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Chemical synthesis of complex-type glycans 1 and 2 derived from eggs of parasitic helminths, Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma japonicum, is described. These branched sugar chains were synthesized regio- and stereoselectively by using beta-mannosylation, desilylation under high pressure, and glycosylation in frozen solvent as key transformations.  相似文献   

In light of recent growth in available DNA sequence information for a number of parasitic helminths, it is crucial that suitable gene manipulation technologies are developed to facilitate functional genomic studies in these organisms. In this review we discuss recent progress in the development of these technologies in nematode and platyhelminth parasites of medical and veterinary importance. Specifically, the current status of transient transfection, double-stranded RNA interference and antisense RNA as viable techniques for the manipulation of parasitic helminth gene expression is presented. In addition, the potential for the development of stable, or germ-line, transformation methods in these organisms is also discussed.  相似文献   

Helminths (worms) include parasitic nematodes (roundworms) and platyhelminths (flatworms). These worms are abundant, and many of them are of agricultural, aquacultural, veterinary and medical importance and cause substantial socioeconomic losses worldwide. The genetic characterization of parasitic nematodes using advanced molecular tools is central to the diagnosis of infections and the control of parasitism. The accurate analysis of genetic variation also underpins studies of their taxonomy, epidemiology and evolutionary history. Although the nuclear genome contains suitable genetic markers (e.g., in ribosomal DNA) for the identification of many species, the large size and high variability of the mt genome consistently provides a rich source of such markers for informative systematic and epidemiological studies both within and among species. There is significant value in establishing a practical platform for the rapid sequencing, annotation and analysis of mt genomic datasets to underpin such fundamental and applied studies of parasitic worms (= helminths). In the last decade, there have been some important advances in the mt genomics of helminths, but next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies now provide opportunities for high throughput sequencing, assembly and annotation. In this article, we provide a background on mt genomics, cover technological challenges and recent advances, and provide a perspective on future mt genome research of parasitic helminths and its fundamental scientific and biotechnological implications.  相似文献   

In plants, glycoproteins with asparagine-linked glycans (oligosaccharides) are found in vacuoles, in the extracellular space or matrix, and associated with the endo-membrane system (endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, plasma membrane, tonoplast). These glycans are of the high-mannose type, with a structure identical to that found in other organisms (mammals, yeast), or of the complex type with a β1–2 linked xylosyl residue not found in mammalian complex glycans. Asparagine-linked glycans play multiple roles by modifying the physicochemical properties of the polypeptides to which they are attached.  相似文献   

Infections by parasitic protozoans and helminths are a major world-wide health concern, but no vaccines exist to the major human parasitic diseases, such as malaria, African trypanosomiasis, amebiasis, leishmaniasis, schistosomiasis, and lymphatic filariasis. Recent studies on a number of parasites indicate that immune responses to parasites in infected animals and humans are directed to glycan determinants within cell surface and secreted glycoconjugates and that glycoconjugates are important in host-parasite interactions. Because of the tremendous success achieved recently in generating carbohydrate-protein conjugate vaccines toward microbial infections, such as Haemophilus influenzae type b, there is renewed interest in defining parasite-derived glycans in the prospect of developing conjugate vaccines and new diagnostics for parasitic infections. Parasite-derived glycans are compelling vaccine targets because they have structural features that distinguish them from mammalian glycans. There have been exciting new developments in techniques for glycan analysis and the methods for synthesizing oligosaccharides by chemical or combined chemo-enzymatic approaches that now make it feasible to generate parasite glycans to test as vaccine candidates. Here, we highlight recent progress made in elucidating the immunogenicity of glycans from some of the major human and animal parasites, the potential for developing conjugate vaccines for parasitic infections, and the possible utilization of these novel glycans in diagnostics.  相似文献   

Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-flight (MALDI-ToF) MS is a popular method to analyze glycans released from proteins, cell lines, and tissue samples. Chemical modification of glycans (derivatization) can enhance ionization, enable semi-quantitation, and assist in linkage identification. However, the mass changes incurred by novel and more recently developed derivatizations are not accommodated by most spectral assignment programs, necessitating manual assignment which increases both the difficultly and the likelihood of error. AssignMALDI is a software tool designed to create glycan databases with customized derivatizations (labels) and automatically assign glycan masses in MALDI-TOF spectra using the new database. It can also average peak intensities across multiple spectra and prepare publication-ready assignment tables. To make it easy to use with different platforms, all input files and most output files are in text format. An interactive display enables users to inspect and edit peak assignments prior to producing charts and tables for publication. The program is freely available through GitHUB and Python-savvy users can add or adjust features as needed.  相似文献   

Serine protease inhibitors (serpins) are a superfamily of structurally conserved proteins that inhibit serine proteases and play key physiological roles in numerous biological systems such as blood coagulation, complement activation and inflammation. A number of serpins have now been identified in parasitic helminths with putative involvement in immune regulation and in parasite survival through interference with the host immune response. This review describes the serpins and smapins (small serine protease inhibitors) that have been identified in Ascaris spp., Brugia malayi, Ancylostoma caninum Onchocerca volvulus, Haemonchus contortus, Trichinella spiralis, Trichostrongylus vitrinus, Anisakis simplex, Trichuris suis, Schistosoma spp., Clonorchis sinensis, Paragonimus westermani and Echinococcus spp. and discusses their possible biological functions, including roles in host-parasite interplay and their evolutionary relationships.  相似文献   

Pandemic and endemic strains of Vibrio cholerae arise from toxigenic conversion by the CTXφ bacteriophage, a process by which CTXφ infects nontoxigenic strains of V. cholerae. CTXφ encodes the cholera toxin, an enterotoxin responsible for the watery diarrhea associated with cholera infections. Despite the critical role of CTXφ during infections, signals that affect CTXφ‐driven toxigenic conversion or expression of the CTXφ‐encoded cholera toxin remain poorly characterized, particularly in the context of the gut mucosa. Here, we identify mucin polymers as potent regulators of CTXφ‐driven pathogenicity in V. cholerae. Our results indicate that mucin‐associated O‐glycans block toxigenic conversion by CTXφ and suppress the expression of CTXφ‐related virulence factors, including the toxin co‐regulated pilus and cholera toxin, by interfering with the TcpP/ToxR/ToxT virulence pathway. By synthesizing individual mucin glycan structures de novo, we identify the Core 2 motif as the critical structure governing this virulence attenuation. Overall, our results highlight a novel mechanism by which mucins and their associated O‐glycan structures affect CTXφ‐mediated evolution and pathogenicity of V. cholerae, underscoring the potential regulatory power housed within mucus.  相似文献   

Although one typically thinks of carbohydrates as associated with cell growth and viability, glycosylation also has an integral role in many processes leading to cell death. Glycans, either alone or complexed with glycan-binding proteins, can deliver intracellular signals or control extracellular processes that promote initiation, execution and resolution of cell death programs. Herein, we review the role of glycans and glycan-binding proteins as essential components of the cell death machinery during physiologic and pathologic settings.  相似文献   

Mitochondria from the parasitic helminth, Hymenolepis diminuta, catalyzed both NADPH:NAD+ and NADH:NADP+ transhydrogenase reactions which were demonstrable employing the appropriate acetylpyridine nucleotide derivative as the hydride ion acceptor. Thionicotinamide NAD+ would not serve as the oxidant in the former reaction. Under the assay conditions employed, neither reaction was energy linked, and the NADPH:NAD+ system was approximately five times more active than the NADH:NADP+ system. The NADH:NADP+ reaction was inhibited by phosphate and imidazole buffers, EDTA, and adenyl nucleotides, while the NADPH:NAD+ reaction was inhibited only slightly by imidazole and unaffected by EDTA and adenyl nucleotides. Enzyme coupling techniques revealed that both transhydrogenase systems functioned when the appropriate physiological pyridine nucleotide was the hydride ion acceptor. An NADH:NAD+ transhydrogenase system, which was unaffected by EDTA, or adenyl nucleotides, also was demonstrable in the mitochondria of H. diminuta. Saturation kinetics indicated that the NADH:NAD+ reaction was the product of an independent enzyme system. Mitochondria derived from another parasitic helminth, Ascaris lumbricoides, catalyzed only a single transhydrogenase reaction, i.e., the NADH:NAD+ activity. Transhydrogenase systems from both parasites were essentially membrane bound and localized on the inner mitochondrial membrane. Physiologically, the NADPH:NAD+ transhydrogenase of H. diminuta may serve to couple the intramitochondrial metabolism of malate (via an NADP linked “malic” enzyme) to the anaerobic NADH-dependent ATP-generating fumarate reductase system. In A. lumbricoides, where the intramitochondrial metabolism of malate depends on an NAD-linked “malic” enzyme which is localized primarily in the intermembrane space, the NADH:NAD+ transhydrogenase activity may serve physiologically in the translocation of hydride ions across the inner membrane to the anaerobic energy-generating fumarate reductase system.  相似文献   

