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Cellodextrins (CD), water-soluble derivatives of cellulose composed of beta-1,4 glucoside residues, have been shown to induce a variety of defence responses in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cells. The larger oligomers of CD rapidly induced transient generation of H2O2 and elevation in free cytosolic calcium, followed by a differential expression of genes encoding key enzymes of the phenylpropanoid pathway and pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins as well as stimulation of chitinase and beta-1,3 glucanase activities. Most of these defence reactions were also induced by linear beta-1,3 glucans (betaGlu) and alpha-1,4 oligogalacturonides (OGA) of different degree of polymerization (DP), but the intensity of some reactions induced by CD was different when compared with betaGlu and OGA effects. Moreover, desensitization assays using H2O2 production showed that cells treated with CD remained fully responsive to a second application of OGA, suggesting a different mode of perception of these oligosaccharides by grape cells. None of CD, betaGlu, or OGA induced HSR gene expression nor did they induce cell death. In accordance with elicitor activity in grapevine cells, CD-incubated leaves challenged with Botrytis cinerea also resulted in a significant reduction of the disease. Data suggest that CD could operate via other distinct reaction pathways than betaGlu and OGA. They also highlight the requirement of a specific DP for each oligosaccharide to induce the defence response.  相似文献   

N-terminal His-tagged recombinant beta-1,4-galactosyltransferase from Neisseria meningitidis was expressed and purified to homogeneity by column chromatography using Ni-NTA resin. Mutations were introduced to investigate the roles of, Ser68, His69, Glu88, Asp90, and Tyr156, which are components of a highly conserved region in recombinant beta-1,4 galactosyltransferase. Also, the functions of three other cysteine residues, Cys65, Cys139, and Cys205, were investigated using site-directed mutagenesis to determine the location of the disulfide bond and the role of the sulfhydryl groups. Purified mutant galactosyltransferases, His69Phe, Glu88Gln and Asp90Asn completely shut down wild-type galactosyltransferase activity (1-3 %). Also, Ser68Ala showed much lower activity than wild-type galactosyltransferase (19 %). However, only the substitution of Tyr156Phe resulted in a slight reduction in galactosyltransferase activity (90 %). The enzyme was found to remain active when the cysteine residues at positions 139 and 205 were replaced separately with serine. However, enzyme reactivity was found to be markedly reduced when Cys65 was replaced with serine (27 %). These results indicate that conserved amino acids such as Cys65, Ser68, His69, Glu88, and Asp90 may be involved in the binding of substrates or in the catalysis of the galactosyltransferase reaction.  相似文献   

Fibrobacter succinogenes 1,3-1,4-beta-D-glucanase (Fsbeta-glucanase) catalyzes the specific hydrolysis of beta-1,4 glycosidic bonds adjacent to beta-1,3 linkages in beta-D-glucans or lichenan. This is the first report to elucidate the crystal structure of a truncated Fsbeta-glucanase (TFsbeta-glucanase) in complex with beta-1,3-1,4-cellotriose, a major product of the enzyme reaction. The crystal structures, at a resolution of 2.3 angstroms, reveal that the overall fold of TFsbeta-glucanase remains virtually unchanged upon sugar binding. The enzyme accommodates five glucose residues, forming a concave active cleft. The beta-1,3-1,4-cellotriose with subsites -3 to -1 bound to the active cleft of TFsbeta-glucanase with its reducing end subsite -1 close to the key catalytic residues Glu56 and Glu60. All three subsites of the beta-1,3-1,4-cellotriose adopted a relaxed C(1)4 conformation, with a beta-1,3 glycosidic linkage between subsites -2 and -1, and a beta-1,4 glycosidic linkage between subsites -3 and -2. On the basis of the enzyme-product complex structure observed in this study, a catalytic mechanism and substrate binding conformation of the active site of TFsbeta-glucanase is proposed.  相似文献   

Enzymes active on complex carbohydrate polymers frequently have modular structures in which a catalytic domain is appended to one or more carbohydrate-binding modules (CBMs). Although CBMs have been classified into a number of families based upon sequence, many closely related CBMs are specific for different polysaccharides. In order to provide a structural rationale for the recognition of different polysaccharides by CBMs displaying a conserved fold, we have studied the thermodynamics of binding and three-dimensional structures of the related family 4 CBMs from Cellulomonas fimi Cel9B and Thermotoga maritima Lam16A in complex with their ligands, beta-1,4 and beta-1,3 linked gluco-oligosaccharides, respectively. These two CBMs use a structurally conserved constellation of aromatic and polar amino acid side-chains that interact with sugars in two of the five binding subsites. Differences in the length and conformation of loops in non-conserved regions create binding-site topographies that complement the known solution conformations of their respective ligands. Thermodynamics interpreted in the light of structural information highlights the differential role of water in the interaction of these CBMs with their respective oligosaccharide ligands.  相似文献   

