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C2 domains are membrane-binding modules that share a common overall fold: a single compact Greek-key motif organized as an eight-stranded anti-parallel β-sandwich consisting of a pair of four-stranded β-sheets. A myriad of studies have demonstrated that in spite of sharing the common structural β-sandwich core, slight variations in the residues located in the interconnecting loops confer C2 domains with functional abilities to respond to different Ca2 + concentrations and lipids, and to signal through protein–protein interactions as well. This review summarizes the main structural and functional findings on Ca2 + and lipid interactions by C2 domains, including the discovery of the phosphoinositide-binding site located in the β3–β4 strands. The wide variety of functions, together with the different Ca2 + and lipid affinities of these domains, converts this superfamily into a crucial player in many functions in the cell and more to be discovered. This Article is Part of a Special Issue Entitled: Membrane Structure and Function: Relevance in the Cell's Physiology, Pathology and Therapy.  相似文献   

The fluorescence depolarization of 1,6-diphenyl-hexatriene was used to study the dynamic properties of the hydrophobic regions of the lipid envelopes of ortho- and paramyxoviruses as well as of the Rous sarcoma virus and of the membrane lipids of susceptible and nonsusceptible cells.The systems investigated where active and inactive influenza viruses, and NDV virus acting on chick embryo fibroblasts and Rous sarcoma virus acting on susceptible (C/E) and nonsusceptible (C/B) chicken-cell.Polarization degrees and mean rotational correlation times of DPH embedded in viral lipids were significantly higher than those of DPH in the cell membranes, due to a higher rigidity of the virus envelopes. When suspensions of labelled viruses and unlabelled cells or unlabelled viruses and labelled cells were mixed, a characteristic change of the fluorescence polarization degrees with time was observed. This behaviour was ascribed to a label transfer from virus to cell membranes or vice versa.While the rate constants of label transfer from virus to cells and cells to virus were about the same for the penetrating viruses the rate constants of label release from inactive virus to cells were much larger than for the migration in the opposite direction.  相似文献   

Enveloped viruses infect cells by a mechanism involving membrane fusion. This process is mediated and triggered by specific viral membrane glycoproteins. Evidence is accumulating that fusion of intracellular membranes, as occurs during endocytosis and transport between intracellular organelles, also requires the presence of specific proteins. The relevance of elucidating the mechanisms of virus fusion for a better understanding of fusion of intracellular membranes is discussed.  相似文献   

The fusion of viruses with cells and liposomes is reviewed with focus on the analysis of the final extents and kinetics of fusion.Influenza virus andSendai virus exhibit 100% of fusion capacity with cells at pH 5 and pH 7.5, respectively. On the other hand, there may be in certain cases, a limit on the number of virions that can fuse with a single cell, that is significantly below the limit on binding. It still remains to be resolved whether this limit reflects a limited number of possible fusion sites, or a saturation limit on the amount of viral glycoproteins that can be incorporated in the cellular membrane, like the case of virus fusion with pure phospholipid vesicles, in which the fusion products were shown to consist of a single virus and several liposomes. Both viruses demonstrate incomplete fusion activity towards liposomes of a variety of compositions. In the case ofSendai virus, fusion inactive virions bind essentially irreversibly to liposomes. Yet, preliminary results revealed that such bound, unfused virions can be released by sucrose gradient centrifugation. The separated unfused virions subsequently fuse when incubated with a “fresh” batch of liposomes. We conclude, therefore, that the fraction of initially bound unfused virions does not consist of dective particles, but rather of particles bound to liposomes via “inactive” sites. Details of the low pH inactivation of fusion capacity ofinfluenza virus towards cells and liposomes are presented. This inactivation is caused by protonation and exposure of the hydrophobic segment of HA2, and affects primarily the fusion rate constants. Some degree of inactivation also occurs when virions are bound to cellular membranes.  相似文献   

We reported previously that the rabies virions contained a 21-kDa cellular transmembrane protein (referred to as VAP21) as a minor component (Sagara, J. et al, Microbiol. Immunol. 41(12): 947-955, 1997). In this study, we further examined the possible interactions of VAP21 with other enveloped viruses, including the vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV; negative-stranded RNA virus), Sindbis virus (positive-stranded RNA virus) and herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1; double-stranded DNA virus). An immunoblot analysis demonstrated that all of these enveloped viruses contained VAP21 in the virion as a minor component. Immunoprecipitation studies suggested that VAP21 was associated with certain viral proteins in the cell, such as the matrix (M) protein of VSV, a capsid protein of Sindbis virus, and at least a capsid protein (VP5) of HSV-1. The association was disrupted by treatment with 0.5% sodium dodecyl sulfate, but resistant to the treatment with 1% NP-40 plus 1% deoxycholate. These results suggest that: 1) VAP21 is not primarily associated with the viral transmembrane glycoprotein but rather with the internal viral protein, and, 2) this association would cause the efficient incorporation of VAP21 into the virion.  相似文献   

