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不产氧光合细菌Rhodobacter sphaeroides产氢影响因子研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对不产氧光合细菌球形红细菌Rhodobacter sphaeroides产氢的影响因子进行了初步研究。结果表明,处于不同生长期的球形红细菌接种后的产氢速率略有差异,稳定期的菌株的产氢能力相对较低。苹果酸钠、乳酸钠、丙酮酸钠和葡萄糖都是球形红细菌产氢的良好碳源,这表明球形红细菌具有利用食品工业等高浓度废水为底物产氢的可能性。以葡萄糖和谷氨酸钠为C源和N源产氢时,适宜的葡萄糖浓度在25~50mmol/L之间,谷氨酸钠浓度在2~10mmol/L之间。球形红细菌产氢的适宜pH值在7.0~8.0范围内,酸性环境明显不利于该菌的催化放氢,适宜的温度在30~35℃范围内。光照强度在5000~7000lx之间适合于产氢。球形红细菌的固氮酶活性和放氢活性之间呈正相关性。吸氢酶虽然可在无固氮酶和无放氢活性的状态下独立表达,但多数情况下仍受氢气浓度的调节。以氮气为氮源时,固氮酶活性和放氢活性较低,铵的浓度高于0.5mmol/L时,固氮酶活性完全受到抑制,进而抑制产氢。  相似文献   

研究了混养型光合细菌Rhodopseudomonas capsulata N-3 氢酶与固氮酶之间的联系,观察到:1.以苹果酸(30毫克分子)为碳源,谷氨酸(5毫克分子)为氮源,营光合异养生长的菌体由固氮酶催化释放出大量的分子氢,光合放氢的过程完全依赖于光和外加电子供体,NH_4~ 对这一过程有明显抑制作用。2.营光合异养生长的光合细菌具活跃的氢酶,是膜结合态,能以多种生理活性物质,如NADP,反丁烯二酸,硝酸盐,氧及一些氧化还原染料为受体,吸取分子氢,这一过程显著地被NH_4~ 所促进。3.氢酶催化分子氢,支持光合固氮活性,这一固氮活性对氧的酶感性显著下降。4.当有机底物浓度不足时,分子氢所支持的固氮活性更为有效,有机底物浓度处于过量时,分子氢不再支持固氮。5.乙炔对氢酶活性具不可逆的抑止作用,氢酶被抑止后,固氮酶所催化的光合放氢显著剧增。 基于上述结果,对氢酶和固氮酶在细菌光合固氮中相互联系及其对光合细菌光能异养和光能自养两种生长方式间的转换的可能作用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

光合细菌光合产氢的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
光合细菌 (Photosyntheticbacteria ,PSB)光合产氢的研究是国内外普遍关注的热点问题。就PSB光合产氢的机理、条件及光合细菌生态应用等方面进行综述 ,并着重论述了光合细菌产氢过程中两种主要的酶—固氮酶和氢酶以及影响酶活性的因素。  相似文献   

兼性厌氧细菌Enterobacter cloacae菌株E-26和Klebsiella oxytoca菌株NG-13的氢酶与固氮酶同时形成。固氮的最佳碳源为蔗糖、葡萄糖和丙酮酸,此外延胡索酸和苹果酸也能支持固氮。支持固氮的碳源也支持放氢,两者动力学基本一致。40%乙炔预处理后,吸氢活性下跌,放氢量未增加;NH_4~ 抑制固氮酶,但未导致放氢量降低;可能E-26菌株的放氢主要依赖于氢酶。菌株E-26和NG-13的吸氢反应,既能以O_2为电子受体,也能以延胡索酸、硝酸、MB为电子受体。但仅延胡索酸为电子受体时,E-26菌的固氮活性被分子H_2促进,它的氢吸收利用与固氮相偶联;而在CO_2和NH_4~ 代谢与H_2利用之间并无明显相关性,吸氢活性不被CO_2和NH_4~ 促进。  相似文献   