The synergistic interaction among three beta-specific glycosidases from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus, namely two endoglucanases (EglA and LamA) and an exo-acting beta-glucosidase (Bgl), on barley-glucan and laminarin, was examined. In addition to following glucose release and the generation of reducing sugar ends, the distribution and amounts of oligomeric products from beta-1,3- and beta-1,4-linked substrates were determined as a function of extent of hydrolysis at 98 degrees C. Positive interactions were noted between endo/exo glucanase combinations, leading to enhanced and rapid degradation of the larger complex carbohydrates to oligosaccharides. The EglA/LamA endo-acting combination was also synergistic in degrading barley-glucan. However, hydrolysis was most efficient when a blend of all three hydrolases was used, possibly due to the relief of product inhibition by the exoglyosidase. Furthermore, by monitoring the distribution of oligosaccharides present during hydrolysis, patterns of enzymatic attack could be followed in addition to determining the specific contributions of each hydrolase to the overall process.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the first detailed analysis of the modes of action of three purified, thermostable endo-beta-D-glucanases (EG V-VII) against a range of soluble beta-linked glucans. Studies indicated that EG V-VII, purified to homogeneity from a new source, the thermophilic fungus Talaromyces emersonii, are strict beta-glucanases that exhibit maximum activity against mixed-link 1,3;1,4-beta-D-glucans. Time-course hydrolysis studies of 1,4-beta-D-glucan (carboxymethylcellulose; CMC), 1,3;1,4-beta-D-glucan from barley (BBG) and lichenan confirmed the endo-acting nature of EG V-VII and verified preference for 1,3;1,4-beta-D-glucan substrates. The results suggest that EG VI and EG VII belong to EC, as both enzymes also exhibit activity against 1,3-beta-glucan (laminaran), in contrast to EG V. Although cellobiose, cellotriose and glucose were the main glucooligosaccharide products released, the range and relative amount of each product was dependent on the particular enzyme, substrate and reaction time. Kinetic constants (Km, Vmax, kcat and kcat/Km) determined for EG V-VII with BBG as substrate yielded similar Km and Vmax values for EG V and EG VI. EG VII exhibited highest affinity for BBG (Km value of 9.1 mg ml(-1)) and the highest catalytic efficiency (kcat/Km of 12.63 s(-1) mg(-1) ml).  相似文献   

Summary The nucleotide sequence of an 852 base pair (bp) DNA fragment containing the entire gene coding for thermostable beta- 1,3-1,4-glucanase ofBacillus macerans has been determined. ThebglM gene comprises an open reading frame (ORF) of 711 by (237 codons) starting with ATG at position 93 and extending to the translational stop codon TAA at position 804. The deduced amino acid sequence of the mature protein shows 70% homology to published sequences of mesophilic beta- 1,3-1,4-glucanases fromB. subtilis andB. amyloliquefaciens. The sequence coding for mature beta-glucanase is preceded by a putative signal peptide of 25 amino acid residues, and a sequence resembling a ribosome-binding site (GGAGG) before the initiation codon. By contrast with the processed protein, the N-terminal amino acid sequence constituting the putative leader peptide bears no or only weak homology to signal peptides of mesophilicBacillus endo-beta-glucanases. TheB. macerans signal peptide appears to be functional in exporting the enzyme to the periplasm inE. coli. More than 50% of the whole glucanase activity was localized in the periplasmic space and in the supernatant. Whereas homology to endo-1,4-beta-glucanases is completely lacking, a weak amino acid homology between the sequence surrounding the active site of phage T4 lysozyme and a sequence spanning residues 126 through 161 ofB. macerans endo-beta-glucanase could be identified.  相似文献   