Arthropods face several key challenges in processing concentrated feedstocks of proteins (silk dope) into solid, semi-crystalline silk fibres. Strikingly, independently evolved lineages of silk-producing organisms have converged on the use of liquid crystal intermediates (mesophases) to reduce the viscosity of silk dope and assist the formation of supramolecular structure. However, the exact nature of the liquid-crystal-forming-units (mesogens) in silk dope, and the relationship between liquid crystallinity, protein structure and silk processing is yet to be fully elucidated. In this review, we focus on emerging differences in this area between the canonical silks containing extended-β-sheets made by silkworms and spiders, and ‘non-canonical’ silks made by other insect taxa in which the final crystallites are coiled-coils, collagen helices or cross-β-sheets. We compared the amino acid sequences and processing of natural, regenerated and recombinant silk proteins, finding that canonical and non-canonical silk proteins show marked differences in length, architecture, amino acid content and protein folding. Canonical silk proteins are long, flexible in solution and amphipathic; these features allow them both to form large, micelle-like mesogens in solution, and to transition to a crystallite-containing form due to mechanical deformation near the liquid–solid transition. By contrast, non-canonical silk proteins are short and have rod or lath-like structures that are well suited to act both as mesogens and as crystallites without a major intervening phase transition. Given many non-canonical silk proteins can be produced at high yield in E. coli, and that mesophase formation is a versatile way to direct numerous kinds of supramolecular structure, further elucidation of the natural processing of non-canonical silk proteins may to lead to new developments in the production of advanced protein materials.  相似文献   

Many different crop species were selected for a common suite of ‘domestication traits’, which facilitates their use for studies of parallel evolution. Within domesticated rice (Oryza sativa), there has also been independent evolution of weedy strains from different cultivated varieties. This makes it possible to examine the genetic basis of parallel weed evolution and the extent to which this process occurs through shared genetic mechanisms. We performed comparative QTL mapping of weediness traits using two recombinant inbred line populations derived from crosses between an indica crop variety and representatives of each of the two independently evolved weed strains found in US rice fields, strawhull (S) and blackhull awned (B). Genotyping‐by‐sequencing provided dense marker coverage for linkage map construction (average marker interval <0.25 cM), with 6016 and 13 730 SNPs mapped in F5 lines of the S and B populations, respectively. For some weediness traits (awn length, hull pigmentation and pericarp pigmentation), QTL mapping and sequencing of underlying candidate genes confirmed that trait variation was largely attributable to individual loci. However, for more complex quantitative traits (including heading date, panicle length and seed shattering), we found multiple QTL, with little evidence of shared genetic bases between the S and B populations or across previous studies of weedy rice. Candidate gene sequencing revealed causal genetic bases for 8 of 27 total mapped QTL. Together these findings suggest that despite the genetic bottleneck that occurred during rice domestication, there is ample genetic variation in this crop to allow agricultural weed evolution through multiple genetic mechanisms.  相似文献   

The global-scale decline of animal biodiversity (‘defaunation’) represents one of the most alarming consequences of human impacts on the planet. The quantification of this extinction crisis has traditionally relied on the use of IUCN Red List conservation categories assigned to each assessed species. This approach reveals that a quarter of the world's animal species are currently threatened with extinction, and ~1% have been declared extinct. However, extinctions are preceded by progressive population declines through time that leave demographic ‘footprints’ that can alert us about the trajectories of species towards extinction. Therefore, an exclusive focus on IUCN conservation categories, without consideration of dynamic population trends, may underestimate the true extent of the processes of ongoing extinctions across nature. In fact, emerging evidence (e.g. the Living Planet Report), reveals a widespread tendency for sustained demographic declines (an average 69% decline in population abundances) of species globally. Yet, animal species are not only declining. Many species worldwide exhibit stable populations, while others are even thriving. Here, using population trend data for >71,000 animal species spanning all five groups of vertebrates (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fishes) and insects, we provide a comprehensive global-scale assessment of the diversity of population trends across species undergoing not only declines, but also population stability and increases. We show a widespread global erosion of species, with 48% undergoing declines, while 49% and 3% of species currently remain stable or are increasing, respectively. Geographically, we reveal an intriguing pattern similar to that of threatened species, whereby declines tend to concentrate around tropical regions, whereas stability and increases show a tendency to expand towards temperate climates. Importantly, we find that for species currently classed by the IUCN Red List as ‘non-threatened’, 33% are declining. Critically, in contrast with previous mass extinction events, our assessment shows that the Anthropocene extinction crisis is undergoing a rapid biodiversity imbalance, with levels of declines (a symptom of extinction) greatly exceeding levels of increases (a symptom of ecological expansion and potentially of evolution) for all groups. Our study contributes a further signal indicating that global biodiversity is entering a mass extinction, with ecosystem heterogeneity and functioning, biodiversity persistence, and human well-being under increasing threat.  相似文献   

