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By use of successive increments of discontinuous work with an arm-leg cycle ergometer the VO2, Q, SV, and HR were studied in six male subjects at rest and during exercise in air and in water at 18, 25, and 33 degrees C. The Q values obtained by CO2 rebreathing were reproducible. VO2 was linearly related to work with the plots for air and 33 degrees C water being similar. However, during work in 25 and 18 degrees C water, the VO2 averaged 9.0% (150 ml) and 25.3% (400 ml) higher, respectively, than values observed in 33 degrees C water, with the largest differences observed in leaner subjects. The plot of HR-VO2 was linear and almost identical during work in air and 33 degrees C water, but shifted significantly to the right in cooler water. VO2 averaged 250-700 ml higher in cold water compared to air and 33 degrees C water at a given mean heart rate. The Q vs. VO2 line was similar during work in air and in water with no effect of water or temperature. At similar levels of VO2, SV was significantly larger (P less than 0.05) in 25 and 18 degrees C water than in air or 33 degrees C water. Consequently, the reduction in heart rate during work in cold water was entirely compensated for by a proportionate increase in the SV of the heart. Q was therefore maintained at similar levels of energy expenditure in air and in 18, 25, and 30 degrees C water.  相似文献   

Seven male subjects performed progressive exercises with a light work load on an upper limb or bicycle ergometer in the sitting position. At any comparable work load above zero, arm exercise induced higher oxygen uptake, ventilation, heart rate, oxygen pulse, respiratory rate and tidal volume than leg exercise. At similar levels of VO2 above 0.45 1 X min-1, heart rate and ventilation were higher during arm exercise. A close linear relationship between carbon dioxide output and oxygen uptake was observed during both arm and leg exercises, the slope for arm work being steeper. The ventilatory equivalent for VCO2 (VE/VCO2) gradually decreased during both types of exercise. The ventilatory equivalent for VO2(VE/VO2) remained constant (arm) while it rose (leg) to a peak at 9.8 W and then gradually decreased. Ventilation in relation to tidal volume had a linear relationship with leg exercise, but became curvilinear with arm exercise after tidal volume exceeded 1100 ml. The observed differences in response between arm and leg exercises at a given work load appear to be influenced by differences in sympathetic outflow due to the greater level of static contraction of the relatively small muscle groups required by arm exercise.  相似文献   

Understanding ecosystem stability is one of the greatest challenges of ecology. Over several decades, it has been shown that allometric scaling of biological rates and feeding interactions provide stability to complex food web models. Moreover, introducing adaptive responses of organisms to environmental changes (e.g. like adaptive foraging that enables organisms to adapt their diets depending on resources abundance) improved species persistence in food webs. Here, we introduce the concept of metabolic adjustment, i.e. the ability of species to slow down their metabolic rates when facing starvation and to increase it in time of plenty. We study the reactions of such a model to nutrient enrichment and the adjustment speed of metabolic rates. We found that increasing nutrient enrichment leads to a paradox of enrichment (increase in biomasses and oscillation amplitudes and ultimately extinction of species) but metabolic adjustment stabilises the system by dampening the oscillations. Metabolic adjustment also increases the average biomass of the top predator in a tri‐trophic food chain. In complex food webs, metabolic adjustment has a stabilising effect as it promotes species survival by creating a large diversity of metabolic rates. However, this stabilising effect is mitigated in enriched ecosystems. Phenotypic plasticity of organisms must be considered in food web models to better understand the response of organisms to their environment. As metabolic rate is central in describing biological rates, we must pay attention to its variations to fully understand the population dynamics of natural communities.  相似文献   