Modular glycoside hydrolases that attack recalcitrant polymers generally contain noncatalytic carbohydrate-binding modules (CBMs), which play a critical role in the action of these enzymes by localizing the appended catalytic domains onto the surface of insoluble polysaccharide substrates. Type B CBMs, which recognize single polysaccharide chains, display ligand specificities that are consistent with the substrates hydrolyzed by the associated catalytic domains. In enzymes that contain multiple catalytic domains with distinct substrate specificities, it is unclear how these different activities influence the evolution of the ligand recognition profile of the appended CBM. To address this issue, we have characterized the properties of a family 11 CBM (CtCBM11) in Clostridium thermocellum Lic26A-Cel5E, an enzyme that contains GH5 and GH26 catalytic domains that display beta-1,4- and beta-1,3-1,4-mixed linked endoglucanase activity, respectively. Here we show that CtCBM11 binds to both beta-1,4- and beta-1,3-1,4-mixed linked glucans, displaying K(a) values of 1.9 x 10(5), 4.4 x 10(4), and 2 x 10(3) m(-1) for Glc-beta1,4-Glc-beta1,4-Glc-beta1,3-Glc, Glc-beta1,4-Glc-beta1,4-Glc-beta1,4-Glc, and Glc-beta1,3-Glc-beta1,4-Glc-beta1,3-Glc, respectively, demonstrating that CBMs can display a preference for mixed linked glucans. To determine whether these ligands are accommodated in the same or diverse sites in CtCBM11, the crystal structure of the protein was solved to a resolution of 1.98 A. The protein displays a beta-sandwich with a concave side that forms a potential binding cleft. Site-directed mutagenesis revealed that Tyr(22), Tyr(53), and Tyr(129), located in the putative binding cleft, play a central role in the recognition of all the ligands recognized by the protein. We propose, therefore, that CtCBM11 contains a single ligand-binding site that displays affinity for both beta-1,4- and beta-1,3-1,4-mixed linked glucans.  相似文献   

A gene encoding a beta-1,3-1,4-glucanase (CelA) belonging to family 5 of glycoside hydrolases was cloned and sequenced from the Bacillus subtilis A8-8. The open-reading-frame of celA comprised 1499 base pairs and the enzyme was composed of 500 amino acids with a molecular mass of 55 kDa. The recombinant beta-1,3-1,4 glucanase was purified by GST-fusion purification system. The pH and temperature optima of the enzyme were 8.0 and 60 degrees C, respectively. The enzyme was stable within pH 6.0-9.0. It was stable up to 60 degrees C and retained 30% of its original activity at 70 degrees C for 60 min. It hydrolyzed lichenan, CMC, xylan, laminarin, avicel and pNPC, but was inactive towards cellobiose. The enzyme activity was markedly activated by Co2+ and Mn2+, but was strongly inactivated by Fe3+. The truncated gene, devoid of cellulose-binding domain (CBD) showed 60% of activity and bound to avicel.  相似文献   

In the present study, we characterized the gene (Cyanobase accession number slr0897) designated Ssglc encoding a beta-1,4-glucanase-like protein (SsGlc) from Synechocystis PCC6803. The deduced amino acid sequence for Ssglc showed a high degree of similarity to sequences of GH (glycoside hydrolase) family 9 beta-1,4-glucanases (cellulases) from various sources. Surprisingly, the recombinant protein obtained from the Escherichia coli expression system was able to hydrolyse barley beta-glucan and lichenan (beta-1,3-1,4-glucan), but not cellulose (beta-1,4-glucan), curdlan (beta-1,3-glucan), or laminarin (beta-1,3-1,6-glucan). A 1H-NMR analysis of the enzymatic products revealed that the enzyme hydrolyses the beta-1,4-glycosidic linkage of barley beta-glucan through an inverting mechanism. The data indicated that SsGlc was a novel type of GH9 glucanase which could specifically hydrolyse the beta-1,3-1,4-linkage of glucan. The growth of mutant Synechocystis cells in which the Ssglc gene was disrupted by a kanamycin-resistance cartridge gene was almost the same as that of the wild-type cells under continuous light (40 micromol of photons/m2 per s), a 12 h light (40 micromol of photons/m2 per s)/12 h dark cycle, cold stress (4 degrees C), and high light stress (200 micromol of photons/m2 per s). However, under salt stress (300-450 mM NaCl), growth of the Ssglc-disrupted mutant cells was significantly inhibited as compared with that of the wild-type cells. The Ssglc-disrupted mutant cells showed a decreased rate of O2 consumption and NaHCO3-dependent O2 evolution as compared with the wild-type cells under salt stress. Under osmotic stress (100-400 mM sorbitol), there was no difference in growth between the wild-type and the Ssglc-disrupted mutant cells. These results suggest that SsGlc functions in salt stress tolerance in Synechocystis PCC6803.  相似文献   