This brief review outlines recent developments in the understanding of the ultrastructural organization of the axonal and growth cone actin filament cytoskeleton. A novel form of structural organization has arisen as a regulator of the actin cytoskeleton: ring‐like structures. Rings may represent a conserved functional theme exhibited by diverse molecular systems and have implications for the understanding of the axon in development, maturity, and disease. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 73:799–805, 2013  相似文献   

Saurischian dinosaurs evolved seven orders of magnitude in body mass, as well as a wide diversity of hip joint morphology and locomotor postures. The very largest saurischians possess incongruent bony hip joints, suggesting that large volumes of soft tissues mediated hip articulation. To understand the evolutionary trends and functional relationships between body size and hip anatomy of saurischians, we tested the relationships among discrete and continuous morphological characters using phylogenetically corrected regression. Giant theropods and sauropods convergently evolved highly cartilaginous hip joints by reducing supraacetabular ossifications, a condition unlike that in early dinosauromorphs. However, transitions in femoral and acetabular soft tissues indicate that large sauropods and theropods built their hip joints in fundamentally different ways. In sauropods, the femoral head possesses irregularly rugose subchondral surfaces for thick hyaline cartilage. Hip articulation was achieved primarily using the highly cartilaginous femoral head and the supraacetabular labrum on the acetabular ceiling. In contrast, theropods covered their femoral head and neck with thinner hyaline cartilage and maintained extensive articulation between the fibrocartilaginous femoral neck and the antitrochanter. These findings suggest that the hip joints of giant sauropods were built to sustain large compressive loads, whereas those of giant theropods experienced compression and shear forces.  相似文献   

We designed and synthesized several fluorescent nucleotides from thiophene, anthracene and pyrene, which have different sizes, and screened their incorporation and extension capability during the rolling circle amplification of DNA. The thiophene-based fluorescent nucleotide (dUthioTP) could highly incorporate and extended into the rolling circle DNA product, while other fluorescent nucleotides (dUanthTP, and dUpyrTP) could not. This dUthioTP fluorescent nucleotide could be used for the detection of miRNA 24-3P, which is related PRRSV. This direct labeling system during rolling circle DNA amplification exhibited an increased fluorescence signal showing gel formation for the detection of miRNA 24-3P. This direct labeling system is a very simple and cost-efficient method for the detection miRNA 24-3P and also exhibited highly sensitive and selective detection properties.  相似文献   

《Zoology (Jena, Germany)》2015,118(3):161-170
In fishes, the evolution of herbivory has occured within a spectrum of digestive strategies, with two extremes on opposite ends: (i) a rate-maximization strategy characterized by high intake, rapid throughput of food through the gut, and little reliance on microbial digestion or (ii) a yield-maximization strategy characterized by measured intake, slower transit of food through the gut, and more of a reliance on microbial digestion in the hindgut. One of these strategies tends to be favored within a given clade of fishes. Here, we tested the hypothesis that rate or yield digestive strategies can arise in convergently evolved herbivores within a given lineage. In the family Stichaeidae, convergent evolution of herbivory occured in Cebidichthys violaceus and Xiphister mucosus, and despite nearly identical diets, these two species have different digestive physiologies. We found that C. violaceus has more digesta in its distal intestine than other gut regions, has comparatively high concentrations (>11 mM) of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA, the endpoints of microbial fermentation) in its distal intestine, and a spike in β-glucosidase activity in this gut region, findings that, when coupled to long retention times (>20 h) of food in the guts of C. violaceus, suggest a yield-maximizing strategy in this species. X. mucosus showed none of these features and was more similar to its sister taxon, the omnivorous Xiphister atropurpureus, in terms of digestive enzyme activities, gut content partitioning, and concentrations of SCFA in their distal intestines. We also contrasted these herbivores and omnivores with other sympatric stichaeid fishes, Phytichthys chirus (omnivore) and Anoplarchus purpurescens (carnivore), each of which had digestive physiologies consistent with the consumption of animal material. This study shows that rate- and yield-maximizing strategies can evolve in closely related fishes and suggests that resource partitioning can play out on the level of digestive physiology in sympatric, closely related herbivores.  相似文献   

