall, Plasmodium had the highest richness but the lowest prevalence, while Leucocytozoon diversity was the lowest despite having the highest prevalence. Interestingly, co-infections (i.e. intra-host diversity) involved primarily Leucocytozoon lineages (95%). We also found marked differences between bird species and habitats. Some bird species showed low prevalence but harbored high diversity of parasites, while others showed high prevalence but were infected with fewer lineages. These infection dynamics are most likely driven by host specificity of parasites and intrinsic characteristics of hosts. In addition, Plasmodium was more abundant in disturbed habitats and at lower elevations, while Leucocytozoon was more prevalent in forest areas and at higher elevations. These results likely reflect the ecological requirements of their vectors: mosquitoes and black flies, respectively.  相似文献   

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