应用基于易错PCR随机突变的体外分子进化技术,来提高淀粉液化芽胞杆菌β-1,3-1,4-葡聚糖酶的热稳定性。利用建立的基于96微孔板高通量筛选模型,经过两轮定向进化与高通量筛选,共筛选得到3株热稳定性明显提高的突变体2-JF-01、2-JF-02和2-JF-03。将野生型β-葡聚糖酶基因和热稳定性提高的突变基因的高效表达产物经镍亲和层析柱纯化后,酶学性质测定表明突变酶2-JF-01、2-JF-02和2-JF-03的T50值分别比野生酶(53℃)提高2.2℃、5.5℃和3.5℃。突变酶2-JF-01、2-JF-02和2-JF-03在60℃下的半衰期t1/2,60℃(min)分别比野生酶(18min)提高4min、13min和17min。突变酶2-JF-01、2-JF-02和2-JF-03的Vmax值为286μmol/(mg·min)、304μmol/(mg·min)和279μmol/(mg·min),分别比野生型下降8.3%、2.6%和10.6%。突变酶2-JF-01、2-JF-02和2-JF-03的Km值分别为6.76mg/mL、6.19μmg/mL和6.84mg/mL,与野生型(6.29mg/mL)基本相同。序列分析表明,3个突变体共发生7个氨基酸替代:2-JF-01(N36S,G213R)、2-JF-02(C86R,S115I,N150G)和2-JF-03(E156V,K105R)。同源建模表明,7个氨基酸替代中5个位于蛋白质表面或表面洞穴中,42.8%的替代氨基酸是精氨酸,也表明精氨酸在提高β-1,3-1,4-葡聚糖酶热稳定性中起重要的作用。  相似文献   

The transglycosylation reactions catalyzed by beta-1,3-D-glucanases (laminaranases) were used to synthesize a number of 4-methylumbelliferyl (MeUmb) (1-->3)-beta-D-gluco-oligosaccharides having the common structure [beta-D-Glcp-(1-->3)](n)-beta-D-Glcp-MeUmb, where n=1-5. The beta-1,3-D-glucanases used were purified from the culture liquid of Oerskovia sp. and from a homogenate of the marine mollusc Spisula sachalinensis. Laminaran and curdlan were used as (1-->3)-beta-D-glucan donor substrates, while MeUmb-beta-D-glucoside (MeUmbGlcp) was employed as a transglycosylation acceptor. Modification of [beta-D-Glcp-(1-->3)](2)-beta-D-Glcp-MeUmb (MeUmbG(3)) gives 4,6-O-benzylidene-D-glucopyranosyl or 4,6-O-ethylidene-D-glucopyranosyl groups at the non-reducing end of artificial oligosaccharides. The structures of all oligosaccharides obtained were solved by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy and electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. The synthetic oligosaccharides were shown to be substrates for a beta-1,3-1,4-D-glucanase from Rhodothermus marinus, which releases MeUmb from beta-di- and beta-triglucosides and from acetal-protected beta-triglucosides. When acting upon substrates with d.p.>3, the enzyme exhibits an endolytic activity, primarily cleaving off MeUmbGlcp and MeUmbG(2).  相似文献   

A Clostridium thermocellum gene (licB) encoding a thermoactive 1,3-1,4-beta-glucanase (lichenase) with a molecular weight of about 35,000 was localized on a 1.5-kb DNA fragment by cloning and expression in E. coli. The enzyme acts on beta-glucans with alternating beta-1,3- and beta-1,4-linkages such as barley beta-glucan and lichenan, but not on beta-glucans containing only 1,3- or 1,4-glucosidic bonds. It is active over a broad pH range (pH 5-12) and has a temperature optimum around 80 degrees C. The C. thermocellum lichenase is unusually resistant against inactivation by heat, ethanol or ionic detergents. These properties make the enzyme highly suitable for industrial application in the mashing process of beer brewing.  相似文献   