An important attribute of proteome analysis carried out with the aid of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis is that post-translational modifications of proteins can often be revealed. Large-scale proteomic analysis of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) has been made possible with the availability of its genome sequence. Here, we bring together observations on the proteins specifically associated with biosynthesis of the isochromanequinone polyketide antibiotic actinorhodin. The predicted products of 14 of the genes annotated as belonging to the act gene cluster were detected. They were generally present only in stationary phase cultures. Plausible explanations are presented for the absence of the other nine. For six of the gene products detected, there was evidence of either specific processing or covalent modification; in the case of the pyran ring closure enzyme ActVI-ORF3, the cleavage of the N-terminal 31 or 34 amino acids was previously shown to be associated with an extracytoplasmic location for the mature gene product [Hesketh A, et al. (2002) Mol Microbiol 46:917–932]. These observations may have implications for the regulation of actinorhodin biosynthesis, and for biochemical studies of artificially expressed Act proteins.  相似文献   

The activities of calcium-stimulated respiration, calcium uptake, α-glycero-phosphate dehydrogenase and rates of oxidation in state 3 and of H2O2 generation, were found to increase and that of pyruvate dehydrogenase decrease in mitochondria isolated from livers of rats administered intraperitoneally or perfused with polyvanadate. Phenoxybenzamine, an antagonist of α-adrenergic receptor, effectively prevented these changes. It was also found that perfusion of the liver with polyvanadate reproduced one of the best characterized events of α-adrenergic activation-stimulation of protein kinase C in plasma membrane accompanied by its decrease in cytosol. These experiments indicate for the first time the α-adrenergic mimetic action of polyvanadate.  相似文献   

The core structure of HIV-1 gp41 is a stable six-helix bundle (6-HB) folded by its trimeric N- and C-terminal heptad repeats (NHR and CHR). We previously identified that the (621)QIWNNMT(627) motif located at the upstream region of gp41 CHR plays critical roles for the stabilization of the 6-HB core and peptide CP621-652 containing this motif is a potent HIV-1 fusion inhibitor, however, the molecular determinants underlying the stability and anti-HIV activity remained elusive. In this study, we determined the high-resolution crystal structure of CP621-652 complexed by T21. We find that the (621)QIWNNMT(627) motif does not maintain the α-helical conformation. Instead, residues Met(626) and Thr(627) form a unique hook-like structure (denoted as M-T hook), in which Thr(627) redirects the peptide chain to position Met(626) above the left side of the hydrophobic pocket on the NHR trimer. The side chain of Met(626) caps the hydrophobic pocket, stabilizing the interaction between the pocket and the pocket-binding domain. Our mutagenesis studies demonstrate that mutations of the M-T hook residues could completely abolish HIV-1 Env-mediated cell fusion and virus entry, and significantly destabilize the interaction of NHR and CHR peptides and reduce the anti-HIV activity of CP621-652. Our results identify an unusual structural feature that stabilizes the six-helix bundle, providing novel insights into the mechanisms of HIV-1 fusion and inhibition.  相似文献   

The nonstructural protein NS1 of influenza A virus blocks the development of host antiviral responses by inhibiting polyadenylation of cellular pre-mRNA. NS1 also promotes the synthesis of viral proteins by stimulating mRNA translation. Here, we show that recombinant NS1 proteins of human pandemic H1N1/2009, avian highly pathogenic H5N1, and low pathogenic H5N2 influenza strains differentially affected these two cellular processes: NS1 of the two avian strains, in contrast to NS1 of H1N1/2009, stimulated translation of reporter mRNA in cell-free translation system; NS1 of H5N1 was an effective inhibitor of cellular pre-mRNA polyadenylation in A549 cells, unlike NS1 of H5N2 and H1N1/2009. We identified key amino acids in NS1 that contribute to its activity in these two basic cellular processes. Thus, we identified strain-specific differences between influenza virus NS1 proteins in pre-mRNA polyadenylation and mRNA translation.  相似文献   

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