在自生条件下,研究了根瘤菌的氢酶与固氮酶的共轭表达(coexpression)。氢酶表达受碳源限制和氧耗速率的调节,并为固氮酶表达条件促进,在固氮酶放氢的诱导下而与固氮酶共轭表达。此外,观察到外源氢支持根瘤菌自生固氮的活性,氢支持效应被葡萄糖酸钠和氧抑制。  相似文献   

紫色非硫光合细菌是兼性厌氧及兼性光合生长的细菌,利用这一可塑的生长特性,研究了光对Rhodopseudomonas capsulata的固氮酶合成的影响,结果表明:1.暗生长的无固氮活性的静止细胞一经照光其固氮酶即以高速率形成,一旦光照中断,固氮酶的合成也立即中止,氯霉素的抑制试验表明,这种光促诱导的固氮酶出现是酶蛋白的重新合成,而不是预先形成的系统在光下的激活。2.外源性电子供体如苹果酸、分子氢等对光促诱导的固氨酶合成有促进作用。3.固氮酶合成与细菌光合器的形成是彼此独立的,在黑暗中细菌光合膜可以形成,而固氮酶却不能形成。4.暗处好氧生长的光合细菌在同一光强下诱导固氮酶,细菌叶绿素含量高的菌体,其固氮酶合成的速率也高。5.固氮酶的诱导合成可被电子传递抑制剂或磷酸化解联剂完全抑制。基于上述结果,对光合细菌固氮酶的光促合成的可能机理作了讨论。  相似文献   

光合细菌是水生的革兰氏阴性的微生物,广泛分布于海洋、河川、湖泊、小溪和水塘中。因它含有细菌叶绿素和类胡萝卜素等光合色素,因此可以利用光能通过光合作用而生长繁殖。光合细菌在进行光合作用的同时,还能够行使固氮功能。光合作用形成的高还原物质和高能量物质,除了供给固氮酶的固氮需要外,也用于支持固氮酶的产氢反应,氢气的吸收则由氢酶执行。大量的研究工作表明,通过捕获光能产生氢气,从而将太阳能转化为稳定的化学能,是光合细菌的一个普遍特征。  相似文献   

固氮鱼腥藻(Anabaena azotica Ley)细胞能还原无色的TTC和NBT分别成为红色或蓝色的甲zan(formazan)沉淀。异形胞还原TTC的速率高于营养细胞。前异形胞及异形胞附近的营养细胞对NBT的还原作用最强。而异形胞对NBT不起还原作用。无论在异形胞形成红色甲zan或在营养细胞形成蓝色甲zan后都抑制固氮酶活性。NBT甲zan对固氮酶活性的抑制作用大于TTC甲zan,因为NBT氧化还原电位低于TTC。TTC和NBT两者都明显地抑制固氮鱼腥藻完整细胞的放氢。因鱼腥藻的放氢是由固氮酶催化的结果。四唑抑制放氢推想是由于它截取了固氮酶催化系统中的电子的缘故。固氮微生物(包括蓝色细菌和根瘤菌)对四唑还原与吸氢酶之间有无相关是一个争论的问题。一些学者认为分离豆科植物体的一些根瘤菌株培养于含有TTC的琼脂培养基,如还原,便可证明这些根瘤菌株能氧化氢;换言之,应用TTC的还原可作为一些根瘤菌的菌落具有吸氢酶的验证。相反,我们发现固氮鱼腥藻还原TTC和NBT之后,都没有影响吸氢的能力。因此,我们推想固氮鱼腥藻对四唑之还原与吸氢酶是没有直接的关系。  相似文献   

测定氢酶吸氢活性的光谱分析法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
固氮酶催化放氢是影响生物固氮效率的重要因素之一。经过吸氢酶吸收固氮酶释放的氢,一方面可以增加还原力来源,同时经氧化后可以消除系统内的氧,保护固氮酶免受氧伤害,从而提高固氮效率。测定氢酶吸氢的方法有多种,例如:同位素氚与水的交换法、检压法、电极法、气相层析法和光谱分析法。由于前三种方法操作较繁琐,目前国内较多的是使用气相层析法。而用光谱分析法定量地测定氢酶的吸氢活性是一种比气相法更为快速和灵敏的  相似文献   