UDP-N-acetylglucosamine:alpha-3-D-mannoside beta-1,2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I (GnT I) and UDP-N-acetylglucosamine:alpha-6-D-mannoside beta-1,2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase II (GnT II) are key enzymes in the synthesis of Asn-linked hybrid and complex glycans. We have cloned cDNAs from Caenorhabditis elegans for three genes homologous to mammalian GnT I (designated gly-12, gly-13 and gly-14) and one gene homologous to mammalian GnT II. All four cDNAs encode proteins which have the domain structure typical of previously cloned Golgi-type glycosyltransferases and show enzymatic activity (GnT I and GnT II, respectively) on expression in transgenic worms. We have isolated worm mutants lacking the three GnT I genes by the method of ultraviolet irradiation in the presence of trimethylpsoralen (TMP); null mutants for GnT II have not yet been obtained. The gly-12 and gly-14 mutants as well as the gly-14;gly-12 double mutant displayed wild-type phenotypes indicating that neither gly-12 nor gly-14 is necessary for worm development under standard laboratory conditions. This finding and other data indicate that the GLY-13 protein is the major functional GnT I in C. elegans. The mutation lacking the gly-13 gene is partially lethal and the few survivors display severe morphological and behavioral defects. We have shown that the observed phenotype co-segregates with the gly-13 deletion in genetic mapping experiments although a second mutation near the gly-13 gene cannot as yet be ruled out. Our data indicate that complex and hybrid N-glycans may play critical roles in the morphogenesis of C. elegans, as they have been shown to do in mice and men.  相似文献   

Histoplasma capsulatum is a dimorphic fungus that causes respiratory and systemic disease and is capable of surviving and replicating within macrophages. The virulence of Histoplasma has been linked to cell wall alpha-(1,3)-glucan; however, the role of this polysaccharide during infection, its organization within the cell wall, and its synthesis and regulation remain poorly understood. To identify genes involved in the biosynthesis of alpha-(1,3)-glucan, we employed a forward genetics strategy to isolate physically marked mutants with reduced alpha-(1,3)-glucan. Insertional mutants were generated in a virulent strain of H. capsulatum by optimization of Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Approximately 90% of these mutants possessed single insertions with no chromosomal rearrangements or deletions in the host genome. To confirm the role and specificity of identified candidate genes, we phenocopied the disrupted locus by either RNA interference or targeted gene deletion. Our findings indicate alpha-(1,3)-glucan production requires the function of the AMY1 gene product, a novel protein with homology to the alpha-amylase family of glycosyl hydrolases, and UGP1, a UTP-glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase which synthesizes UDP-glucose monomers. Loss of AMY1 function attenuated the ability of Histoplasma to kill macrophages and to colonize murine lungs.  相似文献   

应用定向进化技术提高了嗜热拟青霉Paecilomyces thermophila J18耐热β-1,3-1,4-葡聚糖酶(PtLic16A)在酸性条件下的催化能力.结合易错PCR和DNA改组的方法,构建了β-葡聚糖酶的突变体文库;利用刚果红染色法建立了阳性克隆的高通量筛选体系.筛选得到的突变酶PtLic 16AM1的反应最适pH由7.0变化至5.5,且保持了原有的耐热性和比酶活.突变酶的DNA序列中有4个点位发生突变,引发了4处氨基酸替换,分别是T58S、Y110N、G195E和D221G.结构模拟结果显示,发生突变的4个氨基酸位点中,Y110N位置靠近酶活性中心,而T58S、G195E和D221G则离酶活性中心较远,其中T58S、G195E可能对酶最适pH的变化起到了关键作用.  相似文献   

Streptococcus bovis JB1 was found to produce a 25-kDa extracellular enzyme active against beta-(1,3-1,4)-glucans. A gene was isolated encoding a specific beta-(1,3-1,4)-glucanase that corresponds to this size and belongs to glycoside hydrolase family 16. A 4- to 10-fold increase in supernatant beta-glucanase activity was obtained when the cloned beta-glucanase gene was reintroduced into S. bovis JB1 by use of constructs based on the plasmid vector pTRW10 or pIL253. The beta-(1,3-1,4)-glucanase gene was also expressed upon introduction of the pTRW10 construct pTRWL1R into Lactococcus lactis IL2661 and Enterococcus faecalis JH2-SS, although extracellular activity was 8- to 50-fold lower than that in S. bovis JB1. The beta-(1,3-1,4)-glucanase purified from the culture supernatant of S. bovis JB1 carrying pTRWL1R showed a K(m) of 2.8 mg per ml and a Vmax of 338 mumol of glucose equivalents per min per mg of protein with barley beta-glucan as the substrate. The S. bovis beta-(1,3-1,4)-glucanase may contribute to the ability of this bacterium to utilize starch by degrading structural polysaccharides present in endosperm cell walls.  相似文献   

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