Postural specificity of cardiovascular adaptations to exercise training   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purposes of this study were to determine 1) whether posture affects the magnitude of cardiovascular adaptations to training and 2) whether cardiovascular adaptations resulting from exercise training in the supine posture transfer (generalize) to exercise in the upright posture and vice versa. Sixteen sedentary men, aged 18-33 yr, were trained using high-intensity interval and prolonged continuous cycling in the supine (STG; supine training group) or upright (UTG; upright training group) posture 4 days/wk, 40 min/day, for 8 wk, while seven male subjects served as nontraining controls. After training, maximal O2 uptake measured during supine and upright cycling, respectively, increased significantly (P less than 0.05) by 22.9 and 16.1% in the STG and by 6.0 and 14.6% in the UTG. No significant cardiovascular adaptations were observed at rest. During submaximal supine cycling at 100 W, significant increases in end-diastolic volume (21%) and stroke volume (22%) (radionuclide ventriculography and CO2 rebreathing) and decreases in heart rate, blood pressure, and systemic vascular resistance occurred in the STG, whereas only a significant decrease in blood pressure occurred in the UTG. During upright cycling at 100 W, a significant decrease in blood pressure occurred in the STG, whereas significant increases in end-diastolic volume (17%) and stroke volume (18%) and decreases in blood pressure and systemic vascular resistance occurred in the UTG. Volume of myocardial contractility, ejection fraction, and systolic blood pressure-to-end-systolic volume ratio did not change significantly after training when measured during supine and upright cycling in either training group. Blood volume increased significantly in the UTG but remained unchanged in the STG.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if normal subjects could be trained to attenuate their cardiovascular responses while exercising on a bicycle ergometer. Ten young, untrained subjects exercised on a bicycle ergometer for five sessions. Half of the group was asked to slow their heart rate while exercising with heart rate feedback during exercise. Their average heart rate increase was 20% less than that of the control subjects, who exercised without feedback. The control subjects subsequently also received feedback during exercise and they were able to attenuate their heart rate responses comparably. Systolic blood pressure was not affected by feedback training. Changes in rate-pressure product paralleled changes in heart rate. These data show that autonomically mediated adjustments to exercise can be brought under experimental control through the use of appropriate behavioral techniques.  相似文献   

Metabolic response of endurance athletes to training with added load   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Endurance athletes were divided into experimental (n = 12) and control (n = 12) groups to investigate the effects of extra-load training on energy metabolism during exercise. A vest weighing 9%-10% body weight was worn every day from morning to evening for 4 weeks including every (n = 6) or every other (n = 6) training session. After 4 weeks the control group had a lower blood lactate concentration during submaximal running, whereas the experimental group had significantly higher blood lactate and oxygen uptake (p less than 0.01--p less than 0.05), and a lower 2 mmol lactate threshold (p less than 0.05) and an increased blood lactate concentration after a short running test to exhaustion (p less than 0.05). Those experimental subjects (n = 6) who used the added load during every training session had a lower 2 mmol lactate threshold, improved running time to exhaustion, improved vertical velocity when running up stairs and an increased VO2 during submaximal running after the added load increased anaerobic metabolism in the leg muscle during submaximal and maximal exercise. An increased recruitment and adaptation of the fast twitch muscle fibres is suggested as the principal explanation for the observed changes.  相似文献   

The increases in CO2 concentrations and, consequently, temperature due to climate change are predicted to intensify. Understanding the physiological responses of Pyrrhulina aff. brevis to the climatic scenarios proposed by the IPCC (2014) for the next 100 years is of fundamental importance to determine its susceptibility. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the effects of the predicted climatic scenarios for the year 2100 on the metabolic adjustments of P. aff. brevis . Specifically, the rate of oxygen uptake, electron transport system capacity, glycogen and lactate content and the role of Na+K+-ATPases and H+-ATPase were evaluated. P. aff. brevis individuals were exposed for 15 days to the simulated climatic scenarios in climate scenario rooms, where temperature and CO2 in the air were controlled. Two rooms were used to simulate the climatic scenarios predicted by the IPCC (2014): moderate (RCP 6; 2.5 °C and 400 μatm CO2 above current levels) and extreme (RCP 8.5; 4.5 °C and 900 μatm CO2 above current levels), in addition to the "control room" that represents the current scenario. There was an increase in the metabolic rate (MO2) in the animals acclimated to the climate change scenarios (RCP 6 and RCP 8.5) compared to the current scenario. These responses showed a typical effect of temperature on energy demand in relation to the increase in temperature and CO2. Our data showed an increase in O2 consumption (MO2), lactate levels and H+-ATPase activity of the animals acclimated to the moderate and extreme climate change scenarios. Such adjustments presented a clear metabolic imbalance, an alteration that may imply challenges for survival, growth, distribution and reproduction in the face of the expected environmental changes for the year 2100.  相似文献   