光合细菌浑球红假单胞菌(Rhodopesudomonas sphaeroides)能在黑暗厌氧条件下生长。首次发现发酵生长的浑球红假单胞菌有固氮酶和吸氧酶的活性。试验比较了在光营养、黑暗厌氧呼吸和好氧呼吸生长方式下该菌的放氢作用,认为黑暗厌氧呼吸过程中的放氢是氢酶催化的放氢。  相似文献   

Uptake hydrogenase mutant cells of the cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. PCC 7422 photobiologically produced H(2) catalyzed by nitrogenase for several days in H(2)-barrier transparent plastic bags, and accumulated H(2) in the presence of O(2) evolved by photosynthesis. Their H(2) production activity was higher in the sealed flexible bags than in stoppered serum bottles of fixed gas volume.  相似文献   

When Rhodopseudomonas capsulata B10 grows in media with different organic compounds, the hydrogenase activity estimated both by the evolution and uptake of H2 is lowest in cells taken from the middle of the exponential growth phase, and highest in cells from the beginning of the stationary phase. Cells grown in a medium containing malate have a higher hydrogenase activity than those cultivated in a medium with lactate or other compounds (900 and 20 nmoles of H2 per 1 min per 1 mg of protein, respectively). In the experiments with chloramphenicol (10(-5) M), organic compounds (not CO2) were shown to repress hydrogenase synthesis. When the cells were incubated in a medium without an organic substrate or in its presence, the exogenous H2 or H2 evolved as the result of nitrogenase action causes an increase in the activity of hydrogenase.  相似文献   

A method was devised that allows measurement in vivo of hydrogenase-catalysed H2 evolution from the cyanobacterium Anabaena cylindrica, independent of nitrogenase activity, which is also present. Addition of low concentrations of reduced Methyl Viologen (1-10mM) to intact heterocystous filaments of the organism resulted in H2 evolution, but produced conditions giving total inhibition of nitrogenase (acetylene-reducing and H2-evolving) activity. That the H2 formed under these conditions was not contributed to by nitrogenase was also supported by the observation that its rate of formation was similar in the dark or with Ar replaced by N2 in the gas phase, and also in view of the pattern of H2 evolution at very low Methyl Viologen concentrations. Conclusive evidence that the H2 formed in the presence of Methyl Viologen was solely hydrogenase-mediated was its evolution even from nitrogenase-free (non-heterocystous) cultures; by contrast 'uptake' hydrogenase activity in such cultures was greatly decreased. The hydrogenase activity was inhibited by CO and little affected by acetylene. Finally the hydrogenase activity was shown to be relatively constant at different stages during the batch growth of the organism, as opposed to nitrogenase activity, which varied.  相似文献   

Hydrogenase in Frankia KB5: expression of and relation to nitrogenase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The localization and expression of the hydrogenase in free-living Frankia KB5 was investigated immunologically and by monitoring activity, focusing on its relationships with nitrogenase and H2. Immunological studies revealed that the large subunit of the hydrogenase in Frankia KB5 was modified post-translationally, and transferred into the membrane after processing. The large subunit was constitutively expressed and no correlation was found between hydrogenase activity and synthesis. Although H2 was not needed for induction of hydrogenase synthesis, exogenously added H2 triggered hydrogen uptake in medium containing nitrogen, i.e., in the hyphae. A correlation between nitrogenase activity and hydrogen uptake was found in cultures grown in media without nitrogen, but interestingly the two enzymes showed no co-regulation.  相似文献   

Hydrogen evolution and consumption by cell and chromatophore suspensions of the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas capsulata was measured with a sensitive and specific mass spectrometric technique which directly monitors dissolved gases. H2 production by nitrogenase was inhibited by acetylene and restored by carbon monoxide. An H2 evolution activity coupled with HD formation and D2 uptake (H-D exchange) was unaffected by C2H2 and CO. Cultures lacking nitrogenase activity also exhibited H-D exchange activity, which was catalyzed by a membrane-bound hydrogenase present in the chromatophores of R. capsulata. A net hydrogen uptake, mediated by hydrogenase, was observed when electron acceptors such as CO2, O2, or ferricyanide were present in the medium.  相似文献   

