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Blood samples from 30 female and 20 male adult desert tortoises, Gopherus agassizii, were collected at monthly intervals during the annual reproductive cycle (April to October). Plasma corticosterone and the sex steroids in each of the samples were analyzed by radioimmunoassay. Mean corticosterone levels in males were significantly higher than in females (P < 0.001) in every month. Male tortoises showed a marked seasonal pattern in plasma corticosterone with a highly significant peak in July, August, September, and October that corresponded with a similar peak in plasma testosterone. Testosterone and corticosterone in the male showed a highly significant correlation (P < 0.0001). The pattern of corticosterone in the female was less marked, with a significant peak in May during the mating and nesting season, but no association with the peak in estradiol in late summer was apparent. The highest levels of corticosterone in the males were associated with the peak in spermatogenesis and intense male-male combat. These results support similar data from other reptiles that suggest increased glucocorticoid secretion during periods of increased activity and metabolism.  相似文献   

Following field observations of wild Agassiz's desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) with oral lesions similar to those seen in captive tortoises with herpesvirus infection, we measured the prevalence of antibodies to Testudinid herpesvirus (TeHV) 3 in wild populations of desert tortoises in California. The survey revealed 30.9% antibody prevalence. In 2009 and 2010, two wild adult male desert tortoises, with gross lesions consistent with trauma and puncture wounds, respectively, were necropsied. Tortoise 1 was from the central Mojave Desert and tortoise 2 was from the northeastern Mojave Desert. We extracted DNA from the tongue of tortoise 1 and from the tongue and nasal mucosa of tortoise 2. Sequencing of polymerase chain reaction products of the herpesviral DNA-dependent DNA polymerase gene and the UL39 gene respectively showed 100% nucleotide identity with TeHV2, which was previously detected in an ill captive desert tortoise in California. Although several cases of herpesvirus infection have been described in captive desert tortoises, our findings represent the first conclusive molecular evidence of TeHV2 infection in wild desert tortoises. The serologic findings support cross-reactivity between TeHV2 and TeHV3. Further studies to determine the ecology, prevalence, and clinical significance of this virus in tortoise populations are needed.  相似文献   

We describe primers and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) conditions to amplify 14 tri- and tetranucleotide microsatellite loci for the Mojave desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii). Across three populations (87 individuals) located in the Mojave Desert, USA, the markers yielded a range of four to 33 alleles and an average observed heterozygosity of 0.733 (range 0.433 to 0.933). We neither detected linkage disequilibrium between any pair of loci nor did we find a consistent pattern of deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. These microsatellites are designed for PCR multiplexing, and provide higher throughput capacity to aid in conservation genetics studies for this threatened species.  相似文献   

Dermal bone biopsies were collected from the periphery of the carapaces of adult desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) from grazed and ungrazed habitats near the Arizona/Utah border (USA). Quantitative bone histomorphometry was performed on these biopsies as well as on dermal bone biopsies collected from captive juvenile desert tortoises. Except for mild osteomalacia, carapaces of adult desert tortoises from the grazed habitat were relatively normal. No signs of osteopenia were observed. Based on the low numbers of osteoblasts and osteoclasts in dermal bone of both populations of adult desert tortoises, it appears that the peripheral carapace is relatively inert with very low levels of dermal bone turnover. Bone cells and osteoid were more common in dermal bone biopsies from the carapace and plastron of captive juvenile desert tortoises than in adult desert tortoises. However, the great variability in the incidence of bone cells among individuals and the difficulty in collecting juvenile desert tortoises in the field limit the usefulness of dermal bone biopsies from animals of this age group. Based on these results, we propose that dermal bone of the peripheral carapace is a poor sample site for evaluating the effects of dietary or environmental conditions on calcified tissues in desert tortoises.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma agassizi has been identified as a cause of upper respiratory tract disease (URTD) in the threatened Mojave population of the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), and anti-M. agassizii antibodies have been found by ELISA in as many as 15% of these animals across their geographic range. Here we report that a cohort of 16 egg-reared desert tortoises never exposed to M. agassizii had ELISA antibody titers to this organism that overlapped with titers obtained from some M. agassizii-infected tortoises. These natural antibodies were predominantly of the IgM class. Western blots of plasma from these non-infected tortoises produced a characteristic banding pattern against M. agassizii antigens. A group of 38 wild-caught desert tortoises was tested by ELISA, and although some of these tortoises had antibody titers significantly higher than the non-infected tortoises, there was considerable overlap at the lower titer levels. However, Western blot analysis revealed distinct banding patterns that could readily distinguish between the non-infected tortoises and tortoises with acquired antibodies, regardless of ELISA antibody titers. We conclude that desert tortoises have natural antibodies to M. agassizii that can compromise the determination of infection status by ELISA. However, the Western blot technique can distinguish between natural and acquired antibody patterns and can be used to confirm the diagnosis of M. agassizii infections in the desert tortoise.  相似文献   