To study the metabolic and functional changes that occur during training with inspiratory flow resistive loads, a chronically instrumented unanesthetized sheep preparation was used. Sheep were exposed to resistances ranging from 50 to 100 cmH2O.l-1.s, for 2-4 h/day, 5-6 days/wk, for a total of 3 wk. Load intensity was adjusted to maintain arterial Po2 (PaO2) above 60 Torr and arterial PCO2 (PaCO2) below 45 Torr. Training produced significant (P less than 0.05) increases in citrate synthase, 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, and cytochrome oxidase in the costal and crural diaphragm of the trained sheep (n = 9) compared with control sheep (n = 7). Phosphofructokinase did not increase. In the quadriceps, citrate synthase, 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, and phosphofructokinase did not change with training but cytochrome oxidase increased significantly (P less than 0.01). Function of the diaphragm was assessed in a subset of five sheep exposed to the same severe load 1 wk before and 2 days after the final training session. After training, sheep had a lower PaCO2 (10-40%), generated a higher transdiaphragmatic pressure (20-40%), and could sustain this level of transdiaphragmatic pressure for 0.5-2 h longer. The respiratory duty cycle was 10-15% lower, whereas minute ventilation and tidal volume were 20-30% higher in the posttraining test. We conclude that 1) training with inspiratory flow resistive loads improves the performance of the respiratory neuromuscular system and 2) the shift in enzyme profile of the diaphragm is at least in part responsible for this improvement.  相似文献   

Although the beneficial effects of aerobic training on cardiovascular risk factors are evident, the potential beneficial effect of strength and combined training on these risk factors is controversial. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of aerobic and strength training programmes, performed alone or in combination, on cardiovascular risk factors in sedentary, apparently healthy and non-obese adult men. The study was conducted with 37 subjects who were randomly divided into the following groups: aerobic (AG), combined (ASG), strength (SG) and control (CG). The exercise programmes were performed three times a week and lasted approximately 50 minutes. Dietary intake, anthropometry, blood pressure, muscular strength, aerobic capacity, lipid profile and glycaemic control were assessed before and after 12 weeks of the intervention. One-way analysis of variation (ANOVA) for baseline, and ANOVA for repeated measures were used to assess differences between the initial and final time points of the four groups. Changes in blood pressure and glycaemic control were not significant in any of the groups. No differences were observed in LDL-C between training groups. HDL-C increased significantly only in the AG. In conclusion, if minimal changes in the lipid profile are needed, an aerobic training programme can provide possible benefits for HDL-C in apparently healthy and non-obese adult men.  相似文献   

To determine whether increases in muscle mitochondrial capacity are necessary for the characteristic lower exercise glycogen loss and lactate concentration observed during exercise in the trained state, we have employed a short-term training model involving 2 h of cycling per day at 67% maximal O2 uptake (VO2max) for 5-7 consecutive days. Before and after training, biopsies were extracted from the vastus lateralis of nine male subjects during a continuous exercise challenge consisting of 30 min of work at 67% VO2max followed by 30 min at 76% VO2max. Analysis of samples at 0, 15, 20, and 60 min indicated a pronounced reduction (P less than 0.05) in glycogen utilization after training. Reductions in glycogen utilization were accompanied by reductions (P less than 0.05) in muscle lactate concentration (mmol/kg dry wt) at 15 min [37.4 +/- 9.3 (SE) vs. 20.2 +/- 5.3], 30 min (30.5 +/- 6.9 vs. 17.6 +/- 3.8), and 60 min (26.5 +/- 5.8 vs. 17.8 +/- 3.5) of exercise. Maximal aerobic power, VO2max (l/min) was unaffected by the training (3.99 +/- 0.21 vs. 4.05 +/- 0.26). Measurements of maximal activities of enzymes representative of the citric acid cycle (succinic dehydrogenase and citrate synthase) were similar before and after the training. It is concluded that, in the voluntary exercising human, altered metabolic events are an early adaptive response to training and need not be accompanied by changes in muscle mitochondrial capacity.  相似文献   

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