Hydrogen metabolism of Azospirillum brasilense in nitrogen-free medium   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Production of H2 by Azospirillum brasilense under N2-fixing conditions was studied in continuous and batch cultures. Net H2 production was consistently observed only when the gas phase contained CO. Nitrogenase activity (C2H2 reduction) and H2 evolution (in the presence of 5% CO) showed a similar response to O2 and were highest at 0.75% dissolved O2. Uptake hydrogenase activity, ranging from 0.3 to 2.5 mumol H2/mg protein per hour was observed in batch cultures under N2. Such rates were more than sufficient to recycle nitrogenase-produced H2. Tritium-exchange assay showed that H2 uptake was higher under Ar than under N2. Uptake hydrogenase was strongly inhibited by CO and C2H2. Cyclic GMP inhibited both nitrogenase and uptake hydrogenase activities.  相似文献   

Gunnera/Nostoc固氮共生体固氮相对效率(RE)可在0.26~0.80之间变动,而不是一个常数。外加1.5%葡萄糖液可使其固氮活力提高约100%,同时也使组织的呼吸速率提高了近160%。加外源H2可使其固氮活力提高近100%,但却使组织的呼吸速率降低了近50%。正常生长条件下的组织净放H2量较低.而外源2%葡萄糖液可使组织净放H2量提高近2倍。外加5mmol/L的NH1Cl溶液可使其固氮活力下降约70%。故认为Gunnera/Nostoc共生体固氮活力受碳水化合物供应状况及比代谢两者构成的“还原力库”或“电子库”的调节,在此“还原力库”中,H2代谢起到了一个“中间调节者”的作用。  相似文献   

Hydrogen evolved by nitrogenase may be recycled by a hydrogenase present in some legume nodules. Anoka and Portage cultivars of soybeans were inoculated with each of 8 and 24 strains, respectively, of Rhizobium japonicum and surveyed for H2 evolution and C2H2 reduction rates nodule weight, and plant dry weight. Six of the strains (3Ilb 110, USDA 122, USDA 136, 3Ilb 6, 3Ilb 142, and 3Ilb 143) which exhibited no H2 evolution in air were shown to take up H2. The relative efficiencies of nitrogenase energy utilization based on C2H2 reduction rates of nodules relative efficiences of nitrogenase energy utilization based on C2H2 reduction rates of nodules ranged from 0.96 to 1.0 for the six strains. Nodules formed by strain WA 5099-1-1 evolved small amounts of H2 in air and had a relative efficiency of 0.92. Nodules formed by the remaining 25 strains had relative efficiencies ranging from 0.41 to 0.80. A H2-evolving (3Ilb 123) and non-H2-evolving (3Ilb 143) strain were tested on seven soybean cultivars to determine the effect on the expression of hydrogenase. Nodules formed by strain 3Ilb 143 exhibited an efficiency of 1.0 on the following cultivars: Amsoy 71, Anoka, Bonus, Clark 63, Kent, Peking, and Portage. Relative efficiencies from 0.63 to 0.77 were determined for the five cultivars nodulated by strain 3Ilb 123. From the experiments with these cultivars, the capacity to recycle H2 produced from the nitrogenase system appears to be determined by the R. japonicum strain.  相似文献   

H2 uptake and H2-supported O2 uptake were measured in N2-fixing cultures of Frankia strain ArI3 isolated from root nodules of Alnus rubra. H2 uptake by intact cells was O2 dependent and maximum rates were observed at ambient O2 concentrations. No hydrogenase activity could be detected in NH4+-grown, undifferentiated filaments cultured aerobically indicating that uptake hydrogenase activity was associated with the vesicles, the cellular site of nitrogen fixation in Frankia. Hydrogenase activity was inhibited by acetylene but inhibition could be alleviated by pretreatment with H2. H2 stimulated acetylene reduction at supraoptimal but not suboptimal O2 concentrations. These results suggest that uptake hydrogenase activity in ArI3 may play a role in O2 protection of nitrogenase, especially under conditions of carbon limitation.  相似文献   

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