The desert tortoise, Gopherus agassizii, is a threatened species native to the North American desert southwest and is recognized as having distinct Mojave and Sonoran populations. We identified six polymorphic microsatellite loci in the desert tortoise. All six loci were polymorphic in Sonoran samples. Five of the loci were variable in Mojave samples with varying degrees of amplification success. Two of the loci exhibited low allelic variation (2–3 alleles) while four were highly variable (8–27 alleles).  相似文献   

Mycoplasma agassizi has been identified as a cause of upper respiratory tract disease (URTD) in the threatened Mojave population of the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), and anti-M. agassizii antibodies have been found by ELISA in as many as 15% of these animals across their geographic range. Here we report that a cohort of 16 egg-reared desert tortoises never exposed to M. agassizii had ELISA antibody titers to this organism that overlapped with titers obtained from some M. agassizii-infected tortoises. These natural antibodies were predominantly of the IgM class. Western blots of plasma from these non-infected tortoises produced a characteristic banding pattern against M. agassizii antigens. A group of 38 wild-caught desert tortoises was tested by ELISA, and although some of these tortoises had antibody titers significantly higher than the non-infected tortoises, there was considerable overlap at the lower titer levels. However, Western blot analysis revealed distinct banding patterns that could readily distinguish between the non-infected tortoises and tortoises with acquired antibodies, regardless of ELISA antibody titers. We conclude that desert tortoises have natural antibodies to M. agassizii that can compromise the determination of infection status by ELISA. However, the Western blot technique can distinguish between natural and acquired antibody patterns and can be used to confirm the diagnosis of M. agassizii infections in the desert tortoise.  相似文献   

I used three innovative, nondestructive field methods (gas dilution,doubly labeled water and radiography) to measure individualenergy and water budgets of wild, female desert tortoises (Gopherusagassizii). With these budgets, I evaluated whether body reserveshelp females produce eggs independent of rainfall and food availability.Female desert tortoises used large seasonal and annual changesin metabolism and body water, protein and energy reserves tosurvive and produce eggs. Although lipid reserves are importantto female desert tortoises, nitrogen or crude protein appearsto be the primary limiting resource for producing eggs. By reducingmetabolic rates 90%, females conserved enough body reservesto produce eggs during extreme drought conditions; this is aneffective bet-hedging reproductive pattern in an extreme andunpredictable environment.  相似文献   

Aims: Mycoplasma agassizii can cause upper respiratory tract disease in the threatened desert tortoise of the Southwestern United States. Two technical challenges have impeded critical microbiological studies of this microorganism: (i) its small size limits the use of light microscopy for cell counting and (ii) its extremely slow growth in broth and agar cultures impedes colony counting. Our aim was to develop a rapid and sensitive flow cytometric method using a vital fluorescent dye to enumerate viable M. agassizii cells. Methods and Results: Here, we demonstrate that the nonfluorescent molecule 5‐carboxyfluorescein (5‐CF) diacetate acetoxymethyl ester penetrates M. agassizii cell membranes and it is converted in the cytoplasm to the fluorescent molecule 5‐CF by the action of intracellular esterases. Labelled mycoplasma cells can be easily detected by flow cytometry, and cultures with as few as 100 viable mycoplasma cells ml?1 can be labelled and counted in less than 1 h. Experiments using temperature‐induced cell death demonstrated that only viable M. agassizii cells are labelled with this procedure. Conclusions: A rapid and sensitive flow cytometric technique has been developed for enumerating viable M. agassizii cells. Significance and Impact of the Study: This technique should facilitate basic immunological, biochemical and pharmacological studies of this important pathogen which may lead to new diagnostic and therapeutic methods.  相似文献   

The oviducts of 24 tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus) were examined using histological techniques and scanning electron microscopy to determine endometrial morphology. Measurements of endometrial characteristics (epithelial cell height, cilia length, thickness of endometrial glandular layer, and glandular diameter) in the uterus and tube (tuba uterina) were obtained to determine changes during the reproductive cycle. Epithelial cell height increases in both the uterus and the tube during vitellogenesis and remains hypertrophied during gravidity. Cilia length increases in the uterus during late vitellogenesis and gravidity, but the length of tubal cilia does not change during the reproductive cycle. The ratio of secretory to ciliated epithelial cells in the oviduct increases from quiescence to gravidity. The thickness of the glandular endometrial layer increases in both the uterus and tube during vitellogenesis. In the uterus, the glandular layer decreases in thickness during gravidity. The diameter of the uterine glands increases throughout vitellogenesis and gravidity; however, following ovulation glandular cells become depleted of secretory granules and cell height diminishes. The diameter of the tubal glands is unchanged during the reproductive cycle. Oviductal hypertrophy during vitellogenesis coincides with elevated circulating estradiol, whereas during gravidity progesterone concentrations peak (Taylor, '82, PhD Dissertation, University of Florida, Gainesville) and may induce secretion of albumen and eggshell components.  相似文献   