Surface ultrastructure and cytochemistry of parasitic helminths.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

The oligosaccharides of recombinant HIV gp120 expressed in lepidopteran Sf9 cells were analysed after hydrazine release by gel permeation and high pH anion exchange chromatography. N-Linked glycans were exclusively of the oligomannose series and no evidence for charged complex or hybrid type glycans was found. However a glycosylation reaction similar to those found in vertebrates was evident. The major glycoform of gp120, that comprised 30% of all the species analysed, was structurally identified by exoglycosidase digestion and found to be a core fucosylated structure, Man1,6(Man1,3)Man1,4GlcNAc(Fuc1,6)GlcNAc. Further confirmation of the ability of lepidopteran cells to fucosylate N-linked glycans was provided by an in vitro analysis of this reaction using authentic oligosaccharide substrates.  相似文献   

母乳中含有丰富的唾液酸成分,大多数唾液酸是以与人乳低聚糖(HMOs)结合的形式存在。已有报道称唾液酸可以促进婴儿大脑和神经系统的发育,但唾液酸的代谢机制和生物功能并不十分清晰。唾液酸作为母乳中的一种有效营养成分,受到越来越多的关注。唾液酸化的母乳聚糖可促进有益微生物群的生长和新陈代谢,益于婴幼儿肠道健康和免疫功能。唾液酸化的母乳聚糖还具有抗病毒活性,在新生儿肠道的黏膜中具有抑菌作用,能抑制微生物对宿主细胞的黏附,对细菌、病毒和真菌有直接的细胞毒性作用。此外,唾液酸化的母乳聚糖在调节肠道菌群平衡和保护新生儿炎症性疾病方面也起着重要作用。本文综述了唾液酸化母乳聚糖对新生儿肠道微生态的调节作用及研究现状,并讨论了微生物对唾液酸代谢、唾液酸酶和唾液酸转移酶的作用以及唾液酸的生物合成及其在食品添加剂和医学领域的应用前景。  相似文献   

The authors present a survey of gastrointestinal helminths of sheep on permanent pastures in the extreme north region of Tunisia (Mediterranean climate). Dynamic infestation of animals has been monitored by using batches of three tracer lambs introduced each two months during 2004 and 2005. These lambs were kept in the pens of veterinary school of Sidi Thabet (Tunisia) during three months and then necropsied. Faecal and blood samples were took from tracer lambs each two months during the whole period, and from animal flock only during 2004. The main helminth genera encountered were Trichostrongylus spp., Teladorsagia spp., Strongyloides papillosus and Anoplocephalidea; occasionaly were found Nematodirus, Oesophagostomum, Chabertia, Cooperia, Trichuris and Paramphistomum. The egg count of the ewes and lambs in the flock showed two peaks. For both ewes and lambs there is a gradual increase from January with a peak in May-June. This first peak is considered to be due to acquisition of infective larvae during the rainy and cold season, as evident from the worm burdens of tracer lambs. The second peak was exclusively observed in ewes during late autumn-early winter (November-December); it has two origins: infestation by third larvae stage and the periparturient rise. The worm burdens of tracer lambs showed that there was a gradual accumulation of nematodes from September- October, reaching a peak in March-April; a very low or naught infection is reported during the dry period (July-August). Infection by Anoplocephalidea was higher during the dry season. This study is primordial for a comprehensive control programme implementation against gastrointestinal helminths.  相似文献   

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