The annual reproductive cycle of the brown bullhead catfish, Ictalurus nebulosus Lesueur, was investigated over a two-year period. In females, GSI increased in the spring as follicles enlarged and the granulosa became hypertrophied, dropped during spawning in August, then rose in the autumn as follicles enlarged slightly. 3β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD) activity was limited to thecal nests of large, vitellogenic follicles. Plasma testosterone and estradiol-17β levels increased in parallel with GSI. Levels of both steroids dropped prior to the spawning period, although a peak in estradiol-17β was evident during the spawning period. No 11-ketotestosterone was detected in female plasma. In males, GSI increased in the spring as spermatogenesis proceeded, and dropped during spawning. 3β-HSD activity was confined to Leydig cells and was most intense prior to spawning. Plasma testosterone and 11-ketotestosterone peaked during the pre-spawning period, dropped prior to spawning, then rose slowly during the autumn. A peak in estradiol-17β occurred during the spawning period. Significant differences in GSI and plasma steroid levels during the pre-spawning and spawning periods were observed between the two yearly cycles; they may be related to differences in rainfall during these periods.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationships between environmental variables and wildlife activity is an important part of effective management. The desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), an imperiled species of arid environments in the southwest US, may have increasingly restricted windows for activity due to current warming trends. In summer 2013, we deployed 48 motion sensor cameras at the entrances of tortoise burrows to investigate the effects of temperature, sex, and day of the year on the activity of desert tortoises. Using generalized estimating equations, we found that the relative probability of activity was associated with temperature (linear and quadratic), sex, and day of the year. Sex effects showed that male tortoises are generally more active than female tortoises. Temperature had a quadratic effect, indicating that tortoise activity was heightened at a range of temperatures. In addition, we found significant support for interactions between sex and day of the year, and sex and temperature as predictors of the probability of activity. Using our models, we were able to estimate air temperatures and times (days and hours) that were associated with maximum activity during the study. Because tortoise activity is constrained by environmental conditions such as temperature, it is increasingly vital to conduct studies on how tortoises vary their activity throughout the Sonoran Desert to better understand the effects of a changing climate.  相似文献   

In mammals, insemination results in the transmission of seminal factors that act, in the female reproductive tract, to promote sperm survival, to “condition” the female immune response to tolerate the conceptus and to organise molecular and cellular changes in the endometrium to facilitate embryo development and implantation. These events are initiated when signalling agents, including transforming growth factor-β and other cytokines and prostaglandins secreted by seminal vesicle and prostate glands, interact with epithelial cells in the cervix and uterus to activate cytokine synthesis and to induce cellular and molecular changes resembling a classical inflammatory cascade. The consequences are the recruitment and activation of macrophages, granulocytes and dendritic cells, which have immune-regulatory and tissue-remodelling roles that culminate in improved endometrial receptivity to the implanting embryo. Cytokines elicited by seminal activation have embryotrophic properties and also contribute directly to the optimal development of the early embryo. This review summarises our current understanding of the physiology of responses to seminal plasma in the female reproductive tract and considers the evolutionary significance of seminal plasma in influencing female tissues to promote the success of pregnancy.The author acknowledges the support of the NHMRC of Australia Fellowship and Program Grant schemes.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(5):1275-1281
Most studies of infanticide in rodents have been carried out on laboratory animals. In the present study, pairs of infanticidal male and female wild mice were observed for changes in their responsiveness to alien pups during the reproductive cycle. Females killed pups during pregnancy, adopted alien pups during the lactation period, and killed pups again a month after the weaning of their offspring. In males, the transition from infanticidal to parental responses occurred as early as the first half of their mates' pregnancy, and only half of them resumed infanticide a month after the weaning of their litters. Subsequent experiments showed that two independent factors, the experience of copulation and cues from the pregnant female, accounted for the cessation of infanticide and onset of parental care in the male. The adaptive value of the co-existence of multiple mechanisms underlying the cessation of infanticide in male and female house mice is discussed with respect to the social life of this species.  相似文献   

The oviducts of 25 tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus) were examined by using histology and scanning electron microscopy to determine oviductal functional morphology. Oviductal formation of albumen and eggshell was of particular interest. The oviduct is composed of 5 morphologically distinct regions; infundibulum, uterine tube, isthmus, uterus, and vagina. The epithelium consists of ciliated cells and microvillous secretory cells throughout the oviduct, whereas bleb secretory cells are unique to the infundibulum. The epithelium and endometrial glands of the uterine tube histologically resemble those of the avian magnum which produce egg albumen and may be functionally homologous. The isthmus is a short, nonglandular region of the oviduct and appears to contribute little to either albumen or eggshell formation. The uterus retains the eggs until oviposition and may form both the fibrous and calcareous eggshell. The endometrial glands are histologically similar to the endometrial glands of the isthmus of birds, which are known to secrete the fibers of the eggshell. These glands hypertrophy during vitellogenesis but become depleted during gravidity. The uterine epithelium may supply "plumping water" to the egg albumen as well as transport calcium ions for eggshell formation. The vagina is extremely muscular and serves as a sphincter to retain the eggs until oviposition. Sperm are found within the oviductal lumen and endometrial glands from the posterior tube to the anterior uterus throughout the reproductive cycle. This indicates sperm storage within the female tract, although the viability and reproductive significance of these sperm are unknown.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma agassizii and M. testudineum have been associated with upper respiratory tract disease (URTD) in the threatened desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii). Because microbiological culture methods have proven difficult to employ in wild desert tortoises, our goal was to develop a sensitive and specific qPCR method for detecting and quantifying mycoplasma DNA in nasal lavage fluid collected in the field. Primers for 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequences specific for M. agassizii and M. testudineum were designed, together with primers that recognize conserved sequences of both microorganisms. Standard curves generated with DNA extracted from known numbers of mycoplasma cells revealed a lower detection limit of approximately 5 fg. The qPCR method did not recognize normal flora DNA, and nasal lavage fluid contained no interfering substances. Nasal lavage samples collected from 20 captive desert tortoises housed at the Desert Tortoise Conservation Center (Clark County, Nevada, USA) revealed the presence of M. agassizii DNA in 100% of the tortoises. Concentrations ranged from a low of 6 pg ml− 1 to a high of 72,962 pg ml− 1. Only one of the tortoises was positive for M. testudineum. Interestingly, not all of the qPCR positive tortoises showed evidence of seroconversion, suggesting that they were colonized but not infected. This new quantitative method will provide a critical tool for managing threatened populations of the desert tortoise.  相似文献   

The traditional view that Testudines (tortoises and turtles) should be regarded as the surviving clade of the anapsid reptiles rather than classified with the diapsid reptiles (snakes, lizards, and crocodiles) has recently been challenged. Neuropeptide Y, neuropeptide gamma, and somatostatin-14 were isolated from an extract of the brain, substance P and galanin from an extract of the intestine, and insulin and pancreatic polypeptide from an extract of the pancreas of the desert tortoise, Gopherus agassizii. Despite that crocodilians did not appear until the late Triassic, the amino acid sequences of the tortoise peptides resemble those of the American alligator quite closely. The primary structures of neuropeptide Y, somatostatin-14, and neuropeptide gamma are the same in tortoise and alligator. The primary structures of substance P, insulin, galanin, and pancreatic polypeptide in the two species differ by 1, 3, 5, and 8 amino acid residues, respectively. Although fewer neurohormonal peptides from squamates (lizards and snakes) have been characterized, the primary structures of neuropeptide gamma, insulin, and pancreatic polypeptide from the Burmese python and the desert tortoise differ by 3, 8, and 18 residues, respectively. The data suggest, therefore, a closer phylogenetic relationship between Testudines and Crocodilians than that derived from 'classical' analyses based on morphological criteria and the fossil record.  相似文献   

Females of the squirrelfish family (Holocentridae) accumulate higher levels of hepatic zinc than any other studied animal. This accumulation is accompanied by high expression of the zinc-binding protein, metallothionein (MT), and is strongly correlated to the onset of sexual maturity. In an attempt to further characterize the timeframe of this accumulation, and to possibly discern any potential mediators, we examined the physiology and endocrinology of the yearly reproductive cycle of mature female squirrelfish. There are two separate reproductive events during the year in December-January and again in March-April, as evidenced by peaks in ovarian growth, VTG production, steroid levels, zinc accumulation and redistribution. Increased hepatic zinc seems to be preceded by a necessary increase in MT, but this was not clearly correlated to plasma 17beta-estradiol, testosterone, or progesterone levels. The plasma zinc protein vitellogenin (VTG) is one, but probably not the predominant, vehicle for the transport of hepatic zinc to the ovary.  相似文献   

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